Rubymotion, ProMotion ... How to create a list in a view - rubymotion

Where are methods like numberOfLines:, text:, etc defined? Are they part of RubyMotion?
Is there a method for creating a list? How can I create a list in ruby motion...more specifically ProMotion?

Most of those are Objective-C methods. You can see the API reference here:
For ProMotion, look at the README, specifically the Table Screens portion:
There are also a few screencasts which will help you a lot:
If you're having a problem, feel free to file a GitHub issue on ProMotion and someone will help you fairly quickly. We try to be very helpful to newbies, since we're not that far removed from being newbies ourselves. :)


Commenting / Forum type software for ColdFusion

We operate a ColdFusion site with a custom CSS acting as a directory of various companies. Depending on the type of company, we have a set of subpages containing specific information pulled from the CMS about the company, such as "location/directions". We're looking to add functionality enabling users to add comments to the existing content. I'm looking for suggestions on open source or other available ColdFusion software out there that could work for this. While we could write something custom, commenting tools have been done a thousand times and probably better than we can do it.
While what we're looking for sounds like a blog or forum, its more of a hybrid. We'd like to be able to add functionality enabling commenting on the content we post in the context we post it in. Seems like there must be something out there that can be easily modified and integrated with our CMS.
Does anyone know of anything out there we should look into?
I'm going to vote to close this too, as per the others, but here's an answer anyway.
If you just want to add commenting to existing content, perhaps use Disqus. It's not locally installable (and is not CFML-based; it's all JS), but it does handle most things one would need if just wanting to add comments to a site.
If you want a native, self-managed solution, unfortunately StackOverflow have deemed that sort of question "unworthy", so you'll need to ask elsewhere. Despite being an entirely reasonable question, for which the answers would be helpful to other people later on (which is - in theory - the raison d'etre of Stack Overflow. Although that's hard to tell, sometimes).

Reference on Tutorial on CMFCToolbar customization?

I have looked through all possible MSDN articles, and have browsed a lot of web content in order to find tutorial on usage of the class CMFCToolbar.
There is very little information, and it almost is about basic features of the class.
I am looking for the following info:
General question:
How to implement a toolbar with custom images (bitmaps that are loaded from a file) that is based on the CMFCToolbar.
What methods I need to overload, what other classes I need to use
(do I need CMFCToolBarButton, CMFCToolBarImages).
Could you please give me references on tutorials, or provide information based on your experience.
Thank you in advance!
The Feature Pack controls (CMFCToolbar) are part of the BCG toolkit. You oshould be able to find information and samples at their web site.

Redmine Documentor

Have anyone used Redmine Documentor which lets you convert PHP to HTML to Redmine wiki format? If so do anyone have some recommendations or alternatives? I seems pretty cool to me.
Actual Documentor Link:
Seems like a cool idea, but I just tried it and found that it mixed comments up and made a mess of things. For example, I tried the sample code here:
It is good to some extent. But it messes up some things and also ignore some annotations like #returns, #link.

Mediator C++ GUI sample

I have heard that somewhere # web I'll be able to find good C++ example of Mediator working with GUI components. But I menaged to find only that GoF sample or things from sorcemaking and similar that aren't helpful to me.
So... do you know where that mentioned GUI sample can be found?
Sorry for that kind of question, but that can be useful for others too.
How about this one: It appears the author is applying the pattern specifically to the 'view' part of the GUI functionality (as opposed to the data modeling behind it).
Not sure if that's what you were looking for...

How do customize django-registration (pass parameters, use other built-in forms)

I a new to django and python. I have however managed to build a small part of my application and I am in the point where I want to add a user registration feature.
I have downloaded and installed django-administration and so far I have been impressed with the basic and default configuration. BUT upon trying to customize some of it's behaviour I am stuck for 3 hours now.
How do I go about changing the success_url?
How do I go about using RegistrationFormTermsOfService()?
The docs make it sound so easy but for a newbie like I am stuck and frustrated. It is too vague and assumes too much from newcomers.
Can anyone show me a very quick example on how to do this? What files to edit, etc.
Any reply would be greatly appreciated as I have been trying to figure this out for the last few hours.
From django-registration FAQ
How do I pass custom arguments to the views?
Part 3 of the official Django tutorial, when it introduces generic views, covers the necessary mechanism: simply provide a dictionary of keyword arguments in your URLconf.