Best practice to implement fixed byte serial protocol in C++? - c++

I have a device connected via serial interface to a BeagleBone computer. I communicates in a simple binary format like
|MessagID (1 Byte) | Data (n Bytes) | checksum (2 bytes) |
The message length is fixed for each command, meaning that it is known how many bytes to read after the First byte of a command was received. After some initial setup communication it sends packets of data every 20 ms.
My approach would be to use either termios or something like serial lib and then start a loop doing like that (a:
char* buffer[256];, 1)
case COMMAND1:[1], sizeof(MessageHello)+2); //Read data + checksum
if (calculateChecksum(buffer, sizeof(MessageHello)+3) )
case COMMAND2:[1], sizeof(MessageFoo)+2);
extractDatafromCommand would then create some structs like:
struct MessageHello
char name[20];
int version;
Put everything in an own read thread and signal the availability of a new packet to other parts of the program using a semaphore (or a simple flag).
Is this a viable solution or are there better improvements to do (I assume so)?
Maybe make a abstract class Message and derive the other messages?

It really depends. The two major ways would be threaded (like you mentioned) and evented.
Threaded code is tricky because you can easily introduce race conditions. Code that you tested a million times could occasionally stumble and do the wrong thing after working for days or weeks or years. It's hard to 'prove' that things will always behave correctly. Seemingly trivial things like "i++" suddenly become leaky abstractions. (See why is i++ not thread safe on a single core machine? )
The other alternative is evented programming. Basically, you have a main loop that does a select() on all your file handles. Anything that is ready gets looked at, and you try to read/write as many bytes as you can without blocking. (pass O_NONBLOCK). There are two tricky parts: 1) you must never do long calculations without having a way to yield back to the main loop, and 2) you must never do a blocking operation (where the kernel stops your process waiting for a read or write).
In practice, most programs don't have long computations and it's easier to audit a small amount of your code for blocking calls than for races. (Although doing DNS without blocking is trickier than it should be.)
The upside of evented code is that there's no need for locking (no other threads to worry about) and it wastes less memory (in the general case where you're creating lots of threads.)
Most likely, you want to use a serial lib. termios processing is just overhead and a chance for stray bytes to do bad things.


Best way to implement a periodic linux task in c++20

I have a periodic task in c++, running on an embedded linux platform, and have to run at 5 ms intervals. It seems to be working as expected, but is my current solution good enough?
I have implemented the scheduler using sleep_until(), but some comments I have received is that setitimer() is better. As I would like the application to be at least some what portable, I would prefer c++ standard... of course unless there are other problems.
I have found plenty of sites that show implementation with each, but I have not found any arguments for why one solution is better than the other. As I see it, sleep_until() will implement an "optimal" on any (supported) platform, and I'm getting a feeling the comments I have received are focused more on usleep() (which I do not use).
My implementation looks a little like this:
bool is_submilli_capable() {
return std::ratio_greater<std::milli,
int main() {
if (not is_submilli_capable())
while (true) {
auto next_time = next_period_start();
A short summoning of the issue.
I have an embedded linux platform, build with yocto and with RT capabilities
The application need to read and process incoming data every 5 ms
Building with gcc 11.2.0
Using c++20
All the "hard work" is done in separate threads, so this question is only regards triggering the task periodically and with minimal jitter
Since the application is supposed to read and process the data every 5 ms, it is possible that a few times, it does not perform the required operations. What I mean to say is that in a time interval of 20 ms, do_the_magic() is supposed to be invoked 4 times... But if the time taken to execute do_the_magic() is 10 ms, it will get invoked only 2 times. If that is an acceptable outcome, the current implementation is good enough.
Since the application is reading data, it probably receives it from the network or disk. And adding the overhead of processing it, it likely takes more than 5 ms to do so (depending on the size of the data). If it is not acceptable to miss out on any invocation of do_the_magic, the current implementation is not good enough.
What you could probably do is create a few threads. Each thread executes the do_the_magic function and then goes to sleep. Every 5 ms, you wake a sleeping thread which will most likely take less than 5 ms to happen. This way no invocation of do_the_magic is missed. Also, the number of threads depends on how long will do_the_magic take to execute.
bool is_submilli_capable() {
return std::ratio_greater<std::milli,
void wake_some_thread () {
static int i = 0;
release_semaphore (i); // Release semaphore associated with thread i
i = i % NUM_THREADS;
void * thread_func (void * args) {
while (true) {
// Wait for a semaphore
int main() {
if (not is_submilli_capable())
while (true) {
auto next_time = next_period_start();
wake_some_thread (); // Releases a semaphore to wake a thread
Create as many semaphores as the number of threads where thread i is waiting for semaphore i. wake_some_thread can then release a semaphore starting from index 0 till NUM_THREADS and start again.
5ms is a pretty tight timing.
You can get a jitter-free 5ms tick only if you do the following:
Isolate a CPU for this thread. Configure it with nohz_full and rcu_nocbs
Pin your thread to this CPU, assign it a real-time scheduling policy (e.g., SCHED_FIFO)
Do not let any other threads run on this CPU core.
Do not allow any context switches in this thread. This includes avoiding system calls altogether. I.e., you cannot use std::this_thread::sleep_until(...) or anything else.
Do a busy wait in between processing (ensure 100% CPU utilisation)
Use lock-free communication to transfer data from this thread to other, non-real-time threads, e.g., for storing the data to files, accessing network, logging to console, etc.
Now, the question is how you're going to "read and process data" without system calls. It depends on your system. If you can do any user-space I/O (map the physical register addresses to your process address space, use DMA without interrupts, etc.) - you'll have a perfectly real-time processing. Otherwise, any system call will trigger a context switch, and latency of this context switch will be unpredictable.
For example, you can do this with certain Ethernet devices (SolarFlare, etc.), with 100% user-space drivers. For anything else you're likely to have to write your own user-space driver, or even implement your own interrupt-free device (e.g., if you're running on an FPGA SoC).

Multi Threading - Peterson's algorithm not working

Here I use Peterson's algorithm to implement mutual exclusion.
I have two very simple threads, one to increase a counter by 1, another to reduce it by 1.
const int PRODUCER = 0,CONSUMER =1;
int counter;
int flag[2];
int turn;
void *producer(void *param)
while(flag[CONSUMER] && turn==CONSUMER);
void *consumer(void *param)
while(flag[PRODUCER] && turn==PRODUCER);
They works fine when I just run them once.
But when I run them again again in a loop, strange things happen.
Here is my main function.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int case_count =0;
counter =0;
printf("Case: %d\n",case_count++);
pthread_t tid[2];
pthread_attr_t attr[2];
turn = 0;
printf ("Counter is intially set to %d\n",counter);
printf ("counter is now %d\n",counter);
return 0;
I run the two threads again and again, until in one case the counter isn't zero.
Then, after several cases, the program will always stop! Some times after hundreds of cases, some times thousands, or event tens of thousand.
It means in one case the counter isn't zero. But why??? the two threads modify the counter in critical session, and increase and decrease it only once. Why will the counter not be zero?
Then I run this code in other computers, more strange things happen - in some computers the program seems has no problem, and the others have the same problem with me! Why?
By the way, in my computer, I run this code in VM ware's virtual computer, Ubuntu 16.04. Others' computer is also Ubuntu 16.04, but not all of them are in virtual machines. And the computer with problem contains both virtual machines and real machines.
Peterson's algorithm only works on single core processors/single CPU systems.
That's because they don't do real parallel processing. Two atomar operations never get executet at the same time there.
If you got 2 or more CPUs/CPU cores the amount of atomar operations who can be executed at the same time increase by one for each cpu(core).
This means, even if an integer assignment is atomar it can be executed multiple times at the same time in different CPUs/Cores.
In your case turn=CONSUMER/PRODUCER; is just called twice at the same time in different CPUs/cores.
Deacitvate all CPU cores but one for your program and it should work fine.
You need hardware support to implement any kind of thread-safe algorithm.
There are many reasons why your code is not working at you intended. The simplest one is that the cores have individual caches. So your program starts on say two cores. Both cache flag to be 0, 0. They both modify their own copy, so they don't see what the other core is doing.
In addition memory works in blocks, so writing flag[PRODUCER] will very likely write flag[CONSUMER] as well (because ints are 4 bytes and most of todays processors have memory blocks of 64 bytes).
Another problem would be operation reordering. Both the compiler and the processor are allowed to swap instructions. There are constraints that dictate that the single threaded execution result shouldn't change, but obviously they don't apply here.
The compiler might also figure out that you are setting turn to x and then checking if it is x, which is obviously true in a single threaded world so it can be optimized away.
This list is not exhaustive. There are many more things (some platform specific) that could happen and break your program.
So, at the very least try to use std::atomic types with strong memory ordering (memory_order_seq_cst). All your variables should be std::atomic. This gives you hardware support but it will be a lot slower.
This will still not work because most you might still have some piece of code where you read and then change. This is not atomic because some other thread might have changed the data after your read and before you changed it.

C++ network sockets, SCTP and packet size

I'm currently developing a server using connection-oriented SCTP to serve a small number of clients. After finishing the first prototype with a naive implementation, I'm now profiling the application to optimize. As it turns out, one of the two main consumers of CPU time is the networking part.
There are two questions about the efficiency of the application-level protocol I have implemented:
1) Packet size
Currently, I use a maximum packet size of 64 bytes. You can find many posts discussing packet sizes that are too big, but can they be too small? As SCTP allows me to read one packet at a time - similarly to UPD - while guaranteeing in-order delivery - similarly to TCP - this simplified implementation significantly. However, if I understand correctly, this will cost one syscall for each and every time that I send a packet. Does the amount of syscalls have a significant impact on performance? Would I be able to shave off a lot of CPU cycles by sending the messages in bunches in bigger packets, i.e. 1024 - 8192 bytes?
2) Reading and writing the buffers
I'm currently using memcpy to move data into and out of the application-level network buffers. I found many conflicting posts about what is more efficient, memcpy or normal assignment. I'm wondering if one approach will be significantly faster than the other in this scenario:
Option 1
void Network::ReceivePacket(char* packet)
uint8_t param1;
uint16_t param2
uint32_t param3;
memcpy(&param1, packet, 1);
memcpy(&param2, packet+1, 2);
memcpy(&param3, packet+3, 4);
// Handle the packet here
void Network::SendPacket(uint8_t param1, uint16_t param2, uint32_t param3)
char packet[7]
memcpy(&packet, &param1, 1);
memcpy(&packet+1, &param2, 2);
memcpy(&packet+3, &param3, 4);
// Send the packet here
Option 2
void Network::ReceivePacket(char* packet)
uint8_t param1;
uint16_t param2
uint32_t param3;
param1 = *((uint8_t*)packet);
param2 = *((uint16_t*)packet+1);
param3 = *((uint32_t*)packet+3);
// Handle the packet here
void Network::SendPacket(uint8_t param1, uint16_t param2, uint32_t param3)
char packet[7]
*((uint8_t*)packet) = param1;
*((uint16_t*)packet+1) = param2;
*((uint32_t*)packet+3) = param3;
// Send the packet here
The first one seems a lot cleaner to me, but I've found many posts indicating that maybe the second one is quite a bit faster.
Any kind of feedback is of course welcome.
As far as I know compilers optimize memcpy calls in particular so you should probably use it.
About your first question:
Summary: Make your packet size as big as you can and avoid the possibility of having an enlowered CPU performance.
A syscall, a system call, is your OS replying or processing your request and every time your request is being executed in kernel, which is a moderate amount of work.
To be honest I am not familiar with the SCTP concept, as a matter of fact I haven't dealt with socket programming since the last time I worked on some stuff and created a server via TCP. I remember the MTU for the relevant physical layer element was 1500, I also recall implementing my packet size as 1450-1460, as I was trying to get the maximum packet size underneath the 1500 cap.
So what Im saying is If I were you I would want my OS to be less active as it could so I wont get any trouble with CPU performance.
If you're looking to minimize the number of system calls, and you do find yourself sending and receiving multiple messages at a time, you might want to look at using the (Linux only) sendmmsg() and recvmmsg().
To use these, you would likely need to enqueue messages internally, which might add latency that would not exist otherwise.
I wouldn't go over 1024 for a buffer size personally. I've experienced some runtime problems when using packets over 1500, but 1024 is of course 4 to the 5th power making it wonderful to use.
It is possible, but I wouldn't advise it. I would make a separate thread for receiving packets, using recvmsg() so you can use multiple streams. I've found this to work wonderfully.
The main point of SCTP is multiple streams, so I would take full advantage of that. You just have to ensure that the data is put back in the correct order once everything is received (which takes some work to do).

Proper, efficient file reading

I'd like to read and process (e.g. print) entries from the first row of a CSV file one at a time. I assume Unix-style \n newlines, that no entry is longer than 255 chars and (for now) that there's a newline before EOF. This is meant to be a more efficient alternative to fgets() followed by strtok().
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
int i;
char ch, buf[256];
FILE *fp = fopen("test.csv", "r");
for (;;) {
for (i = 0; ; i++) {
ch = fgetc(fp);
if (ch == ',') {
buf[i] = '\0';
} else if (ch == '\n') {
buf[i] = '\0';
return 0;
} else buf[i] = ch;
Is this method as efficient and correct as possible?
What is the best way to test for EOF and file reading errors using this method? (Possibilities: testing against the character macro EOF, feof(), ferror(), etc.).
Can I perform the same task using C++ file I/O with no loss of efficiency?
What is most efficient is going to depend a lot on the operating system, standard libraries (e.g. libc), and even the hardware you are running on. This makes it nearly impossible to tell you what's "most efficient".
That having been said, there are a few things you could try:
Use mmap() or a local operating system equivalent (Windows has CreateFileMapping / OpenFileMapping / MapViewOfFile, and probably others). Then you don't do explicit file reads: you simply access the file as if it were already in memory, and anything that isn't there will be faulted in by the page fault mechanism.
Read the entire file into a buffer manually, then work on that buffer. The fewer times you call into file read functions, the fewer function-call overheads you take, and likely also fewer application/OS domain switches. Obviously this uses more memory, but may very well be worth it.
Use a more optimal string scanner for your problem and platform. Going character-by-character yourself is almost never as fast as relying on something existing that's close to your problem domain. For example, you can bet that strchr and memchr are probably better-optimized than most code you can roll yourself, doing things like reading entire cachelines or words at once, scanning using better algorithms for this kind of search, etc. For more complicated cases, you might consider a full regular expression engine that could compile your regex to something fast for your complicated case.
Avoid copying your string around. It may be helpful to think in terms of "find delimiters" and then "output between delimiters". You could for example use strchr to find the next character of interest, and then fwrite or something to write to stdout directly from your input buffer. Then you're keeping most of your work in a few local registers, rather than using a stack or heap buf.
When in doubt, though, try a few possibilities and profile, profile, profile.
Also for this kind of problem, be very aware of differences between runs that are caused by OS and hardware caches: profile a bunch of runs rather than just one after each change -- and if possible, use tests that will either likely always hit caches (if you're trying to measure best-case performance) or tests that will likely miss (if you're trying to measure worst-case performance).
Regarding C++ file IO (fstream and such), just be aware that they're larger, more complicated beasts. They tend to include things such as locale management, automatic buffering, and the like -- as well as being less prone to particular types of coding mistakes.
If you're doing something pretty simple (like what you describe here), I tend to find C++ library stuff gets in the way. (Use a debugger and "step instruction" through a stringstream method versus some C string functions some time, you'll get a good feel for this quickly.)
It all depends on whether you're going to want or need that additional functionality or safety in the future.
Finally, the obligatory "don't sweat the small stuff". Only spend time on optimizing here if it's really important. Otherwise trust the libraries and OS to do the right thing for you most of the time -- if you get too far into micro-optimizations you'll find you're shooting yourself in the foot later. This is not to discourage you from thinking in terms of "should I read the whole file in ahead of time, will that break future use cases" -- because that's macro, rather than micro.
But generally speaking if you're not doing this kind of "make it faster" investigation for a good reason -- i.e. "need this app to perform better now that I've written it, and this code shows up as slow in profiler", or "doing this for fun so I can better understand the system" -- well, spend your time elsewhere first. =)
One method, provided you are going to scan through the file serially, is to use 2 buffers of a decent enough size (16K is the optimal size for SSDs and 4K for HDDs IIRC. But 16K should suffice for both). You start off by performing an asynchronous load (In windows look up Overlapped I/O and on Unix/OSX use O_NONBLOCK) of the first 16K into buffer 0 and then start another load into buffer 1 of bytes 16K to 32K. When your read position hits 16K, swap the buffers (so you are now reading from buffer 1 instead) wait for any further loads to complete into buffer 1 and perform an asynchronous load of bytes 32K to 48K into buffer 0 and so on. This way, you have far less chance of ever having to wait for a load to complete as it should be happening while you are processing the previous 16K.
I moved over to a scheme like this in my XML parser having been using fopen and fgetc previously and the speedup was huge. Loading in a 15 meg XML file and processing it reduced from minutes to seconds. Of course, Your milage may vary.
use fgets to read one line at a time. C++ file I/O are basically wrapper code with some compiler optimization tucked inside ( and many unwanted functionality ). Unless you are reading millions of lines of code and measuring time, it does not matter.

do integer reads need to be critical section protected?

I have come across C++03 some code that takes this form:
struct Foo {
int a;
int b;
// DoFoo::Foo foo_;
void DoFoo::Foolish()
if( foo_.a == 4 )
foo_.b = 7;
Does the read from foo_.a need to be protected? e.g.:
void DoFoo::Foolish()
int a = foo_.a;
if( a == 4 )
foo_.b = 7;
If so, why?
Please assume the integers are 32-bit aligned. The platform is ARM.
Technically yes, but no on many platforms. First, let us assume that int is 32 bits (which is pretty common, but not nearly universal).
It is possible that the two words (16 bit parts) of a 32 bit int will be read or written to separately. On some systems, they will be read separately if the int isn't aligned properly.
Imagine a system where you can only do 32-bit aligned 32 bit reads and writes (and 16-bit aligned 16 bit reads and writes), and an int that straddles such a boundary. Initially the int is zero (ie, 0x00000000)
One thread writes 0xBAADF00D to the int, the other reads it "at the same time".
The writing thread first writes 0xBAAD to the high word of the int. The reader thread then reads the entire int (both high and low) getting 0xBAAD0000 -- which is a state that the int was never put into on purpose!
The writer thread then writes the low word 0xF00D.
As noted, on some platforms all 32 bit reads/writes are atomic, so this isn't a concern. There are other concerns, however.
Most lock/unlock code includes instructions to the compiler to prevent reordering across the lock. Without that prevention of reordering, the compiler is free to reorder things so long as it behaves "as-if" in a single threaded context it would have worked that way. So if you read a then b in code, the compiler could read b before it reads a, so long as it doesn't see an in-thread opportunity for b to be modified in that interval.
So possibly the code you are reading is using these locks to make sure that the read of the variable happens in the order written in the code.
Other issues are raised in the comments below, but I don't feel competent to address them: cache issues, and visibility.
Looking at this it seems that arm has quite relaxed memory model so you need a form of memory barrier to ensure that writes in one thread are visible when you'd expect them in another thread. So what you are doing, or else using std::atomic seems likely necessary on your platform. Unless you take this into account you can see updates out of order in different threads which would break your example.
I think you can use C++11 to ensure that integer reads are atomic, using (for example) std::atomic<int>.
The C++ standard says that there's a data race if one thread writes to a variable at the same time as another thread reads from that variable, or if two threads write to the same variable at the same time. It further says that a data race produces undefined behavior. So, formally, you must synchronize those reads and writes.
There are three separate issues when one thread reads data that was written by another thread. First, there is tearing: if writing requires more than a single bus cycle, it's possible for a thread switch to occur in the middle of the operation, and another thread could see a half-written value; there's an analogous problem if a read requires more than a single bus cycle. Second, there's visibility: each processor has its own local copy of the data that it's been working on recently, and writing to one processor's cache does not necessarily update another processor's cache. Third, there's compiler optimizations that reorder reads and writes in ways that would be okay within a single thread, but will break multi-threaded code. Thread-safe code has to deal with all three problems. That's the job of synchronization primitives: mutexes, condition variables, and atomics.
Although the integer read/write operation indeed will most likely be atomic, the compiler optimizations and processor cache will still give you problems if you don't do it properly.
To explain - the compiler will normally assume that the code is single-threaded and make many optimizations that rely on that. For example, it might change the order of instructions. Or, if it sees that the variable is only written and never read, it might optimize it away entirely.
The CPU will also cache that integer, so if one thread writes it, the other one might not get to see it until a lot later.
There are two things you can do. One is to wrap in in critical section like in your original code. The other is to mark the variable as volatile. That will signal the compiler that this variable will be accessed by multiple threads and will disable a range of optimizations, as well as placing special cache-sync instructions (aka "memory barriers") around accesses to the variable (or so I understand). Apparently this is wrong.
Added: Also, as noted by another answer, Windows has Interlocked APIs that can be used to avoid these issues for non-volatile variables.