can't properly disable gl color material - c++

I have scene with lighting that works fine. I want to addd a sky box that will fade away, so i am using
along with glColor4f to do this and it works fine. But for the fade to work i need to enable GL_COLOR_MATERIAL which completly gets rid of my lighting effects. I tried sandwiching the sky box part
(..light details..)
(draw rest of scene)
but that just lets the fade work and still doesn't show my lighting. Oddly enough if do
(..light details..)
(draw rest of scene)
I lose the fade and my lighting effects. Am I using GL_COLOR_MATERIAL properly? If I enable and disable right away, shouldn't there be no effect, leaving my lighting intact?

A sky box probably shouldn't be affected by lighting. There's nothing like a big shiny specularity on your sky and clouds to make it look very strange. So it makes sense to disable lighting while you render that. If lighting is off, the vertices just take whatever color you assign them (using glColor).
If lighting is on, the vertices will take on a combination of the lights' colors and the material properties. You can set the ambient, diffuse, and specular color filters separately for each vertex and they'll be multiplied with the associated colors from the lights along with some other math to take into account direction and fall-off. If, as is often the case, you're only changing the ambient and diffuse colors and you want them to be the same because you've already set the ambient and diffuse properties of your light source to both be white with the ambient significantly dimmer than the diffuse, then you can enable COLOR_MATERIAL and then setting glColor() is the same as calling glMaterial with GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE.


openGL - understanding colors changes due to lightning

I am writing some software in C, to render a yellow and a brown cube. However once I programmed light, all the colors changes to light blue. Could someone explain me why the colors changed? And how I can prevent such an extreme change?
This is the code I used for the light:
GLfloat color1 = {0.633, 0.237, 0.170}; \\ changed to blue
void initLight()
GLfloat red[] = {1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0};
GLfloat white[] = {1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0};
GLfloat blueGreen[] = {0.0,0.4,1.0,1.0};
glLightModelfv(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, white);
Based on the fact that you're using immediate mode, I assume you wrote something that looks like this setting up the vertices?
When you add lighting to the scene, the renderer no longer considers the color values you proposed for the individual vertices, and instead substitutes in white or grey (causing the light to turn those faces blueish-green). To fix that, you need to tell the renderer to treat the vertex colors as material colors. This code should be sufficient:
This is, of course, also a reason why you really, really should not be using OpenGL's immediate mode or Fixed Function Pipeline rendering, as it causes problems like this. I recommend the tutorial found here for learning Modern OpenGL.
Edit: Fixed a Typo
Alright, so there's a few other things you'll need to take into account.
GLfloat lp0[] = {4.0,4.0,3.0,0.0};
Generally speaking, position vectors should have their w component (the last one) set to 1, not 0. You may want to change it to
GLfloat lp0[] = {4.0,4.0,3.0,1.0};
Beyond that, you'll want to try playing around with the position, particularly using things like matrix adjustments. Again; this is yet another reason not to use FFP, and in this case, it's because it's difficult to tell where the light is being positioned relative to the objects. Putting it at <4,4,3> in worldspace only makes sense if you know for certain that its position is being translated by the modelview and projection matrices correctly, and at least in the code that I'm seeing, that doesn't appear to be the case.
Immediately after:
You probably should also call:
Also, your ambient light is very bright. You may need to bring the intensity of your ambient light down somewhat to get the proper effect from the tinted diffuse light.

Shader transparancy not working with one half

glEnable (GL_BLEND);
and used this in the fragment shader.
I've used Alpha blend to get the transparency working however it only seems to work from one side.
Not sure what the problem is, am new to programming and shading. Link to see the picture
I think you see 2 distant faces blending where color is darker.
Maybe Culling is not activated.
Face culling is the ability to discard face drawing upon certain condition.
To achieve what you want, You have to discard faces not facing the camera which is call backface culling. You do this:
glEnableGL(GL_CULL_FACE); //(enable face culling)
glCullFace(GL_BACK); //(discard back faces)
Everything is fine. It's called Transparency Sorting.
Some more info:
Rendering transparent objects in OpenGL
opengl z-sorting transparency

No spot of light on cube

I have made three sources of light and one cube
I don't see a spot of light on faces. It's look like entire polygon is lit.
And i don't know is this posible and cube need more polygons or mayby light settings are bad.
Settings i use.
glLightf(GL_LIGHT2, GL_SPOT_CUTOFF, 150.0f);
glLightf(GL_LIGHT2, GL_SPOT_EXPONENT, 15.0f);
Remember that the fixed-function lighting equation is only evaluated at the vertices of a triangle and interpolated across the fragment. No per-pixel lighting unless you get creative with GL_DOT3_RGB textures.
Therefore if you want to see a nice spotlight highlight on your cube you'll need to subdivide your cube faces so that they're closer to pixel-sized:
EDIT: Also remember to pass in reasonable per-vertex normals. Lighting doesn't work too well without them :)

opengl z-sorting transparency

im rendering png's on simple squares in opengl es 2.0, but when i try and draw something behind an square i have already drawn the transparent area in my top square are rendered the same color as the background.
I am calling these at the start of every render call.
glEnable (GL_BLEND);
Your title is essentially the answer to your question!
Generally transparency is done by first rendering all opaque objects in the scene (letting the z-buffer figure out what's visible), then rendering all transparent objects from back to front.
Drew Hall gave you a good answer but another option is to set glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST) with glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.1f). This will prevent transparent pixels (in this case, ones with alpha < 0.1f) from being rendered at all. That way they do not write into the Z buffer and other things can "show through". However, this only works on fully transparent objects. It also has rough edges wherever the 0.1 alpha edge is and this can look bad for distant features where the pixels are large compared to the object.
Figured it out. You can discard in the fragment shader
mediump vec4 basecolor = texture2D(sTexture, TexCoord);
if (basecolor.a == 0.0){
gl_FragColor = basecolor;

OpenGL: texture and plain color respond differently to ambient light?

This is a rather old problem I've had with an OpenGL application.
I have a rather complex model, some polygons in it are untextured and colored using a plain color with glColor() and others are textured. Some of the texture is the same color as the untextured polygons and there should be no visible seam between the two.
The problem is that when I turn up the ambient component of the light source, a seam between the two kinds of polygons emerge.
see this image:
The left image is without any ambient light and the right image is with ambient light of (0.2,0.2,0.2).
the RGB value of the color on the texture is identical to the RGB value of the colored faces. The textures alpha is set to 1.0 everywhere.
To shade the texture I use GL_MODULATE.
Can anyone think of a reason why that would happen and of a possible solution?
You mention that you set the color with glColor(), so I assume that GL_COLOR_MATERIAL is on? What setting do you use for glColorMaterial()? In this case it should be GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, so that the glColor() call affects the ambient color as well as the diffuse color. (This is the default.)
You could also try to set all material colours to white (with glMaterial()) before rendering the texture mapped faces. With some settings (don't remember which), the texture itself gets modulated by the current color.
Hope this helps or at least points you into a useful direction.