Mutex when writing to queue held in map for thread safety - c++

I have a map<int, queue<int>> with one thread writing into it i.e. pushing messages into the queues. They key refers to a client_id, and the queue holds messages for the client. I am looking to make this read-write thread safe.
Currently, the thread that writes into it does something like this
map<int, queue<int>> msg_map;
if (msg_map.find(client_id) != msg_map.end())
queue<int> dummy_queue;
dummy_queue.push(msg); //msg is an int
msg_map.insert(make_pair(client_id, dummy_queue);
There are many clients reading - and removing - from this map.
if (msg_map.find(client_id) != msg_map.end())
if (!msg_map.find(client_id)->second.empty())
int msg_rxed = msg_map[client_id].front();
//processing message
I am reading this on mutexes (haven't used them before) and I was wondering when and where I ought to lock the mutex. My confusion lies in the fact that they are accessing individual queues (held within the same map). Do I lock the queues, or the map?
Is there a standard/accepted way to do this - and is using a mutex the best way to do this? There are '0s of client threads, and just that 1 single writing thread.

Simplifying and optimizing your code
For now we'll not concern ourselves with mutexes, we'll handle that later when the code is cleaned up a bit (it will be easier then).
First, from the code you showed there seems to be no reason to use an ordered std::map (logarithmic complexity), you could use the much more efficient std::unordered_map (average constant-time complexity). The choice is entirely up to you, if you don't need the container to be ordered you just have to change its declaration:
std::map<int, std::queue<int>> msg_map;
// or
std::unordered_map<int, std::queue<int>> msg_map; // C++11 only though
Now, maps are quite efficient by design but if you insist on doing lookups for each and every operation then you lose all the advantage of maps.
Concerning the writer thread, all your block of code (for the writer) can be efficiently replaced by just this line:
Note that operator[] for both std::map and std::unordered_map is defined as:
Inserts a new element to the container using key as the key and a default constructed mapped value and returns a reference to the newly constructed mapped value. If an element with key key already exists, no insertion is performed and a reference to its mapped value is returned.
Concerning your reader threads, you can't directly use operator[] because it would create a new entry if none currently exists for a specific client_id so instead, you need to cache the iterator returned by find in order to reuse it and thus avoid useless lookups:
auto iter = msg_map.find(client_id);
// iter will be either std::map<int, std::queue<int>>::iterator
// or std::unordered_map<int, std::queue<int>>::iterator
if (iter != msg_map.end()) {
std::queue<int>& q = iter->second;
if (!q.empty()) {
int msg = q.front();
// process msg
The reason why I pop the message immediately, before processing it, is because it will improve concurrency when we add mutexes (we can unlock the mutex sooner, which is always good).
Making the code thread-safe
#hmjd's idea about multiple locks (one for the map, and one per queue) is interesting, but based on the code you showed us I disagree: any benefit you'll get from the additional concurrency will quite probably be negated by the additional time it takes to lock the queue mutexes (indeed, locking mutexes is a very expensive operation), not to mention the additional code complexity you'll have to handle. I'll bet my money on a single mutex (protecting the map and all the queues at once) being more efficient.
Incidentally, a single mutex solves the iterator invalidation problem if you want to use the more efficient std::unordered_map (std::map doesn't suffer from that problem though).
Assuming C++11, just declare a std::mutex along with your map:
std::mutex msg_map_mutex;
std::map<int, std::queue<int>> msg_map; // or std::unordered_map
Protecting the writer thread is quite straightforward, just lock the mutex before accessing the map:
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(msg_map_mutex);
// the lock is held while the lock_guard object stays in scope
Protecting the reader threads is barely any harder, the only trick is that you'll probably want to unlock the mutex ASAP in order to improve concurrency so you'll have to use std::unique_lock (which can be unlocked early) instead of std::lock_guard (which can only unlock when it goes out of scope):
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(msg_map_mutex);
auto iter = msg_map.find(client_id);
if (iter != msg_map.end()) {
std::queue<int>& q = iter->second;
if (!q.empty()) {
int msg = q.front();
// assuming you don't need to access the map from now on, let's unlock
// process msg, other threads can access the map concurrently
If you can't use C++11, you'll have to replace std::mutex et al. with whatever your platform provides (pthreads, Win32, ...) or with the boost equivalent (which has the advantage of being as portable and as easy to use as the new C++11 classes, unlike the platform-specific primitives).

Read and write access to both the map and the queue need synchronized as both structures are being modified, including the map:
map<int, queue<int>> msg_map;
if (msg_map.find(client_id) != msg_map.end())
queue<int> dummy_queue;
dummy_queue.push(msg); //msg is an int
msg_map.insert(make_pair(client_id, dummy_queue);
msg_map[client_id].push(msg); // Modified here.
Two options are a mutex that locks both the map and queue or have a mutex for the map and a mutex per queue. The second approach is preferable as it reduces the length of time a single lock is held and means multiple threads can be updating several queues concurrently.


How to individually lock unordered_map elements in C++

I have an unordered_map that I want to be accessible by multiple threads but locking the whole thing with a mutex would be too slow.
To get around this I put a mutex in each element of the unordered_map:
class exampleClass{
std::mutex m;
int data;
std::unordered_map<int,exampleClass> exampleMap;
The issue is I'm unable to safely erase elements, because in order to destroy a mutex it must be unlocked but if it's unlocked then another thread could lock it and be writing to or reading the element during destruction.
unordered_map is not suitable for fine-grained parallelism. It is not legal
to add or remove elements without ensuring mutual exclusion during the process.
I would suggest using something like tbb::concurrent_hash_map instead, which will result in less lock contention than locking the map as a whole. (There are other concurrent hash table implementations out there; the advantage of TBB is that it's well-supported and stable.)
#Sneftel's answer is good enough.
But if you insist on using std::unordered_map, I suggest you two use one mutex to protect the insertion/deletion of the map, and another mutex for each element for modifying the element.
class exampleClass{
std::mutex m;
int data;
std::unordered_map<int,exampleClass> exampleMap;
std::mutex mapLock;
void add(int key, int value) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> _(mapLock);
exampleMap.insert({key, value});
void delete(int key) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> _(mapLock);
auto it = exampleMap.find(key);
if (it != exampleMap.end()) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> _1(it->m);
These should perform better for a big lock on the whole map if delete is not a frequent operation.
But be careful of these kinds of code, because it is hard to reason and to get right.
I strongly recommend #Sneftel's answer.
You have the following options:
Lock the entire mutex
Use a container of shared_ptr so the actual class can be modified (with or without a mutex) unrelated to the container.

Reading from std::map without atomic flag on write

I have a std::map myMap and a std::atomic myLock.
The write is:
if(myLock == 0)
myMap.insert(key, value);
If I do something like this without locking from another thread, is this considered undefined behavior? The key thing is, I do not mind if the results are not accurate (ie a value in the map updated after I iterated past it). I just don't want to crash.
MyConstIterator endIt = mMap.cend();
for(MyConstIterator it = myMap.cbegin(); it != endIt; ++it)
I'm trying to achieve lock less reads without a mutex, but I know std::map is not thread safe. Do I have to add to the atomic lock to avoid a crash?
Your use of lock won't make your map thread safe. Two threads can read myLock == 0 and head into your brace.
You need a mutex. This answer on locking may be useful.

safe usage of iterators in multithreaded applications

Say we have a data structure protected by a lock.
Now, Thread1 carries out these statements(say in function block X):
auto it = std::find(mGeoCodeVector.begin(), mGeoCodeVector.end(), tokenName);
if(it != mGeoCodeVector.end()) {
And then Thread2 executes these statements(say in another function block Y):
auto iter = std::find(mGeoCodeVector.begin(), mGeoCodeVector.end(), tokenName);
if(it != mGeoCodeVector.end()) {
Now, The way I see it:
1) If thread1 gets the lock in function block X and manages to erase the vector, then , the thread already holding an iterator and waiting on lock in function block Y ends up with an invalidated iterator since the container size has been changed by thread1.
2) So, the easy way to fix it would be i guess, to take all your iterators only once you manage to get hold of lock.
Are there some general principles/idioms of safe iterator usage, especially with regards to multi threaded applications?
Lock the resource
create the iterators
mutate or query the resource
throw away the iterators
unlock the resource.
of course, using RAII in the implementation of the lock automates 1 and 5.
What is your structure, is it a true vector or a list? If it is a vector, you have to aquire the lock before doing find. However, if it is a list (or can be made a list) removing from the list doesn't invalidate any iterators other than to the object being removed, so as long as token name is different, no locks are required.

Efficient way to lock std::list

I am aware that std::list is not thread safe. In my application threads keep adding elements to a global list. Another thread get elements from list and processes them one by one. However, I don't want processing thread to lock the list all the time while processing is being done.
So processing thread locks list, gets element, unlocks list and processes the element. While processing in progress, other threads keep adding elements to the list. Once processing is over, processing thread again locks list deletes processed element and unlocks it.
Below is pseudo-code:
std::list<int> mylist ; /* Global list of integers */
void add_thread(int element) /* Threads adding element to the list */
void list_processing_thread() /* Processes elements from the list */
for (std::list<int>::iterator it=mylist.begin(); it!=mylist.end(); ++it)
int element = *it;
Is it correct approach (to process list elements in efficient manner) ? Will it cause any trouble ?
So processing thread locks list, gets element, unlocks list and processes the element. While processing in progress, other threads keep adding elements to the list. Once processing is over, processing thread again locks list deletes processed element and unlocks it.
Producer threads contend with each other and with the consumer thread for access to the list.
You can eliminate the contention between producers by giving each producer its own queue (std::list + std::mutex or a spinlock). This way:
Producers post items into its own queues. Create a temporary std::list of one element, then lock the mutex, splice that element into the queue, unlock the mutex.
When the consumer is ready, it locks those producer queues one by one and splices the elements into its own queue. Splicing std::list is O(1) operation.
If ordering is required each element should have a timestamp, so that the consumer can sort all elements in its consolidated queue by time.
The above method also makes your critical sections very short because all you do while the mutex is locked is std::list splicing, which is just a few pointer modifications.
Alternatively, just use concurrent_bounded_queue class from IntelĀ® Threading Building Blocks.
No it's not safe. Yes it will cause trouble.
To Elaborate:
There should only be one lock which is the write lock. Readers don't need to defend from each other.
You need to get the lock in the processing thread before you access begin and end iterators as they may be corrupted by the writing thread. After you get the lock, copy the list, and release the lock. When finished processing, get the lock, and edit the original list.
Good luck
Here is possible solution to your problem, in C++11, but you can easily port it to C++-03 + boost or whatever thread library you have:
std::deque<int> queue;
std::mutex mtx;
std::condition_variable ready;
void producer()
while (true)
int element = produce();
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
void consumer()
while (true)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
ready.wait(lock, [](){ ! queue.empty() });
int element = queue.front();
There are lots of things you could do with different levels of performance, but two very simple ones:
use std::list::swap in the processing thread to swap the queue with an empty one, that way if lock contention is slowing things down at least you'll be getting all of the backlog of items in one hit, minimising the harm
use a single-writer / many-reader lock (e.g. posix_rwlock_rdlock et al)
First of all, the approach is good, you SHOULD lock for a short period, get the current item, unlock, and process the item while the list is unlocked and accessible for other threads to use.
But, I would recommend that you didn't rely on an list iterator while the list is not locked. Iterators are sneaky, and many data structures may corrupt the iterator when items are added/removed from them.
I would suggest you use the following approach:
while(list.empty() == false)
int element = list.front();

Is it possible to use mutex to lock only one element of a data structure ?

Is it possible to use mutex to lock only one element of a data structure ?
boost::mutex m_mutex;
map<string, int> myMap;
// initialize myMap so that it has 10 elements
// then in thread 1
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
myMap[1] = 5 ; // write map[1]
// in thread 2
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
myMap[2] = 4 ; // write map[1]
My question:
When thread 1 is writing map[1], thread 2 can writing map[2] at the same time ?
The thread lock the whole map data structure or only an element, e.g. map[1] or map[2].
If you can guarantee that nobody is modifying the container itself (via insert and erase etc.), then as long as each thread accesses a different element of the container, you should be fine.
If you need per-element locking, you could modify the element type to something that offers synchronized access. (Worst case a pair of a mutex and the original value.)
You need a different mutex for every element of the map. You can do this with a map of mutex or adding a mutex to the mapped type (in your case it is int, so you can't do it without creating a new class like SharedInt)
Mutexes lock executable regions not objects. I always think about locking any code regions that read/modify thread objects. If an object is locked within a region but that object is accessible within another un-synchronized code region, you are not safe (ofcourse). In your case, I'd lock access to the entire object as insertions and reading from containers can easily experience context switching and thus increase the likelihood of data corruption.
Mutex is all about discipline. One thread can call write and other thread can call write1. C++ runtime will assume it is intentional. But most of the cases it is not the programmer intended. Summary is as long as all threads/methods follow the discipline (understand the the critical section and respect it) there will be consistency.
int i=0;