Irrlicht C++ - Creating a proper project with Code::Blocks & MinGW? - c++

I'm currently learning the Irrlicht library but am having quite a bit of trouble. I use the examples that come with the Irrlicht ZIP archive (which is NOT the examples that come with C::B). Exactly how would I go about solving this "Entry Point not Found" error at runtime? It says something like "gxx_personality_v0" not found or something. What? I don't even know where this is coming from? Does Irrlicht mix good with MinGW?

It seems you are building with gcc instead of g++. The g++ command links with the C++ library, while gcc does not, leading to errors such as yours.


Xcode (Version 9.2 (9C40b)): C++ Semantic and linker issues when trying to include boost

I am currently working on a masters project and I am desperately trying to compile some C++ code on my mac (macOS High Sierra 10.13.3 using Xcode) so I can develop the program at home. The Program is a set of files used for performing integrals on a bunch of different data... it uses headers from the boost library and also alglib. This all works fine on Windows machines running visual studios.
The issue I have is that when I include boost (which was installed via homebrew to usr/local/) into the search paths in the project build settings I get all sorts of semantic and linker issues.
I have searched this for a while and tried to implement a few potential fixes. I have tried:
Compiling with different C++ dialects and and standard libraries (libc++ and libstdc++).
Uninstalling/reinstalling boost.
Removing suggested header files and libraries from 'usr/local' suggested by brew doctor.
and implementing all sorts of other random permutations of settings that I felt could be issued.
The number of errors and warnings may change using different build settings however semantic issues persist and I am running out of ideas for how to proceed. It is really important I get this working and any insight would be appreciated.
From my reading about and attempting to troubleshoot I get the idea that it is some kind of linking issue between the boost library and the standard c++ libraries, but I have little experience with semantic issues as in the past I have been lucky enough that things just worked! Perhaps my MacBook may just have too much going on and needs some housecleaning to stop confusing the compiler, but regardless if anyone can help me fix this issue I would be eternally grateful!
I understand I haven't provided much detail here but if any information would be useful I'm happy to send screenshots.
link to errors image
In C++03 ifstream did not have a constructor that accepts std::string.
Such a constructor was added in C++11. The same holds for std::stod: it exists since C++11.
So you have to compile with -std=c++11 option.

XCode 6.1 - Missing Project templates (C++ Library and C++ STL Library)

All of sudden yesterday C++ library and STL C++ library templates disappeared from my XCode 6.1 installation. Here is how it is supposed to look like:
And here is how it looks like now:
I uninstalled XCode completely and re-installed it but still those templates were missing. Is anyone else experiencing the same problem? How to fix it?
Never mind! The user interface to select project templates has changed a little bit in XCode 6.1 . Here is how to create a C++ library project:
To create a C++ library, select Library template (Even thought the description says: 'This template builds library that links against the Cocoa framework'. It can be a little confusing but you can change it to make it a C++ library in next step).
Click Next, and then you can choose the Framework Type to be Plain C++ Library, Cocoa, or STL (C++ Library). You can also specify Type to be Static or Dynamic.
I feel like an idiot now. I wasted at least couple of hours reinstalling XCode and trying some other things. I hope it saves someone else's time.

Linking errors with MinGW and FLTK

I know very little about C++, I'm used to Java where compiling is so simple! Anyways, I'm trying to use Eclipse Kepler to write a program that implements the FLTK graphics library. I think my compiler is MinGW. Here is what it prints out when I build the program:
Here is the code (it is the example code from FLTK's documentation):
I really appreciate any help with this. It's been very frustrating for me and my friend. Like I said, C++ is pretty overwhelming for me as far as the steps it takes just to run your code.
Again, thanks!
Linker reports missing symbols. Looks like it can't find COMCTRL32 and UUID libraries.

Struggling to release my c++ project as a single executable from Eclipse IDE

I am working on a project in c++ and i am planning to make work with a single click not to make the users to install all the libraries . I have already asked this question but i got the answer to use the --static flag in GCC i am not sure i am using eclipse IDE and how to make it work any advice would be appreciative
Well, I would use an external make file and compile your application with the static gcc flag. The problem when compiling your libraries as static is that you end up with a big executable file. This is acceptable for small applications that don't use too many libraries.
I'm using CMake and I think the learning curve is quite fast, comparing to using make tools directly.

Tool Chain for WxWidgets explained

Where can I find an writeup that shows me how to set up a tool chain for WxWidgets (C++) on linux/ubunto and/or OS X.
I downloaded, compiled & installed WxWidgets both on linux and OS X, compiled and tried the samples, but seem to be stuck setting up a compile environment in my own home directory.
DialogBlocks from looked promising, but it insists on recompiling WxWidgets again and again .. must be something about it I don't understand.
Writing code from scratch seems to fail due to a lack of paths to libraries, tools or whatnot .. again a lack og understanding on my part, I am sure.
So, can anyone point me to a tool chain setup, that has more than the bare minimum of instructions and fills in some of the "why" instead of only the minimal "what".
Like all C/C++ programs, the compiler has to know in what directories to look for include files, and the linker has to know what libraries it should link to.
The WxWidgets package, if installed correctly, includes the program wx-config. This can be used while compiling and linking, like so:
g++ $(wx-config --cxxflags) -c my_prog.cpp
g++ my_prog.o $(wx-config --libs) -o my_prog
I've found these two pages to be of help when setting up wxWidgets for Eclipse and MinGW.