TODO items not showing up in Visual Studio Express 2012 - c++

The TODO list items aren't showing up in Visual Studio Express 2012 for C++.
Why are the TODO list items not showing up?
This question has been asked before, but none of the answers have resolved my issue. I have done the following:
What I have already tried:
Checking formatting was://TODO test
Checking the task list drop down was set to Comments
Made sure the file with the comment was open and selected
Set Enumerate Comment Tasks to True under:Options->Text Editor->C/C++->Formatting->Miscellaneous->Enumerate Comment Tasks
Restarting the application
JBentley's first suggestion fixed the issue. I was missing the colon, so the correct format was://TODO: text

Try adding a colon:
//TODO: text
// ^^^
// colon
This worked for me (with Enumerate Comment Tasks set to True, as you mentioned) in Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate.
Caveat: the file needs to be open AND active for it to appear in the task list in C++, according to the Visual Studio 2008 documentation:
With Visual Basic and Visual C#, the Task List displays all the
comments in the solution. With Visual C++ projects, the Task List
displays only the comments that are found in the file that is
currently active in the editor.
I couldn't find the equivalent documentation for any later versions, but the behaviour seems to be unmodified in Visual Studio 2012 which is a shame because it makes the feature rather limited in usefulness.


How do i change the colours of visual studio? [New user]

Im currently a C++ student in uni. I started using visual studio code configurated by a friend and then i changed to visual studio 2022 (the community version).
In visual studio code the code looks prrety much like this:
Then in visual studio it looks like this:
Does anyone know how to change the highlighted or at least can give me a hint? thanks!
I tried looking in the settings on visual studio but i got confused since there are many options and i dont know exactly what to change
You are probably looking for the Visual Studio Theme Pack extension, which brings the default VS code themes to VS. Also see this blog post for other converted popular VS code themes, and this blog post which describes a tool to convert any VS code theme.
Regarding the colored (rainbow) braces, there is the "Rainbow Braces" extension (corresponding blog post).
For further configuration, you might also want to have a look at the Visfora extension, which also includes rainbow braces.
Extensions aside, many of the colors can also be manually and individually configured in the Visual Studio's options → Environment → Fonts and Colors.

ResXFileCodeGeneratorEx is not working for Visual Studio 2017

I use ResXFileCodeGeneratorEx for generating ids. This was working till the time I used Visual Studio 2010 IDE but it is not working for Visual Studio 2017.
Please help for the same.
Extension for Visual Studio 2019 can be found here
Extension for Visual Studio 2017 can be found here
The deleted answer to this question pointed to the location of a newly built ResXFileCodeGeneratorEx but was deleted because it only contained a single link and no context. I'm not the original answerer, but figured that it may still be valuable to have this information:
It seems to have been renamed to ResXCodeFileGeneratorEx, and if you search through the menu in Visual Studio under Tools > Extension and Updates, you need to search for "Extended Strongly Typed Resource Generator".
However, the internal name is still the same, so the Custom Tool action should remain ResXFileCodeGeneratorEx.
I'm not aware whether or not it works on Visual Studio 2019, but since the original source is still around, it oughtn't be too hard to resolve that yourself if you need it.
To install it, simply doubleclick the VSIX file, it will popup with the VS Version Instance Selector, where you can select to which of your VS 2017 instances (pro, community, preview) you want to install the extension to.

Visual Studio 2012 / 2013 Syntax Highlighting errors

I have a problem with syntax highlighting in visual studio 2012 and 2013 preview with C++. I've had this problem since I installed both a few days ago (tried 2013 after I saw the problem in 2012).
As you can see from below, the colours are completely messed up in the text; some keywords such as int aren't properly highlighted, the grey return value is completely broken on various texts, the class colours have merged with various texts etc.
I've done the usual stuff found from google but had zero success, such as:
Reset intellisence from %appdata%
Reset user settings via command prompt or from Tools -> Import & Export settings
Turned off hardware acceleration in Visual Studio options.
This does not happen at all in Visual Studio 2010 fortunately, so I've kept that on my machine in the mean time. I did install 2012 and 2013 while 2010 was still present on my machine, but during install, i did not select the options to import 2010 settings, so "technically" they should have been clean IDE installs. The only other thing I've noticed is; when you start a project in 2012 or 2013, all the code highlighting is completely correct, but as soon as you change or add any text, everything messes up (like in the above image). So it does seem that Intellisense or whatever controls the highlighting only functions once on start up, and suddenly stops working for the duration of the program.
Delete this key
and restart vs2013.
Found it in a discussion on codeplex. Although my problem was the lack of colors, you should try it
I can't offer a solution to this issue, but I can tell you that it's an issue that's plagued Microsoft Visual Studio 2012. In VS2010, the highlighting was fairly basic for C++, as you couldn't set the colouring on user types and loads of other things.
In VS2010, like you I had no problem with the syntax highlighting at all, but there was a lot less that you could actually highlight. Ever since they introduced this extra highlighting for C++ so you could colour a lot more items, it's been very buggy.
At the moment, I've got operators in all sorts of colours, matching brackets and braces in different colours and half-coloured qualifiers etc. I've just had to live with it... but if you're reading this MS, please... PLEASE... pretty please get it fixed.

MFC DateTime picker format changes when I open visual studio

I have a form in which I have placed a MFC DateTimePicker control. I set its format property to Time. Work with my app and everything is fine. But when I close visual studio and open it the next time, format has changed to its default value.
I noticed everything saves just fine, since if I build my solution using devenv.exe at command line the dialogs are displayed correctly. So it seems to me that whenever I open VS, it changes my setting.
How do I avoid this?
Tried VS2010, the problem did not occur there. However the project I'm working on is using VS2003 so the problem still persists.
you are the 210th user of visual studio who found that bug but don't worry this will not show you from visual studio 2005 onward.
As per release note by Microsoft this issue came due to the,
behavior occurs because a problem exists in the Visual Studio .NET resource editor for Visual C++ projects.
For more information on this please seen following bug of visual studio resource editor.
FIX: The Format property of the DateTimePicker control reverts to Short Date in Visual Studio .NET 2003

No Auto Complete Visual Studio 2010

Im using MS visual studio 2010 PRoofessional version , and in both languages I'm using (C++ and UnrealScript with Nfringe ) there seems to be no auto complete , also with the nfringe there is no auto indentation either .
I was wondering how to fix this?
Most probably you accidentally switched into low-impact IntelliSense mode by pressing
CTRL+ALT+SPACE Just hit CTRL+ALT+SPACE to go back to the IntelliSense mode.
Are you writing a totally unmanaged C++ dll? There is no intellisense support for CLI/C++ projects in VS 2010
I have actually problems with C++ and Intellisense since VC6...
We now use Whole Tomatoes "Visual Assist" and it repairs Intellisense. :-) This single feature is the money worth.
When you open the solution file, do you get a warning about being unable to open the IntelliSense database? If so, that's the reason—UnrealEngine intentionally has a directory with the same name as the IntelliSense database to prevent its creation (Visual Studio can't create a file if a directory of the same name already exists). The engine code base is so large that having IntelliSense enabled slows everything to a crawl when you're editing code.
I'm also using Unreal Engine, and I met the same problem before, the solution was set the dirs by myself in VS project setting.
Open the property window of ur game project(e.g UDKGame), navigate to "NMake", "Include Search Path", and fill the needed header search path there.
You may copy the path list from the output of UnrealBuildTool.
The values u set here is only used by Visual Studio's IntelliSense, so there's no need to worry about build error.
This only works for C++, I'm not sure what's wrong with Unreal Script. I just updated to Visual Studio 2010 and has not installed the new nFringe.
Hope this answer is not too late