Netbeans C++ test file build error - c++

I'm creating my first unit test (google test) in C++ using Netbeans. I have followed the official tutorial but I keep running into an error when hit the test button.
The error:
fatal error - error while loading shared libraries:
cannot open shared object file: Exec format error
What does this error mean and how can I fix it?

Go to the properties of you project->run->Console Type and change to External Terminal.


VisualStudio - Fatal error LNK1168: cannot open myfile.exe for writing

Sometime, while I try to compile my project, VisualStudio show me this error:
1>LINK : fatal error LNK1168: cannot open C:\Path\myfile.exe for writing
and It not allowes me to compile the project.
It seems that myfile.exe is open and running in background yet, although I closed it. I opened Win TaskManager but the file is not shown in the list of process running.
This error persists and the only solution I found is reboot the system, but it's a tedious way that give me crazy because this error recurs often.
Some ideas to resolve it? Someone had the same error before?
I had this error already many times. Though your myfile.exe is not shown in TaskManager, It is present in background yet. If you open the cmd as administator and type:
tasklist | FIND "myfile.exe"
You can see your process running.
So at this point type the command:
taskkill /IM myfile.exe /F
in order to force the process kill.
Now, if you try to compile your project again, you'll see the compiler is ok and the error is resolved.
Surely it's possible that this error will occur again, so I suggest you to create a .bat file that run the kill command, so you can resolve the problem quickly.
regarding: LNK1168
Microsoft has a web page dedicated to this error:
The first thing on the linked page is:
The linker can’t write to filename.
The rest of the page discusses the details of why the linker cannot write to the file.

Kylin odbc driver C++ solution fails to build

I am unable to build Kylin ODBC C++ solution.
I followed the instructions found here, unfortunately, I get an error when I try to build the solution.
I am getting the below error message:
Error LNK1181 cannot open input file
'zlibstat.lib' Common C:\Users\user1\Documents\Visual Studio
2015\Projects\kylin-master\odbc\Common\LINK 1
When I include the zlibstat.lib file, I get an error message saying that it is already included.
The Error looks like your zlibstat.lib cannot be found.
Please check whether ZLIB_HOME is set in Environment Variables and whether project zlib is well compiled.
You can verify with check in file Common.vcxproj .
For example you want to build with Release|x64, please check whether can find zlibstat.lib in location $(ZLIB_HOME)\contrib\vstudio\vc11\x64\ZlibStatRelease.

fatal error: winsock: No such file or directory

I have been trying to compile multiple C and C++ scripts on a kali VM and 99% of the time I get an error like this:
test.cpp:39:10: fatal error: winsock: No such file or directory
#include <winsock>
It will do the same for Iostream too, I cannot find anything that has helped me fix this and I need to be able to comple and run these programs.
You need to download and install the sdk platform

g++ fatal error no input file on codeblocks ubuntu

I am new to codeblocks and getting following error when trying to build.
g++ fatal error no input file
Not sure what it means. I try to set the execution dir in project properties but didnt worked and I am stuck with this error. Can anyone help please.
What type of project did u create?
Create a project like this
File->New->Project and select Console Application template

carbide c++ symbian compiler error

I have created a project on carbide c++ and I am getting an error
sbs returned with exit value = 1
I didn't make any changes on the code that carbide created.I am just created and build the project its throws the error.
I googled the error and could not find any solution. Does anyone get this error code before ?
I was taking the same error...
Try to change the options of build...
That occurs when I was trying to compile using the armv5 instead of GCCE.
Change it and your problem could be resolved.
I´m new on symbian/carbide but it solved my problem!