How do you get event details in GWTQuery? - gwtquery

I'm trying to create a program where I need to fire events whenever the text in a text box is changed. Here's the code written for it:
$("#text_box").change(new Function(){
public void f(){
But I need to get the details of the event - such as - the character that was entered. There is no object passed through the GQuery API to send that information.How can I get these details?

Just override the method f(Event e)
$("#text_box").change(new Function(){
public void f(Event e){


Typecasting EventHandler in C++/CLI

I have a form (which I'll call MainForm) embedded with a TabControl. Every time the user creates a new tab it is filled with an instance of a pre-built Panel (which I'll call MyPanel) which contains many controls.
My MyPanel class has a private variable bool save_state which is set to false every time one of the (editable) controls is edited and set to true when the user "saves" the state of the panel.
I want a visual flag to keep track of tabs that have unsaved changes (e.g. the tab "Tab1" will instead display the text "Tab1 *" if it has unsaved changes). So I want to set up the event handler in my MainForm which can call a method in MyPanel to add the handler to each control.
Since not all my controls use the same EventHandler type (for example, I also need to track DataGridViewRowsAddedEvent, among others), I currently have several methods adding the appropriate handler to the corresponding controls (one for each type of Event Handler), each of which is running the same code (i.e. set the save_state bit to false and append " *" to the tab text.
For example, in MainForm.cpp I have:
#include "MyPanel.h"
void markUnsaved(void) {
// set panel bit to false
// append " *" to tab text if we haven't already
void MainForm::handler1(Object ^sender, EventArgs ^e) {
void MainForm::handler2(Object ^sender, DataGridViewRowsAddedEventArgs ^e) {
void Main::FormaddNewPanelToTab(int tab_index) {
// check index is valid ...
// make the new panel
MyPanel ^new_panel = gcnew MyPanel();
new_panel->addEventHandlerToControls(gcnew EventHandler(this, &MainForm::handler1));
new_panel->addDgvEventHandlerToControls(gcnew DataGridViewRowsAddedEventHandler(this, &MainForm::handler2));
// rest of code...
Though this currently works as intended, this (along with the several other Event Handler types I have to manage) makes my code look really silly.
I am hoping to be able to have have a single event handler in MainForm and a single method in MyPanel which type-casts the Event Handler passed and adds it to all the controls with the appropriate types.
I have tried doing simple casts such as:
void MyPanel::addHandlerToControls(EventHandler ^handler) {
control_NUD->ValueChanged += handler; // this works because ValueChanged is of type EventHandler
control_DGV->RowsAdded += (DataGridViewRowsAddedEventHandler ^)handler; // this compiles but throws an exception
// rest of the code...
to no avail.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I know this is maybe a bit late for answer but I'd want to show how would I solve this.
Firs of all I suggest to get rid from idea of casting event handlers. Kind of such approach may work in C# (with some adjustments) but as far as I know it's not possible in C++ /CLI.
I'd go for adding new event to a MyPanel class that will be invoked every time when the data on a panel is changed. But to avoid adding a lot of different handlers to a control events in a MyPanel class it's better to create one generic method that will handle all the neccessary control's events and fire new event. Maybe this sounds messy, let me show the code:
public ref class MyPanel
// Add a new event
event EventHandler^ DataChanged;
// Add a method that will fire new event
// this methid will be invoked on every control's event that you'll subscribe
generic <typename T>
void DataChangedHandler(System::Object^ sender, T e)
// Fire the event
DataChanged(this, EventArgs::Empty);
// Once the controls are initialized you may add the event handlers
// I put it in a constructor only for example
control_NUD->ValueChanged += gcnew EventHandler(this, &MyPanel::DataChangedHandler<EventArgs^>);
control_DGV->RowsAdded += gcnew DataGridViewRowsAddedEventHandler(this, &MyPanel::DataChangedHandler<DataGridViewRowsAddedEventArgs^>);
// and so on...
/// And now in a main form we only need to subscribe to a DataChanged event
public ref class MainForm
// the handler
void MyHandler(Object^ sender, EventArgs^ e)
void FormaddNewPanelToTab(int tab_index)
// make the new panel
MyPanel ^new_panel = gcnew MyPanel();
new_panel->DataChanged += gcnew EventHandler(this, &MainForm::MyHandler);
Hope this helps.

Task chaining in JavaFX8: Start next Task after onSucceeded finished on previous task

I'm rather new to JavaFX8 and facing the following problem. In my current App, which is for document processing/editing, I have two rather expensive tasks. Opening a document and saving a document.
My app has the buttons "import next", "export current" and "export current and import next". For Import and Export, I have two Task of the following structure:
private class Export extends Task<Void> {
public Export() {
this.setOnRunning(event -> {
// do stuff (change cursor etc)
this.setOnFailed(event -> {
// do stuff, eg. show error box
this.setOnSucceeded(event -> {
// do stuff
protected Void call() throws Exception {
// do expensive stuff
return null;
I submit the task using the Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();.
For the functionality "export current and import next", my goal is to submit the Export and Import tasks to the executor, but my Import tasks should only run if the export-task was sucessful and the EventHandler given in setOnSucceedded (whichs runs on the GUI thread) finished. If the export fails, it does not make any sense to load the next document because user interaction is needed. How can this be achieved?
First I tired to but the entire logic/error handling in the call method, but this does not work as I cannot change the GUI from this method (i.e. to show an error-box).
As workaround, I'm manually submitting the import-task on the last line of my setOnSucceeded in the export-task, but this is not very flexible, because I want to be sure this task exports only (without subsequent import)...
Don't call the handler property methods setOnXXX in your Task subclass constructor. These actually set a property on the task, so if you also call those methods from elsewhere you will replace the functionality you're implementing in the class itself, rather than add to it.
Instead, override the protected convenience methods:
public class Export extends Task<Void> {
protected void succeeded() {
// do stuff...
protected void running() {
// do stuff...
protected void failed() {
// do stuff...
protected Void call() {
// do expensive stuff....
return null ;
Now you can safely use setOnXXX(...) externally to the Export class without breaking its functionality:
Export export = new Export();
export.setOnSucceeded(e -> {
Import import = new Import();
This puts the logic for chaining the tasks at the point where you actually create them, which would seem to be the correct place to do it.
Note that another way to provide multiple handlers for the change of state is to register listeners with the stateProperty():
Export export = new Export();
export.stateProperty().addListener((obs, oldState, newState) -> {
if (newState == Worker.State.SUCCEEDED) {
// ...
From testing, it appears the order of execution of these different mechanisms is:
state listeners
the onSucceeded handler
the Task.succeeded method
All are executed on the FX Application Thread.
So if you want the code in the Task subclass to be executed before the handler added externally, do
public class Export extends Task<Void> {
public Export() {
stateProperty().addListener((obs, oldState, newState) -> {
if (newState == Worker.State.RUNNING) {
// do stuff
} else if (newState == Worker.State.SUCCEEDED) {
// do stuff
} else if (newState == Worker.State.FAILED) {
// do stuff
public Void call() {
// ...
Finally, you could implement the entire logic in your call method: if you need to interact with the UI you can wrap those calls in a Platform.runLater(() -> {});. However, separating the functionality into different tasks as you have done is probably cleaner anyway.

how do I get all the data on a CDTCommonProjectWizard

I am developing a project that inherits from CDTCommonProjectWizard, my question is how do I get all the data when select the finish button, I need the Project Name, the Project type and the toolchain.
Check out continueCreation()
public class MyNewWizard extends org.eclipse.cdt.ui.wizards.CDTProjectWizard
protected IProject continueCreation(IProject prj) {
// This is run at the end of the creation process
// The things you specifically asked for:
// prj.getName()
// prj.getType()
// toolchainManagedBuildManager.getBuildInfo(prj).getManagedProject().getConfigurations()[0].getToolChain()
return super.continueCreation(prj);

Action Compositon Play2 Java

I'm currently developing a web service with Play2 and I have a problem with action composition.
Here is one of the methods available for my web service :
public static Result createObject() {
try {
JsonNode json = request().body().asJson();
// Retrieve user from request
User user;
try {
user = getUserFromRequest();
catch (BeanNotFoundException e) {
return badRequest(Messages.get("userNotFound"));
// Retrieve owner from user
Owner owner;
try {
owner = getOwnerFromUser(user);
catch (BeanNotFoundException e) {
return badRequest(Messages.get("ownerNotFound"));
// Create the object
// Here is the code using User and Owner previously found
catch (BeanValidationException e) {
return badRequest(JsonUtils.beanValidationMessagesToJson(e));
The problem is that I have to repeat the code to retrieve the user and the owner in each method of my web service.
How can I use action composition to do that, since I'm calling the methods in the middle of my main action ?
I read the documentation but I don't understand how to change the behavior of the action with a simple annotation ?
Thank you
There are examples of Play Java action composition here:

How to know whether a method is a call made by me thgh code or its from observer

I have a method in a view just like following.
testMethod : function() {
//run code
This method can either be trigerred directly by calling or triggered by the property1 observer. Is it possible to know inside the method, which way the call is getting triggered. Thanks
When observer is called, it receives 2 arguments: the controller object, and the observed property which has changed and triggered the observer.
So you can check it like this:
testMethod : function() {
if(arguments.length === 2 && arguments[1] === 'property1'){
// you're triggered by property observer
} else {
// triggered directly
This, of course, can be spoofed by caller..
I have stumbled upon this myself and have found no way to do so. I ended up doing something like this:
testMethod : function() {
//run code
propertyObserver : function(){