I'm sure this must be a simple one, but no amount of tweaking seems to work (I'm hoping I haven't misunderstood the fundamentals here!).
I have defined a function in a CFC as follows:
public void function createWidget(
required any event
, required String widgetType
, String elementId=""
, integer refreshRate="0"
, required integer rowNumber
, required integer colNumber
, required integer width
, required integer height
, String title=""
, String bgColour="orange" ){
As you can see, there are some required arguments, and some that are not required that I have provided a default value for (e.g. integer refreshRate="0" ).
Now I am calling this function using named arguments, trying to take advantage of the optional arguments, e.g:
createWidget( event:event
, widgetType:'blank'
, rowNumber:1
, colNumber:1
, width:2
, height:1
, title:'Empty Widget' )
So I have not provided any value for refreshRate in this case, but I get the error:
The REFRESHRATE argument passed to the createWidget function is not of type integer.
I have also tried updating the default value for refreshRate to remove the quotation marks (integer refreshRate=0) but still the exact same problem.
Can anyone spot what I am doing wrong?
I have also tried actually passing in the variable refreshRate (adding refreshRate:0 to the function call) and I still get the same error!
Ok, apparently switching the arguments to type "numeric" fixes this - not sure why Integer isn't accepted? It's a legit CF type right?
I read this
But when i'm passing string value in the variable at that time i'm getting error
Code :
Evaluating expression 'type(Robot).__name__' failed: NameError: name 'Robot' is not defined
String value converting as a variable
Please help me.
You should remove brackets {} around value and leave only $value.
Update to comment:
Robotframework treats everything as string unless you explicitly convert it to other datatype.
${value_str} Set Variable 4
${value_number} Convert To Number ${value_str}
${type1} Evaluate type($value_str).__name__
${type2} Evaluate type($value_number).__name__
Log ${type1}
Log ${type2}
So this is my first question on the forum and I hope I am doing it correct.
General question: How can I ensure that python does not return any errors when writing a script that allows the user to input values of different datatypes depending on the context or parameter they want to change?
More specific: I am new to python and want to write a script that allows users of The Foundry's Nuke to change values on multiple nodes of the same class at once. Depending on whether the desired parameter to change is a checkbox('bool'), and RGBA input ('4 floats')... the input has to be of a different type. Searching the forum I found that the type can be checked by type() function and compared in an if statement with the isinstance() function. I guess I could work with that, but the type of e.g. a Gradenode's multiply knob returns type 'AColor_Knob'. I expected something like float. And comparing it in an isinstance() does not give me a match regardless of the datatype I am comparing to.
Mainscript so far:
userInput = nuke.getInput('Which type of nodes would you like to select? (!!!first char has to be capitalized!!!)',
matchingNodes = []
for each in nuke.allNodes():
if each.Class() == userInput:
for i in matchingNodes:
matchingNodes)) + ' matching Nodes have been found and are now selected! (if 0 there either is no node of this type or misspelling caused an error!)')
userInput_2 = nuke.getInput('Which parameter of these nodes would you like to change? \n' +
'(!!!correct spelling can be found out by hovering over parameter in Properties Pane!!!)',
userInput_3 = nuke.getInput('To what do you want to change the specified parameter? \n' +
'(allowed input depends on parameter type (e.g. string, int, boolean(True/False)))', 'True')
for item in matchingNodes:
How I checked the datatypes so far:
selected = nuke.selectedNode()
knobsel = selected.knob('multiply')
#if type(knobsel) == bool:
if isinstance(knobsel, (str,bool,int,float,list)):
print('no match')
You can call a TCL command with nuke.tcl(). In TCL, everything is a string, so type is irrelevant (in some commands).
p = nuke.Panel('Property Changer')
p.addSingleLineInput('class', '')
p.addSingleLineInput('knob', '')
p.addSingleLineInput('value', '')
node_class = p.value('class')
knob_name = p.value('knob')
knob_value = p.value('value')
for node in nuke.allNodes(node_class):
tcl_exp = 'knob root.{0}.{1} "{2}"'.format(node.fullName(),knob_name,knob_value)
print tcl_exp
That should answer your question. There are many ways to approach what you're trying to do - if you want to keep it all in python, you can do type checking on the value of the knob. For example:
b = nuke.nodes.Blur()
print type(b.knob('size').value()).__name__
This creates a Blur node and prints the string value of the type. Although I don't recommend this route, you can use that to convert the value:
example = '1.5'
print type(example)
exec('new = {}(example)'.format('float'))
print type(new)
An alternative route to go down might be building yourself a custom lookup table for knob types and expected values.
TCL Nuke Commands:
If you press X in the nuke Node Graph or go to File > Comp Script Command, you can select TCL and run:
knob root.node_name.knob_name knob_value
knob root.Grade1.white "0 3.5 2.1 1"
This will set values for the named knob.
I'm doing an introductory iOS developer's course, and am doing a cat-years calculator as an exercise. The following code returns the error:
Int(AgeInCatYears.text!) = CatsROld!
Error - Cannot assign to value: function call returns immutable value
In case it's important, the var CatsROld was set equal to Int(humanYears.text!)! * 7 one line earlier.
Any advice?
If you are setting value to the Label or textField then you need to simply set value (as String) to its property text, but you are try to convert the value to Int and then you assigning value of CatsROld to it, that is the reason you are getting this error. So simply write like AgeInCatYears.text = "\(CatsROld!)"
AgeInCatYears.text = "\(CatsROld!)"
Note: You are force wrapping CatsROld value with !, if you are 100% sure that it will not nil then its ok other wise you need to use if let or guard for optional wrapping.
I face a problem below.When I run another function related to this 'if',type error is "int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'Vec2D' ",then I cut off the int(),and the type error changes to "slice indices must be integers or None or have an index method ",wtf,waiting for someone's brilliant help.
def singleOrder(argument):
global position
global direction
if argument==']':
Removing the last element of a list is easy:
del L[-1]
I need to access to items stored in a parameter that represents selected elements in a multiselect. I pass selected items from gsp to controller with the following code into the remoteFunction:
params: '\'receiptItemsSelected=\' + jQuery(this).val()'
Now, following the code found in discussion here, I use the closure to get each value, but if I perform a multiselect, the size of receiptItemsSelected is always 1, but value is, for example, 1,2. To get values as a list I've done the following in the controller
but it does not give me two elements if I select two items in the multiselect, but always one element.
The question is: if I select two elements, how can I get each element and use it in the controller? And how can I have that elemnts as Long and not as String?
If you're parameters are being passed with string representation of a list, e.g.:
You have to split the value using normal Groovy string manipulation and perform the type conversion yourself:
def receiptsAsLongs = params.receiptItemsSelected.split(',')*.toLong()
If your parameters are passed with the convention of repeated parameters makes a list, e.g.:
Then grails can convert this to a list for you using params.list(), but you must do the final String to Long conversion:
def receiptsAsLongs = params.list('receiptItemsSelected')*.toLong()
params.list() is intended for multi-valued parameters, i.e. it will work if you have
You may have more luck using serialize() rather than val() to build the request body.