Filter an array: predicate? block? - nsarray

I'm looking for solutions to filter an array before a second treatment, which could be applied without further tests.
Say I want to delete all files greater than 500K from a given folder. I could:
1) get an enumerator, then for every item, test the size and remove big files;
2) get an enumerator, filter it, then remove all remaining files.
I'd like to know how to implement the solution 2. I'm thinking about another treatment (no deletion this time), like image reducing, which could be applied several times. At each loop, file sizes decrease, and the enumerator become always smaller, until it is empty. At this moment, the treatment is over.
But how to do this? I have seen numerous examples of predicates like #"SELF contains[c] 'e'"(with small variations) but never a SELF.size > 500000…
I suppose that the solution could be a block, but I have to confess that I'm completely lost...
A helping hand, please!

How about using +[NSPredicate predicateWithBlock:] factory method? You would return YES for the items you want to keep (e.g. smaller than 500000 bytes/characters/…).

NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithBlock: ^BOOL (id evaluatedObject, NSDictionary *bindings){
NSDictionary *fileDic =[_fm attributesOfItemAtPath:[evaluatedObject path] error: nil];
unsigned long long testSize = [[fileDic valueForKey:#"NSFileSize"]longLongValue];
return testSize > 500000;


How to automatically feed a cell value from a range of values, based on its matching condition with other cell value

I'm making a time-spending tracker based on the work I do every hour of the day.
Now, suppose I have 28 types of work listed in my tracker (which I also have to increase from time to time), and I have about 8 significance values that I have decided to relate to these 28 types of work, predefined.
I want that, as soon as I enter a type of work in cell 1 - I want the adjacent cell 2 to get automatically populated with a significance value (from a range of 8 values) that is pre-definitely set by me.
Every time I input a new or old occurrence of a type of work, the adjacent cell should automatically get matched with its relevant significance value & automatically get populated in real-time.
I know how to do it using IF, IFS, and IF_OR conditions, but I feel that based on the ever-expanding types of work & significance values, the above formulas will be very big, complicated, and repetitive in the future. I feel there's a more efficient way to achieve it. Also, I don't want it to be selected from a drop-down list.
Guys, please help me out with the most efficient way to handle this. TUIA :)
Also, I've added a snapshot and a sample sheet describing the problem.
Sample sheet
XLOOKUP() may work. Try-
Or FILTER() function like-
You can use this formula for a whole column:
Adapt the ranges to your actual tables in order to include in the second argument all the potential values and their significances
This is the formula, that worked for me (for anybody's reference):
I created another reference sheet, stating the types of work & their significance. From that sheet, I'm using either vlookup, filter, xlookup.Using gforms for inputting my data.

Ordering by sum of difference

I have a model that has one attribute with a list of floats:
values = ArrayField(models.FloatField(default=0), default=list, size=64, verbose_name=_('Values'))
Currently, I'm getting my entries and order them according to the sum of all diffs with another list:
def diff(l1, l2):
return sum([abs(v1-v2) for v1, v2 in zip(l1, l2)])
list2 = [0.3, 0, 1, 0.5]
entries = Model.objects.all()
entries.sort(key=lambda t: diff(t.values, list2))
This works fast if my numer of entries is very slow small. But I'm afraid with a large number of entries, the comparison and sorting of all the entries will get slow since they have to be loaded from the database. Is there a way to make this more efficient?
best way is to write it yourself, right now you are iterating over a list over 4 times!
although this approach looks pretty but it's not good.
one thing that you can do is:
have a variable called last_diff and set it to 0
iterate through all entries.
iterate though each entry.values
from i = 0 to the end of list, calculate abs(entry.values[i]-list2[i])
sum over these values in a variable called new_diff
if new_diff > last_diff break from inner loop and push the entry into its right place (it's called Insertion Sort, check it out!)
in this way, in average scenario, time complexity is much lower than what you are doing now!
and maybe you must be creative too. I'm gonna share some ideas, check them for yourself to make sure that they are fine.
assuming that:
values list elements are always positive floats.
list2 is always the same for all entries.
then you may be able to say, the bigger the sum over the elements in values, the bigger the diff value is gonna be, no matter what are the elements in list2.
then you might be able to just forget about whole diff function. (test this!)
The only way to makes this really go faster, is to move as much work as possible to the database, i.e. the calculations and the sorting. It wasn't easy, but with the help of this answer I managed to actually write a query for that in almost pure Django:
class Unnest(models.Func):
function = 'UNNEST'
class Abs(models.Func):
function = 'ABS'
class SubquerySum(models.Subquery):
template = '(SELECT sum(%(field)s) FROM (%(subquery)s) _sum)'
x = [0.3, 0, 1, 0.5]
pairdiffs = Model.objects.filter(pk=models.OuterRef('pk')).annotate(
pairdiff=Abs(Unnest('values')-Unnest(models.Value(x, ArrayField(models.FloatField())))),
entries = Model.objects.all().annotate(
diff=SubquerySum(pairdiffs, field='pairdiff')
The unnest function turns each element of the values into a row. In this case it happens twice, but the two resulting columns are instantly subtracted and made positive. Still, there are as many rows per pk as there are values. These need to be summed, but that's not as easy as it sounds. The column can't be simply be aggregated. This was by far the most tricky part—even after fiddling with it for so long, I still don't quite understand why Postgres needs this indirection. Of the few options there are to make it work, I believe a subquery is the single one expressible in Django (and only as of 1.11).
Note that the above behaves exactly the same as with zip, i.e. the when one array is longer than the other, the remainder is ignored.
Further improvements
While it will be a lot faster already when you don't have to retrieve all rows anymore and loop over them in Python, it doesn't change yet that it results in a full table scan. All rows will have to be processed, every single time. You can do better, though. Have a look into the cube extension. Use it to calculate the L1 distance—at least, that seems what you're calculating—directly with the <#> operator. That will require the use of RawSQL or a custom Expression. Then add a GiST index on the SQL expression cube("values"), or directly on the field if you're able to change the type from float[] to cube. In case of the latter, you might have to implement your own CubeField too—I haven't found any package yet that provides it. In any case, with all that in place, top-N queries on the lowest distance will be fully indexed hence blazing fast.

Finding a unique url from a large list of URLs in O(n) time in a single pass

Recently I was asked this question in an interview. I gave an answer in O(n) time but in two passes. Also he asked me how to do the same if the url list cannot fit into the memory. Any help is very much appreciated.
If it all fits in memory, then the problem is simple: Create two sets (choose your favorite data structure), both initially empty. One will contain unique URLs and the other will contain URLs that occur multiple times. Scan the URL list once. For each URL, if it exists in the unique set, remove it from the unique set and put it in the multiple set; otherwise, if it does not exist in the multiple set, add it to the unique set.
If the set does not fit into memory, the problem is difficult. The requirement of O(n) isn't hard to meet, but the requirement of a "single pass" (which seems to exclude random access, among other things) is tough; I don't think it's possible without some constraints on the data. You can use the set approach with a size limit on the sets, but this would be easily defeated by unfortunate orderings of the data and would in any event only have a certain probability (<100%) of finding a unique element if one exists.
If you can design a set data structure that exists in mass storage (so it can be larger than would fit in memory) and can do find, insert, and deletes in O(1) (amortized) time, then you can just use that structure with the first approach to solve the second problem. Perhaps all the interviewer was looking for was to dump the URLs into a data base with a UNIQUE index for URLs and a count column.
One could try to use Trie structure for keeping data. It's compressed so it would take less memory, as memory reusage for common url parts.
loop would look like:
add string s to trie;
check that added string is not finished in existing node
internal node -> compress path
leaf node -> delete path
For the "fits-in-memory" case, you could use two hash-tables as follows (pseudocode):
hash-table uniqueTable = <initialization>;
hash-table nonUniqueTable = <initialization>;
for-each url in url-list {
if (nonUniqueTable.contains(url)) {
else if (uniqueTable.contains(url)) {
else {
if (uniqueTable.size() > 1)
return uniqueTable.first();
Python based
You have a list - not sure where it's "coming" from, but if you already have it in memory then:
from itertools import groupby
for key, vals in groupby(L, lambda L: L):
if len(vals) == 1:
print key
Otherwise use storage (possibly using):
import sqlite3
db = sqlite3.connect('somefile')
db.execute('create table whatever(key)')
Get your data into that, then execute "select * from whatever group by key where count(*) = 1)"
This is actually a classic interview question and the answer they were expecting was that you first sort the urls and then make a binary search.
If it doesn't fit in memory, you can do the same thing with a file.

How to optimize use of querysets with lists

I have a model that has a couple million objects. Each object represents a call made/received by a company.
To simplify things, let's say this model, Call, has these fields:
calldate, context, channel.
My goal is to know the average # of calls made and received during each hour of the day of the month (load by hour). The catch is: I need to find this for port1 and port2 separately.
As of now, my code works fine, except that it takes around 1 whole minute to give me the result for a range of 4 months and I it seems extremely inefficient.
I've done some simple profiling and discovered that the extend is taking around 99% of the processing time:
queryset = Call.objects.filter(calldate__gte='SOME_DATE')
port1, port2 = [],[]
channels_in_port1 = ["Port/%d-2" % x for x in range(1,32)]
channels_in_port2 = ["Port/%d-2" % x for x in range(32,63)]
for i in channels_in_port1:
for i in channels_in_port2:
port1 and port2 have around 150k objects combined now.
As soon as I have all calls for port1 and port2, I'm good to go. The rest of the code is basically some for loops for port1 and port2 that sums up and takes the average of calls according to the hour/day/month. Trivial stuff.
I tried to avoid using any "extend" by using itertools.chain and chaining the querysets instead. However, that made the processing time shift to the part where I do the trivial for loops to calculate the load by hour.
Any alternatives? Better ways to filter the queryset?
Thanks very much!!
Have you considered using django's aggregate functions?
I presume your problem is with the second set of extends, ie those within the for loops, rather than the first. (The first is completely unnecessary, in any case: rather than defining an empty list up front and extending it, you can just do port1 = list(queryset.filter(context__icontains="e1-1")).)
Anyway, to summarize what I think you are trying to do: you want to get all Call objects for a certain date, in two blocks depending on the value for channel: one where it contains values from 0 to 31, and one with values between 32 and 62.
It seems like you could do this with just two queries, without any extending at all:
port1 = queryset.filter(channel__range=["Port/1-2", "Port/31-2"])
port2 = queryset.filter(channel__range=["Port/1-32", "Port/31-62"])
Does that not do what you want?
Edit in response to comment but that's then just two queries which you can extend, or concatenate. The problem with your code as posted is that you are doing 31 queries and extend operations for each port, which is bound to be expensive. If you just do one each, plus one extend/concat, that will be much cheaper.

recursively find subsets

Here is a recursive function that I'm trying to create that finds all the subsets passed in an STL set. the two params are an STL set to search for subjects, and a number i >= 0 which specifies how big the subsets should be. If the integer is bigger then the set, return empty subset
I don't think I'm doing this correctly. Sometimes it's right, sometimes its not. The stl set gets passed in fine.
list<set<int> > findSub(set<int>& inset, int i)
list<set<int> > the_list;
list<set<int> >::iterator el = the_list.begin();
set<int> tmp_set;
for(int j(0); j<=i;j++)
set<int>::iterator first = inset.begin();
return the_list;
From what I understand you are actually trying to generate all subsets of 'i' elements from a given set right ?
Modifying the input set is going to get you into trouble, you'd be better off not modifying it.
I think that the idea is simple enough, though I would say that you got it backwards. Since it looks like homework, i won't give you a C++ algorithm ;)
generate_subsets(set, sizeOfSubsets) # I assume sizeOfSubsets cannot be negative
# use a type that enforces this for god's sake!
if sizeOfSubsets is 0 then return {}
else if sizeOfSubsets is 1 then
result = []
for each element in set do result <- result + {element}
return result
result = []
baseSubsets = generate_subsets(set, sizeOfSubsets - 1)
for each subset in baseSubssets
for each element in set
if no element in subset then result <- result + { subset + element }
return result
The key points are:
generate the subsets of lower rank first, as you'll have to iterate over them
don't try to insert an element in a subset if it already is, it would give you a subset of incorrect size
Now, you'll have to understand this and transpose it to 'real' code.
I have been staring at this for several minutes and I can't figure out what your train of thought is for thinking that it would work. You are permanently removing several members of the input list before exploring every possible subset that they could participate in.
Try working out the solution you intend in pseudo-code and see if you can see the problem without the stl interfering.
It seems (I'm not native English) that what you could do is to compute power set (set of all subsets) and then select only subsets matching condition from it.
You can find methods how to calculate power set on Wikipedia Power set page and on Math Is Fun (link is in External links section on that Wikipedia page named Power Set from Math Is Fun and I cannot post it here directly because spam prevention mechanism). On math is fun mainly section It's binary.
I also can't see what this is supposed to achieve.
If this isn't homework with specific restrictions i'd simply suggest testing against a temporary std::set with std::includes().