I'm building a web application with compojure and Leiningen 2. Is there a way to automatically compile coffeescript into javascript like Ruby on Rails does with sprocket?
If your're familiar with the rails asset pipeline, take a look at Dieter (https://github.com/edgecase/dieter). It's ring middleware which allows for coffee, sass, less, haml, etc. compilation.
You won't need to watch or manually compile files every time.
https://github.com/vbauer/lein-coffeescript - A Leiningen plugin for running CoffeeScript compiler.
I was going through this tutorial
http://wiki.jetbrains.net/intellij/Getting_started_with_La_Clojure and I got stuck here
http://wiki.jetbrains.net/intellij/Getting_started_with_La_Clojure#Opening_project_in_IntelliJ_IDEA. I don't know way but 'open project' dialog does show the file 'project.clj'. So I'm not able open the clojure project. (And also I don't know how to create new one)
Is this bug of IDEA/La clojure or I did something wrong?
To open/import clj projects, you need to have the Leiningen plugin installed.
Unfortunately, the latest official release of the lein plugin for intellij doesn't work well with Intellij13 (crashed my idea on load every time until removed manually).
I'm guessing that because of Cursive there wasn't a newer release even though the latest version of the plugin on github does work.
I followed the instructions on the lein plugin's git page to create a plugin bundle from the latest version: https://github.com/derkork/intellij-leiningen-plugin
Assuming you're using Intellij13, creating the bundle yourself and then installing it from disk will enable you to open clj project files.
I am planning to use EMBER 1.0 RC, Do we require grunt version v0.4.0 ??
No, Grunt is not required to use Ember. You can simply download Ember and include it in your application.
Grunt is a build system that helps you organize your project and perform useful tasks, but is not required. You can create simple Ember applications without a build system, but build systems are extremely helpful and should be used for any serious projects.
Here is an example JSBin showing a simple Ember application that didn't require a build system: http://jsbin.com/ixupad/1/edit
Here is a good example of an Ember application that uses Grunt: https://github.com/trek/ember-todos-with-build-tools-tests-and-other-modern-conveniences
I wonder if someone has idea about next.
I'm developing for BlackBerry. IDEA doesn't recognize RIM installation as JSDK or Mobile SDK. So I have create project without SDK and attach RIM jar file as dependency.
I'm trying to write as much as possible unit test with JUnit and Mockito but to run them IDEA requires JSDK. So I created additional module where I set JSDK, correct language level and it works. It's already hassle to create additional module (better if we could set JSDK and other compiler, runtime options for code and tests) but I was quite happy.
I have also dependencies for some common libraries which we use in android and J2ME also. I added them as modules with JSDK 1.6 and language level 1.3. And I able to develop and run test on it also.
But I got issue with LEDA EAP. IDEA now complaints about incompatibility with java.lang because it found them both in RIM jar and JSDK for libraries. And now I'm thinking about next hassle to fix my favorite ide. Sure it's EAP and things could be changed.
But anyone has any recommendation or similar situation setup?
I'm new to django, and I'm working on my first google appengine app. I use Pycharm as my IDE.
In my HTML files, template code has no smart-indent and syntax-highlighting, it looks BAD! Is there any tools or plugins to handle this situation?
You should try pycharm
I am a complete newbie to SBT and scala world. I wanna create a lift application and while exploring on how to do it i stumbled everywhere that i must use SBT. So i went to the github wiki page and followed the instructions for windows. I downloaded the jar given there and created sbt.bat and put both the files in c:\sbt and added it to my path. Then i went c:\liftprojects and typed sbt.
It did something but as given everywhere i expected a wizard of some sort which will ask me what kind of project i wanna build and stuff and generate the directory structure just like mvn:archetype:generate but it didnt do anything. It just ran some downloads and created two dirs
scala 2.8.1
in github wiki it says sbt follows maven bir structure but i cannot see it here.
Am i doin something the wrong way. Im stuck on this. All i need is to know how to create a lift app or a scala project.
To get started with Lift 2.4 my recommendation is to clone the examples repository
git clone https://github.com/lift/lift_24_sbt
Then you can use one of the project templates in that repo, with both 2.8 and 2.9 Scala versions. For example, a good way to start with Lift is using the basic project (with Scala 2.8.1 in this example)
cd lift_24_sbt/scala_28/lift_basic/
Start sbt by typing
On Windows use sbt.bat. Inside the sbt console, type
Open a web browser and point it to http://localhost:8080 to open the Lift application. To stop the application server, simply type jetty-stop.
You can use this template project, or the other templates in that repo, as a starting point for your applications.
Lift wiki contains a lot of useful information. Specifically, you can follow the instructions getting started section here.