Matching Any Word Regex - regex

I would like to remove hundreds on onmouseover events from my code. the evt all pass different variables and I want to be able to use dreamwaever to find and replace all the strings with nothing.
Here is an example
I want to run a search that will identify all of these and replace/remove them.
I have tried seemingly infinite permutations of things like:
And many more. I cannot find the regular expression that will work.
Any/all help would be appreciated.
Thanks a ton!

"." and "(" have special meaning in regular expressions, so you need to escape them:
I'm not sure if this is correct dreamweaver regex syntax, but this stuff is standard enough.

Try this one:
And see it in action here.

When using reg expressions you have to be very careful about how you handle white space. For example the following piece of code will not get caught by most of the reg expressions mentioned so far because of the space after the comma and equals sign, despite the fact that it is most likely valid syntax in the language you are using.
onmouseover= "parent.mv_mapTipOver(evt, 'Walker');"
In order to create regexp that ignore white space you must insert /s* everywhere in the regexp that white space might occur.
The following regexp should work even if there is additional white space in your code.


Matching within matches by extending an existing Regex

I'm trying to see if its possible to extend an existing arbitrary regex by prepending or appending another regex to match within matches.
Take the following example:
The original regex is cat|car|bat so matching output is
I want to add to this regex and output only matches that start with 'ca',
I specifically don't want to interpret a whole regex, which could be quite a long operation and then change its internal content to match produce the output as in:
or run the original regex and then the second one over the results. I'm taking the original regex as an argument in python but want to 'prefilter' the matches by adding the additional code.
This is probably a slight abuse of regex, but I'm still interested if it's possible. I have tried what I know of subgroups and the following examples but they're not giving me what I need.
Things I've tried:
It may not be possible but I'm interested in what any regex gurus think. I'm also interested if there is some way of doing this positionally if the length of the initial output is known.
A slightly more realistic example of the inital query might be [a-z]{4} but if I create (?<=^ca([a-z]{4})) it matches against 6 letter strings starting with ca, not 4 letter.
Thanks for any solutions and/or opinions on it.
EDIT: See solution including #Nick's contribution below. The tool I was testing this with (exrex) seems to have a slight bug that, following the examples given, would create matches 6 characters long.
You were not far off with what you tried, only you don't need a lookbehind, but rather a lookahead assertion, and a parenthesis was misplaced. The right thing is: Put the original pattern in parentheses, and prepend (?=ca):
In the second example (without | alternative), the parentheses around the original pattern wouldn't be required.
Ok, thanks to #Armali I've come to the conclusion that (?=ca)(^[a-z]{4}$) works (see However, I'm trying this with the great exrex tool to attempt to produce matching strings, and it's producing matches that are 6 characters long rather than 4. This may be a limitation of exrex rather than the regex, which seems to work in other cases.
See #Nick's comment.
I've also raised an issue on the exrex GitHub for this.

find string that is missing substring in xml files regular expression

This is my reg expression that find it
(<instance_material symbol="material_)([0-9]+)(part)(.*?)(")(/)(>)
I need to find a string that does not contain the word "part"
and the xml lines are
<instance_material symbol="material_677part01_h502_w5" target="#material_677part01_h502_w5"/>
<instance_material symbol="material_677" target="#material_677"/>
You can use negative lookahead
^ - start of string.
(?!.*part) - condition to avoid part.
.*? - Match anything except new line.
$ - End of string
Many regex starters will encounter the problem finding a string not containing certain words. You could find more useful tips on
You need to be aware that all attempts to process XML using regular expressions are wrong, in the sense that (a) there will be some legitimate ways of writing the XML document that the regex doesn't match, and (b) there will be some ways of getting false matches, e.g. by putting nasty stuff in XML comments. Sometimes being right 99% of the time is OK of course, but don't do this in production because soon we'll have people writing on SO "I need to generate XML with the attributes in a particular order because that's what the receiving application requires."
Your regex, for example, requires the attribute to be in double rather than single quotes, and it doesn't allow whitespace around the "=" sign, or in several other places where XML allows whitespace. If there's any risk of people deliberately trying to defeat your regex, you need to consider tricks like people writing p in place of p.
Even if this is a one-off with no risk of malicious subversion, you're much better off doing this with XPath. It then becomes a simple query like //instance_materal[#symbol[not(contains(., 'part'))]]

Using a regular expression to insert text in a match

Regular Expressions are incredible. I'm in my regex infancy so help solving the following would be greatly appreciated.
I have to search through a string to match for a P character that's not surrounded by operators, power or negative signs. I then have to insert a multiplication sign. Case examples are:
33+16*55P would become 33+16*55*P
2P would become 2*P
P( 33*sin(45) ) would become P*(33*sin(45))
I have written some regex that I think handles this although I don't know how using regex I can insert a character:
The reg is I've written is:
The language where the RegEx will be used is ActionScript 3.
A live example of the regex can be seen at:
I would be massively grateful if someone could show me how I insert a multiplication sign in middle of the match ie P2, becomes P*2, 22.5P becomes 22.5P
ActionScript 3 has search, match and replace functions that all utilise regular expressions. I'm unsure how I'd use string.replace( expression, replaceText ) in this context.
Many thanks in advance
Welcome to the wonder (and inevitable frustration that will lead to tearing your hair out) that is regular expressions. You should probably read over the documentation on using regular expressions in ActionScript, as well as this similar question.
You'll need to combine RegExp.test() with the String.replace() function. I don't know ActionScript, so I don't know if it will work as is, but based on the documentation linked above, the below should be a good start for testing and getting an idea of what the form of your solution might look like. I think #Vall3y is right. To get the replace right, you'd want to first check for anything leading up to a P, then for anything after a P. So two functions is probably easier to get right without getting too fancy with the Regex:
private function multiplyBeforeP(str:String):String {
var pattern:RegExp = new RegExp("([^\^\+\-\/\*]?)P", "i");
return str.replace(pattern, "$1*P");
private function multiplyAfterP(str:String):String {
var pattern:RegExp = new RegExp("P([^\^\+\-\/\*])", "i");
return str.replace(pattern, "P*$1");
Regex is used to find patterns in strings. It cannot be used to manipulate them. You will need to use action script for that.
Many programming languages have a string.replace method that accepts a regex pattern. Since you have two cases (inserting after and before the P), a simple solution would be to split your regex into two ([^\^\+\-\/\*]?P+ and P+[^\^\+\-\/\*] for example, this might need adjustment), and switch each pattern with the matching string ("*P" and "P*")

Regular expression to remove comment

I am trying to write a regular expression which finds all the comments in text.
For example all between /* */.
/* Hello */
When I do this:/\*.*\*/, it behaves odd and nothing is shown. What is wrong with it?
EDIT: The comments can be spread across multiple lines
Unlike the example posted above, you were trying to match comments that spanned multiple lines. By default, . does not match a line break. Thus you have to enable multi-line mode in the regex to match multi-line comments.
Also, you probably need to use .*? instead of .*. Otherwise it will make the largest match possible, which will be everything between the first open comment and the last close comment.
I don't know how to enable multi-line matching mode in Sublime Text 2. I'm not sure it is available as a mode. However, you can insert a line break into the actual pattern by using CTRL + Enter. So, I would suggest this alternative:
If Sublime Text 2 doesn't recognize the \n, you could alternatively use CTRL + Enter to insert a line break in the pattern, in place of \n.
I encountered this problem several years ago and wrote an entire article about it.
If you don't have access to non-greedy matching (not all regex libraries support non-greedy) then you should use this regex:
If you do have access to non-greedy matching then you can use:
Also, keep in mind that regular expressions are just a heuristic for this problem. Regular expressions don't support cases in which something appears to be a comment to the regular expression but actually isn't:
someString = "An example comment: /* example */";
// The comment around this code has been commented out.
// /*
// */
Just want to add for HTML Comments is is this
Just an additionnal note about using regex to remove comments inside a programming language file.
Doing this you must not forget the case where you have the string /* or */ inside a string in the code - like var string = "/*"; - (we never know if you parse a huge code that is not yours)!
So the best is to parse the document with a programming language and have a boolean to save the state of an open string (and ignore any match inside open string).
Again a string delimited by " can contain a \" so pay attention with the regex!
You cannot write a regular expression that would be able to correctly find all comments, or even one type of comments - single-line or multiline.
Regular expressions can only provide a partial match, one that would would cover perhaps 90% of all cases, but that's it.
The syntax for regular expression is so complex, it is only possible to identify them correctly in 100% of cases by doing a full expression evaluation, which in turn is based on tokenizing the code. The latter is a huge task, which is implemented by all AST parsers today. See AST Explorer
Only a proper-written AST parser can tell you precisely where all regular expressions are located in your code. You would have to write a parser then based on that.
Or, you could use one of the existing libraries that already do all that, like decomment.
RegEx examples where any head-on approach is going to stumble, being unable to tell a regular expression from a comment block:
/\// - it will think this reg-ex is a single-line comment
/\/*/ - it will think this reg-ex opens a multi-line comment
The answer which user1919238 wrote works. Just corroborating that here, although the many upvotes probably do give you a clue.
It got rid of all these annoying block comments, put here just to show the usefulness/thank user1919238 for saving time:
/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,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 */
if you want to replace the obnoxious comment from flutter main.dart,
Press cmd +r on mac or cntrl+ r on windows,
type //.* into the box above, leave the box below empty
click .* on the replace dialog, to activate regex,
then click on replace all. this will remove all your comments, you can do this if you want to remove all comments in any file in a flutter.
Additional, to reformat the main.dart
press cmd+a on mac and cntrl+a on windows,
then press cmd+alt(option)+l or cntrl+alt+l, this will reformat the code.
I will attach a picture of the main. dart, the green .* at the top of the page is what you will press to activate the regex.

Find & replace with regular expressions in netbeans

I'm looking for a regular expression that can find and replace all the text "anytext" with "anything" in netbeans, some of the symbols also contain this text. I've done it a while back for a single file but now I want to change everything in my application & I'm struggling to get it right.
Just use find & replace to replace all instances of "anytext" with "anything". There is no difference between this and a regex find & replace, because there doesn't exist a pattern that can be easily exploited using regex. There is no difference in this case. Based on your comment, you still must manualy enter the word you want replaced and a word that will replace it.
I think you have misunderstood a bit what regular expressions are all about.
Were you looking for something like this? Where it wouldn't grab it inside word?