I using cocos2d to create a Android projection.
one of the step is open build_native.sh
by using cygwin. when execute LS command I can see build_native.sh file is exist. but when I
try to open it(just input file name in this dir) . it tell me command not found.
it's my first time to using cygwin. so I need some one to help:)
I downloaded QwtPlot3D project from here
When I run qmake on the project file in the zip, I get following result:
WARNING: Unable to generate output for: C:/path/Makefile.Debug [TEMPLATE vclib]
QIODevice::write: device not open
Same when I try to build from QtCreator.
Any ideas ?
Thank you very much.
You are creating the file in a location that does not exist on the computer.
You could change the location of the folder to be created.
I have downloaded the ninja-win.zip folder and extracted it. When I open it, there is a single .exe file in the entire folder. When I double click it a cmd window flashes for a split second. I have also tried running it as administrator, but the same thing happens. What I don't understand is, what am I expected to do with this .exe file?
You must open a terminal (cmd.exe on Windows) and type something like ninja -f /path/to/buld/file. You may also wish to modify the PATH environment variable so that Windows knows where to find the Ninja executable, depending on your setup.
You can simple download ninja.exe file from this Link
After that you just have to add the path to your ninja.exe file to your windows environment variables and then you can use ninja commands from anywhere in windows.
1. Open cmd in your Project Directory
2. There are guides on the internet on where to save the Ninja.exe so that it'll be callable in Cmd without specifying directory. Either follow them or:
i, Specify Directory when Calling Ninja. Putting "ninja" in Cmd actually calls Ninja.exe and is the same as something like "C:\users\user1\downloads\Ninja". or:
ii, Save Ninja.exe in the same directory as Project.
3. proceed with rest of the command.
Therefore the Final Command would be:
"C:\users\user\downloads\Ninja.exe" -f "D:\Projects\Project1"
I have a .exe file that I have built from the makefile of a set of source .cpp files.
It should take in a set of inputs and write the output to a .txt file. The manual I am following provides the following instruction for running it on linux:
./xyz -l4 -w6 -k4 -iSampleInputTJU.txt -oMyOutputFile.txt -p
But I need to run it on windows 10. So I typed in:
C:>\Desktop\xyz -l4 -w6 -k4 -iSampleInputTJU.txt -oMyOutputFile.txt -p
However it tells me that it cannot open the input file.
I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Please help. Any input will be appreciated.
To execute a program, regardless of platform. The format shall be:
<Program path> [program arg list]
The path can be relative or absolute.
In your Linux shell. You are running:
./xyz -l4 -w6 -k4 -iSampleInputTJU.txt -oMyOutputFile.txt -p
You are using ./. This means your program is under current directory.
In your windows console:
C:>\Desktop\xyz -l4 -w6 -k4 -iSampleInputTJU.txt -oMyOutputFile.txt -p
You are using absolute path here. You might not run the program under the path which your input file locates. You can type dir to check the current directory see if the input file is there.
I am using CLion (C++ IDE) for editing a ROS package. I was able to open a package by opening the CMakeLists.txt file. But, I get an error,
"FATAL_ERROR "find_package(catkin) failed. catkin was neither found in the workspace nor in the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. One reason may be that
no ROS setup.sh was sourced before"
How do I solve this problem? Will I be able to make the project in CLion (If so, how do I) after I make changes to the code or do I have to catkin_make in a separate terminal?
Try this (for Linux):
Open a command line
Run catkin_make on your package.
source your catkin_workspace/devel/setup.bash file e.g. source ~/my_dev_folder/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
Start CLion from [CLion install dir]/bin/clion.sh e.g. cd ~/Downloads/clion-1.2.4/bin && ./clion.sh
CLion should then start with knowledge about the packages in your catkin workspace, through the local environment variables set up by the setup.bash file.
To add on to what WillC suggested, you can also modify the desktop entry to start the application from bash instead of manually doing so.
To do this, edit the desktop file located at
by modifying the line containing Exec= to
Exec=bash -i -c "/INSTALL_LOCATION/clion-2016.3.2/bin/clion.sh" %f
To add on to what WillC suggested,CLion reload the last cmake compiling result by default.
However, if you failed to find catkin.cmake during the last attempt even though you source the devel/setup.bash and open CLion, you also cannot find catkin.cmake.
You should click File --> Reload Cmake Project and you should get the right result.
I'm teaching myself some Django tonight using the local dev package at instantdjango.com
I made it through half the tutorial, building a basic map with points on it, then closed out of the console for a bit. I just fired it back up and now when I try to use notepad++ to edit files, console tells me it doesn't recognize the command. What happened?
When I as working through the first half, I was able to type: "notepad++ filename.ext" and I'd get a text editor that would pop up.
Now when I type that, it doesn't recognize the command.
How do I get back the ability to use the text editor and how did I lose it?
In a windows terminal, you can launch notepad++ with the following:
start notepad++ <filename>
Note that the filename is optional.
Most likely the directory in which the Notepad++ executable resides is not in your system's PATH. For information about fixing this please see How to set the path in Windows 2000 / Windows XP.
If you are using gitbash or cygwin, you can create an alias
alias np='start notepad++'
And use
np myfile.txt
This is what I have done, in this way you dont have to type notepad++
Create np.bat file with this set of commands
#echo off
start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" %*
place np.bat file in c:\Windows
open the command prompt and type np or np myfile.txt and enter.
One way is to make a change to this registry key:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Notepad++.exe]
You can download a zipped .reg file from Donn Felker that lets you open a file with just an n shortcut.
I edited the .reg before running it and to make sure the path to Notepad++ is correct (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)) and I also changed the shortcut to n instead of n.
Then double click to add to your registry.