I have a few buttons that I wish to add to a custom tab in Word 2007 (adding to the normal.dotm template, using the Custom UI Editor), to complete some actions that I have scripted, but I cannot get the tab to show up.
I've used this method several times for individual projects, and it works fine, but adding the below to normal.dotm is not working.
The code verifies fine, so I don't think there are any errors. Does anybody know why this would not work? Thanks.
<customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/01/customui">
<ribbon startFromScratch="false">
<tab id="tabCustomActions" label="Custom Actions">
<group id="groupTLA" label="TLA">
<button id="startTLA" label="Format for TLA" imageMso="startTLA" size="large" onAction="on_action" />
I tried it on an empty .docm file and it worked for me, although the image didn't show up but I am guessing it is a custom icon?
I ran it using Word 2007.
It is strange, since I have been trying to insert a ribbon into Excel all day it has not worked, yet I did a different custom ribbon numerous times last week using the same procedure.
I would suggest finding the most recent Custom UI Editor, dated August 2010. The version number didn't change, but it is definitely newer.
This version is the one dated August 2010, and while some of the comments say it doesn't work for 2007, I believe it does if done correctly.
I am trying to figure out how to change the title of a Summary Links Web Part in SharePoint 2013.
Below is an image of the summary links web part. I would like the change the title "SUMMARY LINKS" to "BLAH" but can't figure it out for the life of me.
This is probably very simple but I'm lost. I haven't found any controls to edit the title nor is there anything in source to change the title...Any ideas?
Figured it out!! I was missing the ability to edit the web part properties. Looks like an IE11 bug. Once I put IE in compatibility mode and or switched to using Chrome I had all the options I needed to updated the Summary Links title.
The way that Page Editor handles versions has been causing issues for in one of our Sitecore solutions for a client. I've posted about them here:
Sitecore instance showing incorrect workflow state in Page Editor
Expected usage of Page Editor's Experience date
I didn't get much response on those and so far I've surmised that this is just how Sitecore works. This is less than ideal for our instance, as when publishing restrictions are set, authors don't know which version they're editing which is causing various issues for them.
I'd like to implement a solution(s) to improve the experience provide the following functionality:
Something in the Experience tab that shows the number of the version being viewed.
A button on the Experience tab that resets the Date to the default (this is not simply setting the date to the current date/time, but resetting it to act as it did before a date was manually set).
A custom button in Content Editor which allows an author to open a specific version in Page Editor...set the date automatically when it opens, I guess.
An any one give me some clues on how much of this is possible and where to start?
For the first bullet "Something in the Experience tab that shows the number of the version being viewed", you can add version item in Core database.
Move to "Core" DB in Desktop Mode
Navigate to "/sitecore/content/Applications/WebEdit/Ribbons/WebEdit/Experience/"
Create "Versions" item like this, http://imgur.com/bPEDm7R
Create "Compare" item under "Versions" like this, http://imgur.com/dG8dz2M
The result like this, http://imgur.com/HPu3XAL
The content author can see which version they are using and they can also compare with previous versions.
i want to add my custom application name in Sitecore Start Menu List, i'm following this article :
Adding Application Shortcut
it saying use Core database i'm using this, i couldn't find Layout studio, can any sitecore developer suggest me how to find this and finish my job. Thanks in advance.
I think the instructions you've linked to there are out of date. I've not seen that bit of UI in recent releases of Sitecore.
Working in Sitecore 6.6 I've successfully made custom applications using these instructions:
But beware the issue that I've blogged about here. The recent revisions of Sitecore subtly break the configuration defined above, and you have to manually edit out a file extension to make everything work:
-- Edited to add --
Based on the "it doesn't work in 7.5" comment below, I've tried these instructions on a test instance of Sitecore 7.5 rev 141003. It seems 7.5 behaves slightly differently - but I can still make it work.
Create the item under /sitecore/content/Applications using the external link button for the "Application" field. With raw values displayed, it should look something like:
And then create your application shortcut under /sitecore/content/Documents and settings/All users/Start menu using an internal link for the Application field. I found this still added the '.aspx' extension mentioned in my blog post, but I also found that editing it out again didn't work - it reappeared as soon as I hit save. I needed to edit out the extension from the link data using the Raw Values view in order to get the data shown below:
With those things set up, refreshing the page caused the test item to appear on my start menu:
Hopefully that works for you too?
-- Further edited to add --
New blog post covering this problem in Sitecore 7.5:
Which version of Sitecore are you using? The Layout Studio is probably one of the least features in Sitecore, and personally not something I have ever used.
Instead you should create the the layout in Visual Studio - which then means your layout can be added to your Source Control System. Then follow the instructions in the link in Jeremy's answer.
If you do need to access the Layout Studio for some reason you can find it under: Sitecore menu > Development Tools > Developer Center. From there you can create new files/open existing files.
I'm trying to implement web solution with sitecore 7.x as a content manager. My web application is a MVC solution. I've installed Sitecore and set up MVC project.
The problem is that AB/MV tests don't work when using *.cshtml layout with #Html.Sitecore().Placeholder(...) and ControllerRenderings.
I have Item defined with layout set to LayoutMVC.cshtml file.
#inherits System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage
#using Sitecore.Mvc
I render ControllerRendering into main placeholder and I want to add variation to component rendered here. Basicaly I can add a variation using Page Editor and everything is fine until I click save in Page Editor. Then the test is saved but I cannot see first variation anymore. I see the content from the original item. I can choose variations but instead of Variation1 there is a Default content.
When I start a test it doesn't work at all. Always renders original Item.
The same test works when I use /sitecore/Layout/Layouts/Sample Layout which is an aspx layout but I need to use MVC #Html.Sitecore().Placeholder(...) method as I want to render placeholders dynamically later.
Additionaly DMS works fine for this configuration. I can personalize content.
This appears to be a bug. I reproduced the behavior in v7.2 update 2. I just logged the issue with Sitecore Support and will report back with their comments.
Sitecore Support has confirmed that this is a bug. I'm putting a fix together. Stay tuned.
The hotfix is available here: https://github.com/BenGGolden/Sitecore.Mvc.TestingHotfix
In SharePoint 2013 it is possible to create master pages and page layouts using the new Design Manager. After converting a HTML file to a masterpage, or after creating a new page layout, one can add SharePoint functionality by using the Snippet Manager. I have used this approach to convert a static HTML/CSS file into an SharePoint masterpage with accompanying page layouts. I'm able to use all the snippets from the Snippet Manager, except for the "Content Editor" snippet. I was able to add top navigation, the quick launch bar, page properties and even "Web Part Zone" snippets.
The usecase:
I want to have a editable footer. The footer consists of four parts, so I added four Content Editor snippets, by pasting the snippet code into the HTML masterpage. When generating a snippet, it's possible to set custom properties. I noticed that it's not possible to set the WebPartID over here. In the snippet, the following WebPartID is always used: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. The "Web Part Zone" snippet however will generate a (random?) WebPartID (and works).
The problem:
Adding the snippet works fine, but when I publish the master page or page layout it's not possible to edit the CEWP. When I edit a page which uses either the master page or the page layout, the CEWP should transform to an editable region, but it doesn't. There is no error shown. The webpart renders itself correctly.
What I tried:
I tried filling in a random WebPartID, but that doesn't work. Searching on Google and on StackOverflow didn't gave me any clues, I can't find anyone facing the same problem.
The code:
The following snippet is generated:
<!--CS: Start Content Editor Snippet--><!--SPM:<%#Register Tagprefix="WebPartPages" Namespace="Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages" Assembly="Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c"%>--><!--MS:<WebPartPages:ContentEditorWebPart xmlns:WebPartPages="namespace" runat="server" webpart="true">--><!--PS: Start of READ-ONLY PREVIEW (do not modify)--><div class="ms-webpart-chrome ms-webpart-chrome-fullWidth "><div WebPartID="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" HasPers="true" id="WebPart" width="100%" class="ms-WPBody noindex " OnlyForMePart="true" allowMinimize="false" allowRemove="false" allowDelete="false" style=""><div class="ms-rtestate-field"></div><div class="ms-clear"></div></div></div><!--PE: End of READ-ONLY PREVIEW--><!--MS:<WebPart xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WebPart/v2">--><!--MS:<Title>--><!--SPM:$Resources:core,ContentEditorWebPartTitle;--><!--ME:</Title>--><!--MS:<FrameType>--><!--SPM:None--><!--ME:</FrameType>--><!--MS:<Description>--><!--SPM:$Resources:core,ContentEditorWebPartDescription;--><!--ME:</Description>--><!--MS:<IsIncluded>--><!--SPM:true--><!--ME:</IsIncluded>--><!--MS:<ZoneID>--><!--SPM:ImportedPartZone--><!--ME:</ZoneID>--><!--MS:<PartOrder>--><!--SPM:0--><!--ME:</PartOrder>--><!--MS:<FrameState>--><!--SPM:Normal--><!--ME:</FrameState>--><!--MS:<Height>--><!--ME:</Height>--><!--MS:<Width>--><!--ME:</Width>--><!--MS:<AllowRemove>--><!--SPM:false--><!--ME:</AllowRemove>--><!--MS:<AllowZoneChange>--><!--SPM:false--><!--ME:</AllowZoneChange>--><!--MS:<AllowMinimize>--><!--SPM:false--><!--ME:</AllowMinimize>--><!--MS:<AllowConnect>--><!--SPM:true--><!--ME:</AllowConnect>--><!--MS:<AllowEdit>--><!--SPM:true--><!--ME:</AllowEdit>--><!--MS:<AllowHide>--><!--SPM:false--><!--ME:</AllowHide>--><!--MS:<IsVisible>--><!--SPM:true--><!--ME:</IsVisible>--><!--MS:<DetailLink>--><!--ME:</DetailLink>--><!--MS:<HelpLink>--><!--ME:</HelpLink>--><!--MS:<HelpMode>--><!--SPM:Modeless--><!--ME:</HelpMode>--><!--MS:<Dir>--><!--SPM:Default--><!--ME:</Dir>--><!--MS:<PartImageSmall>--><!--ME:</PartImageSmall>--><!--MS:<MissingAssembly>--><!--SPM:Cannot import this Web Part.--><!--ME:</MissingAssembly>--><!--MS:<PartImageLarge>--><!--SPM:/_layouts/15/images/mscontl.gif--><!--ME:</PartImageLarge>--><!--MS:<IsIncludedFilter>--><!--ME:</IsIncludedFilter>--><!--MS:<ExportControlledProperties>--><!--SPM:true--><!--ME:</ExportControlledProperties>--><!--MS:<ConnectionID>--><!--SPM:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000--><!--ME:</ConnectionID>--><!--MS:<ID>--><!--SPM:g_2bfa6a66_54d1_45e6_84e7_ebbb461f2911--><!--ME:</ID>--><!--MS:<ContentLink xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WebPart/v2/ContentEditor">--><!--ME:</ContentLink>--><!--MS:<Content xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WebPart/v2/ContentEditor">--><!--ME:</Content>--><!--MS:<PartStorage xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WebPart/v2/ContentEditor">--><!--ME:</PartStorage>--><!--MS:<ID>--><!--SPM:g_a4deccb6_9661_415d_99c8_51f528cf7428--><!--ME:</ID>--><!--ME:</WebPart>--><!--ME:</WebPartPages:ContentEditorWebPart>--><!--CE: End Content Editor Snippet-->
This generates the following code in the .master file:
<WebPartPages:ContentEditorWebPart runat="server" webpart="true" __WebPartId="{B2063517-7C26-4084-AA28-36434C760CDB}"><WebPart xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WebPart/v2"><Title>$Resources:core,ContentEditorWebPartTitle;</Title><FrameType>None</FrameType><Description>$Resources:core,ContentEditorWebPartDescription;</Description><IsIncluded>true</IsIncluded><PartOrder>0</PartOrder><FrameState>Normal</FrameState><Height /><Width /><AllowRemove>false</AllowRemove><AllowZoneChange>false</AllowZoneChange><AllowMinimize>false</AllowMinimize><AllowConnect>true</AllowConnect><AllowEdit>true</AllowEdit><AllowHide>false</AllowHide><IsVisible>true</IsVisible><DetailLink /><HelpLink /><HelpMode>Modeless</HelpMode><Dir>Default</Dir><PartImageSmall /><MissingAssembly>Cannot import this Web Part.</MissingAssembly><PartImageLarge>/_layouts/15/images/mscontl.gif</PartImageLarge><IsIncludedFilter /><ExportControlledProperties>true</ExportControlledProperties><ConnectionID>00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000</ConnectionID><ID>g_2bfa6a66_54d1_45e6_84e7_ebbb461f2911</ID><ContentLink xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WebPart/v2/ContentEditor" />
<Content xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WebPart/v2/ContentEditor"><![CDATA[]]></Content>
<PartStorage xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WebPart/v2/ContentEditor" /><ID>g_a4deccb6_9661_415d_99c8_51f528cf7428</ID></WebPart></WebPartPages:ContentEditorWebPart>
Some more information:
I'm pasting the snippets in the HTML file, as indicated. When I add a Web Part Zone snippet, I'm able to add working "Content Editor" WebParts in it. "Web Part Zone" snippets are only available in the Page Layout Snippet Manager though, so I can't use that as a workaround to get the footer in the masterpage to work.
My questions:
How can I add a Content Editor WebPart through the Snippet Manager?
Are there others facing the same problem?
Is it okay to leave the WebPartID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000?
Having fought a bit with SharePoint on this, this is what I found:
There are two different ways the Snippets created by the Snippet Manager work. If they are put anywhere within the html code of your Masterpage or Page Layouts, they will have the exact same configurations as the ones you select on the Snippet Editor, and you won't be able to edit them afterwards.
However, if you put them inside a Webpart Container Snippet code, you will be able to edit the webparts when accessing the Edit Page feature on SharePoint. As you probably figured out, this only works on page layouts and not on masterpages.
I believe a way to have a dynamic footer, is to use a Content By Search Web part and point it to a specific List (Footer List) and on that list you can have a column with a Rich Text Editor type, and then you can create a specific Display Template that will render the list content as desired.
Hope it makes some sense.