How should one log when an exception is triggered? - c++

In a program I recently wrote, I wanted to log when my "business logic" code triggered an exception in third-party or project APIs. ( To clarify, I want to log when use of an an API causes an exception. This can be many frames above the actual throw, and may be many frames below the actual catch ( where logging of the exception payload can occur. ) ) I did the following:
void former_function()
/* some code here */
/* some specific code that I know may throw, and want to log about */
catch( ... )
log( "an exception occurred when doing something with some other data" );
/* some code here */
In short, if an exception occurs, create a catch-all clause, log the error, and re-throw. In my mind this is safe. I know in general catch-all is considered bad, since one doesn't have a reference to the exception at all to get any useful information. However, I'm just going to re-throw it, so nothing is lost.
Now, on its own it was fine, but some other programmers modified this program, and ended up violating the above. Specifically, they put a huge amount of code into the try-block in one case, and in another removed the 'throw' and placed a 'return'.
I see now my solution was brittle; it wasn't future-modification-proof.
I want a better solution that does not have these problems.
I have another potential solution that doesn't have the above issue, but I wonder what others think of it. It uses RAII, specifically a "Scoped Exit" object that implicitly triggers if std::uncaught_exception is not true on construction, yet is true on destruction:
#include <ciso646> // not, and
#include <exception> // uncaught_exception
class ExceptionTriggeredLog
std::string const m_log_message;
bool const m_was_uncaught_exception;
ExceptionTriggeredLog( std::string const& r_log_message )
: m_log_message( r_log_message ),
m_was_uncaught_exception( std::uncaught_exception() )
if( not m_was_uncaught_exception
and std::uncaught_exception() )
log( m_log_message );
catch( ... )
// no exceptions can leave an destructor.
// especially when std::uncaught_exception is true.
void potential_function()
/* some code here */
ExceptionTriggeredLog exception_triggered_log( "an exception occurred when doing something with some other data" );
/* some specific code that I know may throw, and want to log about */
/* some code here */
I want to know:
technically, would this work robustly? Initially it seems to work, but I know there are some caveats about using std::uncaught_exception.
is there another way to accomplish what I want?
Note: I've updated this question. Specifically, I've:
added the try/catch that was initially missing, around the log function-call.
added tracking the std::uncaught_exception state on construction. This guards against the case where this object is created inside a 'try' block of another destructor which is triggered as part of exception stack-unwinding.
fixed the new 'potential_function' to create a named object, not a temporary object as before.

I have no comment on your method, but it seems interesting! I have another way that might also work for what you want, and might be a little more general-purpose. It requires lambdas from C++11 though, which might or might not be an issue in your case.
It's a simple function template that accepts a lambda, runs it and catches, logs and rethrows all exceptions:
template <typename F>
void try_and_log (char const * log_message, F code_block)
try {
code_block ();
} catch (...) {
log (log_message);
The way you use it (in the simplest case) is like this:
try_and_log ("An exception was thrown here...", [&] {
this_is_the_code ();
you_want_executed ();
and_its_exceptions_logged ();
As I said before, I don't know how it stacks against your own solution. Note that the lambda is capturing everything from its enclosing scope, which is quite convenient. Also note that I haven't actually tried this, so compile errors, logical problems and/or nuclear wars may result from this.
The problem I see here is that it is not easy to wrap this into a macro, and expecting your colleagues to write the [=] { and } parts correctly and all the time might be too much!
For wrapping and idiot-proofing purposes, you'll probably need two macros: a TRY_AND_LOG_BEGIN to emit the first line till the opening brace for the lambda and an TRY_AND_LOG_END to emit the closing brace and parenthesis. Like so:
#define TRY_AND_LOG_BEGIN(message) try_and_log (message, [&] {
#define TRY_AND_LOG_END() })
And you use them like this:
TRY_AND_LOG_BEGIN ("Exception happened!") // No semicolons here!
whatever_code_you_want ();
Which is - depending on your perspective - is either a net gain or a net loss! (I personally prefer the straightforward function call and lambda syntax, which gives me more control and transparency.
Also, it is possible to write the log message at the end of the code block; just switch the two parameters of the try_and_log function.


Proper error handling in destructors

This is kind of concept question.
Lets assume that we have some code base that works with hardware from high level and whole error handling mechanism is implemented by exceptions. Lets assume that we are opening/closing some valve(s). As long this hardware operation have finalizing procedure we need to use RAII conception. So some foo() procedure could look like this:
class Valve()
// open valve
// close valve
// Potential exception here
// valve internal stuff
void foo()
Valve v;
bar1(v); // <--- throws something
} catch(...)
// report error and exit
// it's guaranteed that valve destructor will be called
This piece of code looks nice, but how we can manage errors that could happen during valve closing. Exception couldn't leave destructor. The only way I see is keeping error in some error storage, like this:
// close valve
} catch(...)
But this approach looks ugly. Are there any ideas how to deal in this situation? Of course one way is not using of the exceptions at all, but use return code approach and some cleanup action (with goto in case of error).
Originally I wanted to avoid this kind of logic duplication:
void foo()
Valve v;; // <- could throw
bar1(v); // <- could throw
v.close(); // <- could throw
} catch(...)
v.close(); // kind of logic duplication
Another approach would be for the destructor to handle the error directly.
// close valve
} catch(...)
// handle valve close error
Admittedly, someone could probably come up with a case when this is inadequate, but the question lacks the details for that sort of determination. (Lacking those details may be a good thing, if the intent is to find a variety of answers. After all, it is self-described as a "concept question".) Simple logging of which valve failed to close is one case where this should work.
At a high level, I would expect this approach to simplify the code overall, since the handling of the valve close error has been localized to the Valve class. Code using the Valve class would not need to know that a valve can be closed, much less that an error could occur while closing a valve, which improves data encapsulation.
Naturally, this approach does require that no exceptions are thrown by the code that handles the valve close error. (This is probably a good goal anyway, since it is part of error handling.)
The plan to add the error to some sort of error storage looks dubious to me. I see "add" and I think "possibly allocates memory", which implies "possibly throws an exception if memory has been exhausted". So I'd wonder if steps had been taken to prevent an exception being thrown by this mechanism that is supposed to delay the throwing of an exception. Does this solve the problem or just make it less likely?

Use of uncaught_exception to handle error conditions

I have following problem.
I have database connection that are recycled (put back into pool).
For example:
session sql(conn_str); // take connection from pool
sql.exec("insert into ...")
} // at the end of the scope return connection to pool
However in certain cases recycling may be wrong - for example disconnect, or some other significant error.
So I want to automatically prevent from the connection being recycled. I want to
implement following technique using std::uncaught_exception - so the exec() function
would detect exceptions and prevent recycling:
guard g(this)
Where guard:
class guard {
guard(session *self) : self_(self) {}
~guard() {
if(std::uncaught_exception()) {
Now, I'm aware of that does not recommend using
std::uncaught_exception on the other case I don't see any wrong with my code also,
the provides examples discussed.
Are there any possible problems with this code.
I want this change to be non-intrusive so that SQL backend would be able to throw and not check for every case if it is critical or not.
I don't want user to take any action about it so it would be transparent for him.
I don't see any advantage to your method over something more straightforward:
If the verboseness of this solution bothers you, I will note that they haven't ripped macros out of C++ yet. I wouldn't prefer this version as it masks the underlying code and is kind of ugly.
#define GUARD try {
#define ENDGUARD } catch(...) { mark_as_connection_that_should_not_go_to_pool(); throw; }
Another possibility is to assume failure until success is achieved.
Finally to answer the question of whether uncaught_exception will work as you've outlined, I will quote from Microsoft's documentation of the function:
In particular, uncaught_exception will return true when called from a destructor that is being invoked during an exception unwind.
It appears to do exactly what you'd expect.

If a constructor throws exception, then does it make sense to have a global object of that class?

I am asking this question for general coding guidelines:
class A {
A() { ... throw 0; }
A obj; // <---global
int main()
If obj throws exception in above code then, it will eventually terminate the code before main() gets called. So my question is, what guideline I should take for such scenario ? Is it ok to declare global objects for such classes or not ? Should I always refrain myself from doing so, or is it a good tendency to catch the error in the beginning itself ?
If you NEED a global instance of an object whose constructor can throw, you could make the variable static, instead:
A * f(){
try {
//lock(mutex); -> as Praetorian points out
static A a;
return &a;
catch (...){
return NULL;
int main() {
A * a = f(); //f() can be called whenever you need to access the global
This would alleviate the problem caused by a premature exception.
EDIT: Of course, in this case the solution is 90% of the way to being a Singleton. Why not just fully turn it into one, by moving f() into A?
No, you should not declare such objects global - any exception will be unhandled and very hard to diagnose. The program will just crash which means that it will have very poor (below zero) user experience and will be rather hard to maintain.
As #Kerrek SB has mentioned in the comments, the answer to this is dependent on the reasons that can cause your class to throw. If you're trying to acquire a system resource that might be unavailable, I feel you shouldn't declare a global object. Your program will crash as soon as the user tries to run it; needless to say, that doesn't look very good. If it can throw a std::bad_alloc or some such exception that is unlikely under normal circumstances (assuming you're not trying to allocate a few GB of memory) you could make a global instance; however, I would still not do that.
Instead, you could declare a global pointer to the object, instantiate the object right at the beginning of main (before any threads have been spawned etc.) and point the pointer to this instance, then access it through the pointer. This gives your program a chance to handle exceptions, and maybe prompt the user to take some sort of remedial measures (like popping up a Retry button to try and reacquire the resource, for instance).
Declaring a global object is fine, but the design of your class is insignificant, it lacks details to be compatible with practical needs and use.
One solution no one seems to have mentionned is to use a function try
block. Basically, if the situation is that without the constructed
object, the rest of your program won't work or be able to do anything
useful, then the only real problem is that your user will get some sort
of incomprehensible error message if the constructor terminates with an
exception. So you wrap the constructor in a function try block, and
generate a comprehensible message, followed by an error return:
A::() try
: var1( initVar1 )
// ...
// Additional initialization code...
} catch ( std::exception const& ) {
std::cerr << "..." << std::endl;
} catch (...) {
std::cerr << "Unknown error initializing A" << std::endl;
This solution is really only appropriate, however, if all instances of
the object are declared statically, or if you can isolate a single
constructor for the static instances; for the non-static instances, it
is probably better to propagate the exception.
Like #J T have said, you can write like this:
struct S {
S() noexcept(false);
S &globalS() {
try {
static S s;
return s;
} catch (...) {
// Handle error, perhaps by logging it and gracefully terminating the application.
// Unreachable.
Such scenario is quite a problem, please read ERR58-CPP. Handle all exceptions thrown before main() begins executing for more detail.

Way for C++ destructor to skip work when specific exception being thrown?

I have an object on the stack for which I wish its destructor to skip some work when the destructor is being called because the stack is being unwound due to a specific exception being thrown through the scope of the object on the stack.
Now I could add a try catch block inside the scope of the stack item and catch the exception in question and notify the stack object to not run the work to be skipped an then rethrow the exception as follows:
RAII_Class pending;
try {
} catch (exceptionToSkipPendingDtor &err) {
However, I'm hoping there is a more elegant way to do this. For example imagine:
RAII_Class::~RAII_Class {
if (detectExceptionToSkipPendingDtorBeingThrown()) {
You can almost do this with std::uncaught_exception(), but not quite.
Herb Sutter explains the "almost" better than I do:
There are corner cases where std::uncaught_exception() returns true when called from a destructor but the object in question isn't actually being destroyed by the stack unwinding process.
You're probably better off without RAII because it doesn't match your use case. RAII means always clean up; exception or not.
What you want is much simpler: only release resource if an exception is not throw which is a simple sequence of functions.
explicitReleaseResource(); // skipped if an exception is thrown
// by the previous function.
I would do it the other way around - explicitly tell it to do its work if no exception was thrown:
RAII_Class pending;
pending.commit(); // do or prepare actual work
This seems to circumvent the main reason to use RAII. The point of RAII is that if an exception happens in the middle of your code you can still release resources/be destructed properly.
If this isn;t the semantic you want, then don't use RAII.
So instead of:
void myFunction() {
WrapperClass wc(acquireResource());
// code that may throw
Just do:
void myFunction() {
Resource r = acquireResource();
// code that may throw
If the code in the middle throws, the resource won't be freed. This is what you want, rather than keeping RAII (and keeping the name) but not implementing RAII semantics.
Looks like bool std::uncaught_exception(); does the trick if you want to have this behavior for every exception, not just special ones!
You can do without a try-catch:
RAII_Class pending;
doSomeWorkThatMayThrowException(); // intentional: don't release if throw
Alternatively, you can try a little harder with RAII:
struct RAII_Class {
template<class Op>
void execute(Op op) {
void releaseResources() { /* ... */ }
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
return 0;
Although it would be a kludge at best, if you own the code for the exception class you're interested in, you could add a static data member to that class (bool) that would be set to "true" in the constructor for objects of that class, and false in the destructor (might need to be an int that you increment/decrement instead). Then in the destructor of your RAII class, you can check std::uncaught_exception(), and if true, query the static data member in your exception class. If you get true (or > 0) back, you've got one of those exceptions--otherwise you ignore it.
Not very elegant, but it would probably do the trick (as long as you don't have multiple threads).
I found this website with an interesting discussion about std::uncaught_exception() and an alternative solution to your question that seems much more elegant and correct to me:
// Alternative right solution
T::Close() {
// ... code that could throw ...
T::~T() /* throw() */ {
try {
} catch( ... ) {
In this way you're destructor does only one thing and you're protected against throwing an exception during an exception (which I assume is the problem you're trying to solve).

what does "throw;" outside a catch block do?

I just stumbled this code:
void somefunction()
and I wonder: what does it mean?
The intent is probably that somefunction() is only ever called from inside some catch block. In that case, there would be an exception active when the throw; is executed, in which case the current exception is re-thrown, to be caught by the next outer handler that can handle that exception type.
If throw; is executed when an exception is not active, it calls terminate() (N4810, ยง[expr.throw]/4).
It re-throws the currently active exception. It would only make sense to call it (possibly indirectly) from a catch-block. This:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void f() {
int main() {
try {
try {
throw "foo";
catch( ... ) {
catch( const char * s ) {
cout << s << endl;
prints "foo".
For throw the concept of being "outside" or "inside" catch block is defined in run-time terms, not in compile-time terms as you seem to assume. So, if during run-time that throw is executed in run-time context of a catch block, then throw works as expected. Otherwise, terminate() is called.
In fact, if you take a closer look at how C++ exceptions are defined in the language specification, a lot of things about them are defined in run-time terms. Sometimes it even appears to be un-C++-like.
People have already explained what it means but it's potentially useful to know why you might see it. It's a useful way to construct a 'generic' exception handler that deals with exceptions based on their type so as to reduce the amount of duplicated code.
So, if we take Neil's example and expand on what f() might be doing we might end up with an implementation which does something like my LogKnownException() function that I proposed in this answer.
If you are working in an team that likes to log all manner of exceptions all over the place then rather than having a huge collection of catch blocks at all of these places (or even worse a macro) you can have a simple catch block that looks like this
Though I expect I'd change my previous example of LogKnownException() to one that simply allowed exceptions that it didn't want to log to propagate out and continue on in an unhandled fashion.
I'm not suggesting that this is necessarily a good thing to do, just pointing out that this is where you're likely to see the construct used.