Accessing a webservice on my localhost - web-services

I've a running WebService published on "http://localhost:8080/FreeMeteoWS/FreeMeteoWS?WSDL". I want to access this webservice from a device on the same network...what address should I put in order to retrieve the wsdl?

If that port i.e. 8080 is open for incoming connections on your computer you'd only need to find your local ip-address, this is done in different manners on different operating systems. When you have obtained local ip-address switch localhost out in favor for that ip-address.


iOS NAT64 IPv6 environment issue

Now that apple has changed their review environment to an IPv6 only network ive been running into troubles with my application while testing.
The application requires the user to input their server/systems IP address, port (4401) and credentials to gain access to the application. Following the guidelines provided by apple i set up a NAT64 environment to test my application's compatibility. Running iOS 9.3.2 on an iphone 5s.
My work environment has several internal networks. I connected my iMac to the internal server (10.10.50.XX) via Ethernet which also has an external IP which is what i provide to apple. The 50 network does not run behind a proxy, but there are some sites which get filtered, but can access by confirming. I then shared my Ethernet connection through WiFI.
I connected the device and had internet access with the same pages being filtered. The device gets assigned a local-link address of 169.254.XX.XX. From what ive read my device is connecting to the ipv6 only network correctly, as the iphone does not show the ipv6 address only local link.
If I am correctly connected to the shared IPv6 network, the problem I am having is connecting to my server on the 50 network from my application. The application fails when ever i try to connected to the 10.10.50.XX network or the external(understandable because my imac is on the 50 internal network) .
Testing the application using IPv4 with a wireless router that is connected to the 50 network runs perfectly.I think it is an issue with the local link address not being able to see the 50 network or something.
Heres some brief background info on how i connect to the server. The user inputs all the credentials and the IP address and port of the server they want to connect to. The application saves this as a text (utf-8) and uses boost shared_ptr to send it to the cpp connection class which validates the credentials and provides access to the user. This cpp connection class handles the connection, synchronization, logging, requests and response from the server.
Is it possible to somehow get access to the 50 network, using the NAT64 internet sharing option?
If you're passing an IP address straight down to your network lib, then no. When your device is on the IPv6-only side of the NAT64, the server's IPv4 address is useless.
You almost certainly need a DNS name for the server you're trying to reach. The NAT64 relies first on DNS64 to create IPv6 addresses for your application when the server is IPv4-only. These synthesised addresses contain the IPv4 address(es) for the server, giving the NAT64 the information it needs to translate from IPv6 to IPv4.
Updating this to add: as suggested by user102008 in the comment thread attached to this answer, you may also be able to pass the IPv4 string literal though getaddrinfo() (see code listing 10-1 on this page). When you're behind a NAT64, a synthesised IPv6 address should be among the results returned by that call. The NAT64 will translate from this address back to IPv4 to reach the host you specified. In this case, if the system knows the correct prefix to use for the NAT64, a hostname is not necessary.

How to make a .cpp file to act as an accessible server

I have written a simple program with Linux (Cent OS 7.0) and C++. It is a very small server which sends back a string of characters to the client. But my problem is that I don't know how should I access that server using an IP address?
I have used Linux Socket Interface (Berkeley), and in the section which defines the address, my code does the following:
sin_family = AF_INET;
s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
sin_port = htonl(portNumber);
I use INADDR_ANY as my server's address which is defined in its definition as:
/* Address to accept any incoming messages. */
Now, how should I run the server, and then use my simple client program to send request to it. My simple client program accepts an IP address as it's destination address, this address should be the one destined toward to the server. How should I relate it then?
INADDR_ANY goes to specify that all active network interfaces in the system should be bound to. So if you're connected to more than one network, you'll be able to communicate with connections coming in from all of them. Most systems will usually have just one, though, and this still goes to say that if the IP bound to that interface happens to change, you'll still bind to that interface.
So, once you specify INADDR_ANY, you need to initiate connections according to the following rules:
If you're connecting from the same physical machine, the easiest thing would be to use the loopback interface ( However, you can still do (2).
If you're connecting from another machine, you need to pick the accessible IP address of your server from that machine. As said above, if your server is only connected to one network, this will simply be the IP address of the server. Within an internal network this will often be something like 192.168.x.y, or 10.0.x.y—but it doesn't have to.
If you're connecting from a different network which uses a gateway to access your server, then you will need to set up port forwarding in the relevant routers so that when they receive connection to port X, they will know to internally transfer it to your server.
As a server programmer, you decide the port on which to listen, but not the address.
The internet address is provided by your internet provider, or to test on your own machine.
There are plenty of web pages on internet that provide tools to tell you your current public address (search for What is my Ip).
Most of the "home" internet routers implement NAT: they have a single internet address and map them to many device, that carry the Port number to be changed (your port 80 become port (e.g.) 2345 for outside). To allows a client from outside your home to access your server, you are required to configure your router to map the server port, so for example your public port 80 map to your server port 80.
With that said, you should be able to connect your client to your server through an address and port.
If then you want to use a name ( instead of an IP (, a Domain Name Server is used. But that is another topic.

what is need for localhost in socket programming as well as general application?

Localhost follows the loopback mechanism.
why we have to loop back the packets to our computer itself? what is the need for that(general case and specially socket programming)?
Also kindly specify some practical applications of localhost too?
And another clarfication i need was
localhost resolves to (most time)
myhost name say "vinoth-computer" resolves to
is and one and same?
Think about next situation: you have a client and server application running on separate stations in production. But in QA or for unit testing you want to run the client and the server instances on the same station. You can put in client definitions or parameters address of server as 'localhost' or ''.
Also, sometimes you want to run 2 separate processes on the same station, when by design they should be running on the same station. You can set a communication between them through sockets and use localhost on the client side part.
Local loop back can be used for communication applications with each other. There is a lot ways to do this, but this is one of simplest.
To specify application, great example is Apache server, which by default listen on localhost as well. So when you are developing web application, you can simply use localhost or as address in your favorite browser. is not same as
In your case its IP which refer to your computer in your local network (behind some router). Other computers in your network can address you computer using this address.
If you want to know more, or explain something in more detail, feel free to ask.

Making my TCP server Internet-facing - where should I start?

I have written a client/server code.
The server program executes on a terminal which plainly receives text data from the client and the client is a GUI where in you could specify the IP address of the machine where the server would be running.
However this works only in a closed Network(LAN).
I have just learnt TCP IP and have written a few codes that run on a LAN.
I wanted to make this program work across the network(over the internet).
But I have some basic doubts like,does one need the permission of the local ISP for such programs to execute across the internet.Does it involve buying a domain or some kind of permissions?
Can some one please help me on,what should I be doing,or where should I start from?
Listener have to have IP port opened in some way. If you are behind router, you should set proper port forwarding on router and if ISP provides its own subnet, you should know how to setup such link. (i do not know what kind of tehnology ISP might use for this).
For beginning you do not need you own domain name but you should be able to address by ip. If you need domain, register own domain name or create subdomain for free (i was using )
If your server is behind a router which creates a LAN, you have to configure the router that it will forward the packages from your client to the server.
You have to forward all the incoming packages at the specific port to the local ip of the server.

Bind to

I'm running a client/server application locally on my Windows XP PC and for testing purposes I want to run multiple clients.
The server has a configuration file containing the IP addresses of the clients that can connect; in the real world, these would all be on separate hosts with separate IP addresses.
Currently I am able to test locally with a single client which binds to however because I can only have one client-IP mapping in the server configuration (that's how the system works and can't be redesigned!) I can only run one client on my development PC.
I've tried to start another client application bound to connecting to the server which is bound to however the server thinks that the client is connecting from again and so rejects what it believes is a second connection from the first client.
Can anyone suggest a way to get around this problem? I believe I could run one more client bound to the external IP address of the PC but I'd really like to be able to run multiple.
I know I could use VirtualBox or similar to run new instances but I'd like all of the client applications to be running in the Visual Studio debugger.
Any help greatly appreciated!
PS. Not sure if it matters but the applications are written in C++ using standard winsock sockets.
You might be able to create more loopback interfaces. See the chosen answer to How do you create a virtual network interface on Windows?
AFAIK Windows 7 (maybe Vista too) lets you add multiple IP addresses to a single interface (card).