How to increment by a number in Clojure? - clojure

I would like to know how to increment by X amount a number, in other languages I used to do
foo += 0.1;
but I have not idea how it can be done in Clojure

Variables are immutable in Clojure. So you should not try to change the value of foo, but instead, "create" a new foo:
(def foo2 (+ foo 0.1))
...or, if in a loop, recur with a new value:
(loop [foo 5.0]
(when (< foo 9)
(recur (+ foo 0.1))))
...or, if foo is an atom, swap! it with a new value:
(def foo (atom 5.0))
(swap! foo (partial + 0.1))
I recommend you start by reading the rationale of Clojure.

Blacksad's answer covers defining vars so I would just like to add the other scopes in which you may wish to have a value that is incremented from another value:
within a function's local scope:
user> (defn my-function [x]
(let [y (inc x)
z (+ x y)]
[x y z]))
user> (my-function 4)
[4 5 9]
and If you want to build a value incrementally to make the process more clear:
user> (defn my-function [x]
(let [y (inc x)
z (+ x y)
z (+ z 4)
z (* z z)]
[x y z]))
user> (my-function 4)
[4 5 169]
This can make the process more presentable, though it is not a "way to get variables back" and is really only useful in limited contexts. This pattern is used in clojure.core's threading macros.


quick way to apply hash-map to anonymous function in clojure

My question is whether given a hashmap
(def my-map {'x 1 'y 2 'z})
I can apply it to an anonymous function,
(fn [x y z] (+ x (* y z))
so that the arguments match the keys in the map, somthing like
(apply-ish my-map (fn [x y z] (+ x (* y z)))
Is there an easy fix to this problem? I feel like there is but I cant figure it out.
You can use map destructuring:
user> (def my-map {'x 1 'y 2 'z 3})
user> ((fn [{x 'x y 'y z 'z}] (+ x (* y z))) my-map)
You can simplify a bit with this form of desctructuring:
user> ((fn [{:syms [x y z]}] (+ x (* y z))) my-map)
or if you use keywords for your map keys:
user> (def my-map2 {:x 1 :y 2 :z 3})
user> ((fn [{:keys [x y z]}] (+ x (* y z))) my-map2)
personally, i would not modify the function to accept the map as the arg, since it makes the function itself way less generic. The alternative (and idiomatic i guess, for any language) solution is to select needed keys from the map before passing them to function. That is quite easy, since both map and symbol (and keyword too) have function semantics in clojure:
user> (apply f (map my-map ['x 'y 'z]))
;;=> 7
user> (apply f ((juxt 'x 'y 'z) my-map))
;;=> 7

How to append to variable from within another function in clojure?

The question doesn't really explain what I want to do but I couldn't think of anything else.
I have an empty map in the outer let function in a piece of code, and an integer array.
I want to iterate through the integer array, perform a simple task, and keep appending the resulting map to the variables in the outer variables.
(let [a {} ;outer variables
b {}]
(doseq [x [1 2 3]]
(let [r (merge a {x (* x x)}) ;I want to append this to a
s (merge b {x (+ x x)})] ;and this to b
(println (str "--a--" r "--b--" s)))))
But as soon as I get out of doseq, my a and b vars are still empty. I get that the scope of a and b doesn't extend outside of doseq for it to persist any changes done from within and that they are immutable.
How do I calculate the values of a and b in such cases, please? I tried to extract the functionality of doseq into another function and calling let with:
(let [a (do-that-function)])
etc but even then I couldn't figure out a way to keep track of all the modifications within doseq loop to then send back as a whole.
Am I approaching this in a wrong way?
Really, what I'm trying to do is this:
(let [a (doseq [x [1 2 3]] {x (* x x)})]
(println a))
but doseq returns nil so a is going to be nil :-s
All variables in clojure are immutable. If you need a mutable state you should use atoms or refs.
But in your case you can simply switch from doseq to for:
(let [a (for [x [1 2 3]] {x (* x x)})]
(println a))
Here is an example of solving your problem with atoms:
(let [a (atom {})
b (atom {})]
(doseq [x [1 2 3]]
(swap! a assoc x (* x x))
(swap! b assoc x (+ x x)))
(println "a:" #a)
(println "b:" #b))
But you should avoid using mutable state as far as possible:
(let [l [1 2 3]
a (zipmap l (map * l l))
b (zipmap l (map + l l))]
(println "a:" a)
(println "b:" b))
The trick is to think in terms of flows of data adding to existing data making new data, instead of changing past data. For your specific problem, where a data structure is being built, reduce is typically used:
(reduce (fn [result x] (assoc result x (* x x))) {} [1 2 3])
hehe, I just noticed that "reduce" might seem confusing given that it's building something, but the meaning is that a collection of things is "reduced" to one thing. In this case, we give reduce an empty map to begin with, which binds to result in the fn, and each successive mapping over the collection results in a new result, which we add to again with assoc.
You could also say:
(into {} (map (fn [x] [x (* x x)]) [1 2 3]))
In your question you wanted to make multiple things at once from a single collection. Here's one way to do that:
(reduce (fn [[a b] x] [(assoc a x (* x x)) (assoc b x (+ x x))]) [{} {}] [1 2 3])
Here we used destructuring syntax to refer to our two result structures - just make a picture of the data [with [vectors]]. Note that reduce is still only returning one thing - a vector in this case.
And, we could generalize that:
(defn xfn [n fs]
(fn [results x] (map (fn [r f] (assoc r x (f x x))) results fs))
(repeat (count fs) {}) (range n)))
=> (xfn 4 [* + -])
({3 9, 2 4, 1 1, 0 0} {3 6, 2 4, 1 2, 0 0} {3 0, 2 0, 1 0, 0 0})
The result is a list of maps. And if you wanted to take intermediate steps in the building of these results, you could change reduce to reductions. Generally, map for transforming collections, reduce for building a single result from a collection.

Clojure closure

the other day I was trying to come up with an example of closure in Clojure. I came up with and example I had seen before and thought it was appropriate.
Alas, I was told it was not a good one and that I should provide something with let.
Can anyone shed some light?
(defn pow [x n] (apply * (repeat x n)))
(defn sq [y] (pow y 2))
(defn qb [y] (pow y 3))
A closure is a function that has access to some named value/variable outside its own scope, so from a higher scope surrounding the function when it was created (this excludes function arguments and local named values created within the function). Your examples do not qualify, because every function just uses named values from their own scopes.
(def foo
(let [counter (atom 0)]
(fn [] (do (swap! counter inc) #counter))))
(foo) ;;=> 1
(foo) ;;=> 2
(foo) ;;=> 3, etc
Now foo is a function that returns the value of an atom that is outside its scope. Because the function still holds a reference to that atom, the atom will not be garbage-collected as long as foo is needed.
Function that returns function i.e higher order functions are nice examples of closure.
(defn pow [n]
(fn [x] (apply * (repeat n x))))
(def sq (pow 2))
(def qb (pow 3))
Another example of closure. There are two functions that share the same environment (state).
(defn create-object [init-state]
(let [state (atom init-state)]
{:getter (fn []
:setter (fn [new-val]
(reset! state new-val))}))
(defn test-it []
(let [{:keys [setter getter]} (create-object :init-value)]
(println (getter))
(setter :new-value)
(println (getter))))
=> :init-value
I wanted to have something that setup constant value(s) that are to be used each time.
(def myran
(let [constrand (rand)]
(fn [n] (* n constrand))))
(myran 3)
(myran 1)
(myran 3)
This will only set a value for "constrand" once. This is a very contrived example, but I wanted to be able to do something like:
This is from: JavaScript: The Good Parts

Can clojure evaluate a chain of mixed arity functions and return a partial function if needed?

Suppose you have three functions of arity 1, 2 and 3 as below:
(defn I [x] x)
(defn K [x y] x)
(defn S [x y z] (x z (y z)))
Does clojure have an evaluation function or idiom for evaluating:
(I K S I I) as (I (K (S (I (I)))))
returning a parital function of arity 2?
I am considering creating a macro that can take the simple function definitions above and expand them to multi-arity functions that can return partial results. I would not want to create the macro if there is already a built in or idiomatic way to accomplish this.
Here is what the expanded macros would like for the above functions:
(defn I
([x] I x)
([x & more] (apply (I x) more)))
(defn K
([x] (partial K x))
([x y] x)
([x y & more] (apply (K x y) more)))
(defn S
([x] (partial S x))
([x y] (partial S x y))
([x y z] (x z (y z)))
([x y z & more] (apply (S x y z) more)))
I'm not sure I fully understand what you are trying to do, but the comp function is useful for doing this kind of "function chaining" you seem to be talking about. For example:
user> ((comp vec rest list) 1 2 3 4 5)
=> [2 3 4 5]
Which is equivalent to:
user> (vec (rest (list 1 2 3 4 5)))
=> [2 3 4 5]
In your case, if you have the list (I K S I I), and you want to evaluate it as (I (K (S (I (I))))), I would use (reduce comp ...), but you could also use (apply comp ...).
user> ((reduce comp [vec rest list]) 1 2 3 4 5)
=> [2 3 4 5]
user> ((apply comp [vec rest list]) 1 2 3 4 5)
=> [2 3 4 5]
You may also be interested in the -> or ->> macros. These macros nest their arguments sequentially into the next arguments. The -> macro will nest into the first position of the next expression, whereas the ->> macro will nest into the last position of the next expression. If the "next thing" is a function, both will behave the same, and form an expression of (function nested-things-so-far), and continue along.
Really, examples are best:
(-> 1 (+ 10) (- 100) inc)
;//Expands to...
(inc (- (+ 1 10) 100))
;//Evaluating in the REPL...
user> (-> 1 (+ 10) (- 100) inc)
=> -88
(->> 1 (+ 10) (- 100) inc)
;//Expands to...
(inc (- 100 (+ 10 1)))
;//Evaluating in the REPL...
user> (-> 1 (+ 10) (- 100) inc)
=> 90
However, it seems more like you want to do something involving auto-currying (although, again, I don't think I fully understand), and for that I don't know of anything pre-existing built-in way.

Clojure: How can I bind a variable?

I have the following defined in clojure:
(def ax '(fn x [] (+ 1 z)))
(let [z 4]
(str (eval ax))
:but instead of returning :
: I get :
Unable to resolve symbol: z in this context
: I have tried changing "let" to "binding" but this still does not work. Does anyone know what is wrong here?
Making the smallest possible changes to your code to get it to work:
(def ^:dynamic z nil)
(def ax '(fn x [] (+ 1 z)))
(binding [z 4]
(str ((eval ax)))
The two changes are defining z as a dynamic var, so that the name resolves, and putting another paren around (eval ax), because ax is returning a function.
A little bit nicer is to change the definition of ax:
(def ^:dynamic z nil)
(def ax '(+ 1 z))
(binding [z 4]
(str (eval ax))
So evaluating ax immediately gets the result you want, rather than returning a function that does it.
Nicer again is to skip the eval:
(def ^:dynamic z nil)
(defn ax [] (+ 1 z))
(binding [z 5]
(str (ax))
But best of all is to not have z floating around as a var, and pass it in to ax as Mimsbrunnr and Joost suggested.
The short answer is don't use eval. You almost never need to, and certainly not here.
For example:
user> (defn ax [z]
(+ 1 z))
user> (let [f #(ax 4)]
Right so I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to do here.
I mean this works, though it's not using eval it's defining x to be the function (fn [ x ] (+ x 1))
> (def x #(+ 1 %))
> (x 4)
In the end, eval is not something you should be using. As a Lisp Cljoure's support for lambda abstraction and macros ( see the fn definition above ) should remove the need.