Clojure closure - clojure

the other day I was trying to come up with an example of closure in Clojure. I came up with and example I had seen before and thought it was appropriate.
Alas, I was told it was not a good one and that I should provide something with let.
Can anyone shed some light?
(defn pow [x n] (apply * (repeat x n)))
(defn sq [y] (pow y 2))
(defn qb [y] (pow y 3))

A closure is a function that has access to some named value/variable outside its own scope, so from a higher scope surrounding the function when it was created (this excludes function arguments and local named values created within the function). Your examples do not qualify, because every function just uses named values from their own scopes.
(def foo
(let [counter (atom 0)]
(fn [] (do (swap! counter inc) #counter))))
(foo) ;;=> 1
(foo) ;;=> 2
(foo) ;;=> 3, etc
Now foo is a function that returns the value of an atom that is outside its scope. Because the function still holds a reference to that atom, the atom will not be garbage-collected as long as foo is needed.

Function that returns function i.e higher order functions are nice examples of closure.
(defn pow [n]
(fn [x] (apply * (repeat n x))))
(def sq (pow 2))
(def qb (pow 3))

Another example of closure. There are two functions that share the same environment (state).
(defn create-object [init-state]
(let [state (atom init-state)]
{:getter (fn []
:setter (fn [new-val]
(reset! state new-val))}))
(defn test-it []
(let [{:keys [setter getter]} (create-object :init-value)]
(println (getter))
(setter :new-value)
(println (getter))))
=> :init-value

I wanted to have something that setup constant value(s) that are to be used each time.
(def myran
(let [constrand (rand)]
(fn [n] (* n constrand))))
(myran 3)
(myran 1)
(myran 3)
This will only set a value for "constrand" once. This is a very contrived example, but I wanted to be able to do something like:
This is from: JavaScript: The Good Parts


How to increment by a number in Clojure?

I would like to know how to increment by X amount a number, in other languages I used to do
foo += 0.1;
but I have not idea how it can be done in Clojure
Variables are immutable in Clojure. So you should not try to change the value of foo, but instead, "create" a new foo:
(def foo2 (+ foo 0.1))
...or, if in a loop, recur with a new value:
(loop [foo 5.0]
(when (< foo 9)
(recur (+ foo 0.1))))
...or, if foo is an atom, swap! it with a new value:
(def foo (atom 5.0))
(swap! foo (partial + 0.1))
I recommend you start by reading the rationale of Clojure.
Blacksad's answer covers defining vars so I would just like to add the other scopes in which you may wish to have a value that is incremented from another value:
within a function's local scope:
user> (defn my-function [x]
(let [y (inc x)
z (+ x y)]
[x y z]))
user> (my-function 4)
[4 5 9]
and If you want to build a value incrementally to make the process more clear:
user> (defn my-function [x]
(let [y (inc x)
z (+ x y)
z (+ z 4)
z (* z z)]
[x y z]))
user> (my-function 4)
[4 5 169]
This can make the process more presentable, though it is not a "way to get variables back" and is really only useful in limited contexts. This pattern is used in clojure.core's threading macros.

Clojure Partial Application - How to get 'map' to return a collection of functions?

I have a function that I basically yanked from a discussion in the Clojure google group, that takes a collection and a list of functions of arbitrary length, and filters it to return a new collection containing all elements of the original list for which at least one of the functions evaluates to true:
(defn multi-any-filter [coll & funcs]
(filter #(some true? ((apply juxt funcs) %)) coll))
I'm playing around with making a generalizable solution to Project Euler Problem 1, so I'm using it like this:
(def f3 (fn [x] (= 0 (mod x 3))))
(def f5 (fn [x] (= 0 (mod x 5))))
(reduce + (multi-any-filter (range 1 1000) f3 f5))
Which gives the correct answer.
However, I want to modify it so I can pass ints to it instead of functions, like
(reduce + (multi-any-filter (range 1 1000) 3 5))
where I can replace 3 and 5 with an arbitrary number of ints and do the function wrapping of (=0 (mod x y)) as an anonymous function inside the multi-any-filter function.
Unfortunately this is past the limit of my Clojure ability. I'm thinking that I would need to do something with map to the list of args, but I'm not sure how to get map to return a list of functions, each of which is waiting for another argument. Clojure doesn't seem to support currying the way I learned how to do it in other functional languages. Perhaps I need to use partial in the right spot, but I'm not quite sure how.
In other words, I want to be able to pass an arbitrary number of arguments (that are not functions) and then have each of those arguments get wrapped in the same function, and then that list of functions gets passed to juxt in place of funcs in my multi-any-filter function above.
Thanks for any tips!
(defn evenly-divisible? [x y]
(zero? (mod x y)))
(defn multi-any-filter [col & nums]
(let [partials (map #(fn [x] (evenly-divisible? x %)) nums)
f (apply juxt partials)]
(filter #(some true? (f %)) col)))
I coudn't use partial because it applies the arg in the first position of the fn. We want it in the second position of evenly-divisible? We could re-arrange in evenly-divisible? but then it would not really look correct when using it standalone.
user=> (reduce + (multi-any-filter (range 1 1000) 3 5))

Function arguments multiple types

I am trying to delay various calculations. I have functions of the following form,
(defn a-fn [a b]
(let [a (if (fn? a)
#(identity a))
b (if (fn? b)
#(identity b))]
(+ (a) (b))))
this allows me to pass a-fn, a value or a function that returns the value,
(a-fn 1 2)
(defn x [] 1)
(defn y [] 2)
(a-fn x y)
(a-fn x 2)
what I do is build a list of functions (like the one above) to operate on some data, fns may use other fns to retrieve their arguments or in some cases things don't change and they are assigned values as arguments. I was wondering is there a better way to achive this kind of behavior?
You can use delay and force:
user=> (defn a-fn [a b] (+ (force a) (force b)))
user=> (a-fn 1 2)
user=> (def x (delay 1))
user=> (def y (delay 2))
user=> (a-fn x y)
user=> (a-fn x 2)
If you try something like (delay (prn :hello) 1) to test when the computation is done, note that printing the Delay object forces it; so (def x (delay ...)) is safe, but typing a plain (delay ...) in the REPL prompt is not.
There might be a more elegant way to do what you want, but here's at least a more generic version of it:
(defn delayed [reducer & fs]
(apply reducer (for [f fs] (if (fn? f) (f) f))))
(def a-fn (partial delayed +))
So delayed takes an arbitrary function and a list of function/values. If expands all the args and then applies the function to them. Then we use partial to define your a-fn using +:
user=> (a-fn 1 2)
user=> (a-fn (constantly 1) 2)
user=> (a-fn (constantly 1) 2 4)
Alternatively, it might make sense for delayed to return a function rather than using partial. Note sure which is better.
A better name than "delayed" is welcome :)

Understanding Clojure concurrency example

I just go through various documentation on Clojure concurrency and came accross the example on the website (
(import '(java.util.concurrent Executors))
(defn test-stm [nitems nthreads niters]
(let [refs (map ref (replicate nitems 0))
pool (Executors/newFixedThreadPool nthreads)
tasks (map (fn [t]
(fn []
(dotimes [n niters]
(doseq [r refs]
(alter r + 1 t))))))
(range nthreads))]
(doseq [future (.invokeAll pool tasks)]
(.get future))
(.shutdown pool)
(map deref refs)))
I understand what it does and how it works, but I don't get why the second anonymous function fn[] is needed?
Many thanks,
P.S. Without this second fn [] I get NullPointerException.
Here is a classic example of using higher-order functions:
;; a function returns another function
(defn make-multiplyer [times]
(fn [x]
(* x times)))
;; now we bind returned function to a symbol to use it later
(def multiply-by-two (make-multiplyer 2))
;; let's use it
(multiply-by-two 100) ; => 200
In that code sample fn inside fn works the same way. When map invokes (fn [t] (fn [] ...)) it gets inner fn.
(def list-of-funcs (map (fn [t]
(fn [] (* t 10))) ; main part
(range 5)))
;; Nearly same as
;; (def list-of-funcs (list (fn [] (* 0 10))
;; (fn [] (* 1 10))
;; ...
;; (fn [] (* 4 10))))
(for [i list-of-funcs]
; => (0 10 20 30 40)
Update: And as Alex said tasks in the code sample is bound to list of callables which is passed then to .invokeAll().
The first fn is what map uses to create a seq of fn's -- one for each of the threads. This is because tasks is a seq of functions! The method .invokeAll() is expecting a Collection of Callables (Clojure functions implement the Callable interface)
from Special Forms
fns implement the Java Callable, Runnable and Comparator interfaces.

Piping data through arbitrary functions in Clojure

I know that the -> form can be used to pass the results of one function result to another:
(f1 (f2 (f3 x)))
(-> x f3 f2 f1) ; equivalent to the line above
(taken from the excellent Clojure tutorial at ociweb)
However this form requires that you know the functions you want to use at design time. I'd like to do the same thing, but at run time with a list of arbitrary functions.
I've written this looping function that does it, but I have a feeling there's a better way:
(defn pipe [initialData, functions]
(loop [
frontFunc (first functions)
restFuncs (rest functions)
data initialData ]
(if frontFunc
(recur (first restFuncs) (rest restFuncs) (frontFunc data) )
data )
) )
What's the best way to go about this?
I must admit I'm really new to clojure and I might be missing the point here completely, but can't this just be done using comp and apply?
user> (defn fn1 [x] (+ 2 x))
user> (defn fn2 [x] (/ x 3))
user> (defn fn3 [x] (* 1.2 x))
user> (defn pipe [initial-data my-functions] ((apply comp my-functions) initial-data))
user> (pipe 2 [fn1 fn2 fn3])
You can do this with a plain old reduce:
(defn pipe [x fs] (reduce (fn [acc f] (f acc)) x fs))
That can be shortened to:
(defn pipe [x fs] (reduce #(%2 %1) x fs))
Used like this:
user> (pipe [1 2 3] [#(conj % 77) rest reverse (partial map inc) vec])
[78 4 3]
If functions is a sequence of functions, you can reduce it using comp to get a composed function. At a REPL:
user> (def functions (list #(* % 5) #(+ % 1) #(/ % 3)))
user> ((reduce comp functions) 9)
apply also works in this case because comp takes a variable number of arguments:
user> (def functions (list #(* % 5) #(+ % 1) #(/ % 3)))
user> ((apply comp functions) 9)