hbrBackground in c++ - c++

I have created the above simple GUI in c++. I would like the static text control background to be same as the main window (which is white) or how can i make the main window background (hbrBackground) to be the same color as the background in the static text control?
Many thanks!

You can set the background of the static control by responding to WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC.
You can change the background color of your window by responding to WM_ERASEBKGND and calling (for one possibility) FillRect.


How to create a child window is transparent and the parent window is not transparent?

I want to create a window with two child windows. Only the background of the top child window is transparent. I can directly see the background of the parent window and not the content of other child windows.Like the picture, A is parent, B is child 1, C is child 2.The background of child 2 is the same as parent.enter image description here
You paint background on child window by yourself.
There is method OnPaint (in MFC) or message WM_PAINT.
And you should draw transparent background (it means to draw nothing).
Does it work?
If you use non-standart framework to create windows, you should specify background is painted programmatically.
A few options to experiment with:
If in your open source UI framework you can remove the WM_PAINT
handler entry in the Def­Window­Proc then you could do that.
Handle the WM_PAINT message yourself and do nothing in the handler except clear any flag that indicates that the client area
needs to be re-drawn. You'll need to find something equivalent to
Both of these methods MIGHT cause non client areas like the window frame to artifact within the client area as you move window C around but I can't be sure.

Drawing static text on transparent window

I am trying to display static text directly inside a game's window. I am writing a standard win32 dll that the game loads. The DLL creates a borderless and transparent dialog window that always lies on top of the game's window and fills the game's client area. The only problem is that when I make the dialog window transparent, the static text I put on the dialog becomes invisble too. Is there a way that I can make the dialog window transparent but not the text on it?

StaticText background in TabControl... What events should be processed?

I am rewiting the older application to get the modern look in Windows 7. The GUI elements are created and moved via the explicit code (no special layout manager). Because of some historic reasons, the GUI events were not processed the standard way. They were redirected. It is rather difficult to track them, especially when I do not know what should I focus for.
Here is the example of the window that should be polished. It is not a dialog. It is classical, sizable window placed on the top. However, it should mimic the dialog look. The window uses WTL::CTabControlT<CControl> where the CControl is my class based on the ATL::CWindow -- see the picture first:
It man not be well visible from the picture, but the ends of the red arrows show the grey background of the static texts. However, the backround of the tab itself is white.
What event causes the grey background of the static texts? Is it the WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC. Or, where is the problem? Is the background of the tab expected to be white or grey (standard behaviour)?
Is it recommended (by designers of the visual interface, user experience) to have also the listboxes in the tab the same (white) background?
The outer window has COLOR_3DFACE defined via ATL macro DECLARE_WND_CLASS_EX. What event is responsible for painting the bacground around the tab windows?
Thanks for your help,
The missing grey background around the tabs was solved by processing the WM_ERASEBKGND message explicitly (the redirection somehow prevented the default processing):
if (uMsg == WM_ERASEBKGND)
WTL::CDCHandle dc(reinterpret_cast<HDC>(wParam));
RECT rc;
dc.FillRect(&rc, GetWndClassInfo().m_wc.hbrBackground);
return TRUE;
Similarly, the grey background of the static texts on the white tabs was whitened by processing WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC in the ProcessWindowMessage of the TabControl window this way:
else if (uMsg == WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC)
return TRUE;

Making non pop-up window transparent in mfc

Can i make a non popup window transparent and also ensure the child windows are not transparent?
Also i have to block click through by transparent window?
Hi if you mean transparent and not invisible, have a look at Alpha Blending.

Visual Studio 2005: static text control won't display with transparent background

I'm using the Dialog editor in Visual Studio 2005 to create a Dialog box with a static text control. I'd like the background of the static text control to be transparent since I'm using an static image control underneath it and the grey text background looks hideous. In the editor, I set the "Transparent" attribute to True and it causes the background to go transparent just like I want it to. But as soon as I run my app and change the text using a SendMessage(hText, WM_SETTEXT, 0L, "newtext"), the background loses its transparency and goes grey again. Any ideas? Btw, I'm doing this in C++.
Thanks in advance for your help!
As Anthony Johnson said, handle the WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC message in the dialog box (you don't have to handle WM_NOTIFY - I don't believe static controls use that message, anyway). But it doesn't seem to be enough to set the background mode to transparent. You also have to set the background brush to a null brush. Something like this should work (in your DialogProc):
SetBkMode((HDC)wParam, TRANSPARENT);
return (INT_PTR)(HBRUSH)GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH);
If you change the text on the static control, you may have to invalidate what's underneath it for it to draw correctly when you do this.
Try hiding the control, then setting the text, then showing it.
I don't know how you can do it in the dialog editor, but if you handle the WM_NOTIFY message in the static's parent window, the static will send a WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC message before drawing the static. There, if you call SetBkMode((HDC)wParam, TRANSPARENT);, that should make the static have a transparent background.