c++ trying to find the distance between 2 nodes - c++

I am currently working on a function that has 1 helper function, the main function takes in 2 strings and searches for the first one (which becomes a reference as if it was m_root) and a second one to be searched in the tree. once they are searched, my helper function is supposed to search for the 2nd city and count the distance it had to travel as if a truck was going towards that city.
int Stree::distance(string origin_city, string destination_city)
int total_distance = 0;
Node *new_root = m_root;
new_root = find_node(m_root, origin_city);
total_distance = get_distance(new_root, total_distance, destination_city);
return total_distance;
int Stree::get_distance(Node* cur, int distance, string destination)
Node *tmp = cur;
if(cur == NULL)
return 0;
if(cur->m_city == destination || tmp->m_city == destination)
//cout << distance + cur->m_parent_distance << endl;
return distance += cur->m_parent_distance;
if(tmp->m_left != NULL)
//cout << "checking left" << endl;
tmp = cur->m_left;
return get_distance(cur->m_left, distance, destination) ;
//cout << "checking right" << endl;
return get_distance(cur->m_right, distance, destination);

In a cursory glance, I don't see anywhere that you modify or increment distance, whether it be the distance variable or something like:
return 1 + get_distance(cur->m_right, distance, destination);
So I would make sure that in an algorithmic sense, each step walked is counted, otherwise it will certainly return 0 every time.


Troubles with BST recursion (finding height of a tree in C++)

int BST::getLength()
int leftHeight = 0;
int rightHeight = 0;
// Empty case
if (!prev && !dataInit)
return 0;
if (left)
leftHeight = left->getLength();
std::cout << "leftHeight: " << leftHeight;
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
if (right)
rightHeight = right->getLength();
std::cout << "rightHeight: " << rightHeight;
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
if (leftHeight > rightHeight)
return leftHeight + 1;
return rightHeight + 1;
This is a copied function from some website. I've been trying to write this function down on paper to understand the recursion but I can't seem to find myself comprehending. Specifically, I don't understand how leftHeight and rightHeight are incrementing by one if we're recursively calling it before we add 1.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
I am not completely sure about the structure of the rest of this code but I will hazard a guess here. It helps if we start thinking of base cases. For a binary tree, that would be the leaf nodes. For a leaf node, the height of its left or right children would be zero and the height of the entire tree including the leaf node is one.
We can then take a step back and consider a general node in the binary tree: the height of the tree starting at this node is max(leftSubTree, rightSubTree) + 1, where the +1 accounts for the current node.

How to print a level of a binary search tree?

If we have say, a tree with a depth of 2:
6 <- depth = 0
/ \
/ \
4 9 <- depth = 1
/ \ \
3 5 10 <- depth = 2
And I only want to print the second level, so 3, 5, and 10 (in that order), how would I go about doing this? I'm using the code I wrote for my inorder traversal but I'm stuck on how to track depth of the tree and print when I'm at said depth.
void printLevelNodesHelper(MovieNode * curr, int level){ //helper function
int lvl = level; //store initial value of level
if(curr != NULL){
printLevelNodesHelper(curr->left, level+1);
if(level == lvl){
cout << "Movie: " << curr->title << " " << curr->rating << endl;
printLevelNodesHelper(curr->right, level+1);
void MovieTree::printLevelNodes(int k){ //k is the desired level
MovieNode * curr = root;
if(root == NULL){ //if the tree is empty exit it
else if(k == 0){ //print the root's title
cout << "Movie: " << curr->title << " " << curr->rating << endl;
printLevelNodesHelper(curr, k);
Here's the info for my struct and class
struct MovieNode{
int ranking;
string title;
int year;
float rating;
MovieNode* left = NULL;
MovieNode* right = NULL;
class MovieTree{
MovieNode* root;
void printMovieInventory();
void addMovieNode(int ranking, std::string title, int year, float rating);
void findMovie(std::string title);
void queryMovies(float rating, int year);
void averageRating();
void printLevelNodes(int k);
Some issues:
As your initial call to printLevelNodesHelper gets the desired level as argument, it makes no sense to make recursive calls with level+1. Think about it: when you recur, you actually descend in the tree, coming closer to the desired level, so you should not increase the distance to that level, but decrease it. So you should pass level-1
In printLevelNodesHelper the if condition level == lvl is always going to be true, because neither of these local variables ever change value. As from the previous point we guarantee that eventually we will get a call with level equal to 0, we should check for level == 0 (and so you don't need the lvl variable).
void printLevelNodesHelper(MovieNode * curr, int level) {
if (curr != NULL) {
printLevelNodesHelper(curr->left, level - 1);
if (level == 0) {
cout << "Movie: " << curr->title << " " << curr->rating << endl;
printLevelNodesHelper(curr->right, level - 1);
With this change, the code for MovieTree::printLevelNodes does not need to deal with the boundary cases of root == NULL or k == 0. Both of these are well managed in the above helper function. On the other hand, you might want to add some protection against the infinite recursion that would occur if printLevelNodes is called with a negative value of k:
void MovieTree::printLevelNodes(int k) {
if (k >= 0) printLevelNodesHelper(root, k);

Returning name of lowest node

First of all, this is part of a university course, so whilst a copy-paste solution would do, I'm looking for a bit more depth. I'll be seeing my supervisor tomorrow anyways though.
Now onto the problem. I am implementing Dijkstra's algorithm for 5 linked nodes, A-E, which have their associated costs and links stored in a vector;
struct Node
char nodeLink; //adjacent link
int cost; //cost of a link
}; //to use in Dijkstra algorithm
class HeadNode
char Name;
bool Visited;
vector<Node> nodes;
HeadNode(char x) { Name = x; Visited = false; }
class Graph
char Start = 'A';
char StartNode;
char CurrentNode;
char Destination = 'E';
int TotalCost = 0;
vector<HeadNode> hnode;
vector<char> path;
vector<int> weight;
void createHeadNode(char X);
void createAdjMatrix();
char LeastDistance(char node);
void printAdjMatrix();
void Dijkstra(char StartNode);
char GetStartNode();
int main()
Graph graph;
return 0;
void Graph::createHeadNode(char x)
In order to properly implement the algorithm, I have created a precursor function, LeastDistance(), within the class graph. I also have a function to get the start node, but that isn't particularly important here;
char Graph::LeastDistance(char node)
int smallest = 9999;
char smallestNode;
for (int i = 0; i < hnode.size(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < hnode[i].nodes.size(); ++j)
if ((node == hnode[i].Name) && (hnode[i].nodes[j].cost <= smallest) && (hnode[i].Visited == false))
smallest = hnode[i].nodes[j].cost;
smallestNode = hnode[i].nodes[j].nodeLink;
hnode[i].Visited = true;
TotalCost = TotalCost + smallest;
void Graph::Dijkstra(char StartNode)
CurrentNode = StartNode;
if (CurrentNode == Destination)
cout << "the start is the destination, therefore the cost will be 0." << endl;
if (CurrentNode != Destination)
CurrentNode = LeastDistance(StartNode);
cout << CurrentNode << "<-";
else if (CurrentNode == Destination)
cout << endl;
cout << "The total cost of this path is:" << TotalCost;
TotalCost = 0;//reset cost
My problem is that the LeastDistance fucntion appears always to return node C, leading to it being printed over and over, so it fills the console. So far, I have tried to debug using visual studio 2017, but I cant make much sense out of the watches. I have also tweaked the order of the breaks around, and tried to make sure the visited flag is being set to true. whether any precedence of operations is affecting this I am not sure.
Thanks in advance.
I would contend that there are multiple problems with the way you implement this... but I think the one that's causing you the problem you describe is the statement right here:
if (CurrentNode != Destination)
CurrentNode = LeastDistance(StartNode);
cout << CurrentNode << "<-";
Think about what this does. Let's say your first node isn't the one you're looking for, then you call least distance and find the next smallest node. Then you print it. Then you iterate on the while loop again only to find that CurrentNode isn't the one you're looking for, so you call LeastDistance(StartNode) again, which will return the exactly same value. Thus, you'll keep printing the same result which apparently is c.
Assuming everything else is correct, I think you want:
CurrentNode = LeastDistance(CurrentNode);

Solving 8-Puzzle in C++ with A* results in endless loop

I'm currently trying to solve the 8-Puzzle with the A* search algorithm, but my program gets stuck in an endless loop.
My main searching loop is:
std::vector<Field> Search::AStar(Field &start, Field &goal){
std::cout << "Calculating..." << std::endl;
std::unordered_map<Field, Field> explored;
std::vector<Field> searched;
if (Puzzle::finished(start))
return MakePath(start, start);
std::priority_queue<Field, std::vector<Field>, std::greater<Field>> frontier;
Field current;
Field child;
size_t i = 0;
while (!frontier.empty())
current = frontier.top();
if (++i > 500)
std::cout << "Iteration Error" << std::endl;
return searched;
for (Direction d : Puzzle::Actions(current))
child = Puzzle::Action(d, current);
if (Puzzle::finished(child))
std::cout << "Found goal!" << std::endl;
return MakePath(explored[child], start);
child.CostG = current.CostG + 1; // Make a step
if (!isIn(child, explored) || child.CostG < explored[child].CostG)
child.CostH = Puzzle::Heuristic(child, goal); // Calculate Heuristic
child.CostF = child.CostG + child.CostH; // Calculate final costs
explored[child] = child;
std::cout << "Error: frontier Empty" << std::endl;
return searched;
The vector "searched" is just so that I can see what A* does, and I will delete it as soon as the algorithm works.
The CostG stands for the number of steps done until this point, the CostH are the estimated minimum (heuristic) costs to the "goal" and the CostF are those two combined.
The index of the Field::Boxes vector is the number of the field, and every element contains the position.
My Heuristic function looks like this:
inline int Heuristic(Field &goal)
size_t d = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < Boxes.size(); i++)
d += (std::abs(static_cast<int>(Boxes[i].x) - static_cast<int>(goal.Boxes[i].x))
+ std::abs(static_cast<int>(Boxes[i].y) - static_cast<int>(goal.Boxes[i].y)));
return d;
For better readability and stuff, the code also is on Github. However, to execute it, you need SFML in your Visual Studio include direction.
Every help is appreciated!
Edit 1:
You now no longer need SFML to executed & debug the program! I commited the changes to github, the link is the same.
The problem is that although you remove the current node from your frontier, you never added it to the explored set, i.e. you never close it. The following code should work. My revisions closely follow Wikipedia's A* Pseudocode.
I also recommend you test your algorithm with the trivial heuristic (the one that returns zero for all values) on a simple puzzle to verify that your algorithm is implemented correctly. (See this answer for a brief explanation of this technique.)
while (!frontier.empty())
current = frontier.top();
if (++i > 500)
std::cout << "Iteration Error" << std::endl;
return searched;
// Check for goal here
if (Puzzle::finished(current)
std::cout << "Found goal!" << std::endl;
return MakePath(explored[current], start);
explored[current] = current; //close the current node
for (Direction d : Puzzle::Actions(current))
child = Puzzle::Action(d, current);
if (isIn(child,explored))
continue; //ignore the neighbor which is already evaluated
child.CostG = current.CostG + 1; // Make a step
if (!isIn(child, frontier)) //discovered a new node
else if (child.CostG >= explored[child].CostG)
continue; //this is not a better path
//the path is best until now. Record it!
child.CostH = Puzzle::Heuristic(child, goal); // Calculate Heuristic
child.CostF = child.CostG + child.CostH; // Calculate final costs
//frontier.push(child); moved up to earlier point in code
explored[child] = child;

Depth first search (C++)

I've created a class that contains a vector of Linked Lists. Each Linked List represents a vertice in my graph. The Nodes connected to my linked lists are considered the edges between these vertices. I'm trying to create a DFS function for my graph, but am having trouble with setting the colors of my vertices. I realize there are a lot of problems with my code, but i'm trying to solve one in particular. My DFSit() function ends up in an infinite loop because the color attribute for my list isn't actually getting set to "gray". Any idea why this would be?
void Graph::DFS()
int i = 0;
while (i != myvector.size())
DFSit(myvector[i], myvector[i].val);
myvector[i].color = "black";
void Graph::DFSit(AdjList x, int root)
if (x.color == "white")
cout << "tree edge ( " << root << "," << x.val << ") " << endl;
if (x.color == "gray")
cout << "Back Edge ( " << root << "," << x.val << ") " << endl;
x.color = "gray";
AdjNode *temp = new AdjNode();
temp = x.front;
int i = 0;
int value;
while (temp != NULL)
value = temp->getValue();
while (i != myvector.size())
if (value == myvector[i].val)
DFSit(myvector[i], root);
temp = temp->next;
Normaly, the proper implementation of the DFS rutine is made with a stack, but this could work also.
I think that you are coloring the node AdjList x and this coloring is not save because you are passing it by val and not by ref.
try changing void Graph::DFSit(AdjList x, int root) into void Graph::DFSit(AdjList& x, int root)