Hiding a field for a subtype in Alloy - overloading

Suppose I have the following signature declarations, in Alloy 4.2:
sig Target {}
abstract sig A {
parent: lone A,
r: some Target
sig B extends A {}
sig C extends A {}
When running, the resulting instances would have arrows from every B to some Target, and from C to some Target.
How would I be able to hide only the arrows from B?
I tried the following, at first:
abstract sig A {
parent: lone A
sig B extends A {
r: some Target
sig C extends A {
r: some Target
This would give me control over r in B, but it introduces a lot of ambiguity when writing properties. I would like to keep these as simple as possible. For example:
all a: A | a.r = parent.a.r
The above says that a's Targets is the set of a's children's Targets.
With the latter declarations, I would have to rewrite this to
all b: B | b.r = parent.b.((B <: r) + (C <: r))
all c: C | c.r = parent.c.((B <: r) + (C <: r))
which is undesirable.
Is there any workaround to be able to have a general field, but still have control over what arrows are displayed?

You can define a function that exactly corresponds to (C <: r):
fun C_r : A -> Target {
(C <: r)
In the Alloy visualizer, you wil have access to relation $C_r. Then, you can turn off "Show as arcs" for relation r, but still have $C_r visible. This should hide the set of edges that belong to (B <: r).


How to map modules to a module type in OCaml?

I want to define a module type that depends on other modules. I thought I could do it with a functor, but I believe functors are only mappings from modules to modules and it's not possible to use them to define mappings from a module to a module type.
Here's an example of what I'd like to do:
module type Field =
type t
val add : t -> t -> t
val mul : t -> t -> t
module type Func (F1 : Field) (F2 : Field) =
val eval : F1.t -> F2.t
module FuncField (F1 : Field) (F2 : Field) (F : Func F1 F2) =
let eval a = F.eval a
let add a b = F2.add (F.eval a) (F.eval b)
let mul a b = F2.mul (F.eval a) (F.eval b)
I have a Field module type, like the real and rational numbers for example, and I want to define the type of functions Func from one field to another, which is F1.t -> F2.t for any two given modules F1, F2. With those module types in place, I can then define FuncField, which takes F1, F2, F and basically augments F.eval with add and mul.
When I run the code, I get a generic Error: Syntax error in the line where I define Func. Is there a way to define something like this in OCaml?
I'm not sure if this requires dependent types, but I'm mildly familiar with Coq, which has dependent types, and it didn't complain when I defined an equivalent construct:
Module Type Field.
Parameter T : Type.
Parameter add : T -> T -> T.
Parameter mul : T -> T -> T.
End Field.
Module Type Func (F1 : Field) (F2 : Field).
Parameter eval : F1.T -> F2.T.
End Func.
Module FuncField (F1 : Field) (F2 : Field) (F : Func F1 F2).
Definition eval a := F.eval a.
Definition add a b := F2.add (F.eval a) (F.eval b).
Definition mul a b := F2.mul (F.eval a) (F.eval b).
End FuncField.
Functors are functions from modules to modules. There is no such thing as a functor from module type to module type .... but you can cheat. :)
Unlike Coq, OCaml's modules are not fully dependent types, but they are "dependent enough" in this case.
The idea is that modules can contain module types. Since we can't return a module type directly, we will simply return a module that contain one!
Your example become like that:
module type Field = sig
type t
val add : t -> t -> t
val mul : t -> t -> t
module Func (F1 : Field) (F2 : Field) = struct
module type T = sig
val eval : F1.t -> F2.t
module FuncField (F1 : Field) (F2 : Field) (F : Func(F1)(F2).T) = struct
let eval a = F.eval a
let add a b = F2.add (F.eval a) (F.eval b)
let mul a b = F2.mul (F.eval a) (F.eval b)
Note the Func(F1)(F2).T syntax, which says "apply the functor, and out of the result, take the module type T". This combination of functor application + field access is only available in types (either normal ones or module types).
I don't remember where I found that trick first, but you can see it in action "in production" in tyxml (definition, usage).
Going outside the box a little since it doesn't seem like you really need a functor to accomplish what you describe. Simple module constraints might suffice:
module type Field =
type t
val add : t -> t -> t
val mul : t -> t -> t
module type Func =
type t1
type t2
val eval : t1 -> t2
module FuncField (F1 : Field) (F2 : Field) (F : Func with type t1 = F1.t and type t2 = F2.t) =
let eval a = F.eval a
let add a b = F2.add (F.eval a) (F.eval b)
let mul a b = F2.mul (F.eval a) (F.eval b)

Mutually recursive module and functor in OCaml

I have defined an interface A to be used by several functors, and notably by MyFunctor :
module type A = sig
val basic_func: ...
val complex_func: ...
module MyFunctor :
functor (SomeA : A) ->
let complex_impl params =
(* Here I call 'basic_func' from SomeA *)
SomeA.basic_func ...
Now I want to define a module B with implements the interface A. In particular, the implementation of complex_func should use basic_func through complex_impl in MyFunctor :
module B = struct
let basic_func = ...
let complex_func ... =
let module Impl = MyFunctor(B) in
Impl.complex_impl ...
However, this code doesn't compile as B is not fully declared in the context of MyFunctor(B). Obviously B depends on MyFunctor(B), which itself depends on B, so I tried to use the rec keyword on module B, but it didn't work out.
So, is it possible to do something like this ? It would be useful as I have several modules B_1, ..., B_n that use the same implementation of B_k.complex_func in terms of B_k.basic_func.
Or is there a better pattern for my problem ? I know that I can declare complex_impl as a regular function taking basic_func as a parameter, without using a functor at all :
let complex_impl basic_func params =
basic_func ...
But in my case complex_impl uses many basic functions of A, and I think that the paradigm of functors is clearer and less error-prone.
Edit : I followed this answer, but in fact, A uses some type t that is specialized in B :
module type A = sig
type t
val basic_func: t -> unit
val complex_func: t -> unit
module MyFunctor :
functor (SomeA : A) ->
let complex_impl (x : SomeA.t) =
SomeA.basic_func x
module rec B : A = struct
type t = int
val basic_func (x : t) = ...
val complex_func (x : t) =
let module Impl = MyFunctor(B) in
Impl.complex_impl x
And now I get the error (for x at line Impl.complex_impl x) :
This expression has type t = int but an expression was expected of type B.t
Edit 2 : I solved this second problem with the following code :
module rec B :
A with type t = int
= struct
type t = int
You can use recursive modules just like you'd write recursive let bindings
module type A = sig
val basic_func : unit -> int
val complex_func : unit -> int
module MyFunctor =
functor (SomeA : A) ->
let complex_impl = SomeA.basic_func
module rec B : A = struct
let basic_func () = 0
let complex_func () =
let module Impl = MyFunctor(B) in
Impl.complex_impl ()
Note (a) the module rec bit in the definition of B and (b) that I am required to provide a module signature for a recursive module definition.
# B.basic_func ();;
- : int = 0
# B.complex_func ();;
- : int = 0
There's a small caveat, however, in that this only works because the signature A has only values which are function types. It is thus known as a "safe module". If basic_func and complex_func were values instead of function types then it would fail upon compilation
Error: Cannot safely evaluate the definition
of the recursively-defined module B

Swift: statically "append" to tuple type

I have a templated struct in a Swift library I am writing. This struct has two characteristics:
Every struct "wraps" or "represents" another arbitrary type. A Foo<T> wraps a T
These structs can be "combined" to form a third struct, whose represented type should be a "combination" (read: tuple) of the first two. In another worlds, if fooA: Foo<A> and fooB: Foo<B>, then fooA + fooB should be of type Foo<(A, B)>.
This works well enough when there are only two types to combine, but when you chain this combination operation you start getting nested tuples, which is not what I want. For example, in the following code:
let a = Foo<A>(/* initialize */)
let b = Foo<B>(/* initialize */)
let c = Foo<C>(/* initialize */)
let d = a + b // type is Foo<(A, B)>
let e = d + c // type is Foo<((A, B), C)>
d has type Foo<(A, B)>, which is what we want, but e has type Foo<((A, B), C)>, which is an extra level of unwanted nesting.
I need some way to express that the combination of a Foo<A> and a Foo<B> is not a Foo<(A, B)>, but rather a Foo<A + B>, where + is a hypothetical static operation which means "if the first type is a tuple type, append the second type onto it, yielding a new, non-nested tuple type. If it is not a tuple type, simply make the tuple type (A, B).
This feels like pushing to compiler to (beyond?) its limits, and I suspect that it might not be possible with Swift's current templating capabilities and type system. Still, if anyone can offer a workaround, a redesign that doesn't encounter this problem in the first place, or something conceptually similar but not identical to what I'm trying to do, it would be extremely helpful. As things stand, I'm at an impasse.
I think there is no generic way to do that.
Maybe, you can do something like this:
struct Foo<T> {
let v: T
init(_ v:T) { self.v = v }
func +<A,B>(lhs: Foo<(A)>, rhs:Foo<(B)>) -> Foo<(A,B)> { return Foo(lhs.v.0, rhs.v.0) }
func +<A,B,C>(lhs: Foo<(A,B)>, rhs: Foo<(C)>) -> Foo<(A,B,C)> { return Foo(lhs.v.0, lhs.v.1, rhs.v.0) }
func +<A,B,C>(lhs: Foo<(A)>, rhs: Foo<(B,C)>) -> Foo<(A,B,C)> { return Foo(lhs.v.0, rhs.v.0, rhs.v.1) }
func +<A,B,C,D>(lhs: Foo<(A,B,C)>, rhs: Foo<(D)>) -> Foo<(A,B,C,D)> { return Foo(lhs.v.0, lhs.v.1, lhs.v.2, rhs.v.0) }
func +<A,B,C,D>(lhs: Foo<(A,B)>, rhs: Foo<(C,D)>) -> Foo<(A,B,C,D)> { return Foo(lhs.v.0, lhs.v.1, rhs.v.0, rhs.v.1) }
func +<A,B,C,D>(lhs: Foo<(A)>, rhs: Foo<(B,C,D)>) -> Foo<(A,B,C,D)> { return Foo(lhs.v.0, rhs.v.0, rhs.v.1, rhs.v.2) }
// ... as many as you want ...
let f1 = Foo<(Int, UInt)>(1, 2) + Foo<String>("string") // -> as Foo<(Int, UInt, String)>

Typing in ocaml methods

I was playing with method redefinition, and I found this silly example :
class a =
method get (x : a) = x
class b =
inherit a
method get (x : b) = x
I'm clearly specifying that I want the get method from the b class to take a b and return a b, but the method signature is a -> a. And if I do
(new b)#get(new a)
he's very happy, when he really shouldn't. After that I added something silly :
class a =
method get (x : a) = x
class b =
inherit a
method get (x : b) = x#foo(x)
method foo (x : a) = x
And I get Error: This expression has type b
It has no method foo
What on earth is happening ?
Taking the first example first: OCaml has structural typing of objects, not nominal typing. In other words, the type of an object is determined entirely by its methods (and their types). So the classes a and b are in fact the same type.
$ ocaml
OCaml version 4.00.0
# class a = object method get (x: a) = x end;;
class a : object method get : a -> a end
# class b = object inherit a method get (x: b) = x end;;
class b : object method get : a -> a end
# let a0 = new a;;
val a0 : a = <obj>
# let b0 = new b;;
val b0 : b = <obj>
# (a0: b);;
- : b = <obj>
# (a0: a);;
- : a = <obj>
# (b0: a);;
- : a = <obj>
# (b0: b);;
- : b = <obj>
(What I'm trying to show here is that both a0 and b0 are of type a and of type b.)
In the second example, I'd say you're trying to give a new type to the get method. When you override a method in OCaml, the parameter and return types need to be the same as in the parent class.
The error message seems unfortunate. My guess is that the compiler is believing you that type b is another name for type a.
One of OCaml's strengths is that it will infer types. If you leave off the : b for the parameter of get in class b, you get the following error instead:
This expression has type a. It has no method foo
This is a little more helpful, in that it shows (I think) that you're required to have type a for the parameter.
Side comment (forgive me): if you come to the OO part of OCaml from a mainstream OO language, it might strike you as strange. But if you learn the FP part of OCaml first, you might wonder why all the mainstream OO languages get so many things wrong :-). (Granted, everything is tradeoffs and there is no one right way to structure computation. But OCaml's OO subsystem is doing something pretty impressive.)

Ocaml - Forward Declaration (Classes)

I need to have two classes refering to each other. Is there any way in Ocaml to make Forward Declaration of one of them?
(I don't think it's possible as with easier stuff with word and).
Or maybe it is possible, but different way than how i tried?
Ocaml doesn't have anything like forward declarations (i.e. a promise that something will be defined eventually), but it has recursive definitions (i.e. a block of things that are declared and then immediately defined in terms of each other). Recursive definitions are possible between expressions, types, classes, and modules (and more); mutually recursive modules allow mixed sets of objects to be defined recursively.
You can solve your problem using a recursive definition with the keyword and:
class foo(x : bar) = object
method f () = x#h ()
method g () = 0
and bar(x : foo) = object
method h () = x#g()
Or you could use parameterized classes. Following the previous example you have:
class ['bar] foo (x : 'bar) =
method f () = x#h ()
method g () = 0
class ['foo] bar (x : 'foo) =
method h () = x#g()
The inferred interface is:
class ['a] foo : 'a ->
constraint 'a = < h : unit -> 'b; .. >
method f : unit -> 'b
method g : unit -> int
class ['a] bar : 'a ->
constraint 'a = < g : unit -> 'b; .. >
method h : unit -> 'b