Drawing static text on transparent window - c++

I am trying to display static text directly inside a game's window. I am writing a standard win32 dll that the game loads. The DLL creates a borderless and transparent dialog window that always lies on top of the game's window and fills the game's client area. The only problem is that when I make the dialog window transparent, the static text I put on the dialog becomes invisble too. Is there a way that I can make the dialog window transparent but not the text on it?


Ghost Window/Bitmap lingers after closing window - MFC SDI

Environment: MFC frame based SDI application
Problem: After closing modal dialog boxes, the bitmap stays displayed/the window beneath doesn't repaint.
Dialog creation:
PortSettings Dlg;
I've tried explicitly setting OnCancel() for the dialog class,
void PortSettings::OnCancel()
tried calling RedrawWindow from the parent window and the Dialog OnCancel.
This issue happens for all the dialog boxes, and other modal windows that open (Like a file browser) I assume because I am using MFC I've somehow interfered with the underlying Window Proc but I'm not sure how to investigate or what to try.
Solution was multifaceted:
Dialog Window Properties affect the image lingering - in my case, it was necessary to change the dialog frame to "thin" style.
After the Dlg.DoModal() call, call ParentWnd->RedrawWindow(). In the Parent Window's OnPaint, I added a fillSolidRect to repaint the background white. This section is controlled with Boolean logic to only repaint immediately after a dialog closes to avoid flickering.

hbrBackground in c++

I have created the above simple GUI in c++. I would like the static text control background to be same as the main window (which is white) or how can i make the main window background (hbrBackground) to be the same color as the background in the static text control?
Many thanks!
You can set the background of the static control by responding to WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC.
You can change the background color of your window by responding to WM_ERASEBKGND and calling (for one possibility) FillRect.

Insert an UI into another MFC Dialog

I have one MFC application (exe) that contains two panes in its main UI. This application loads another DLL that also contains one dialog. How can I programatically place a Dialog defined into the DLL, and put it into (within) the pane of the MFC application? The question is not how to programatically retrieve the dialog from the DLL but how to put this dialog 'on the top' (within, inside) of one UI pane that belongs to the application?
My goal is to customize the UI of the application with dialog(s) retrieved from a dll and give the user the feeling that these dialogs all belong to one application UI. Thanks for any hint.
I have some applications with this feature, often with a tab control to alternate between windows.
First I set a frame in the container window, invisible to the user. The frame is just a placeholder to where the dialog window will be.
Then I make an instance of the dialog window as a global variable in the container class, I create the dialog window as a modeless window (using Create(), not DoModal()), move the window to the same RECT of the frame control, and call ShowWindow() to show the window.
Am I understanding you correctly that you don't want the dialogs to appear as dialogs, but rather as content of another window, or as a pane?
In other words, you want to get rid of the dialog's title bar and embed the dialog's content into another window, is that right?
That is possible. You would need to create the dialog without the title bar (change the window style) and make sure that you create the dialog's window as a childwindow of the window where you want the content to go. I can explain this further but I first would like to know if I'm understanding you correctly.

Child Window painting problem on Vista only

I have a dialog-based MFC C++ app. My dialog displays a number of "pages" (similar to a tab page or property dialog box).
I display each "page" by displaying a Child window over the top of the parent's client area. This works fine on Vista until I then open another window on top of the child.
Vista then seems to draw a thick white rectangular frame within my parent dialog box which paints over the top of my "page" child window(s). If I move another window over the top of this white rectangle, it will repaint the obscured area just fine.
Can somebody please tell me what is going on? Is Vista trying to clear my non-client (frame) area using incorrect coordinates perhaps?
My parent dialog is a skinned class derived from CDialog which handles the painting of my own window titlebar and frames. I've found that if I don't call CDialog::OnNcActivate() within my own OnNcActivate() method, the white rectangle doesn't appear. Of course if I do this then I can't use my child windows.. but OnNcActivate would appear to be related to the problem.
I've figured out the problem.. I shouldn't be calling CDialog::OnNcActivate() - I should have just been returning TRUE instead. All working fine now.

Making non pop-up window transparent in mfc

Can i make a non popup window transparent and also ensure the child windows are not transparent?
Also i have to block click through by transparent window?
Hi if you mean transparent and not invisible, have a look at Alpha Blending.