Code::Blocks - strange return code - c++

I run the following with Code::Blocks
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Hello, world !!!!!!!";
return 0;
Now, there were some questions last night about how I knew my return value. I don't know if it's my version or not, but after the program runs on my version it says "Process returned v (0xv) execution time..." and etc where "v" is the returned value.
Now, here is what I'm asking, and this is as clear as I can make it.
When I run this, it returns value 1993075819 instead of 0. Also, the program doesn't run, all it does is show me the returned value.
Two things worthy of note:
AVG pops up everytime I try and do this, and reports it as a trojan
If I run the code without
cout << "Hello, world!!!!";
It returns 0 like it should and AVG does not pop up
How can I fix this?
(Code::Blocks 12.11)

The problem is not with your code, but with a false positive produced by AVG. The return code 1993075819 is because AVG intercepts the program and does not let it run.
You can report the false positive to AVG. Virus vendors are actually very good at fixing false positives reported by users. When I used to work at a company that produced lots of false positives (security related code that did funky things that triggered false positives), the turn-around was usually about a week.
In the mean time, if you use different compiler switches (e.g. optimized compile if it is not currently optimized or vice versa) there's a decent chance that the code you generate will not trigger the false positive.
You can also add your compiled program to the AVG safe list:

Disable AVG or configure it not to complain about your executable. For some reason the heuristics are misinterpreting some bit pattern in your executable as if it was a trojan and killing it before it starts. The result code that you get is from the intercepted program call (i.e. the antivirus) not from your program that is not even running.


Why would a PyDev breakpoint on a return statement only work part of the time?

I have some code that calculates the price of a stock option using Monte Carlo and returns a discounted price. The final few lines of the relevant method look like this:
if(payoffType == pt.LongCall or payoffType == pt.LongPut):
elif(payoffType == pt.ShortCall or payoffType == pt.ShortPut):
raise Exception
print "dv:", discountedValue, " px:", discountedPrice
return discountedPrice
At a higher level of the program, I create four pricers, which are passed to instances of a portfolio class that calls the price() method on the pricer it has received.
When I set the breakpoint on the if statement or the print statement, the breakpoints work as expected. When I set the breakpoint on the return statement, the breakpoint is interpreted correctly on the first pass through the pricing code, but then skipped on subsequent passes.
On occasion, if I have set a breakpoint somewhere in the flow of execution between the first pass through the pricing code and the second pass, the breakpoint will be picked up.
I obviously have a workaround, but I'm curious if anyone else has observed this behavior in the PyDev debugger, and if so, does anyone know the root cause?
The issues I know of are:
If you have a StackOverflowError anywhere in the code, Python will disable the tracing that the debugger uses.
I know there are some issues with asynchronous code which could make the debugger break.
A workaround is using a programmatic breakpoint (i.e.: pydevd.settrace -- the remote debugger session: has more details on it) -- it resets the tracing even if Python broke it in a stack overflow error and will always be hit to (the issue on asynchronous code is that the debugger tries to run with untraced threads, but sometimes it's not able to restore it on some conditions when dealing with asynchronous code).

c++ local variable gets overwritten (but only on some notebook)

I am facing some strange behaviour appearing only on some notebook.
I am developing in c++ using msvc 2012 and the qt framework.
I will try to sum up the problem and i am hoping that someone has any idea what the problem could be or what i could try to find out..
Generally it's the following problem:
void myclass::foo()
const double value1 = 100.0;
double value2;
value2 = some_function_returning_double();
if(value1 > value2)
//__ do something
The problem is that the condition fails as the local variable gets overwritten.
If I do some debug output i can see that variable value1 is not 100.0 anymore but some random value .. so that the comparison randomly fails ..
One thing i figured out is that everything just works fine if i don't use local variables. If i set up value1 and value2 as member variables of my class everything works without problems, but that can't be the solution.
Now the strange thing is that this error does only occur on some notebook (some mobile i5 cpu).
On my machine (i5) and on many other notebooks (even other mobile i5) everything just works fine.
I know that you won't be able to solve my problem with this little information i can offer here, but maybe some of you has any hint what the problem could be and what i could try to solve this.
Many thanks in advance.
In visual studio 2012, add a data breakpoint (debug->new breakpoint->new data breakpoint) on the address of the variable that gets overwritten.
First, break at the start of the function.
Then set the data breakpoint: just type &value1 in the "New breakpoint` the input box.
Then it should break just after the value has been modified, and you should see the culprit.
Data breakpoints are a very powerful tool, that helped me found nasty bugs very quickly.

Print to locate the error code block

Hi great C++ programmers,
I've been in this situation many times, but I still don't know how to solve it.
I am programming in C++ in Rstudio, and my program runs into a fatal error which needs me to restart. I want to locate where the mistake is in my code. What I often do is adding some detection lines like:
int main()
...code block;
...code block;
...code block;
...code block;
return 1;
Then I run the code.
The weird thing is, before it runs into "fatal error", sometimes I got "1.1" printed on the console, sometimes I got "1.1" and "1.2", sometimes I got "1.1", "1.2" and "1.3, and sometimes I got nothing.
I guess it has something to do with the operating system because it is the operating system that got the order to print something which would take some time, but meanwhile the CPU was executing forward the code and met the fatal error.
Or, maybe it's the way the codes were compiled that results in such thing?
Is there anyway to solve it? I just want the program to print out everything I asked before it runs into "fatal error".
The compiler optimization could reorder the code, making the printouts unreliable. You are coding C++ in the R environment, and the default g++ compiler optimization is set to -O2. Go to your R directory, search for a file named "Makeconf". Open it with a text editor, locate command "CXX11FLAGS = -O2 ...", erase "-O2", save the file and rebuild your program. Other commands like "CXXFLAGS = -O2 ..." may also need to be modified. Code will run in strictly sequential order by then.
You are using std::cout which is not what R uses, and you get caught up in two different buffering schemes.
Easy solution: use Rcpp::Rcout instead which redirects into R's output stream.

Is it possible to mark tests as taking long time in googletest runs

Most of my tests finish quickly, the time taken is unnoticeable. But a few of them take a few seconds. I would like to print a hint to the user:
TEST(something, thing) {
std::cout << "This might take a few seconds\n";
ASSERT_EQ(expected_result, long_computation());
This doesn't blend in well with what is printed. Is there a feature for this in googletest? I couldn't find anything related. Any way to make goggliest understand it, print a hint to the user, and even report error in case the test runs too long? Or any plugin that does this? Thx
TEST(something, thing, max_time: 3 seconds) {
ASSERT_EQ(expected_result, long_computation());
I'm not sure anything like this exists but I believe you can tailor some of the features you want at least partially.
You can measure the time of execution of your test yourself and add statements like ASSERT_GT(time_limit, measured_time).
Consider using for writing the timings or "long"/"fast" attributes.
Consider using for running only fast, or only long tests, f.e. run only fast tests (provided you named all long tests like *Long): ./foo_test --gtest_filter=-*Long

C++ Error (202): Command token too long

I have a "black box" question about an error I get when I run a discrete event simulation for about a minute. Everything works fine, and it completes successfully, but the system prints the following message once at some point during the simulation:
Error (202): Command token too long
I've never seen anything like it. I wonder what "command" it's referring to. Perhaps it's system("...") call that I make several times in the program in order to plot and visualize the data it generates.
I'm sorry I can't provide any code as I'm not sure where the error is coming from. Is there an efficient way to discover at which point the system generates this message? Or in any case, have you encountered such an error in your own C++ programming experience, and thus suggest where it could possibly be coming from?
I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 and compiling with GCC. The error appears at run-time during the simulation for simulations that are especially long (30+ seconds), and doesn't appear in shorter cases. I should emphasize that the "error" doesn't stop the execution of the code and doesn't actually cause any visible errors in the visual output of the simulation data.
write a program similar to the following:
int trials 10000;
string str("ls ");
while( trials--)
system( str.c_str() );
str += "a";
cout << "chars in cmd = " << trials << endl;
It will successively run commands like
ls, ls a, ls aa, ls aaa, while simultaneously printing to the console what trial # it's on.
and if you're right about where the error is coming from, eventually it will get the same error message about "token too long", and if so, tell you how many characters the cmd may be. Then code this limit into your real C++ program so that it doesn't emit the error.
If it doesn't reproduce the error, try making # trials bigger, say up to 100k. If it still doesn't happen, the error is probably coming from somewhere else.
It's coming from a lexer, telling you that one of the tokens (identifiers/preproc tokens/etc.) in your program is rather lengthy. Look through your code to see if there are any ridiculously long strings or preprocessor tokens.