Cookies: Sent in request even after all have been deleted - cookies

I am confused about how cookies are set. It seems that cookies can be sent in the request header, even after I have deleted them all.
What I do:
In IE: delete all cookies (wrench-thing->safety->delete browsing history-> check all, except preserve favorites-> Delete)
Go to random site ( and open the Network tab (F12/Network) - because it won't open from blank tab.
Make sure browsing history persists (tools-> clear entries on navigate-> uncheck both)
Click "Start capturing"
Go to site:
Look at Network data. For the first url ( ), click "Go to detailed view". Click "cookies"
I look at the cookie that is being sent (in Cookies tab or under 'Request headers') and it's already sending 7 values, for example, EBT_JSESSIONID. But, where do these values come from? I haven't received anything at this point. I realize that cookies can be set via javascript, but I haven't loaded any js at this point either.
I am trying to figure this out as part of webscrabing. Really want to be able to do it without Selenium or the like, and need to generate/use the various IDs that are being passed around the various calls.

Using chrome in Mac we had this issue and restarting the browser did solve the issue. The scenario was weird because the value was being sent only for one specific HTML.


Cookie “PHPSESSID” will be soon treated as cross-site cookie against <file> because the scheme does not match

I've just noticed my console is littered with this warning, appearing for every single linked resource. This includes all referenced CSS files, javascript files, SVG images, and even URLs from ajax calls (which respond in JSON). But not images.
The warning, for example in case of a style.css file, will say:
Cookie “PHPSESSID” will be soon treated as cross-site cookie against “http://localhost/style.css” because the scheme does not match.
But, the scheme doesn't match what? The document? Because that it does.
The URL of my site is http://localhost/.
The site and its resources are all on http (no https on localhost)
The domain name is definitely not different because everything is referenced relative to the domain name (meaning the filepaths start with a slash href="/style.css")
The Network inspector just reports a green 200 OK response, showing everything as normal.
It's only Mozilla Firefox that is complaining about this. Chromium seems to not be concerned by anything. I don't have any browser add-ons. The warnings seem to originate from the browser, and each warning links to view the corresponding file source in Debugger.
Why is this appearing?
that was exactly same happening with me. the issue was that, firefox keeps me showing even Cookies of different websites hosted on same URL : "localhost:Port number" stored inside browser memory.
In my case, i have two projects configured to run at http://localhost:62601, when i run first project, it saves that cookie in browser memory. when i run second project having same URL, Cookie is available inside that projects console also.
what you can do, is delete the all of the cookies from browser.
#Paramjot Singh's answer is correct and got me most of the way to where I needed to be. I also wasted a lot of time staring at those warnings.
But to clarify a little, you don't have to delete ALL of your cookies to resolve this. In Firefox, you can delete individual site cookies, which will keep your settings on other sites.
To do so, click the hamburger menu in the top right, then, Options->Privacy & Security or Settings->Privacy & Security
From here, scroll down about half-way and find Cookies and Site Data. Don't click Clear Data. Instead, click Manage Data. Then, search for the site you are having the notices on, highlight it, and Remove Selected
Simple, I know, but I made the mistake of clearing everything the first time - maybe this will prevent someone from doing same.
The warning is given because, according to MDN web docs:
Standards related to the Cookie SameSite attribute recently changed such that:
The cookie-sending behaviour if SameSite is not specified is SameSite=Lax. Previously the default was that cookies were sent for all requests.
Cookies with SameSite=None must now also specify the Secure attribute (they require a secure context/HTTPS).
Which indicates that a secure context/HTTPS is required in order to allow cross site cookies by setting SameSite=None Secure for the cookie.
According to Mozilla, you should explicitly communicate the intended SameSite policy for your cookie (rather than relying on browsers to apply SameSite=Lax automatically), otherwise you might get a warning like this:
Cookie “myCookie” has “SameSite” policy set to “Lax” because it is missing a “SameSite” attribute, and “SameSite=Lax” is the default value for this attribute.
The suggestion to simply delete localhost cookies is not actually solving the problem. The solution is to properly set the SameSite attribute of cookies being set by the server and use HTTPS if needed.
Firefox is not the only browser making these changes. Apparently the version of Chrome I am using (84.0.4147.125) has already implemented the changes as I got this message in the console:
The previously mentioned MDN article and this article by Mike Conca have great information about changes to SameSite cookie behavior.
Guess you are using WAMP or LAMP etc. The first thing you need to do is enable ssl on WAMP as you will find many references saying you need to adjust the cookie settings to SameSite=None; Secure That entails your local connection being secure. There are instructions on this link as well as some YouTube vids.
The important thing to note is that when creating the SSL certificate you should use sha256 encoding as sha1 is now deprecated and will throw another warning.
There is a good explanation of SameSite cookies on
I was struggling with the same issue and solved it by making sure the Apache 2.4 headers module was enabled and than added one line of code
Header always edit Set-Cookie ^(.")$ $1;HttpOnly;Secure
I wasted lots of time staring at the same sets of warnings in the Inspector until it dawned on me that the cookies were persisting and needed purging.
Apparently Chrome was going to introduce the new rules by now but Covid-19 meant a lot of websites might have been broken while people worked from home. The major browsers are working together on the SameSite attribute this so it will be in force soon.

How to monitor an action by user on Glass

I have a mirror API based app in which i have assigned a custom menu item, clicking on which should insert a new card. I have a bit of problem in doing that. I need to know of ways i can debug this.
Check if the subscription to the glass timeline was successful.
Print out something on console on click of the menu.
Any other way i can detect whether on click of the menu, the callback URL was called or not.
It sounds like you have a problem, but aren't sure how to approach debugging it? A few things to look at and try:
Question 1 re: checking subscriptions
The object returned from the subscriptions.insert should indicate that the subscription is a success. Depending on your language, an exception or error would indicate a problem.
You can also call subscriptions.list to make sure the subscriptions are there and are set to the values you expect. If a user removes authorization for your Glassware, this list will be cleared out.
Some things to remember about the URL used for subscriptions:
It must be an HTTPS URL and cannot use a self-signed certificate
The address must be resolvable from the public internet. "localhost" and local name aliases won't work.
The machine must be accessible from the public internet. Machines with addresses like "" probably won't be good enough.
Question 2 re: printing when clicked
You need to make sure the subscription is setup correctly and that you have a webapp listening at the address you specified that will handle POST operations at that URL. The method called when that URL is hit is up to you, of course, so you can add logging to it. Language specifics may help here.
Try testing it yourself by going to the URL you specify using your own browser. You should see the log message printed out, at a minimum.
If you want it printed for only the specific menu item, you will need to make sure you can decode the JSON body that is sent as part of the POST and respond based on the operation and id of the menu item.
You should also make sure you return HTTP code 200 as quickly as possible - if you don't, Google's servers may retry for a while or eventually give up if they never get a response.
Update: From the sample code you posted, I noticed that you're either logging at INFO or sending to stdout, which should log to INFO (see Are you getting the logging from the doGet() method? This StackOverflow question suggests that appengine doesn't display items logged at INFO unless you change the file.
Question 3 re: was it clicked or not?
Depending on the configuration of your web server and app server, there should be logs about what URLs have been hit (as noted by #scarygami in the comments to your question).
You can test it yourself to make sure you can hit the URL and it is logging. Keep in mind, however, the warnings I mentioned above about what makes a valid URL for a Mirror API callback.
Update: From your comment below, it sounds like you are seeing the URL belonging to the TimelineUpdateServlet is being hit, but are not seeing any evidence that the log message in TimelineUpdateServlet.doPost() is being called. What return code is logged? Have you tried calling this URL manually via POST to make sure the URL is going to the servlet you expect?

I want to remove cookies by its domain on firefox extension

I develop Firefox extension, but I can't remove cookie with specified domain. I want to remove cookie with specified domain on Firefox extension
remove cookies of domain
And I want cookies... Wait what?!
More seriously, you likely got your downvotes by saying "I want..." and not demonstrating that you made any attempt or at least did any research to solve this on your own.
Use nsICookieManager2.getCookiesFromHost and/or nsICookieManager.enumerator to get a list of cookies. See also: Reading existing cookies
Filter the cookies by your criteria, making sure your code doesn't remove more cookies than it needs to.
Remove the cookies you collected with nsICookieManager.remove.
Bonus: Use the notifications to listen for any new cookies and get rid of them.

Cookie handling in subsequent requests in same page

I'm creating my own (multi threaded) ISAPI based website in C++ and I'm trying to implement correct session management.
The problem is that when a new session should be created, the session is created twice when using subsequent requests in the generated web page.
Here's how it works:
- Client requests http://localhost and sends either no cookie or a cookie with an old session ID in it.
- Server looks at the session cookie and feels that it needs to create a new one because it no longer exists: it prepares a header with a cookie in it with a new session ID and sends the complete header to the client (I tracked this with http live headers plugin in firefox and it is correct). It also prepares some data like the page and and stuff like that (not yet body data, as it is still processing data from the database and stuff like that) and sends what it has back to the client.
- Client should have this new session cookie now, and sees the stylesheet link and immediately sends the stylesheet request http://localhost/css to my server. But... he still does this with the old session ID for some reason, not with the newly received one!
- Server sees this request (with again an no longer existing session id), generates another new session and sends the new session id with a cookie along with the stylesheet data.
So the client has received two session id's now and will from now on keep using the second one as the first one is overwritten, but nevertheless the first page has used the wrong session (or actually, the second page has).
You could say that this is not a problem, but when I start using personalized stylesheets, I will have the wrong stylesheet on the first page and as the page will use AJAX to refresh the content (if available), it is possible that the stylesheet is never reloaded unless the client refreshes.
So, is this a problem that is always there when doing this kind of thing? Will the browser always send an old cookie although it has already received a new one but is still processing the page? Is this a problem that, for example PHP, also has?
Note: before all the discussions start about "use php instead" or something: I am rewriting a website that I had first written in PHP, it became popular, had thousands of (real) visitors every hour and started killing my server (the website doesn't make that kind of money that I can throw lots of servers at it). By writing it in C++, requests take 2ms instead of 200ms in PHP... I can optimize everything. By taking my time to develop this ISAPI correctly, it is safely multi-threaded and can be multi-processed, multi-servered. And most of all, I like the challenge.
Added note: It seems that the problem is only there when an old session exists in the cookies, because when I completely clear all cookies from my browser, and a new one is created and sent back to the client, the subsequent stylesheet request immediately uses the given session id. This seems to be some kind of proof that I'm doing something wrong when an old session id is sent... Should an existing cookie be deleted first? How?
Added note: The cookie is written with an expire-date one year ahead.
I have found out what the problem was, I was in the assumption that setting a cookie without specifying a path would result in making the session work on all paths on that domain.
By using as main page and as stylesheet, internally translating that url to ?s1=home and ?s1=home&css=y, I was actually using two different paths according to the browser which did not pass the cookie to the css-request.
For some reason, they actually got together afterwards, I don't fully understand why.
Isn't this silly? Will people not often have a and a , just because they use subdirectories to keep their structure clean?
If anyone knows of a way to fix it, to make subpaths also work with the same cookies, let me know, but as I understand it from the definition of cookies, they are stuck within a specific path (although, it seems that if you specifically add a path other than /, it will work on subdirectories as well?)

Django: how to redirect to mailto

I have a Django admin action called "Email selected members". Check some members and click the Go button and the user's mail program is opened. The emails of the selected members have been pre-entered.
This works by a Django HttpResponseRedirect(uri) with the uri being "mailto:email1,email2..
where the addresses email1, email2 ... were looked up on the server.
The only problem is that that the browser re-directs to a blank page as well a opening the client mail program.
Is there any way to avoid this?
-- Peter
This question is a little old, but I just went through this and I think I can help anyone looking for an answer in the future.
I ran into this problem because the website I was building had a built-in tracking system that tracked the URLs of outbound links for self-hosted ads. If I don't redirect, there is no way (without changing the way it was implemented) to track the click, since I'm not using an API or anything.
The easy fix was to do what you did, sending back an HttpResponse() whose content is the meta tag
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;" />
This causes the page to refresh on load, which triggers the mailto: action.
Now we're left with an open window, but we can't close the window using Javascript's window.close() method. I do believe that this solution should work, however. Call that Javascript function after the refresh has been successful.
Unfortunately, I haven't tested this, but these two methods should accomplish a mailto: redirect that does not leave a blank window/tab behind.
Hope this helps!
Don't use HttpResponseRedirect. Just make the mailto: line a link. Email selected members
I don't think it is possible. RFC 2616 says re 302 redirect:
The temporary URI SHOULD be given by
the Location field in the response.
Unless the request method was HEAD,
the entity of the response SHOULD
contain a short hypertext note with a
hyperlink to the new URI(s)
So the blank page that I see is the (very) short hypertext note. The browser gets the redirect instruction, pops up a temporary page with the redirect message, then retrieves the redirected URL. But with a mailto: URL the temporary page obviously remains.