opengl z-sorting transparency - opengl

im rendering png's on simple squares in opengl es 2.0, but when i try and draw something behind an square i have already drawn the transparent area in my top square are rendered the same color as the background.
I am calling these at the start of every render call.
glEnable (GL_BLEND);

Your title is essentially the answer to your question!
Generally transparency is done by first rendering all opaque objects in the scene (letting the z-buffer figure out what's visible), then rendering all transparent objects from back to front.

Drew Hall gave you a good answer but another option is to set glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST) with glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.1f). This will prevent transparent pixels (in this case, ones with alpha < 0.1f) from being rendered at all. That way they do not write into the Z buffer and other things can "show through". However, this only works on fully transparent objects. It also has rough edges wherever the 0.1 alpha edge is and this can look bad for distant features where the pixels are large compared to the object.

Figured it out. You can discard in the fragment shader
mediump vec4 basecolor = texture2D(sTexture, TexCoord);
if (basecolor.a == 0.0){
gl_FragColor = basecolor;


OpenGL: Transparent texture issue

I have troubles with Texture transparency in OpenGL. As you can see in the picture below, it doesn't quite work. It's worth noting, that the black is actually the ClearColor, I use to clear the screen.
I use the following code to implement blending:
Here's my fragment shader:
#version 330 core
in vec2 tex_coords;
out vec4 color;
uniform vec4 spritecolor;
uniform sampler2D image;
void main(void)
color = spritecolor * texture(image, tex_coords);
Here is a screenshot of the scene in wireframe mode, in case it helps with the drawn vertices:
If anything else is needed, feel free to ask, I'll add it.
You have to do a Transparency Sorting
If a scene is drawn, usually the depth test (glDepthFunc) is set to GL_LESS. This causes fragments to be drawn only when they are in front of the scene so far drawn.
To draw transparents correctly, you have to draw the opaque objects first. The transparent objects have to be drawn after, sorted by the reverse distance to the camera position.To draw transparents correctly, you have to draw the opaque objects first. The transparent objects have to be drawn after, sorted by the reverse distance to the camera position.
Draw the transparent object first, which has the largest distance to the camera position and draw the transparent object last, which has the lowest distance to the camera position.
See also the answers to the following questions:
OpenGL depth sorting
opengl z-sorting transparency
Fully transparent OpenGL model

OpenGL - How to create Order Independent transparency?

I've been working on a game engine for educational purposes and I came across this issue I cannot seem to find an answer for:
Alpha channel only works for objects that have already been drawn before the object that has the alpha channel (For example: in a scene with 3 objects, let's say a cat, a dog and a bottle(transparent). both the cat and the dog are behind the bottle; the dog is drawn first, the bottle second, the cat third. only the dog will be seen through the bottle).
Here's a picture of this issue:
I used C++ for the engine, Win32 API for the editor and GLSL for shading:
// some code here
vec4 alpha = texture2D(diffuse, texCoord0).aaaa;
vec4 negalpha = alpha * vec4(-1,-1,-1,1) + vec4(1,1,1,0);
vec4 textureComponentAlpha = alpha*textureComponent+negalpha*vec4(1,1,1,0);//(texture2D ( diffuse, texCoord0 ) ).aaaa;
gl_FragColor = (textureComponentAlpha + vec4(, 0)) * vec4(, 1);
In C++:
I assume it has something to do with the way the alpha test is made, or something like that.
Could anyone help me fix this, please?
I am using something similar to that answer linked by #RetoKoradi comment but I got double layered transparent models with textures (glass with both inner and outer surface) with fully solid machinery and stuff around.
For such scenes I am using also multi pass approach and the Z-sorting is done by sequence of setting front face.
render all solid objects
render all transparent objects
This is the tricky part first I set
I got the geometry layers stored separately (inner outer) so The Z-sorting is done like this:
Render outer layer back faces with glFrontFace(GL_CW);
Render inner layer back faces with glFrontFace(GL_CW);
Render inner layer front faces with glFrontFace(GL_CCW);
Render outer layer front faces with glFrontFace(GL_CCW);
And lastly restore
render all solid objects again
It is far from perfect but enough for my purposes it looks like this:
I cannot encourage you enough to have a look at this NVidia paper and the related blog post by Morgan McGuire.
This is pretty easy to implement and has great results overall.
Im not entirely sure this will help your situation, but do you have blending and alpha enabled? As in :
The method to get correct transparency of rendered objects independently from the order in which they are drawn is named Order Independent Transparency (OIT).
There is a great presentation from Nvidia summarizing the latest solutions in this area: Order Independent Transparency In OpenGL 4.x
"OpenGL 4.x" in the title is not accidental, because only in OpenGL 4.2 core appears Atomic Counters, which are important for OIT implementation.
One of the algorithms of OIT is as follows:
During the first pass of rendering, store each fragment in a buffer, and collect all fragments for a single screen pixel in a linked list. Atomic Counters are used both to store new fragments in a buffer and to maintain linked list in each screen pixel.
During the second pass of rendering, each linked list is sorted according to z-depth and fragments are alpha-blended in correct order.
A simple alternative to OIT is to discard every second (odd) fragment in a fragment shader:
if (onlyOddFragments && ((int(gl_FragCoord.x) + int(gl_FragCoord.y)) % 2) == 1)
So you will see the objects farther from the camera in the discarded fragments. If multisample antialiasing (MSAA) is activated, then no checkboard pattern is visible even in lowest resolution.
Here is a video comparing the standard transparency approach where all triangles are output simply in order, as well as two above approaches. The implementation can be found in some open-source GitHub projects, e.g. here.

Fully transparent torus in OpenGL

I have a torus rendered by OpenGL and can map a texture; there is no problem as long as the texture is opaque. But it doesn't work when I make the color selectively transparent in fragment shader. Or rather: it works but only in some areas depending on the order of triangles in vertex buffer; see the difference along the outer equator.
The torus should be evenly covered by spots.
The source image will be png, however for now I work with bmp as it is easier to load (the texture loading function is part of a tutorial).
The image has white background and spots of different colors on top of it; it is not transparent.
The desired result is nearly transparent torus with spots. Both spots in the front and the back side must be visible.
The rendering will be done offline, so I don't require speed; I just need to generate image of torus from an image of its surface.
So far my code looks like this (it is a merge of two examples):
Fragment shader is:
#version 330 core
// Interpolated values from the vertex shaders
in vec2 UV;
// Ouput data
out vec4 color;
// Values that stay constant for the whole mesh.
uniform sampler2D myTextureSampler;
void main(){
// Output color = color of the texture at the specified UV
color.rgb = texture2D( myTextureSampler, UV ).rgb;
if (color.r == 1 && color.g == 1 && color.b == 1) {
color.a = 0.2;
} else {
color.a = 1;
I know that the issue is related to order.
What I could do (but don't know what will work):
Add transparency to the input image (and find a code which loads such image).
Do something in vertex shader (see Fully transparent OpenGL model).
Sorting would solve my problem, but if I get it correctly, I have to implement it myself. I would have to find a center of each triangle (easy), project it with my matrix and compare z values.
Change somehow blending and depth handling:
glDepthRange(0.0f, 1.0f);
I need an advice, how to continue.
Update, this nearly fixes the issue:
//glDepthRange(0.0f, 1.0f);
I wanted to write that it doesn't distinguish sports in front and the back, but then I realized they are nearly white and blending with white doesn't make difference.
The new image of torus with colorized texture is:
The remaining problems are:
red spots are blue - it is related to the function loading BMP (doesn't matter)
as in the input images all the spots are of the same size, the bigger spots should be on the top and therefore saturated and not blended with white body of the torus. It seems that the order is opposite than it should be. If you compare it to the previous image, there the big spots by appearance were drawn correctly and the small ones were hidden (the back side of the torus).
How to fix the latter one?
First problem was solved by disabling depth-test (see update in the question).
Second problem was solved by manual sorting of array of all triangles. It works well even in real-time for 20000 triangles, which is more than sufficient for my purpose
The resulting source code:
It is based on and uses includes from OpenGL tutorial:

OpenGL Alpha Blending Issue, Blending ignored (maybe)?

In case anyone happens to run into the problem I was running into, there are two solutions. One is the solution accepted, but that only applies if you are doing things how I was. Let me explain what I was doing:
1.) Render star background to screen
2.) Render ships, then particles to the FBO
3.) Render FBO to screen
This problem, and therefor the solution to this problem, occurred in the first place because I was blending the FBO with the star background.
The real solution, which is supposedly also slightly faster, is to simply render the star background to the FBO, then render the FBO to screen with blending disabled. Using this method, I do not need to mess with glBlendFuncSeparate...
1.) Render stars, then ships, then particles to FBO
2.) Render FBO to screen with blending disabled
----------ORIGINAL QUESTION:----------
From what I understand of the issue, blending is being ignored somehow. The particle texture with alpha transparency completely overwrites below pixels.
I am creating a top-down game. The camera is slightly angled so that there is some feeling of depth. I am rendering my ships, then rending the particles above them...
After beginning the OpenGL context
In the render loop, I do this:
entitymgr_render(ook); //Render entities. Always 1.0 alpha textures.
//glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE); //This would enable additive blending for non-premult
particlemgr_render(ook); //Render particles. Likely always <1.0 alpha textures
If I run with the above code, I get results like this...
Particle tex:
Screenshot from OGL Profiler (Mac tool):
Screenshot of the FBO without any particle rendered:
Screenshot of the FBO with some particles rendered on top:
As you can see, the particle, despite having alpha transparency, doesn't blend with the ship rendered below. Instead, it just completely overwrites the pixels.
Final notes, setting pixel transparency in the shader blends correctly - the ship appears below. And here is my shader:
#version 150
uniform sampler2D s_tex1;
uniform float v4_color;
in vec4 vertex;
in vec3 normal;
in vec2 texcoord;
out vec4 frag_color;
void main()
if(frag_color.a==0.0) discard;
Let me know if there is anything I can provide.
Looks to me like it is rendering the alpha channel as well into the frame buffer, so when you write the particles, the src alpha channel is getting mixed with the destination alpha channel, which is not what you want here.
This is exactly why the glblendfuncseparate() function was created. Try this...
So, the alpha channel of your particles will be used to determine the colours of the final pixels, but the alpha channels of the source and destination will be added together.
My guess is that the FBO's rgb channels are being rendered correctly, but because it also has an alpha channel, and it is being drawn with blending enabled, the end result has incorrect transparency where the particle overlaps the spaceship.
Either use glBlendFuncSeparate (described here) to use different blend factors for the alpha channel when you're drawing the particles:
Or turn off blending altogether when you draw your FBO onto the screen.
In order to obtain texture transparency, other than:
you should assure also that:
when creating the particle tex with glTexImage2D, use as format GL_RGBA (or GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA if you are using gray shaded textures)
when drawing the particle texture, after the glBindTexture command, call
Instead of GL_BLEND, you could use the correct texture functions as described in
the glTexEnv reference:

OpenGL - Using texture's alpha channel AND a "global" opacity level

I'm trying to get a fairly simple effect; I'd like my sprites to be able to have their alpha channels used by GL (that is, translucent across parts of the image, but not all of it) as well as the entire sprite to have an "opacity" level that affects the entire sprite.
I've got the latter part, that was a simple enough matter of using GL_MODULATE and passing a color4d(opacity, opacity, opacity, opacity). Works like a dream.
But the problem is in the first part; partially translucent images. I'd thought that i could just fling out a glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); and enable blending, but unfortunately it doesn't do it. What it seems to do is "whiten" the color of the image in question, rather than making it translucent. Any other sprites passing under it behave as if it were a solid block of color, and get directly cut off.
For reference, i've disabled lighting, z-buffer, color material, and alpha test. Did shade model flat, just in case. But other than that, i'm using default ortho settings. I'm using teximage2d for the texture in question, and i've been sure the formats and GL_RGBA are all set correctly.
How can i get GL to consider the texture's alpha channel during blending?
The simplest and fastest solution is to have a fragment shader.
uniform float alpha;
uniform sampler2D texture;
gl_FragColor = texture2d(texture, gl_TexCoords);
gl_FragColor.a *= alpha;
GL_MODULATE is the way to tell GL to use the texture alpha for the final alpha of the fragment (it's also the default).
Your blending is also correct as to how to use that generated alpha in the blending stage.
So the problem lies elsewhere... Your description sounds like you did not in fact disable Z-test, and you do not render your sprites back to front. Alpha blending in GL will only do what you want if you draw your sprites back to front. Otherwise, the sprites get blended in the wrong order, and this does not produce the correct output.
It would be easier to verify this with a picture of what you observe though.