Porting C++ w/ MFC to a Touch Screen - c++

Looking for a GUI framework to use with C++ to "modernize" an existing interface for touchscreen.
I'm a novice programmer with a background in C++/Java that was just assigned a project that involves taking an existing C++ program using MFC (3 data views, multiple text/radio controlled dialog boxes, etc.) and redesigning the interface to be "touch-screen friendly" such as larger button controls, sliders and whatnot.
I've been given pretty free-reign with instructions to make a "more modern looking interface" as opposed to the typical bare-bones MFC I've been given. I know I have quite a bit to learn either way, so any suggestions are helpful.
So far the options I've come up with are:
MFC just tweak existing controls to accommodate touch input, keep crappy looking interface.
Managed C++ or C++/CLI figure out how to keep the underlying C++ structure while being able to design a new interface with WPF or Windows Forms.
Qt completely new to me, but seems a promising alternative.
Really I just need to find a way to make this program look like it wasn't written over 10 years ago, and so far in teaching myself MFC, it doesn't seem that flexible in terms of incorporating any sort of graphic-design/themes.
Are there other alternatives I should be looking into? Is there more to MFC than meets the eye and I just need to learn more about it? As I said, any suggestions of things to look into are helpful.

What you've listed as #1 could really be either of two approaches. One (call it 1a) is to continue using the same version of VC++ and MFC as the original, and do only the bare minimum of editing to increase the sizes of the controls where needed. Short of encountering some fairly bad luck in how the existing code is written, this might not involve any real programming at all, and would be relatively quick and easy.
The second (call it 1b) would be to do the update using the current version of VC++, MFC, etc. This would probably involve some code updates, but probably not anything terrible (though if it's much more than 10 years old, significant code updates could be needed as well). With some care, you may be able to update the UI quite a bit (e.g., change from menus to ribbons, include color theme support), still with fairly minimal investment.
Your #2 could easily end up as nearly a complete rewrite. Despite superficial similarities, C++/CLI is a completely different language from C++. The only way this really makes sense is if you have quite a bit of non-UI code you can leave alone completely, and use C++/CLI exclusively as a "bridge" between existing C++ and a .NET UI (and the UI is fairly minimal, so the rather mediocre tool support for C++/CLI doesn't cause a big problem). If your UI is any more than fairly trivial, C# has enough better tool support that it may easily be a better choice than C++/CLI.
Your #3 will probably require only marginally less rewriting than 2, at least of the code that's related to the UI. While the code would remain C++, Qt is quite a lot different from MFC. The big advantage would be if you (might soon) want to support something other than Windows (e.g., iOS or Android). For portability, Qt has a huge advantage over any of the alternatives you've named.
A lot comes back to a question of how much C++ code you can retain intact. If you have a lot of code in an "engine" that's cleanly separated from the UI, and a fairly simple UI, then retaining that existing code make a lot of sense, and rewriting the UI from the ground up isn't all that terrible of a problem. On the other hand, if the UI and business logic code are heavily intertwined (fairly common) then any more than really minor tweaks to the UI is likely to me significant rewriting of the rest of the code as well.
Conclusion: if the UI is heavily intertwined with other code, your only real choice is between 1a and 1b. If the UI is easily detached from other code, the choice between 2 and 3 is (at least to me) primarily one of whether portability is at all likely to matter (now or any time soon).


Articles for developing a GUI library

Basically, I'm unable to find any good articles for developing your own GUI, that deal with good practices, the basic structure, event bubbling, tips and avoiding all the usual pitfalls. I'm specifically not interested on how to build some proof-of-concept GUI in 5 minutes that just barely works... nor am I interested in building the next future GUI.
The purpose is to build a reasonably capable GUI to be used for tools for a game, however they will exist within the game itself so I don't want to use existing large scale GUIs, and I find most game GUIs to be rather bloated for what I need. And I enjoy the experience of doing it myself.
I have done a GUI in the past which worked very well to a point, however, due to some bad design decisions and inexperience it could only do so much (and was built in Flash so it got a lot of stuff for free). So I would like to really understand the basics this time.
A few tips -
1) Pick your style the UI will work - will it be stateless? If yes, how are you going to handle the events appropriately? In case it'll be stateless, you'll maybe have to re-evaluate your UI user code twice in order to get up to date event changes from user side. If your UIs store state, then you won't have to care about handling events, but it'll limit your UIs when it comes to rapid mutations and rebuilds.
2) Do not rely on the OO too much, virtual methods are not the fastest thing in the world so use them with care; having some sort of inheritance based structure might help though. Beware of dynamic_cast and RTTI if you use objects; they will slow you down. Instead, set up an enum, get_type() method for every widget class, and do manual checks for castability.
3) Try to separate the looks and the UI logic/layout.
4) If you want dynamic windows, layouts etc. then you'll have to handle aligning, clamping, positions etc. and their updates. If you want just statically positioned widgets, it'll make it much easier.
5) Do not overdesign, you won't benefit from that.
There is not really anything too specific I tell you; having some concrete question would help, maybe?
Take a look at the docs for existing GUI libraries. That should give you details on proven designs to handle the issues you've run into.
You might want to start with one you're familiar with, but one that I think is designed quite well is AppKit. Its API is Obj-C so it would require some adjustment if you wanted to copy it, but the docs give all kinds of details about how objects interact to, e.g. handle events, and how layout constraints work, which should be directly applicable to designing an OO GUI in most any language.

Better framework than MFC?

My clients have used MFC applications in years. Main reason was because their applications were real-time app interacting with various sensors, and their performance was key to their success.
I used MFC about 10 years ago and moved to .NET. But I am willing to go back to MFC if neccessary. But question is if it is worth and if there is anything better than MFC right now.
I understand that C++ is necessary to optimize our applications and that MFC is OOP wrapper for Win32 API and might be fastest OOP UI API on Windows.
But I am mainly worried about its testability and its complex API. So MFC might slow us down in long term.
What do you think? Is there any framework that you can achieve better performance than with MFC?
UPDATE: As for needed performance, I don't have exact numbers but I saw one app in its operations. It was almost getting various types of signals from each of moving objects. My guess at the time was less than 1/2 second to get & display all the signals from each one. But I could be wrong.
You probably want to look at Qt.
The internet is full of comparisons of MFC and Qt; here is a particularly recent one: https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/17490/comparing-qt-vs-mfc
Assuming (although it wasn't specified in the question) that your application is another sensor-control system, it doesn't matter as much as you think it does.
Basically, your architecture should keep the sensor communications in their own thread, which asynchronously communicate with the rest of the app. So you're mostly checking to see if your potential replacement libraries do something pathological with their multi-threading implementation.
To give particulars, we would need particulars: required response times, interrupt frequencies, these sorts of things. But even in that case, we'd mostly just be guessing (or campaigning for our favorite API).
My real recommendation is that you look into the performance numbers you get with .NET in a "prototype control". Your recent familiarity with the API should enable you to do this relatively quickly.
If the performance seems unacceptable, do a similar prototype in Qt or WTL or whatever else looks reasonable. I would consider MFC a last resort simply due to age UNLESS you can leverage significant amounts of existing control code from the client.
There are some best alternatives for MFC.
QT is the first choice to go with. But for commercial release, it becomes little costlier.
wxWidgets, is also a good choice for a cross platform opensource library.
Ultralight - This is totally different as it is a HTML based UI engine to create nice applications with the help of HTML, css, and javascript.

Best C++ programming practices in professional game development environments? [closed]

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I'm well educated in the C++ programming language regarding syntax, STL, etc. I haven't done any true projects with it yet other than some college courses. My goal is to start writing progams but attempt to keep it to industry best practices. One of my main goals is to work in the game industry. A door is opening which lead me to ask these questions.
Are C++ game developers usually limited on using all the C++ features? Is it true more or less for each platform?
Is STL used these days in the environment, or should I avoid it?
Do they treat C++ as "everything must be an object" or is it a mix of paradigms?
Any features they tend to not use?
Is C still used, and is it good to show a project completed in it?
I did talk to a famous game designer and he said they don't use STL and said to use basic encapsulation with classes, but he said not to use all other advanced C++ features. The idea is to keep it simple. Is this common?
Thanks in advance!
Bear in mind that "games development" covers everything from phones to websites to PSPs and DS to Wii, Xbox, PS3 and PC/Mac, so the answers you get may vary from one product/developer/platform to another.
1) Yes. Games development can mean that you have to use a particular compiler for your target platform, which may not support some of the "newer" features of C++. You may be restricted on which libraries the development studio will allow you to use. In addition, hardware restrictions on some platforms may influence how you code (e.g. on some systems the cost of virtual functions can be excessively high compared to a PC, so your designs can be restricted away from pure OO for performance reasons. Some systems have limited resources (memory, disk, etc) which will influence your design a lot. On the Playstation3 you may need to write vector-processing SPU tasks rather than traditional single/multithreaded code. etc).
2) Yes. (it's commonly used, as there's usually no point wasting time rolling your own, probably less efficient, equivalents)
3) A mix. Generally in games the key goals are (in rough order): Deliver the impossible on time (why are you going home now, it's only 10pm?), deliver high performance, and try not to crash.
4,6) Generally keep the code simple and flexible so you can develop fast and change to suit the producer's latest vision. You usually have tight deadlines so a lot of design and careful coding tends to be difficult to achieve. The industry unfortunately tends to work on the "churn out the code quickly so we can throw it away and start on the next product", although it is slowly coming around to the idea of re-usable libraries (and more methodical professional practices like unit tests, etc).
A typical scenario is to be asked to code up a quick and dirty demo for the boss, and then when you think you'll be able to throw it away and write it properly, the boss says "we don't have time to rewrite something that already works, start on the next level". So if you're asked to be quick'n'dirty, try not to burn too many bridges or you'll regret it.
5) You may use C, but it depends on the platform and the development house. These days most devlopment will be C++ even if parts of the code are effectively "little more than C" in terms of syntax and features used.
These questions are not at all unique to game development. You will find they vary as much by field as they do by company. I can think of two game design firms that use STL off the top of my head, and also of a few that don't.
1) Define "all C++ features". They typically don't use goto, if that's what you mean.
2) Yes STL is used. You shouldn't avoid it, or not avoid it - use the tools you need to get the job done every time you have a job that needs to get done. Keeping what you use in line with other ways similar problems were tackled -within that project or context- is importent.
3) Depends where you are, both in games and out of games. Some are graduated C guys who want things more C like. Others are C#/Java guys who are more OO (Object Obsessed).
4) goto
5) Yes, and yes. Knowing more than one language is always a good thing. Even if it's just C to C++.
6) Again, use the tools available to solve your problems. Keeping it simple is good when you can, sure.
1) No limitation really, except that you should follow programming guides so as to use them properly (i.e. avoid dinosaurs when using goto's).
2) Yes, its used, and Boost also (which is kinda the preview of the next STL).
3) Mix, always a mix. To say that C++ is only object-oriented is to misunderstand the language. "Everything is an object" is really a Java (or things like it) thing; check out C++'s concept of POD, as an example of how not everything is an object.
4) same as 1)
5) It is used, but as far as I've seen, no new project is being created in C.
6) No... he kinda said the opposite of what I've just said.
Generally, some parts of C++ are limited for patform and performance reasons.
Exceptions and RTTI are normally disabled. Exceptions are expensive when they unwind the stack, and RTTI uses too much memory. Lack of exceptions is particularly a pain because rather than come up with another error handling system, programmers tend to just return NULL. :)
Floats are used almost exclusively over doubles, for performance reasons.
Virtual functions and inheritence can be used, but the virtual table lookup can be costly so sometimes it's optimised out.
The STL can be used, but you normally have to write your own allocators to avoid fragging memory (see http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2007/n2271.html). It's more common to see custom containers - of varying quality. I've never come across boost being used in a console project.
Most code is OO, almost to a fault.
Best C++ programming practices in professional game development environments?
The question is too broad.
Are C++ game developers usually limited on using all the C++ features? Is it true more or less for each platform?
No, or at least extremely unlikely. Depends on platform/compiler.
Is STL used these days in the environment, or should I avoid it?
You shouldn't avoid it, but:
you'll definitely need a profiler if you want stl containers
STL containers are extremely slow in debug builds. This might be a problem, because if you're frequently accessing them, there will be a huge performance drop (say, from 300 fps to 50) in debug build (when compared to release build). Debug code is already slower, and stl containers have large amount of "security check" in debug build.
Do they treat C++ as "everything must be an object"
Every idea is bad if you take it to extremes. "Everything must be an object" is one of those.
Any features they tend to not use?
Why? Unless there is a compiler bug or performance loss there is no point in avoiding feature. Besides, there are commercial 3D games written in java, so I see no point in avoiding feature of compiled language.
Is C still used, and is it good to show a project completed in it?
Some opensource projects may use C, but I can't remember a game completely written in it. There is Q3 engine, but afaik it is mix of C/C++.
I did talk to a famous game designer and he said they don't use STL and said to use basic encapsulation with classes, but he said not to use all other advanced C++ features.
They could decide to avoid stl simply because containers are slow in debug build. It is unclear what exactly you call "advanced C++ features". Also, keep in mind that he is designer, not programmer.
The idea is to keep it simple. Is this common?
The idea may or may not be common, but it is a correct idea for a small teams. With limited human resources everything should be made as simple as possible - to reduce development costs. If you stick to concept like "everything should be an object", decide to build "nice-looking" class hierarchy, etc, AND if you have limited resources, then you are doomed - It is very possible that you'll never finish your project and will be rewriting code forever and trying to decide what should be derived from what. Needless project flexibility and extensibility may kill small project. Game engine doesn't have to be complicated.
Large teams may afford complex solutions, but complexity leads to additional bugs. For example, you could look at sims 3 - it has a VERY advanced system (object "plugins", game resource management, GPU resource management, content "streaming", etc, and I think they even put game logic into a few .NET modules that are stored within game archive...), but extensibility of the system resulted in mountain of bugs after certain updates.
Electronic Arts as one example uses STL, but felt compelled to create their own version of it called EASTL.
Are C++ game developers usually limited on using all the C++ features? Is it true more or less for each platform? These days, I think it's pretty good on the main console platforms but if you were developing for mobile devices I doubt it's quite so even
Is STL used these days in the environment, or should I avoid it? It is used and should be used... but some people don't trust it because in the past STL support was much less even, and sometimes had performance problems
Do they treat C++ as "everything must be an object" or is it a mix of paradigms? Far too general. Varies from person to person and company to company. On average, game developers have a reputation for being less focused on software engineering and more on hacking code, but that's far too generalised to really be of use. However spouting for 30min about design patterns and frameworks and abstractions in an interview is probably not a wonderful plan
Any features they tend to not use? STL still has a bad rep amongst those who worked on older platforms. Exceptions also and RTTI, probably sicne they weren't well supported (and maybe are still not)
Is C still used, and is it good to show a project completed in it? I'm sure it is, and if you have a project then show it, but it's not anywhere near as widely used as C++
I did talk to a famous game designer and he said they don't use STL and said to use basic encapsulation with classes, but he said not to use all other advanced C++ features. The idea is to keep it simple. Is this common?
That view is pretty common but it doesn't mean it's right. You might want to tread carefully to avoid upsetting a 20-year veteran who has not moved with the times
I'm going to assume you're referring to people who develop full-price games for consoles and PC.
"Are C++ game developers usually limited on using all the C++ features?"
I think most are avoiding exceptions, RTTI, and many avoid the STL part of the standard library. They're probably using templates, though not much metaprogramming. I don't think this varies much across platform. But it does vary from company to company.
"Is STL used these days in the environment, or should I avoid it?"
It is used by many, but not all. Don't avoid it - it's a useful tool that is very good at the tasks it is designed for. Just make sure you can get by without it.
"Do they treat C++ as "everything must be an object" or is it a mix of paradigms?"
Different places will work in different ways. There's nothing intrinsic to object orientation in C++ that makes it good or bad for game development. Bear in mind that there is often legacy code or 3rd party libraries that are written in C or designed to be operated from C, so it's very rare that you'll have C++ throughout.
"Any features they tend to not use?"
I think we covered this above.
"Is C still used, and is it good to show a project completed in it?"
Yes, and no. Life is too short to spend on mastering every related language and dialect before you get your first job. Showing the ability to use a C-style library (eg. SDL) should suffice. Obviously if you set your goals on joining a company that just uses C, you will have to consider that.
"I did talk to a famous game designer and he said they don't use STL and said to use basic encapsulation with classes, but he said not to use all other advanced C++ features. The idea is to keep it simple. Is this common?"
See above. Incidentally, game "designers" typically aren't programmers, so watch your terminology. If you apply for a game designer role, you won't usually be showing programming skills.

Programming in gamedev (performance related)

I am just wondering how some things work in gamedev:
I know, that the performance is actually crucial so there is still (and I think never will be) no place to use managed languages/platforms as Java/.NET just because of their performance. But... recently I have read somewhere here on SO, that even though people creating games use C++ as a primary language, they actually do not use STL or Boost (or a lot of them). In think it has something in common with performance, right? If I am wrong, could you please tell me what are the reasons to avoid those libraries (that I think make developer's life much easier)? Is it because of licensing (Boost)? And what about EA's version of STL? Do other studios make their own versions too?
How "close to metal" game programming really is? Do you go deeper and closer to the machine? Do you sometimes use Assembly for critical inner loops, or C++ is actually the lowest abstraction layer that you use at the moment? I assume that in such products where performance is the most important thing profiling is very, very common task - but are you sometimes forced to use assembly to speed some parts up, or good C++ is "good enough"?
Sorry, It may not have been clear, but I am interested in answers from people having game industry experience. I am not interested in some assumptions given by people who do not have commercial experience in game development. I am also not interested in examples of some niche-games created in C#/Java whatever. However if you know a product that looks better than FarCry2 (just and example, but your favourite modern great looking game name here), and is written entirely in Java/.NET, and has similar performance to FarCry2... do not hesitate to mention this product! Thanks.
Contrary to some beliefs, the STL is quite optimized and not at all bad code. The reason for why most game studios don't use it is memory. You don't have as much control over memory allocation and deallocation as if you would write your own version of the STL containers. This is also the reason why managed languages are not preferred.
Writing your own containers will let you write cross platform code and do memory tracking easier. This is especially true on consoles where, for instance the PS3, requires detailed knowledge of the hardware in order to get the best performance out of it. Which usually in the end means that you need full control over memory flow between the PPU, SPUs and RSX.
Assembler is only "required" (in quotes since it's not actually required but helps) for very specialized operations, e.g. math library functions. What's more common is SIMD intrinsics which vectorizes the code. However, most studios have legacy code which is quite optimized and since these optimizations are quite low level it's not code that needs to change greatly between hardware generations. I'd say on consoles it's much more common that you use lower level code.
I know, that the performance is actually crucial so there is still (and I think never will be) no place to use managed languages/platforms as Java/.NET just because of their performance.
No, you don't know this. You think it, you want to believe it because you romanticize game development, and because you think high-level languages can't be fast.
.NET performance is perfectly good enough for 90% of the games out there. And it's only going to get better. There is no inherent reason why managed platforms must be slower. They have the potential to be faster because they're JIT'ed. In practice, their performance tends to be about the same as reasonably good C++ code, much better than typical C++ code, and slightly worse than really good C++ code. And most big games use more than one language anyway. They use scripting languages, like Lua or Python, or some home-brewed stuff, all of which are orders of magnitudes slower than .NET.
Similarly, there is absolutely no reason why most of your game couldn't be written in .NET. And then the three really performance-critical functions can, if necessary, be ported to native C++ later.
But... recently I have read somewhere here on SO, that even though people creating games use C++ as a primary language, they actually do not use STL or Boost (or a lot of them). In think it has something in common with performance, right? If I am wrong, could you please tell me what are the reasons to avoid those libraries
Same as you're guilty of above... Superstition about game development. "Oh no, we can't afford to use other people's code! It's far too inefficient". Game development is stuck in the 80's in terms of programming practices and methodologies. In other words, don't worry too much about what other game developers do. If the STL or Boost make your code easier to write, then use it! And then, if you experience performance problems, profile it, and if necessary, replace that particular library component with your own.
But most of the STL is literally zero overhead. And 95% of the code in any game is not performance critical. Treat game development like you would any other programming. Don't treat it as some magical land where every line of code must be perfectly optimized and where normal rules don't apply.
And what about EA's version of STL? Do other studios make their own versions too?
As far as I know, no. EA made it partly for internal use, but also as input to the C++ community as a whole, as an example of what they (and a lot of game developers) would like to see from future revisions to the standard (it was submitted to the standards committee as well)
I can recommend the book C++ for game programmers. It has an in-depth discussion of the performance cost of c++ features such as the STL, exceptions and RTTI. It also touches on having your own memory manager, and various common performance optimizations.
Appearlenty there is a new edition out, but it has a different author. What's up with that?
About 1:
I haven't tried EA's STL version, but I can confirm from my own game development experience that the STL can sometimes be a bottleneck. So far I was always able to find workarounds though.
Boost can be very helpful, but it really depends on the particular part of boost whether it's helpful or not for performance-critical code. For example, Boost::filesystem was very useful for me, whereas boost::signals was barely useable due to very poor performance. So I implemented my own signaling library using FastDelegates instead.
About 2:
Most of the time you will get away with regular C++ code. Once the game is running and you can identify bottlenecks with your profiler, you can start optimizing those pieces of code. And even then, you might not have to write any assembler code if you do it right.
For example, my custom-built 2d game engine runs without hardware acceleration. I developed it when 3D drivers were still quite buggy and most casual gamers have outdated graphics card drivers, so compatibility was more important than pure performance at that time.
Still, in our game latest game Gemsweeper, we are using a lot of alpha blending with 8-bit alpha masks and the game still has to run on 500 mhz cpu's. So alpha blending turned out to be a performance critical area.
To optimize this, I've used the VectorC compiler so that I could take advantage of MMX, SSE and the like without having to write assembler code. But the same code can be fast on one CPU and slow on the other (e.g. Intel vs. AMD), so I also compiled the alpha blending code several times with different optimization settings. The game runs a benchmark at runtime to find the fastest blitting module for each blitting method and uses that module from then on.
I've compared the result with some other 2d blending libraries, one of which claimed to be pure hand-optimized assembler and my engine had about the same performance in average, as measured on different CPUs.
Bottom line:
Do not optimize without measuring first and think about alternatives before starting to write assembler. This usually wields good enough results and wil save you a lot of time.
We use 'STL' (ie. the standard C++ library) and a small amount of Boost. However some of it is avoided or frowned upon (std::map, std::list, boost::shared_ptr) typically for the over-exuberant memory allocation policies or poor cache coherency. These can typically be worked around, eg. with custom allocators, but instead we have other approaches to the same problems with their own benefits.
As for how close to the metal it really is, it depends. In our project C++ is the lowest level we go. In another project in this studio, there is a little assembly, especially on the non-PC platforms. These days in certain projects you're just as likely to be limited by the GPU as by the CPU so the days of low level code optimisation are getting fewer and the days of optimising shaders and art assets are growing.
Be wary of claiming that Java/.NET etc is never used however. Not everybody needs the performance of FarCry2 (which is a pretty excessive spec) which is why you're seeing more and more games written in managed languages with C++ just for optimisation.
It is true that in game development, STL is not used. In spite of what certain people always rush to claim, they also never use Java or C# or other managed languages.
I'm not talking about small X-Box Live Arcade downloadable games or web browser games, or such things. I'm talking about high-end development in AAA games.
They don't use STL. However, they do use their own custom implementations that look a lot like STL. There will be smart-arrays, there will be hash tables, there will be smart pointers, they just won't be STL.
Consoles have some performance characteristics that are very different from PCs. Even game projects that exclusively target PC are usually using codebases that have been used for console projects in the past. A lot of tweaking goes into making the basic template structures work as desired.
Most game studios also want code that they can adapt to other platforms. Locking into an implementation from MS/Sony/Nintendo makes for a lot more pain when it comes time to port the game to a new platform. The provided template libraries (which aren't necessarily STL to start with) are often less than stellar. At least they are that way early in the hardware cycle when a studio is ironing out the engine they plan to keep using for the next five years.
At the studios I've worked at, I've certainly seen a fair degree of "not-built-here" attitude to dismiss third party code. Sometimes it's justified, sometimes it's not. In the case of basic data structure templates, it typically is.
As for your second question, assembler is occasionally used. But only in isolated situations where a large volume of math needs to happen very frequently. An entire engine might contain two or three smallish files of asm blocks.
You can find out for yourself (to a degree) by looking at game SDKs.
Almost all the id Tech 4 games (DooM III, Prey, Quake IV, ET:QW) have SDKs out, complete with physics, script, AI, math, etc. systems included. The only asm used is for specialized math code, everything else is pure C++.
Crytek has a Crysis SDK out (you'll need the game installed to install the SDK though) and Far Cry SDK.
Valve has the Source SDK available to anyone who has purchased a Source game through steam.
There are a lot more if you look. A lot of the code isn't particularly clean or flexible (sometimes not even fast), but I suppose it's easier to adjust things in code you've written as opposed to monolithic libraries full of hard to understand template-fu.
No, you are largely wrong. Both .NET and Java have been used in commercial games, certainly on Windows (and probably on consoles too).
STL is also used widely, I know that quite a large proportion of amateur games developers use it.
Probably the main reason for not using STL is inertia, and using third party libraries/engines which do not.
I imagine that historically on some platforms, good STL implementations were no available, especially on RAM-limited stuff like PS2.

Write C++ in a graphical scratch-like way?

I am considering the possibility of designing an application that would allow people to develop C++ code graphically. I was amazed when I discovered Scratch (see site and tutorial videos).
I believe most of C++ can be represented graphically, with the exceptions of preprocessor instructions and possibly function pointers.
What C++ features do you think could be (or not be) represented by graphical items?
What would be the pros and cons of such an application ? How much simpler would it be than "plain" C++?
simple for small applications
helps avoid typos
may become unreadable for large (medium?) - sized applications
manual coding is faster for experienced programmers
C++ is too complicated a language for such an approach
Considering that we -at my work- already have quite a bit of existing C++ code, I am not looking for a completely new way of programming. I am considering an alternate way of programming that is fully compatible with legacy code. Some kind of "viral language" that people would use for new code and, hopefully, would eventually use to replace existing code as well (where it could be useful).
How do you feel towards this viral approach?
When it comes to manual vs graphical programming, I tend to agree with your answers. This is why, ideally, I'll find a way to let the user always choose between typing and graphical programming. A line-by-line parser (+partial interpreter) might be able to convert typed code into graphical design. It is possible. Let's all cross our fingers.
Are there caveats to providing both typing and graphical programming capabilities that I should think about and analyze carefully?
I have already worked on template classes (and more generally type-level C++) and their graphical representation.
See there for an example of graphical representation of template classes. Boxes represent classes or class templates. First top node is the class itself, the next ones (if any) are typedef instructions inside the class. Bottom nodes are template arguments. Edges, of course, connect classes to template arguments for instantiations.
I already have a prototype for working on such type-level diagrams.
If you feel this way of representing template classes is plain wrong, don't hesitate to say so and why!
Much as I like Scratch, it is still much quicker for an experienced programmer to write code using a text editor than it is to drag blocks around, This has been proved time and again with any number of graphical programming environments.
Writing code is the easiest part of a developers day. I don't think we need more help with that. Reading, understanding, maintaining, comparing, annotating, documenting, and validating is where - despite a gargantuan amount of tools and frameworks - we still are lacking.
To dissect your pros:
Intuitive and simple for small applications - replace that with "misleading". It makes it look simple, but it isn't: As long as it is simple, VB.NET is simpler. When it gets complicated, visual design would get in the way.
Help avoid typos - that's what a good style, consistency and last not least intellisense are for. The things you need anyway when things aren't simple anymore.
Wrong level
You are thinking on the wrong level: C++ statements are not reusable, robust components, they are more like a big bag of gears that need to be put together correctly. C++ with it's complexity and exceptions (to rules) isn't even particulary suited.
If you want to make things easy, you need reusable components at a much higher level. Even if you have these, plugging them together is not simple. Despite years of struggle, and many attempts in many environments, this sometimes works and often fails.
Viral - You are correct IMO about that requriement: allow incremental adoption. This is closely related to switching smoothly between source code and visual representation, which in turn probably means you must be able to generate the visual representation from modified source code.
IDE Support - here's where most language-centered approaches go astray. A modern IDE is more than just a text editor and a compiler. What about debugging your graph - with breakpoints, data inspection etc? Will profilers, leak detectors etc. highlight nodes in your graph? Will source control give me a Visual Diff of yesterday's graph vs. today's?
Maybe you are on to something, despite all my "no"s: a better way to visualize code, a way to put different filters on it so that I see just what I need to see.
The early versions of C++ were originally written so that they compiled to C, then the C was compiled as normal.
What it sounds like you are describing is a graphical language that is compiled to C++, which will then be compiled as normal.
So really you are not creating a graphical C++, you are creating a new language that happens to be graphical. Nothing wrong with that, but don't let C++ restrict what you do, because eventually you may want to compile the graphical language straight to machine code, or even to something like CIL, Java ByteCode, or whatever else tickles your fancy.
Other graphical languages you may want to check out are LabVIEW, and more generally the category of visual programming languages.
Good luck in your efforts.
The complexity of a nontrivial program is usually too high to be represented with graphical symbols, which are low in their information content. Unless your approach is markedly different in some way, I am skeptical that this would be of value based on past efforts.
So, practically speaking, his will be useful only for instructional purposes and very simple programs. But that would still be a great target market for a product like this. sometimes people have trouble grasping the fundamentals, and a visual model might be just the thing to help things click.
Interesting idea. I doubt I'd use it though. I tend to prefer coding in a flat text editor, not even an IDE, and for tough problems I prefer a pad of paper. Most of the really experienced programmers I know work this way, Maybe it's because we grew up in a different environment, but I think it's also because of the way we think about programming. As you get more experience, you start seeing the code in your head more clearly than any GUI tool will show it to you.
As for your question, I'd nominate templates as one of the harder / more interesting sort of thing to try to represent well. They are ubiquitous and carry information that you won't have access to as you are designing your tool. Getting that to the user in a useful way should pose an interesting challenge.
What C++ features do you think could be [...] represented by graphical items?
Object Oriented Design. Hence classes, inheritance, polymorphism, mutability, const-ness etc. And, templates.
What would be the pros and cons of such an application?
It may be easier for beginners to start writing programs. For the experienced, it may be get rid of the boring parts of programming.
Think of any other code generator. They create a framework for you to write the more involved portion(s). They also lead to bloated-code (think of any WYSIWYG HTML editor).
The biggest challenge, as I see it, is that any such UI necessarily hinders the user's imagination.
How much simpler would it be than "plain" c++ ?
It can be a real pain, when you wade through truckloads of errors which is typical of code generators.
Further, since a lot of code is generated, you have no idea of what is going on -- debugging becomes difficult.
Also, for the experienced there may be some irritation to find that the generated code is not per their preferred coding style.
I prefer hot-keys instead graphical menus and buttons.
And I think same thing will happen with graphical development tool. Many peoples will prefer manual codding.
But, source code visualizer - should be nice thing.
I like the idea, but I suspect there comes a point where things get far too complicated to be represented graphically.
However, given recent experience at work; it would be useful to give such a graphical interface to a non-techie person to use to create basic drag-and-drop programs, leaving myself free to get on with some "proper" programming ;-) If it can do the job of allowing somebody non-skilled to build something functional it can be a very good thing (even if programming logic escapes them)
There comes a point in such a system where it becomes easier to define what you want to do using literal C++ code, rather than have a user interface getting in the way; it can get frustrating to the sessioned programmer knowing the precise code that needs to be written but then only being limited to the design GUI. I'm specifically thinking about a more common application, such as html editors/designers in which they allow newbies to build their websites without knowing any html at all.
It would be interesting to see how such a system would handle the dynamic allocation of memory, and the different states of a program as time progressed; I suspect that there are some very basic programming concepts that may be difficult to represent graphically.. Polymorphism..? Virtual Classes, LinkList, Stacks/Circular Queues. I wonder for a moment how you would explain an image compression algorithm (such as jpg) successfully too without the help of a gigantic display screen.
I also wonder if such a system would even go to such a low level, and whether you would be dealing with abstracted concepts and the compiler would be working out the best way to do something.
I've been working on a new model-driven software development paradigm named ABSE (http://www.abse.info) that supports end-user programming: It's a template-based system that can be complemented with transformation code. I also have an IDE (named AtomWeaver) implementing ABSE that is in pre-alpha stage right now.
With AtomWeaver, as an expert/architect, you build your knowledge Templates, and then the developers (or end-users if you make your meta-models simpler) can just "assemble" systems by building blocks, and then filling template parameters in form-style editors.
At the end, pressing the "Generate" button will create the final system as specified by the architect/expert.
I'm surprised you think function pointers would be a particular problem. How about anything at all to do with pointers?
A programming language can be represented by a hierarchy of nodes - that's exactly what the compiler turns it into. It is very strange that the UI for editing programs is still a sequence of characters that get parsed, because the degrees of freedom in the editor is way larger than the available set of allowed choices. But intellisense helps to reduce this problem a lot.
C++ would be a strange choice to base such a system on.
I think the major problem of this kind of IDEs are that the code generated becomes unmantainable easily.
This happened to Delphi. It's a really nice tool to develop some kind of applications, however, when we start adding complex relationships between the components, start adding Design Patterns, etc. the code grows to an unmantainable size.
I believe it's also because graphical tools don't apply the concept of MVC (or if they do, it's only in the way that the IDE understands).
It can be really helpful for prototypes and very small applications that don't tend to grow, otherwise it can become a mess for the developer(s)