SOAP client in IIS cannot access web services in Tomcat - web-services

I have IIS (localhost:443) and Tomcat (localhost:8080) both running on my local machine. The Tomcat contains Java web services and I can remotely debug it in Eclipse IDE. I have an application installed in my IIS and when I access the page of that application, it requests a web service in Tomcat.
The problem is that when I try to load the page (the one deployed in IIS), my Eclipse won't go to the break point, meaning no request was retrieved on the Tomcat side.
But when I try to execute a request using SoapUI, Tomcat receives it and it enters my breakpoint in Eclipse. (meaning that the web services are accessible)
I cannot debug the application in IIS so I cannot determine why it can't call the web service.
Do I need to setup Windows Firewall for it? I'm just running those apps in my local machine.
Any ideas?

I got it working. My problem was permission issues in c:\windows\temp directory. I found my answer here


Not able to a https web service in ColdFusion 8

We are trying to add a https web service via CFadmin in ColdFusion 8.
We have two ColdFusion applications. One on ColdFusion 2016 and other in ColdFusion 8.
The CF8 application consumes few of the Web services of CF2016 application.
Recently, we added SSL to CF2016 application. So now the URLs of this application are HTTPS.
After it, few of the modules of cf8 that were consuming the webservices of cf2016 stopped working.
We figured it out that we need to update the webservice urls in cf8 with https urls.
We tried to update the webservice urls in CFAdmin but with no success. ColdFusion doesnot allow us to do it. It shows one error message
Error creating web service. Please ensure that you have entered a correct Web Service name or URL.
We have checked the WS url in browser. It's returning the WSDL XML.
After a bit of searching we found this link
It suggests to add the SSL certificate to ColdFusion's Java Keystore and restart ColFusion services. We followed the steps - Imported the SSL certificate to keystore and restarted coldfusion service. But no success. We also tried restarting the whole server.
Can some suggest what else needs to be done to add HTTPS webservice to ColdFusion 8. We are currently clueless.
App1(non ssl) - CF8-multiserver, java6,iis7.5, windows server 2008 r2
App2(SSL installed) - CF2016, java8, iis8.5, windows server 2012 R2
The quickest solution you can do is to upgrade the CF8 to cf2016.
If Windows 2003 Server as there is no support from Microsoft for TLS 1.1 or 1.2 in this server version.

Click once application to connect to remote server

I have added this question on ServerFault but no one replied.
I have a .net application which calls a webservice deployed on my local windows server 2012 on IIS, and the sql server database resides on that server too. All employees connect to the same service and DB since we're all on the same domain, and I publish the app and webservice to the server through visual studio (2012).
Now I need to make employees access this application when they are outside the company's network, so I deployed the webservice on IIS on one of our remote windows 2012 servers, I created a public shared folder in my remote server and added to app webservice files to it and in visual studio I changed the publish method to web deploy and filled in the information as below:
Server: https://x.x.x.x/
Site Name: https://x.x.x.x/PublicFolder
Destication URL: https://x.x.x.x/PublicFolder/Application
When I click Validate Connection, it fails with the following message:
Could not connect to the remote computer ("x.x.x.x"). on the remote
computer make sure that Web Deploy is installed and that the required
process ("Web Management Service") is started. Learn more at:
Unable to connect to the remote server
Note that I tried to replace https with http and I got another error:
Could not connect to the remote computer ("x.x.x.x"). on the remote
computer make sure that Web Deploy is installed and that the required
process ("Web Management Service") is started. Learn more at:
the remote server returned an error: (401)Unauthorized
I went to the previous link and I did what they suggested:
Create a separate user group MSDepSvcUsers on remote computer.
Create an local account A on both local & remote computer.
Add A to MSDepSvcUsers on remote computer.
Use account A to publish, this will allow you to publish without
needing to use built-in admin account.
but the same error (NOT_ADMIN) remained
UPDATE: I found another possible solution:
Add/modify windows registery key
and set it “1”.
After I added this registry key, the error changed to:
site 'http:' does not exist ... #ERROR_SITE_DOES_NOT_EXIST
So now if I put wrong credentials, I get the unauthorized error, if I use correct credentials I get side does not exist error.
What should I do?
It worked!!
I mean the connection, it's now validated, all I had to do is change site name from "http://x.x.x.x/PublicFolder" to "Default Web Site\SiteName" !!
This was really confusing, finally got it!

change port in wso2 sample

I am executing sample programm of wso2. I have installed wso2is on different machine and tomcat is on local machine. I have changed localhost:9443 to my ipaddress(eg from and But when I execute sample from click on login button it always redirecting me localhost and giving error.
I think you need to try the following,
While the tomcat is running,
Open the travelocity.war with an archive manager
Edit the file,
update SAML2.IdPURL value
eg : SAML2.IdPURL=
Save and update the web app
Restart the tomcat server just to be sure (You don't really have to do this since tomcat hot deploys once it detects a change)
I tried this locally and it redirected me to the IP address I put in SAML2.IdpURL. Clearly the problem seems to be a configuration error on the web app side :)
You need to change <HostName> and <MgtHostName> attributes at repository/conf/carbon.xml of your Identity Server with your IP address. By default they are set as localhost, so when logging it will be redirected to location specified there.

Running SonarQube on internal Web Server

I am trying to make Sonarqube working on a virtual machine, IP, running on a production server (Win Server 2012 R2). I need also to access it from the Internet. Thus, I created a new website in IIS on the Physical server enabling the reverse proxy and redirecting everything to This apparently works: I can access successfully the dashboard from any remote pc.
The problem is: when i try to login, sonarqube redirects to As you can easily imagine this blows up everything from a remote pc.
I tried everything in and but nothing.
I tried an Outbound rule in IIS to overwrite with my website address but it doesn't work with gzip compression.
What can I do?
I had to check "Reverse rewrite host in response headers" option in IIS -> Machine -> Application Request Routing Cache -> Server Proxy Settings.

Invoking https web services from Glassfish 4 returns HTTPS 403 Error

I am developing a web service client with NetBeans 7.4 in Glassfish 4.0; The host server runs https (secured). I could access the WSDL in NetBeans successfully and generated the required classes. The problem is that I get a error: The server sent HTTP status code 403: Forbidden
when I deploy my application into Glassfish 4.0. Interestingly, this problem does not occur when I deploy into Tomcat or when I develop, build and run as a Java Desktop application.
Is there some setup I need to do on Glassfish? I noticed the host server I am accessing uses a Verisign Certificate.
Any help will be very much appreciated!
Well, after searching everywhere for a solution; I got the hint from My application on Glassfish 3.1 won't perform client authentication by removing from the default glassfish domain's jvm option