Setting icons in Unity3d standalone player - build

I am trying to use Unity, with a build script that creates my application by ultimately invoking BuildPipeline from the script. I am trying to figure out how to set up the icons, however. After calling PlayerSettings.SetIconsForTargetGroup and invoking BuildPipline.BuildPlayer, the appropriate icon does not show up for the executable file produced, nor display when the program is running.
I am currently using the following code.
Texture2D texture = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(iconFile) as Texture2D;
int [] sizeList = PlayerSettings.GetIconSizesForTargetGroup(BuildTargetGroup.Standalone);
Texture2D[] iconList = new Texture2D[sizeList.Length];
for(int i=0;i<sizeList.Length;i++)
int iconSize = sizeList[i];
iconList[i] = (Texture2D)Instantiate(texture);
What am I doing wrong?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Using BuildTargetGroup.Unknown works for me.

This also worked for me:
But with an unwanted outcome: Unity does not override all icon sizes when setting one single Texture2D PNG, so Windows Explorer swaps the icon of my application EXE between the Unity default icon and my icon for different resolutions. Definitely, seems like a bug in Unity3D BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(..) or SetIconsForTargetGroup(..).

If you're calling BuildPipline.BuildPlayer for OSX, then you need to specify full folder:
i.e. don't leave out the ".app" part, because without that Unity builds the app, but doesn't include icons or splash image in resolution dialog.


How to load multiple font of same familiy

I am writing an application using the Qt framework. In the display, I have to show multiple information, but using different types of font of the same family, Montserrat.
What I have done so far to load the fonts is:
int ultralightid = QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont(":/Montserrat_UltraLight.tff");
QString UltraFont= QFontDatabase::applicationFontFamilies(ultralightid ).at(0);
QFont font1(UltraFont,QFont::Normal);
int lightid = QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont(":/Montserrat_Light.tff");
QString LightFont= QFontDatabase::applicationFontFamilies(lightid).at(0);
QFont font2(LightFont,QFont::Normal);
label1->setText("bla bla");
label2->setText("bla bla");
The font sizes are correct, but the font itself it is not. From what I have noticed (trying with Hairline_Montserrat,Light_Montserrat,UltraLight_Montserrat), it is as if the fonts have a sort of priority. If I declare them all, all the fonts are the Light one, if I comment that font type, all of them are Hairline one, otherwise (last priority) the labels use the ultralight font.
I have tried adding other font type (from other families) and in that case my code works correctly.
If I use
both of them print the family "Montserrat".
I use the qrc file and the AUTORCC flag in the CMAKE (it should be similar using qmake) and all the file are uploaded correctly.
Do you know if there is another way to add fonts of the same family? Or is there something I am doing wrong?
Here are the fonts: light ultralight
This is an old question but I was just struggling with exactly the same problem when trying to load normal, bold, ... versions of a font family in Qt.
I solved the problem (although in a somewhat hacky way) by simply giving each of the ttf files a different family name. I used Typograf, simply open the font, right click to open properties and then click rename. There are probably many other tools that do this too.
You don't need to manage font files from one family separatelly.
I suggest this solution:
Create a folder with all ttf's of the same family.
Load all files from the folder via id = QFontDatabase.addApplicationFont(path)
Collect all font families from these files via QFontDatabase.applicationFontFamilies(id)
Check if only one and desired family is loaded, and the family name is exactly the same as requested, or warn the user about these errors.
Create font object font = QFont(family)
Then for example, font.setItalic(True). If Italic version of family is loaded, it will be used, otherwise it will be created from Regular by QT.

Opencv C++ Opens Two Window for Each imshow

I am using OpenCV 3.3.0 for c++ in visual studio. The problem is that when I use this code, it opens two windows with the same name that one of them contains the image and the another one is extra and empty. (Screenshot from the two windows )
cv::Mat im0 = cv::imread("C:\\Users\\MY_PC\\Desktop\\Image.bmp"); //read the image
cv::resize(im0, I, cv::Size(640, 480), 0, 0, CV_INTER_LINEAR); //Resize the image to 640x480
cv::imshow("HI", I);
The more important problem following this problem, is that the waitkey() function just works with the extra window and I should press the keys on that window to see the changes in the another window.
Furthermore the setMouseCallback has the same problem and mouse commands doesn't work on the window containing the image. Thanks a lot.
I have the same problem with the project type "Win32 Console Application".
If you use a "Empty Project" the problem disappears.
Try commenting out the line cv::namedWindow("HI");, does it work?
Unfortunately I can't help with other two.
I don't see any mistakes in the code you shared.
However, I'm usually writing like that:
const char* display_name = "Display";//Display name
namedWindow(display_name, WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);//Create Display
imshow(display_name, frame);//Display Image
waitKey(0);//Wait a key to be pressed
For x64: Removed opencv_world410.lib and just add opencv_world410d.lib from Additional Dependencies
(Common properties->Linker->Inputs->Additional Dependencies)
This link helps you to create config files for all of your projects:

Create window without title bar

I am trying to create a simple panel for Openbox in Arch Linux using c++, but I cannot figure out how to remove the title bar from a window.
I am creating the window with XCreateWindow(...), and that gives a window with the correct size, but it contains a title bar, and the window also opens in the top-left corner of the screen, no matter what offset coordinates I specify.
I read here that both of these problems are probably caused by the window manager (Openbox), which overrides the window attributes I specified in XCreateWindow(..., &window_attributes). This could be solved by adding window_attributes.override_redirect = True;, although this does not seem to do anything for me. When I try this I get the exact same window as before. (I did compile the file after this change.)
Also I read into the code of Tint2 (link), which is another panel for Openbox. They create a window using the following code:
XSetWindowAttributes att = { .colormap=server.colormap, .background_pixel=0, .border_pixel=0 };
p->main_win = XCreateWindow(server.dsp, server.root_win, p->posx, p->posy, p->area.width, p->area.height, 0, server.depth, InputOutput, server.visual, mask, &att);
I don't see an override_redirect anywhere in their code, so I'm not sure how they are removing the title bar.
As additional information, I thought it would be worth mentioning how I'm executing the script:
/* The c++ file is saved as 'panel.cpp' */
$ gcc panel.cpp -lX11 -o panel
$ ./panel
Also, I am running Arch Linux through VirtualBox with Windows 8 as host. I'm not sure if this changes anything, but it won't hurt to mention.
Since I found the solution, I figured I'd post the solution here if anyone else needs it.
As #JoachimPileborg mentioned, I needed to alter the Openbox settings in ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml. Inside the <applications> tag, I added the following code:
<application class="*">
<position force="no"></position>
The class="*" means that all applications will follow these rules, you could fill in the class name of the application instead. The <decor>no</decor> removes the title bar, and <position force="no"></position> ensures that my own script is able to handle the positioning. You could also add another <application> tag after this one to make exceptions to this rule.
Also, the window_attributes.override_redirect = True; is not needed anymore.
A more correct way is to use the Extended Window Manager Hints.
The idea is that you don't tell the window manager how to decorate or not your window, you just indicate the window type with _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE :
Atom window_type = XInternAtom(display, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE", False);
long value = XInternAtom(display, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK", False);
XChangeProperty(display, your_window, window_type,
XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) &value,1 );
"Dock" is the type for panels and taskbar. Usually they are undecorated and appear on all desktops. As written on the documentation, previously the _MOTIF_WM_HINTS property was used to define the appearance and decorations of the window. Window managers still support it, but _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE is prefered as it describe the function and let the window manager (and user) decide on the appearance and behavior of that type of window.
Another interesting property for a panel is _NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL, to "reserve" space.

how to load qt compiled c++ code in maya?

Is there any way to load qt compiled c++ code in maya?
//example code
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
actually i was created basic ui with text and push button, what i want is text should change to hello when i push button and i achieved that. so this connections were made with above code, after compiling this all works fine but when i load ui file in maya and i pushes the button text doesn't changes because actually code was written in c++. so, is there any alternative to load that code too along with ui file?
thank you,
Anvesh Chary
To load a .ui file in Maya, I've previously done this in python, I'm not sure about C++ but I don't believe maya interprets C++ directly anyway (I could be wrong there).
import maya.cmds as cmds
ve = cmds.about(version=True)
conv = "%s"%ve
versionOutput = float(conv[0:4])
def mayaVers():
cmds.warning("You're using Maya %s! You need to be using Maya 2011 or greater to be compatible with this script.\n" % conv);
def loadUIWindow():
if versionOutput >= 2011:
if (cmds.dockControl('dockUIWindow', exists=True)):
scriptsDirectory = cmds.internalVar(usd=True)
UIWindow = cmds.loadUI(uiFile=scriptsDirectory + "/uifilename.ui")
dockSoftMod = cmds.dockControl('dockUIWindow',area="left", content='uiwindowname', label="")
Here's how I've done it in the past, if you're just looking to source a UI file into the Maya session, this is how it can be done.
Obviously you'll need to either put your ui file in the scripts directory, or change the uiFilePath to your file.
Also, the content flag in the dockControl is important, this needs to be the name of the window or control that you're trying to dock. Let's say you have called your UI file wrapper 'win', the content flag would need to be the same.
After you load the UI file, you can edit any element in the window if you know it's name.
cmds.button('ParentBtn', edit=1, command="parentObject()")
Hope this helps.

Loading Nib and Displaying Window in Objective C++

I am trying to load a Nib from a C++ constructor with Objective C++. I have searched and found enough examples to get some code together but it doesn't display the window. Or any windows for that matter.
Here is an example of the contructor:
JokeSystem::JokeSystem() : fileSystem("/Library/Application Support/Jokes/")
randSystem = new RandSelect<std::string>
catch (std::ifstream::failure)
NSWindowController * errorWindowControl = [[NSWindowController alloc]
[errorWindowControl showWindow: nil];
The purpose of the contructor is to load the contents of a directory into a string. What I am try to do is display the error window when the files fail to open.
ErrorWindow.nib has a single window with an OK button and a NSTextView for the error, I set up a NSWindowController in the nib and connected it to the window.
My only link has been that most examples show this [errorWindowControl showWindow: self];
rather than showWindow: nil but because this is a C++ constructor I it doesn't have self and this doesn't work.
If it matters this contructor is called from the awakeFromNib method of the MainMenu.nib's primary NSObject.
A bit of an odd way to approach Cocoa. I would encourage you to step back, learn Objective-C and then write your application with an Objective-C based Cocoa UI layer on top of whatever backing store or model layer you have.
In any case, there isn't anything particularly wrong with that code (save for the odd design).
The first thing to check is the return value of -initWithWindowNibName:. Is errorWindowControl actually non-nil? If it is nil, then the NIB failed to load.
How are you writing the Cocoa application itself? Standard app bundle using Xcode, I hope?
Also, you shouldn't be hardcoding the path to /Library/Application Support/. Actually, your application shouldn't use that directory as the only storage location; many users won't have write access to that directory and won't be able to install your app without administrator access.