g++ fatal error no input file on codeblocks ubuntu - c++

I am new to codeblocks and getting following error when trying to build.
g++ fatal error no input file
Not sure what it means. I try to set the execution dir in project properties but didnt worked and I am stuck with this error. Can anyone help please.

What type of project did u create?
Create a project like this
File->New->Project and select Console Application template


cc1plus.exe: fatal error: world.cpp: No such file or directory compilation terminated

i have problem with the code
everytime the code is done, running the code is still normal. when exiting visual code studio and re-entering, the code does not run end show the error as below
cc1plus.exe: fatal error: world.cpp: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
I also got the same error, and to fix the error is easy. It may because your file name contains spaces. More information about this and how I know this is here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5QxAjaiQp8. (Altough he got the different error raised but the way to fix it is still the same).
I resolved the error by removing the spaces between the name of the file I was saving. Earlier I was naming my c++ file as example- "test file.cpp", but when I removed the blank space i.e. "testfile.cpp" or "test_file.cpp", the error resolved.
If you are compiling the code using your terminal, you could check if the file you want to run is in that folder using dir for Windows or ls for Linux. If it is not, change to the folder where the file is and try running the file again.

Unable to resolve configuration with compiler Path

I have been getting this error message after installing VS code (New computer just reinstalling things) and I ran into this error message after installing splashkit + the c++ extension:
Unable to resolve configuration with compilerPath: C:/Users/willi/Documents/Code/102/Test/g++.exe
I would imagine I need to change the path variable but I am not sure.
EDIT: I get this error message after using the command:
skm clang++ program.cpp -o One
I'm sure I am missing something easy here, but I haven't ran into this one before.

Fatal error RC1212

I try to build one project (huge but not finished program, not mine but I guess I should be one of the guys who will try finish it).
Actually when I build it in Debug mode, everything seems like okay, but when I switch into Release mode an error appears:
fatal error RC1212: invalid option - /z argument missing substitute font name
I trying to change options into Project properties->C++->General->Debug Information Format but it doesn't help.
Never saw such error before. Does anyone know how to fix it?
Thank you!

Netbeans C++ test file build error

I'm creating my first unit test (google test) in C++ using Netbeans. I have followed the official tutorial but I keep running into an error when hit the test button.
The error:
fatal error - error while loading shared libraries:
cannot open shared object file: Exec format error
What does this error mean and how can I fix it?
Go to the properties of you project->run->Console Type and change to External Terminal.

carbide c++ symbian compiler error

I have created a project on carbide c++ and I am getting an error
sbs returned with exit value = 1
I didn't make any changes on the code that carbide created.I am just created and build the project its throws the error.
I googled the error and could not find any solution. Does anyone get this error code before ?
I was taking the same error...
Try to change the options of build...
That occurs when I was trying to compile using the armv5 instead of GCCE.
Change it and your problem could be resolved.
I´m new on symbian/carbide but it solved my problem!