Adding calculated column to query result in Korma - clojure

How do I do the equivalent of
SELECT *, id=1 AS calc_column FROM table
in Korma? (Obviously, id=1 is just a simple example).

Korma has sqlfn which can be used in fields as show here. If even that doesn't fit your need then you always have the raw function to feed in raw sql in main query.


Is there a way to assert a "not" condition using tSQLt?

I am new to using tSQLt and struggling a bit with the available assert functions. The tSQLt.AssertEmptyTable method is great, but how do you apply a "not" condition to this, i.e. I want to assert that a table contains data?
That depends on what you actually want to test. Do you want to validate the content of the rows and columns in that table or just that it has one or more rows?
If the former, then tSQLt.AssertEqualsTable will allow you to compare the contents of one table (e.g. a #expected table populated with the values you are expecting) with the table under test EXEC tSQLt.tSQLt.AssertEqualsTable '#expected', 'my_table';. One useful feature of this assertion is that only the columns in #expected are validated. So if #expected has ten columns but my_table as twelve, only the contents of those ten columns are checked, the other two will be ignored by this assertion. This can be useful, for example, when those two columns are auto-populated and so harder to test e.g. an IDENTITY column and a GETDATE() default. Obviously, if #expected has columns that do not exist on my_table the test will fail anyway.
If you just want to check that there is any data at all in the table you can do something like IF NOT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM my_table) > 0 EXEC tSQLt.Fail 'my_table contains no data'

Append 2 queries result in repeating of data from first query

I am new to PowerBI and trying to append 2 queries into new query. But it is repeating data from the first query set and not creating an Append(I think i am correct if it is same as UNION in SQL). Here are the snapshots:
Resulting Append
Let me know what is wrong in this
In your data set it is doing a Union on the data as you mentioned. Append in Power Query will NOT remove duplicates (like a UNION ALL in SQL), you will have to use a 'Group By' step or 'Remove Duplicates' step after the append to remove the duplicates
Hope that helps
Go to Edit Queries and select your Query1 then go to Home > Append Queries as New. Chose your two tables (Query1 and Query2) and hit OK.
This should exactly append the two queries, without repeating any duplicates.

Need to apply filter on using OR condition

I have Dataset in PowerBI as below.
In PowerBI Desktop I want to filter records of below table based on condition described below.
ProjectName ReleaseDate UserReleaseDate
PROJ-1 12/09/2019 null
PROJ-2 null 02/02/2019
PROJ-3 07/07/2018 null
Date are in DD/MM/YYYY format.
I want to filter those records where
(ReleaseDate OR UserReleaseDate is IsInNextNYears(1))
You pretty much just do exactly what you described.
Table.SelectRows(YourTable, each (Date.IsInNextNYears([ReleaseDate], 1) or Date.IsInNextNYears([UserReleaseDate], 1)))
If you use any filter operation on a column in Power Query it will automatically create a Table.SelectRows step that you can edit to do what you want instead.

How to substitute NULL with value in Power BI when joining one to many

In my model I have table AssignedToUser that don't contain any NULL values.
Table TotalCounts contains number of tasks for each User.
Those two table joined on UserGUID, and table TotalCounts contains NULL value for UserGUID.
When I drop everything in one table there is NULL value for AssignedToUser.
How can I substitute value NULL for AssignedToUser for "POOL".
Under EditQuery I tried to Create additional column
if [AssignedToUser] = null then "POOL" else [AssignedToUser]
But that didnt help.
Thanks Alexis.
I have created FullAssignedToUsers table, but when I try to make a relationship with TotalCounts on UserGUID - it doesnt like it.
Data in new a table looks like this:
File .ipbx can be accessed here:
I believe the problem here is that your join has UserGUID values that are not in your AssignedToUsers table.
To correct this, one possibility is to replace your AssignedToUsers table with one that contains all the UserGUID values from the TotalCounts table.
FullAssignedToUsers =
AssignedToUsers[UserGUID], TotalCounts[UserGUID]))
The should get you the full outer join. You can then create the custom column like you described in the table and use that column in your visual.
You'll probably want to break the relationships with the original AssignedToUsers table and create relationships with the new one instead.
If you don't want to take that extra step, you can do an ISBLANK inside your new table formula.
FullAssignedToUsers =
AssignedToUsers[UserGUID], TotalCounts[UserGUID])),
AssignedToUsers[UserGUID], TotalCounts[UserGUID])))
Note: This is equivalent to doing a right outer join merge on the AssignedToUsers table in the query editor and then replacing the nulls with "POOL". I'd actually recommend approaching it that way instead.
Another way to approach it is to pull the AssignedToUser column over to the TotalCounts table in a custom column and use that column in your visual instead.
AssignedToUsers =
This is equivalent to doing a left outer join merge on the TotalCounts table in the query editor, expanding the AssignedToUser column, then replacing nulls with "POOL" in that column.
In Dax missing values are Blank() not null. Try this:

Passing a Dynamic List of Values into Table.Combine

I have a relatively simple issue, which seems as if it should be achievable, but I have tried absolutely everything with no success.
Here is the situation:
Using Power Query inside Excel I would like to be able to combine multiple queries (lets call these: Query1, Query2 and Query3) into one single query using the Table.Combine function.
The only catch is that the list of queries I will be combining will be dynamic and dependant on another query (lets call this: QueryList)
For example, under certain circumstances QueryList will be:
and under some other condtions QueryList may simply be:
What I would like to do is to be able to parse the value of QueryList into the Table.Combine Function:
eg. Table.Combine(#"QueryList")
and thereby allow dynamic consolidation of queries
Whats happening is that I am getting an error that states:
Expression.Error: We cannot convert the value "Query1" to type Table.
I have tried variations of Table.ToList, using { } to create a list, TableFromlist, all with no success (normally errors complain about not being able to comvert from text to list or to table etc.
Thanks in advance for the help.
If your QueryList would be {Query1, Query2} then Table.Combine(QueryList) would work.
Apparently, your QueryList is {"Query1", "Query2"}.
So the strings must be converted to tables, which can be done using Expression.Evaluate. As second parameter, you must supply a record with all possible queries, so the formula becomes, for Query1, Query2, Query3:
= Table.Combine(List.Transform(QueryList, each Expression.Evaluate(_, [Query1 = Query1, Query2 = Query2, Query3 = Query3])))