Delegating to the default move constructor - c++

I often find myself writing tedious move constructors for classes with many member variables. They look something like the following:
A(A && rhs) :
d(std::move(rhs.d)) {
That is, they perform all of the actions associated with the default move constructor, then peform some mundane extra task. Ideally I would delegate to the default move constructor then perform the extra work, however the act of defining my own move constructor prevents the default implementation from being defined, meaning there's nothing to delegate to.
Is there a nice way to get around this anti-pattern?

Update: ignore the first part of this answer and skip to the end which has a better solution.
Wrap the extra work in a new type and inherit from it:
class A;
struct EW
class A : private EW
friend class EW;
A(A&&) = default;
EW::EW(EW&&) { A* self = static_cast<A*>(this); self->some_extra_work(); }
You could also do it with a data member instead of a base class, but you'd need some hackery using offsetof (which is undefined for non-standard-layout types) or a hand-rolled equivalent using sneaky pointer arithmetic. Using inheritance allows you to use static_cast for the conversion.
This won't work if some_extra_work() has to be done after the members are initialized because base classes are initialized first.
Alternatively if the extra work is actually operating on the rvalue object that you're moving from, then you should wrap the members in types that do that work automatically when moved from, e.g. my tidy_ptr type, which I use to implement the Rule of Zero
class A
tidy_ptr<D> d;
A() = default;
A(const A&) = default;
A(A&& r) = default; // Postcondition: r.d == nullptr


std::make_unique invoking private constructor from friend class [duplicate]

I mostly work on system-level C++ projects that don't allow exceptions to be thrown, but RAII is (rightfully) strongly encouraged. Right now, we handle the lack of failing constructors using infamous tricks many C++ programmers are familiar with, like:
Trivial constructor followed by a call to bool init(Args...) to do the hard stuff
Real constructor followed by checking bool is_valid() const
Heap-allocating with static unique_ptr<MyType> create(Args...)
Of course, these all have drawbacks (heap allocation, invalid and "moved" states, etc).
My company is finally updating compilers and will allow glorious C++17 to be used. Since C++17 features std::optional<T> and, most importantly, mandatory copy elision, I was hoping I could greatly simplify all our classes into something that would look like this:
class MyType {
static std::optional<MyType> create() {
// If any of the hard stuff fails, return std::nullopt
return std::optional<MyType>(std::in_place, 5, 'c');
~MyType() {
// Cleanup mArg0 and mArg1, which are always valid if the object exists
// ... class functionality ...
// Disable default constructor, move, and copy.
// None of these are needed because mandatory copy elision
// allows the static function above to return rvalue without
// copy or move operations
MyType() = delete;
MyType(const MyType&) = delete;
MyType(MyType&&) = delete;
MyType& operator=(const MyType&) = delete;
MyType& operator=(MyType&&) = delete;
MyType(ArgT0 arg0, ArgT1 arg1) : mArg0(arg0), mArg1(arg1) {}
ArgT0 mArg0;
ArgT1 mArg1;
Notice how nice this is: Static function ensures all the hard stuff is done before the object is ever created, lack of default ctor/move means object never exists in an invalid or moved state, private constructor ensures user can't accidentally skip the named ctor.
Unfortunately, because the ctor is private, the std::is_constructable_t<MyType> check fails and therefore the in_place constructor of optional is SFINAE'd out.
This code works if I do one of 2 things, neither of which I want to:
Make the ctor public (But now users of the class can accidentally circumvent the named ctor)
Allow the move operations (But now I have to deal with invalidated objects)
I have also tried this, but it doesn't work because std::optional required a move operator for this to work:
static std::optional<MyType> create() {
// If any of the hard stuff fails, return std::nullopt
return std::optional<MyType>(MyType(5, 'c'));
Is there some trick or incantation I may be missing to get this to work, or have I hit the limits of what C++17 will allow?
If you want to make any indirect object construction work (emplace in its various forms, in_place constructors of optional, make_shared, etc) , the constructor in question must be public. You can make a constructor public without allowing all public use by using something called a private key.
Basically, you create a type (call it Key) whose default constructor is private. The class has no members, nor does it do anything. It declares that MyType is a friend of Key; this means that only members of MyType can construct one.
Now, make all of MyType's constructors public, but they all take a Key const& as the first parameter. This means that in theory anyone could call them, but in practice only someone who has a Key instance can actually call them. Members of MyType can create such an instance, and they can pass those instances to optional's in_place constructor or any other indirect mechanism. This effectively gives the indirect construction mechanism private access to the constructor.
This is a standard idiom for dealing with forwarding of private access to a type. Indeed, one could hypothetically write a generic key<T> type like this:
template<typename T>
class key
key() = default;
key(int) {} //Not an aggregate
friend T;
One small note. Because of an annoyance of C++11 pre-C++20, any type with no members and no constructors other than defaulted/deleted copy/move/default constructors is considered an aggregate. This is true even if you explicitly = default its default constructor. As such, that type can undergo aggregate initialization, which has no public/private distinction. That is, anybody could call your private-key constructors by doing this: MyType({}, <params>);.
To avoid this, you will need to give Key an additional (private) constructor or otherwise prevent it from being an aggregate.

Must a c++ interface obey the rule of five?

What is the correct way to declare instantiation methods when defining an interface class?
Abstract base classes are required to have a virtual destructor for obvious reasons. However, the following compilation warning is then given: "'InterfaceClass' defines a non-default destructor but does not define a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, a move constructor or a move
assignment operator", which is the 'rule of five'.
I understand why the 'rule of five' should be obeyed in general, but is it still applicable for an abstract base class or interface?
My implimentation is then:
class InterfaceClass
// -- Constructors --
InterfaceClass() = default;
InterfaceClass(const InterfaceClass&) = default;
InterfaceClass(InterfaceClass&&) = default;
// -- Destructors --
virtual ~InterfaceClass() = 0;
// == OPERATORS ==
// -- Assignment --
InterfaceClass& operator=(const InterfaceClass&) = default;
InterfaceClass& operator=(InterfaceClass&&) = default;
// == METHODS ==
// Some pure interface methods here...
// -- Destructors --
Is this correct? Should these methods be = delete instead? Is there some way of declaring the destructor to be virtual pure whilst also somehow remaining default?
Even if I declare the destructor as: virtual ~InterfaceClass() = default;, if I do not explicitly default the other four then I will get the same compiler warning.
Tl;dr: What is the correct way to satisfy the 'rule of five' for an interface class as the user must define a virtual destructor.
Thanks for your time and help!
Is this correct? Should these methods be = delete instead?
Your code seems correct. The need of defining special copy/move member functions as default and protected comes clear when you try to copy a derived class polymorphycally. Consider this additional code:
#include <iostream>
class ImplementationClass : public InterfaceClass
int data;
ImplementationClass(int p_data)
void print()
int main()
ImplementationClass A{1};
ImplementationClass B{2};
InterfaceClass *A_p = &A;
InterfaceClass *B_p = &B;
// polymorphic copy
// regular copy
return 0;
And consider 4 options for defining special copy/move member functions in your InterfaceClass.
copy/move member functions = delete
With special copy/move member functions deleted in your InterfaceClass, you would prevent polymorphic copy:
*B_p = *A_p; // would not compile, copy is deleted in InterfaceClass
This is good, because polymorphic copy would not be able to copy the data member in the derived class.
On the other hand, you would also prevent normal copy, as the compiler won't be able to implicitly generate a copy assignment operator without the base class copy assignment operator:
B = A; // would not compile either, copy assignment is deleted in ImplementationClass
copy/move special member functions public
With copy/move special member functions as default and public, (or without defining copy/move member functions), normal copy would work:
B = A; //will compile and work correctly
but polymorphic copy would be enabled and lead to slicing:
*B_p = *A_p; // will compile but will not copy the extra data members in the derived class.
copy/move special member functions not defined
If move&copy special member functions are not defined, behavior with respect to copy is similar to 2: the compiler will implicitly generate deprecated copy special members (leading to polymorphic slicing). However in this case the compiler will not implicitly generate move special members, so copy will be used where a move would be possible.
protected copy/move member functions (your proposal)
With special copy/move member functions as default and protected, as in your example, you will prevent polymorphic copy which would otherwise had lead to slicing:
*B_p = *A_p; // will not compile, copy is protected in InterfaceClass
However, the compiler will explicitly generate a default copy assignment operator for InterfaceClass, and ImplementationClass will be able to implicitly generate its copy assignment operator:
B = A; //will compile and work correctly
So your approach seems the best and safest alternative
For destructor, if you want to make it both pure virtual and default, you can default it in implementation:
class InterfaceClass
// -- Destructors --
virtual ~InterfaceClass() = 0;
InterfaceClass::~InterfaceClass() = default;
It does not make much difference if the destructor is default or empty, though.
Now for the rest of your question.
Typically you should have copy constructor and assignment operator defaulted. This way, they don't prevent making default assignment operators and copy constructor in derived classes. Default implementation is correct, as there's no invariant to copy.
So if you want to implement easily Clone method, deleting copy constructor would harm:
class InterfaceClass
virtual InterfaceClass* Clone() = 0;
virtual ~InterfaceClass() = 0;
class ImplementationClass : public InterfaceClass
// This will not work if base copy constructor is deleted
ImplementationClass(const ImplementationClass&) = default;
// Writing copy constructor manually may be cumbersome and hard to maintain,
// if class has a lot of members
virtual ImplementationClass* Clone() override
return new ImplementationClass(*this); // Calls copy constructor
Note also that default implementation of copy/move constructor would not be accidentally used against intention - as instances of abstract base class cannot be created. So you will always be copying derived classes, and they should define, if copying is legal or not.
However, for some classes making copies totally would not make sense, in this case it may be wise to prohibit copying/assigning in the very base class.
Tl;dr: it depend, but most likely you'd better leave them as default.
In general, if any of the big 3 special functions has none-[trivial/default] definition, the other 2 should be defined. If the 2 special move functions have none-[trivial-default] definition, then you need take care of all 5.
In the case of an interface with a nop defined dtor, you don't need bother defining the rest - unless for other reasons.
Even none-trivial definitions do not nessecitate a redefinition of other functions; only when some sort of resource management(e.g. memory, file, io, sync...) is involved, one need define the big 3(5).

Why default move ctor and assignment are no more added by compiler when a destructor is defined?

I cannot understand the rationale behind the automatic addition of default ctors. In particular I find very awkward that every single time I just need to add an empty virtual destructor and nothing more, I loose the move stuffs, but adding them I loose the copy and default things, so I end up adding all this chunk of code:
virtual ~SomeClass(){} // you are the guilty!
//virtual ~SomeClass() = default // would be the same
SomeClass(SomeClass&&) = default; // no more auto-added
SomeClass& operator=(SomeClass&&) = default; // no more auto-added
SomeClass(const SomeClass&) = default; // but with the moves defined,
SomeClass& operator=(const SomeClass&) = default; // I'm now missing the copy
SomeClass(){} // and the default as well
I'm sure there is a reason for making my classes ugly and letting me desire an evil macro, I just would like to know it to feel more comfortable.
Take a look at this. It explains something called the rule of five, which is essentially what standard requires.
Generally, for most cases, compiler creates defaults for copy constructor, copy assignment, move assignment, and destructor. But, if a programmer defines any of these, then the compiler assumes the user has encapsulated something in this class that requires his/her special, let's say. destructor. Now that the programmer knows that he/she is going to need a destructor, the compiler will know that the programmer know what's going on and just not create the defaults for the rest (because, based on the assumption that the compiler makes, the default ones are going to be wrong, and can even result in undesired behavior).
The problem is that your class is trying to do two separate things: providing a polymorphic interface (hence the need for the virtual destructor) and managing concrete data members (hence the need for the copy/move operations). It's generally a good idea to give each class a single responsibility.
I'd move the virtual destructor, and any virtual function declarations, to an empty, abstract base class. Then any concrete class(es) deriving from that will be free to autogenerate all the needful things.
#include <iostream>
struct Movable {
Movable() {}
Movable(Movable&&m) {std::cout << "Moving\n";}
struct SomeInterface {
virtual ~SomeInterface() {}
// no data members, so no need for any other special member functions
struct SomeClass : SomeInterface {
Movable stuff;
// no user-declared special functions, so all are auto-generated
int main() {
SomeClass c;
SomeClass c2(std::move(c)); // uses the auto-generated move constructor

Auto-cloning unique_ptr

std::unique_ptr has a deleted copy constructor, which means that if you have a unique_ptr in your class Foo as a data member then you must write your own copy constructor for Foo and manually deep-copy that member (even if the compiler-generated copy constructor would be fine for all other members).
In order to be able to copy in a polymorphic way, the clone() method pattern can be used. Let's assume our objects have a clone method like this:
class Base {
virtual std::unique_ptr<Base> clone() = 0;
Foo looks like this now:
class Foo {
Foo(Foo const& other)
: b(other.b->clone())
, // init 10 more members that could otherwise be auto-copied just fine
// with the automatically generated copy constructor
std::unique_ptr<Base> b;
//10 more data members
Now, I found a way to auto-clone Foo::b, by writing a wrapper over unique_ptr that defines the copy constructor and assignment by calling clone.
template <typename T>
class auto_cloned_unique_ptr
std::unique_ptr<T> up;
// copy constructor
auto_cloned_unique_ptr(auto_cloned_unique_ptr<T> const& other)
: up(other.up->clone()) {}
// copy assignment
auto_cloned_unique_ptr<T>& operator =(auto_cloned_unique_ptr<T> const& other)
this->up = other.up->clone();
return *this;
auto_cloned_unique_ptr(std::unique_ptr<T> _up)
: up(std::move(_up)) {}
// Delegate everything else to unique_ptr
auto_cloned_unique_ptr(auto_cloned_unique_ptr<T>&& other)
: up(std::move(other.up)) {}
auto_cloned_unique_ptr<T>& operator =(auto_cloned_unique_ptr<T>&& other)
this->up = std::move(other.up);
return *this;
auto operator *() const {return *up;}
auto operator->() const {return up.operator->();}
auto get() -> const {return up.get();}
Now if we use this we don't need to define our own copy constructor:
class Foo2 {
auto_cloned_unique_ptr<Base> b;
//10 more data members
Is such an approach very much frowned upon (for using a non-standard wrapper over unique_ptr)?
Let me first paraphrase what you want to do: You want that each instance of Foo has its own instance of Base in b; in particular, if you copy a Foo, the copy will have its own new Base, initially with the same "value". In other words, Base should behave like a value.
At the same time, you can't store Base directly in Foo because it is an abstract class. In other words, you want b to be polymorphic.
There you have it: you want a polymorphic value. Other people have recognized this need and proposed for C++20 as polymorphic_value<Base>. From the documentation:
The class template, polymorphic_value, confers value-like semantics on
a free-store allocated object. A polymorphic_value may hold an
object of a class publicly derived from T, and copying the
polymorphic_value will copy the object of the derived type.
It has a reference implementation that you can use as of now. Very simply put, it is an wrapper around std::unique_ptr similar to what you propose.
The problem with your approach is that it is changing the meaning of a unique_ptr. The key thing about a unique_ptr is that it tells who is the owner of an object. If you add a copy constructor for unique_ptr, what does that mean? Are you copying the ownership? A and B both uniquely own the thing? That does not make sense. If they share ownership, then you should be using the shared_ptr to indicate the shared ownership. If you want to have a unique owner of a copy of the object, you would naturally indicate that by make_unique(*pFoo). With base and derived objects, having the base object have a
virtual unique_ptr<Foo> Clone() const=0;
is a perfectly normal construct. That is, the derived classes know how to copy themselves so they don't produce a sliced copy, but they return a unique_ptr to the base class to indicate that you will own the copy they have produced. Within these clone operations, yes, you will need to explicitly handle non-copyable members of the derived classes, so you won't be able to just use a default or generated copy constructor. You need to answer "what does it mean to copy something that contains this thing that can't be copied?"
As a concrete example, what would it mean to copy a derived class that had a mutex? What if it were locked and another thread were waiting on it? See why it's hard to give a general answer?
This approach is fine, but you should be very carefull not to clone your objects when you did not intentd to.
Also inherriting from unique_ptr might improve performance

What are defaulted methods and how do I use them properly? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
What’s the point in defaulting functions in C++11?
C++11 introduced defaulted methods (e.g. void myMethod() = default;).
What does it do to methods (how do methods behave after being defaulted). How do I use them properly (what are its uses)?
There are a number of class members that are considered "special member functions" by the C++ standard. These are:
The default constructor (a constructor that can be called with no parameters).
The copy constructor (a constructor that can be called with one parameter that is the object type as an lvalue reference).
The copy assignment operator (an operator= overload that can be called with one parameter that is the object type as either an lvalue reference or a value).
The move constructor (a constructor that can be called with one parameter that is the object type as an rvalue reference).
The move assignment operator (an operator= overload that can be called with one parameter that is the object type as either an rvalue reference or a value).
The destructor.
These member functions are special in that the language does special things with them on types. Another thing that makes them special is that the compiler can provide definitions for them if you do not. These are the only functions that you can use the = default; syntax on.
The issue is that the compiler will only provide a definition under certain conditions. That is, there are conditions under which a definition will not be provided.
I won't go over the entire list, but one example is what others have mentioned. If you provide a constructor for a type that is not a special constructor (ie: not one of the constructors mentioned above), a default constructor will not be automatically generated. Therefore, this type:
struct NoDefault
NoDefault(float f);
NoDefault cannot be default constructed. Therefore, it cannot be used in any context where default construction is needed. You can't do NoDefault() to create a temporary. You can't create arrays of NoDefault (since those are default constructed). You cannot create a std::vector<NoDefault> and call the sizing constructor without providing a value to copy from, or any other operation that requires that the type be DefaultConstructible.
However, you could do this:
struct UserDefault
UserDefault() {}
UserDefault(float f);
That would fix everything, right?
That is not the same thing as this:
struct StdDefault
StdDefault() = default;
StdDefault(float f);
Why? Because StdDefault is a trivial type. What does that mean? I won't explain the whole thing, but go here for the details. Making types trivial is often a useful feature to have, when you can do it.
One of the requirements of a trivial type is that it does not have a user-provided default constructor. UserDefault has a provided one, even though it does the exact same thing as the compiler-generated one would. Therefore, UserDefault is not trivial. StdDefault is a trivial type because = default syntax means that the compiler will generate it. So it's not user-provided.
The = default syntax tells the compiler, "generate this function anyway, even if you normally wouldn't." This is important to ensure that a class is a trivial type, since you cannot actually implement special members the way the compiler can. It allows you to force the compiler to generate the function even when it wouldn't.
This is very useful in many circumstances. For example:
class UniqueThing
UniqueThing() : m_ptr(new SomeType()) {}
UniqueThing(const UniqueThing &ptr) : m_ptr(new SomeType(*ptr)) {}
UniqueThing &operator =(const UniqueThing &ptr)
m_ptr.reset(new SomeType(*ptr)); return *this;
std::unique_ptr<SomeType> m_ptr;
We must write every one of these functions to make the class copy the contents of the unique_ptr; there's no way to avoid that. But we also want this to be moveable, and the move constructor/assignment operators won't automatically be generated for us. It'd silly to re-implement them (and error-prone if we add more members), so we can use the = default syntax:
class UniqueThing
UniqueThing() : m_ptr(new SomeType()) {}
UniqueThing(const UniqueThing &ptr) : m_ptr(new SomeType(*ptr)) {}
UniqueThing(UniqueThing &&ptr) = default;
UniqueThing &operator =(const UniqueThing &ptr)
m_ptr.reset(new SomeType(*ptr)); return *this;
UniqueThing &operator =(UniqueThing &&ptr) = default;
std::unique_ptr<SomeType> m_ptr;
Actually, default can only apply to special methods - i.e. constructors, destructors, assignment operator:
8.4.2 Explicitly-defaulted functions [dcl.fct.def.default]
1 A function definition of the form:
attribute-specifier-seqopt decl-specifier-seqopt declarator = default ;
is called an explicitly-defaulted definition. A function that is explicitly defaulted shall
— be a special member function,
— have the same declared function type (except for possibly differing ref-qualifiers and except that in
the case of a copy constructor or copy assignment operator, the parameter type may be “reference to
non-const T”, where T is the name of the member function’s class) as if it had been implicitly declared,
— not have default arguments.
They behave the same as if the compiler generated them and are useful for cases like:
class Foo{
Foo(int) {}
here, the default constructor doesn't exist, so Foo f; wouldn't be valid. However, you can tell the compiler that you want a default constructor without the need to implement it yourself:
class Foo{
Foo() = default;
Foo(int) {}
EDIT: Pointed out by #Nicol Bolas in the comments, this truly doesn't explain why you'd prefer this over Foo() {}. What I'm guessing is: if you have a class w/ implementations separated in an implementation file, your class definition (if you don't use =default) would look like:
class Foo{
What I'm assuming is that the =default is meant to provide an idiomatic way of telling you "we're not doing anything special in the constructor". With the above class definition, the default constructor could very well not value-initialize the class members. With the =default you have that guarantee just by looking at the header.
Using = default on a constructor or copy-constructor means that the compiler will generate that function for you during compile-time. This happens normally when you exclude the respective functions from your class/struct. And in the case where you define your own constructor, this new syntax allows you to explicitly tell the compiler to default-construct the constructor where it normally won't. Take for instance:
struct S {
int main() {
S s1; // 1
S s2(s1); // 2
The compiler will generate both a copy-constructor and a default-constructor, thus allowing us to instantiate an S object like we did (1) and copy s2 into s1 (2). But if we define our own constructor, we find that we are unable to instantiate in the same way:
struct S {
int main() {
S s; // illegal
S s(5); // legal
This fails because S has been given a custom-defined constructor, and the compiler won't generate the default one. But if we still want the compiler to give us one, we can explicitly convey this using default:
struct S {
S() = default;
S(const S &) = default;
int main() {
S s; // legal
S s(5); // legal
S s2(s); // legal
Note, however, that only certain functions with certain function-signatures can be overloaded. It follows that this will fail because it is neither a copy-constructor nor a default-constructor or a move or assignment operator:
struct S {
S(int) = default; // error
We are also able to explicitly define the assignment operator (just like the default/copy-constructor, a default one is generated for us when we do not write out our own). So take for example:
struct S {
int operator=(int) {
// do our own stuff
int main() {
S s;
s = 4;
This compiles, but it won't work for us in the general case where we want to assign another S object into s. This is because since we wrote our own, the compiler doesn't provide one for us. This is where default comes into play:
struct S {
int operator=(int) {
// do our own stuff
S & operator=(const S &) = default;
int main() {
S s1, s2;
s1 = s2; // legal
But technically it's superfluous to define the assignment operator, copy, or move constructor as default when there is no other function "overriding" it as the compiler will provide one for you in that case anyway. The only case in which it won't provide you one is where you define your own one (or variation thereof). But as a matter of preference, asking the compiler to provide a default function using the new aforementioned syntax is more explicit and easier to see and understand if intentionally left out for the compiler.