Any tool or plugin to make Django template code smart indention and syntax-highlighting possible? - django

I'm new to django, and I'm working on my first google appengine app. I use Pycharm as my IDE.
In my HTML files, template code has no smart-indent and syntax-highlighting, it looks BAD! Is there any tools or plugins to handle this situation?

You should try pycharm


Any risks format Django project using format plugin in IDE?

What's the potential risks if I want to do the code format (PEP8) for an already existing, working Django project using format plugin in IDE, will it break the system? If it could, plz provide some examples, so I could try to avoid 'em. Many thanks.
All depend to plugin you want to add in your IDE! Pep8 is a python conventions help you to make a pretty python code source ( you can read this).
If plugin have bugs or not compatible with version of you ide it can crash IDE load not a system. Before add plugin you must read all comments on it !

Powerful Debuggers for Django

The Django debugger is absolutely dreading and finding errors is a daunting task.
Are there any third party Django debuggers out there?
I don't know about Django debuggers, but PyCharm by JetBrains is an awesome Python IDE with a built-in debugger. I've been using it for over 2 years (previously a decade long user of their awesome IntellJ Java IDE) for Django work and it's been worth every penny paid.
Pydevd plugin for eclipse supports debugging code run from outside the IDE. I find it works great with Django.
It's simple to use - start the debugger from eclipse, then add the line import pydevd;pydevd.settrace() and execution will break at that line, allowing you to step through etc from eclipse.
To debug code on a remote machine, include the ip address of the machine running eclipse as an argument to settrace() (ie import pydevd;pydevd.settrace('')).
Obviously the pydevd module will neeed to be on your pythonpath.
For installation instructions check the docs.

Sublime Text - Set project type as Django

A little confused. Trying to create a Django project in Sublime Text.
I have followed this netuts guide
So I have added a folder and set a project as django.sublime-project
I installed Djaniero plugin. So my question is how do I now turn this into a django project?
Djaniero is just a collection of snippets for Django.
If you're looking for a plugin that will give you autocompletion for Python, etc, take a look at SublimeCodeIntel or SublimeRope.

Why can't I see my python.django.templates bundle in TextMate?

I have just installed both the python.django bundle and the python.django.templates bundles for TextMate. If I click on the Bundles menu item from the Mac menu bar at the top of my screen, I see them both in the drop-down menu. However, at the bottom of my TextMate window I only see the Python Django option and not the Python Django Templates option. Since I would like to declare that the file I am working on is a Django Templates file, this is annoying me. Can anyone explain to me why this is happening?
The type for Python Django templates is listed under HTML (Django).

getting started with SBT for lift

I am a complete newbie to SBT and scala world. I wanna create a lift application and while exploring on how to do it i stumbled everywhere that i must use SBT. So i went to the github wiki page and followed the instructions for windows. I downloaded the jar given there and created sbt.bat and put both the files in c:\sbt and added it to my path. Then i went c:\liftprojects and typed sbt.
It did something but as given everywhere i expected a wizard of some sort which will ask me what kind of project i wanna build and stuff and generate the directory structure just like mvn:archetype:generate but it didnt do anything. It just ran some downloads and created two dirs
scala 2.8.1
in github wiki it says sbt follows maven bir structure but i cannot see it here.
Am i doin something the wrong way. Im stuck on this. All i need is to know how to create a lift app or a scala project.
To get started with Lift 2.4 my recommendation is to clone the examples repository
git clone
Then you can use one of the project templates in that repo, with both 2.8 and 2.9 Scala versions. For example, a good way to start with Lift is using the basic project (with Scala 2.8.1 in this example)
cd lift_24_sbt/scala_28/lift_basic/
Start sbt by typing
On Windows use sbt.bat. Inside the sbt console, type
Open a web browser and point it to http://localhost:8080 to open the Lift application. To stop the application server, simply type jetty-stop.
You can use this template project, or the other templates in that repo, as a starting point for your applications.
Lift wiki contains a lot of useful information. Specifically, you can follow the instructions getting started section here.