C++ on singleton - c++

I've a singleton class and I'm sure that the first call of the singleton is done by only one thread. I've implemented singleton with lazy initialization.
class MySingleton : private boost::noncopyable {
/** singleton access. */
static MySingleton & instance()
static MySingleton myInstance;
return myInstance;
void f1();
void f2();
void f3();
void f4();
Now I've another factory class that is responsable to create all singletons in a single thread enviorment.
The singleton can be used from multiple threads and methods are protected from mutex.
First question
Is this approach accetable?
Second question
I've a complex class that must be thread safe. This class has to be a singleton. How can that a calling of different methods of the class is thread safe. For example.
MySingletonLock lock;
// Other thread must wait here.
How can I get this?

The answer to your second question:
class MyProtectedSingleton: public MySingleton
void f1()
MySingletonLock lock;
// Other thread must wait here.
void f2()
MySingletonLock lock;
// Other thread must wait here.
Call f1, f2, etc through wrappers in MyProtectedSingleton.


Thread safety of nested calls

I have two libs, one is thread safe called class A, The other lib called class B, which used class A to realize functions.
class A {
void Get() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
void Put() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
std::mutex mutex_;
class B {
void Get() {
void Put() {
A a;
So is class B thread safe?
I know that judging whether the thread is safe depends on whether the operation is atomic. If the put operate is not atomic then it's not thread safe. According to the above requirements, I think class B is not an atomic operation, so it is not thread-safe?
When the operation is not atomic, it may not be thread safe. for example we add some operate like below, Is it right?
class B {
void Get() { // But Get is not atomic!!!
do_some_thing(); // atomic
a.Get(); // atomic
do_some_thing(); // atomic
void Put() {
A a;
Thread safety concerns about the race conditions and data races.
Now, Since the methods of class B don't use any data directly but via delegating other methods in class A that as you said are thread-safe, the methods in B are thread-safe.

How to prevent a caller of a method from storing the result in C++

Assume I have a Singleton class. How can I prevent callers from being able to store the result of the call to getInstance() method?
I need this, since the instance of the singleton can be modified during execution and any stored instance in other classes will be invalidated. My solution would be to force all the callers to call getInstance() every time when they want to use the instance of the Singleton.
class Singleton
static Singleton* instance;
static Singleton* getInstance();
Singleton* Singleton::instance = nullptr;
Singleton* Singleton::getInstance()
if (instance == nullptr)
instance = new Singleton();
return instance;
class A
Singleton* m_singleton;
: m_singleton(Singleton::getInstance()) //This should not be possible
int main()
A a;
return 0;
How can I achieve this?
You cannot. If your getInstance() returns a pointer or reference, there is no way to prevent the result from being copied into some variable, the same way as you cannot prevent a result of type int or double from being copied.
You could, however, make the functions the singleton provides static:
class SomeSingleton
static void foo();
// deleting copy constructor and assignment operator...
static SomeSingleton* getInstance();
void SomeSingleton::foo()
SomeSingleton* instance = getInstance();
// use instance as you need to get the appropriate result
So you enforce usage like this:
Some might even consider it more comfortable to use than
By the way: This aproach makes it possible to protect you from race conditions, too, if multi-threading is or gets an issue:
class SomeSingleton
static void foo();
static std::mutex mutex; // <- add a mutex!
static SomeSingleton* getInstance();
static void exchange();
void SomeSingleton::foo()
// this must be added whenever the singleton is used...
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(mutex);
SomeSingleton* instance = getInstance();
// use instance as you need to get the appropriate result
void SomeSingleton::exchange()
// ... or the singleton instance is re-asigned
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(mutex);
SomeSingleton* newInstance = new SomeSingleton();
delete instance;
instance = newInstance;
My solution is a wrapper with overloaded -> operator like in smart pointers which calls getInstance() inside:
class Singleton {
friend SingletonWrapper;
static Singleton * getInstance() {...}
void foo() {}
class SingletonWrapper {
Singleton * operator->() {
return Singleton::getInstance();
int main() {
SingletonWrapper w;
First of all I wouldn't suggest using pointers for singletons. This ("Meyer Singleton") is a much better approach.
static SingletonDatabase &get() {
static SingletonDatabase db;
return db;
Also storing the singleton is kind of a bad idea, as with the storing you validate the initial idea / purpose behind the singleton: You are making copies, thus the singleton is not the "sole" instance of the class.
Anyway a great solution to your problem would be to use some kind of signal/slot system. (Qt / Boost library) Upon change you can emit the singal, which is then "caught" by all instances and the actualize the values.
Boost Signals / Slots
Qt Signals Slots
I Hope this helps :)
Use volatile to declare the singleton variable. This will force the compiler to always check for it
class Singleton
static volatile Singleton* instance;
static volatile Singleton* getInstance();

understanding std::thread semantic with worker function as class member

To implement the logic when contructed object starts background thread for real work, I'm using a pattern like this (simplified):
class A {
std::thread t{&A::run, this};
std::atomic_bool done;
// variables are the question about
std::vector<std::thread> array_for_thread_management;
// ... and other members
void run() {
A() = default;
// all other constructors deleted because of used
// some members like std::atomic_bool done;
~A() {
done = true;
bi::named_condition cnd{bi::open_only, "cnd"};
if (t.joinable())
for(std::thread& worker : array_for_thread_management) {
if (worker.joinable()) worker.join();
If I'm adding a push of child threads in primary background thread into a vector in run() member, the object hangs on destructor.
even there is no real threads in a vector, just started this without connections from outside and try to stop this by destructor
Of course, once you have this pointer in your run method, you can access class members via this pointer. I guess the problem with your code is that the thread is spawned before any other members are initialized, as it is the first member in your class definition. I suspect with the following definition of class A you'll have no problems with accessing member variables:
class A {
std::atomic_bool done;
// variables are the question about
int i;
std::string s;
std::vector<std::string> v;
// and only after everything above is initialized:
std::thread t{&A::run, this}; // spawn a thread
// ...
However, personally I would prefer having a separate method start() which spawns a thread to spawning it inside class constructor implicitly. It may look like this:
class A
std::unique_ptr<std::thread> t;
std::atomic<bool> some_flag;
void start()
t.reset(new std::thread(&A::run, this));
void run()

Threaded base class with pure virtual callback, stopping on destruction c++

I'm looking to run a thread in a base class that constantly calls pure virtual method in that class that's overridden by a derived class.
For starting the thread, I've no issue as I can call an HasInitalized() function after it's been constructed. Therefore the thread is started after the class is fully constructed.
However, as the class' lifetime is managed by a shared_ptr, I cannot call a similar method for stopping the thread. If I stop the thread in the destructor, it will cause a seg-fault as the derived class is destroyed before the base and therefore will try to call a function that's not there.
I'm aware I can call a stop function from the derived class but would rather not have to on every instance of the derived class.
Is there a way around this.
#include "boost/thread.hpp"
class BaseClass
// Start the thread
void Start()
_thread = boost::thread(&BaseClass::ThreadLoop, this);
virtual ~BaseClass()
// Will loop until thread is interupted
void ThreadLoop()
boost::thread _thread;
virtual void DoSomethingInDerivedClass() = 0;
class DerivedClass : public BaseClass
// This gets called before base class destructor.
void DoSomethingInDerivedClass();
I don't think you will be able to avoid repeating the call to join the thread in the destructor of each derived class. If a thread depends on a non-static object o, then it's a good idea to have a clear ownership relation to guarantee the validity of the object:
The thread should own o and the destruction of o will be handled by the destructor of the thread object, after the joining.
o should own the thread and should join the thread in it's own destructor.
You've chosen the 2nd approach, except the thread depends on the derived object, but the derived object doesn't own the thread directly but through the sub-object (the base-object). Since the thread depends on the derived object, it must be joined in the derived object's destructor.
You should separate the two behaviours: a class to run and join the thread, the base class for the functional hierarchy.
class Runner {
explicit Runner(std::shared_ptr<BaseClass> ptr) : m_ptr(ptr) {
m_thread = boost::thread(&Runner::ThreadLoop, this);
~Runner() {
void ThreadLoop() {
try {
while(true) {
} catch(...) {
std::shared_ptr<BaseClass> m_ptr;
std::thread m_thread;
My recommendation would be to use a weak_ptr to know when the object's lifetime is over:
The factory instantiates the (derived) object and stores it in a shared_ptr
The factory instantiates the watchdog class and passes it a weak_ptr to the new object
The watchdog thread can now check if the weak pointer is expired each time it needs to access it. When it is expired, the thread will terminate itself.
Here is an example (instead of a factory, I just used main):
#include <thread>
class BaseClass
virtual ~BaseClass() = default;
virtual void DoSomethingInDerivedClass() = 0;
class DerivedClass : public BaseClass
void DoSomethingInDerivedClass() override {}
// Will loop until weak_base expires
void ThreadLoop(std::weak_ptr<BaseClass> weak_base)
while (true)
std::shared_ptr<BaseClass> base = weak_base.lock();
if (base) {
else {
break; // Base is gone. Terminate thread.
catch (...)
int main()
std::shared_ptr<DerivedClass> obj = std::make_shared<DerivedClass>();
std::thread([&] { ThreadLoop(obj); }).detach();
return 0;
Note that there is no need to explicitly stop the thread, since it will stop itself as soon as it detects that the object's lifetime is over. On the other hand, note that the thread may slightly outlive the lifetime of the being-watchted object, which could be considered bad design (it could e.g. defer program termination). I guess one could work around that by joining with the thread in the base class destructor, after signalling that it should terminate (if not already terminated).

Select mutex or dummy mutex at runtime

I have a class that is shared between several projects, some uses of it are single-threaded and some are multi-threaded. The single-threaded users don't want the overhead of mutex locking, and the multi-threaded users don't want to do their own locking and want to be able to optionally run in "single-threaded mode." So I would like to be able to select between real and "dummy" mutexes at runtime.
Ideally, I would have a shared_ptr<something> and assign either a real or fake mutex object. I would then "lock" this without regard to what's in it.
unique_lock<something> guard(*mutex);
... critical section ...
Now there is a signals2::dummy_mutex but it does not share a common base class with boost::mutex.
So, what's an elegant way to select between a real mutex and a dummy mutex (either the one in signals2 or something else) without making the lock/guard code more complicated than the example above?
And, before you point out the alternatives:
I could select an implementation at compile time, but preprocessor macros are ugly and maintaining project configurations is painful for us.
Users of the class in a multi-threaded environment do not want to take on the responsibility of locking the use of the class rather than having the class do its own locking internally.
There are too many APIs and existing usages involved for a "thread-safe wrapper" to be a practical solution.
How about something like this?
Its untested but should be close to OK.
You might consider making the template class hold a value rather than a pointer
if your mutexes support the right kinds of constructions. Otherwise you could specialise the MyMutex class to get value behaviour.
Also it's not being careful about copying or destruction .. I leave that as an exercise to the reader ;) ( shared_ptr or storing a value rather than a pointer should fix this)
Oh and the code would be nicer using RAII rather than explicit lock/unlock... but that's a different question.I assume thats what the unique_lock in your code does?
struct IMutex
virtual ~IMutex(){}
virtual void lock()=0;
virtual bool try_lock()=0;
virtual void unlock()=0;
template<typename T>
class MyMutex : public IMutex
MyMutex(T t) : t_(t) {}
void lock() { t_->lock(); }
bool try_lock() { return t_->try_lock(); }
void unlock() { t_->unlock(); }
T* t_;
IMutex * createMutex()
if( isMultithreaded() )
return new MyMutex<boost::mutex>( new boost::mutex );
return new MyMutex<signal2::dummy_mutex>( new signal2::dummy_mutex );
int main()
IMutex * mutex = createMutex();
unique_lock<IMutex> guard( *mutex );
Since the two mutex classes signals2::dummy_mutex and boost::mutex don't share a common base class you could use something like "external polymorphism" to allow to them to be treated polymorphically. You'd then use them as locking strategies for a common mutex/lock interface. This allows you to avoid using "if" statements in the lock implementation.
NOTE: This is basically what Michael's proposed solution implements. I'd suggest going with his answer.
Have you ever heard about Policy-based Design ?
You can define a Lock Policy interface, and the user may choose which policy she wishes. For ease of use, the "default" policy is precised using a compile-time variable.
class MyClass {};
This way, your users can choose their policies with a simple compile-time switch, and may override it one instance at a time ;)
This is my solution:
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock = dummy ?
std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(mutex, std::defer_lock) :
Is this not sufficient?
class SomeClass
void Work(bool isMultiThreaded = false)
lock // mutex lock ...
In general, a mutex is only needed if the resource is shared between multiple processes. If an instance of the object is unique for a (possibly multi-threaded) process, then a Critical Section is often more appropriate.
In Windows, the single-threaded implementation of a Critical Section is a dummy one. Not sure what platform you are using.
Just FYI, here's the implementation I ended up with.
I did away with the abstract base class, merging it with the no-op "dummy" implementation. Also note the shared_ptr-derived class with an implicit conversion operator. A little too tricky, I think, but it lets me use shared_ptr<IMutex> objects where I previously used boost::mutex objects with zero changes.
header file:
class Foo {
struct IMutex {
virtual ~IMutex() { }
virtual void lock() { }
virtual bool try_lock() { return true; }
virtual void unlock() { }
template <typename T> struct MutexProxy;
struct MutexPtr : public boost::shared_ptr<IMutex> {
operator IMutex&() { return **this; }
typedef boost::unique_lock<IMutex> MutexGuard;
mutable MutexPtr mutex;
implementation file:
template <typename T>
struct Foo::MutexProxy : public IMutex {
virtual void lock() { mutex.lock(); }
virtual bool try_lock() { return mutex.try_lock(); }
virtual void unlock() { mutex.unlock(); }
T mutex;
Foo::Foo(...) {
mutex.reset(single_thread ? new IMutex : new MutexProxy<boost::mutex>);
Foo::Method() {
MutexGuard guard(mutex);
Policy based Option:
class SingleThreadedPolicy {
class Mutex {
void Lock() {}
void Unlock() {}
bool TryLock() { return true; }
class ScopedGuard {
ScopedGuard(Mutex& mutex) {}
class MultithreadingPolicy {
class ScopedGuard;
class Mutex {
friend class ScopedGuard;
std::mutex mutex_;
void Lock() {
void Unlock() {
bool TryLock() {
return mutex_.try_lock();
class ScopedGuard {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock_;
ScopedGuard(Mutex& mutex) : lock_(mutex.mutex_) {}
Then it can be used as follows:
template<class ThreadingPolicy = SingleThreadedPolicy>
class MyClass {
typedef typename ThreadingPolicy::Mutex Mutex;
typedef typename ThreadingPolicy::ScopedGuard ScopedGuard;
Mutex mutex_;
void DoSomething(){
ScopedGuard guard(mutex_);
std::cout<<"Hello World"<<std::endl;