How can I get the raphael element of a DOM object that is created using raphael? - raphael

With Raphael I can get the a reference to the DOM object of an element using the following code:
How can I get the element that is linked to the DOM object? In other words the inverse of the function above (e.g. DOMobject.element).

A node created with RaphaelJS has a raphaelid property or something very close you can log in Chrome DevTools or similar.
Since you know this specific ID and you have a reference to the Raphael Paper instance as the paper variable for instance, you get the element with:
Actually, this is quite undocumented. Only the getById method is documented in the RaphaelJS documentation (Paper.getById section)
Update for the comment about not being able to get raphaelid on the DOM element
Please have a look at this jsfiddle about getting raphaelid.
<div id="c"></div>
<div><code>rect.node.raphaelid</code> : <span id="i"></span></div>
<div><code>rect2.node.raphaelid</code> : <span id="i2"></span></div>
var paper = Raphael(c,400,400);
var rect = paper.rect(100,100,200,200);
var rect2 = paper.rect(150,150,200,200);
i.textContent = rect.node.raphaelid;
i2.textContent = rect2.node.raphaelid;
Text result
rect.node.raphaelid : 0
rect2.node.raphaelid : 1
All this with version 2.1.0 of RaphaelJS


resetZoom in Chartjs

I need a help. I followed this tutorial
I managed to start chartjs-plugin-zoom.
Now i want to add button "Reset zoom"
I fallowed this tutorial:
Add zoom event handler to charts for chartjs with chartjs-plugin-zoom
But when i add right after $.ajax({}); in app.js
$('#reset_zoom').click(function() {
and press the button error is displayed:
app.js:131 Uncaught TypeError: mycanvas.resetZoom is not a function
at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (app.js:131)
at HTMLButtonElement.dispatch (datatables.min.js:15)
at HTMLButtonElement.r.handle (datatables.min.js:15)
Can you give me an advice?
Kind of surprised this hasn't been answered yet. I remember running into this myself a while back. You are doing the same thing I was doing..
Effectively what you're doing is trying to run the .resetZoom() function on an HTML canvas element. You need to do this on the chart object, not the canvas element.
YouTube video walking you through it:
Working CodePen:
A couple examples of what not to do..
document.getElementById('myChart').resetZoom() // vanilla JavaScript
or even
$("#myChart").resetZoom() // jQuery
What you actually need to do is tack the .resetZoom() onto the Chart object from when you instantiated the chart. So in your code here:
const myChart = new Chart('myChart', {}
Whatever you set the variable to when you created the chart is what needs to have the .resetZoom(). So this would work:
Now to make that a clickable button we can create a function. That function accepts whatever the chart Object was named.
resetZoomBtn = (chart) => {
and then in our HTML we call that function and pass whatever you called the chart when you instantiated it as the parameter.
<div class="chart-container">
<canvas id="myChart"></canvas>
<button onclick="resetZoomBtn(myChart)">reset zoom</button>
Hopefully that helps anyone who views this question since it comes up at the top of the search results on Google. I know chances of it being marked 'answer' four years later are slim.

How to replace all anchor tags with a different anchor using regex in ColdFusion

I found a similar question here: Wrap URL within a string with a href tags using Coldfusion
But what I want to do is replace tags with a slightly modified version AFTER the user has submitted it to the server. So here is some typical HTML text that the user will submit to the server:
<p>Terminator Genisys is an upcoming 2015 American science fiction action film directed by Alan Taylor. You can find out more by clicking here</p>
What I want to do is replace the <a href=""> part with a new version which would be like this:
clicking here
So I'm just adding the text rel="nofollow noreferrer" to the tag.
I must match anchor tags that contain a href attribute with a URL, not just the URL string itself, because sometimes a user could just do this:
<p>Terminator Genisys is an upcoming 2015 American science fiction action film directed by Alan Taylor. You can find out more by</p>
In which case I still only want to replace the tag. I don't want to touch the actual anchor text used even though it is a URL.
So how could I rewrite this Regex
#REReplaceNoCase(myStr, "(\bhttp://[a-z0-9\.\-_:~###%&/?+=]+)", "\1", "all")#
the other way round, where its selecting tags and replacing them with my modified text?
If you're willing, this is a really easy task for jQuery (client-side)
$(document).ready(function () {
$("a").each(function(e) {
if ($(this).attr('href').match(/^https?:\/\/(www\.)?imdb\.com/i)) {
$(this).attr('rel','nofollow noreferrer');
(If you right click any of the imdb links and Inspect Element, you'll see the rel attribute is added to the imdb links. Note that View Source won't reflect the changes, but Inspect Element is the important part.)
If you want to effect every a link, you can do this.
$(document).ready(function () {
$("a").each(function(e) {
$(this).attr('rel','nofollow noreferrer');
Finally, you can also use a selector to narrow it down, you might have the content loading into a dom element with the id contentSection. You can do...
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#contentSection a").each(function(e) {
if ($(this).attr('href').match(/^https?:\/\/(www\.)?imdb\.com/i)) {
$(this).attr('rel','nofollow noreferrer');
It's a bit tougher to reliably parse this in cold fusion without the possibility of accidentally adding it twice (without invoking a tool like jSoup) but the jQuery version is client-side and works by obtaining data from the DOM rather than trying to hot-wire into it (a jSoup implementation works similarly, creating a DOM-like structure you can work with).
When talking about client-side vs server-side, you have to consider the mythical user who doesn't have javascript enabled (or who turns it off with malicious intent). If this functionality is not mission-critical. I'd use JQuery to do it. I've used similar functionality to pop an alert box when the user clicks an outside link on one of my sites.
Here's a jSoup implementation, quick and dirty. jSoup is great for how it selects similarly to jQuery.
jsoup = CreateObject("java", "org.jsoup.Jsoup");
HTMLDocument = jsoup.parse("<A href=''>test</a> - <A href=''>google</a>");
As ="a");
for (link in As) {
if (reFindnoCase("^https?:\/\/(www\.)?imdb\.com",link.attr("href"))) {
link.attr("rel","nofollow noreferrer");

CustomItemGenerator and the Page Editor

Sitecore 6.6 Update 4
We're using CustomItemGenerator 1.0 and I was using this to help build a primary navigation menu for a site. This worked as expected and everything was rendered properly.
My problem is when I attempt to edit the menu via Page Editor; I don't even see the menu.
I use a repeater and repeat over a list of links to include in the nav. Due to the way the HTML was created, each LI element needs to have its own, specific ID ("Nav Id" Field in Sitecore) that ties into the CSS. Code inside of my repeater's ItemDataBound event:
// Cast the item using CustomItemGenerator-generated class
GenericContentPageItem navItem = (GenericContentPageItem)e.Item.DataItem;
liMenuItem.ID = navItem.NavId.Rendered; // I tried "navItem.NavId" by itself as well
So while this renders properly in the browser, it doesn't when I'm in Page Editor:
<li id="<input id='fld_B72EB6696DCF41A49671972D5EA5DEB8_2163B90C08AB4A18970A7F3ECE79DCFC_en_1_f71bd37d18d146c19e222e89fcffe278_3' class='scFieldValue' name='fld_B72EB6696DCF41A49671972D5EA5DEB8_2163B90C08AB4A18970A7F3ECE79DCFC_en_1_f71bd37d18d146c19e222e89fcffe278_3' type='hidden' value=" Home?="">
... instead of it rendering like this:
<li id="Home">...</li>
Now, that having been said, I can change my code to not use the CustomItemGenerator and it works fine in the browser and Page Editor as follows:
GenericContentPageItem navItem = (GenericContentPageItem)e.Item.DataItem;
Item nav = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(navItem.ID);
liMenuItem.ID = nav.Fields["Nav Id"].ToString();
I would like to avoid having to hardcode field names in my code, which is why I am using CustomItemGenerator. Is there something that I'm doing wrong with my code that it doesn't want to work in Page Editor?
If you need the actual value out of the field regardless of if you are in the page editor or not, you want to use the Raw property:
liMenuItem.ID = navItem.NavId.Raw;

How to find attribute values using regular expression with Selenium WebDriver?

The HTML is as follows:
<div class="item link-color-1
automated link-track logout-link"
data-track-action="Logout from /myaccount/mymoney/cashier"
data-data-automated-function="clickTracker"> logout </div>
To find the x path of a link, tried something like: //*[contains(#data-track-category='Logout']. But its not working. Please help.
If you are just trying to find the element itself (and not the value of the attribute as your question title implies), you could always use CSS (its my selector of choice over XPath).
You have not indicated which language bindings you use, so this is how I would find it in Ruby by using only the data-track-category attribute to select the element:
#driver.find_element(:css => "[data-track-category='Logout']")
Of course, the same applies across all the bindings. Just use the value "[data-track-category='Logout']" for your CSS method.
You can always store the given element in a WebElement and then using the getAttribute() method. You can find the documentation here
WebElement myDiv = driver.findElement(By.className("logout-link"));
String attributeValue = myDiv.getAttribute("data-track-category");
This should work on Java. Not sure that's the language you are looking for or if you must use regex for it.

How To I Replace New Elements Added To A Page With Jquery

Here is the scenario... I have a a checkbox next to each field that I am replacing on page load with jquery with "Delete" text that enables me to delete the field via jquery, which is working fine. Like so...
$(".profile-status-box").each(function(){ $(this).replaceWith('<span class="delete">' + 'Delete' + '</span>') });
The problem comes in however is that after page load, I am also giving the user the option to dynamically add new fields. The new added fields though have the checkbox and not the delete link because they are not being replaced by jquery since they are being added after the initial page load.
Is't possible to replace the content of new elements added to the page without doing a page refresh? If not, I can always have two templates with different markup depending one for js and one for non js, but I was trying to avoind taht.
Thanks in advance.
You can use the .livequery() plugin, like this:
$(this).replaceWith('<span class="delete">Delete</span>')
The anonymous function is run against every element found, and each new element matching the selector as they're added.
Have a look at this kool demo. It removes and adds elements like a charm.
Here's how:
First of all, the (x)html is real simple.
xHTML Snippet
<input type="hidden" value="0" id="theValue" />
<p>Add Some Elements</p>
<div id="myDiv"> </div>
The hidden input element simply gives you a chance to dynamically call a number you could start with. This, for instance could be set with PHP or ASP. The onclick event handler is used to call the function. Lastly, the div element is set and ready to receive some children appended unto itself (gosh that sounds wierd).
Mkay, so far so easy. Now the JS functions.
addElement JavaScript Function
function addElement() {
var ni = document.getElementById('myDiv');
var numi = document.getElementById('theValue');
var num = (document.getElementById('theValue').value -1)+ 2;
numi.value = num;
var newdiv = document.createElement('div');
var divIdName = 'my'+num+'Div';
newdiv.innerHTML = 'Element Number '+num+' has been added! <a href=\'#\' onclick=\'removeElement('+divIdName+')\'>Remove the div "'+divIdName+'"</a>';
And if you want to,
removeElement JavaScript Function
function removeElement(divNum) {
var d = document.getElementById('myDiv');
var olddiv = document.getElementById(divNum);
and thats that. bobs your uncle.
This is taken from this article/tutorial:
I've just learnt this myself. thank you for the question
Hope that helps.