How to make linkTo dynamic in ember? - ember.js

<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="patient">
<ul class="nav">
{{#each menuItem in menuItems}}
<li>{{#linkTo "dashboard.summary" menuItem}}{{}}{{/linkTo}}</li>
In the above code, how do I make linkTo a dynamic link instead of the hardcoded "dashboard.summary"? For example, "dashboard."

In the current Ember (1.10 as of this post), helpers now accept both quoted arguments or arguments that will be looked up as attributes in the current context. I believe this was changed in Ember 1.2 ( change log ).
If quoted, the argument will be used as a string:
{{#link-to 'post'}}Posts{{/link-to}}
If not quoted, the argument will be looked up in the current context:
{{#link-to routeName}}Go To '{{routeName}}'{{/link-to}}
This will be a link-to that points to whatever the routeName property currently is set to. This can be updated dynamically.
Here is an example JSBin showing this in action:,css,js,output

You could register a simple Handlebars helper that wraps the linkTo helper.
var linkTo = Ember.Handlebars.helpers.linkTo;
Ember.Handlebars.registerHelper('myLinkTo', function(name, suffixPath) {
var suffix = Ember.Handlebars.get(this, suffixPath);
arguments = [], 2);
arguments.unshift(name + '.' + suffix);
return linkTo.apply(this, arguments);
Then in your template you could write:
{{#each menuItems}}
<li>{{#myLinkTo "dashboard" name this}}{{name}}{{/myLinkTo}}</li>
The helper will resolve the second argument and append it to the first, preceded by a dot.
Edit: this behaviour can now be achieved without a custom helper. See c4p's answer for the contemporary solution to this problem. The solution above was last tested with Ember 1.0.0-rc.1.


Using variable in partial name

I have a list of "summaries" in a loop:
{{#each formSummaries}}
For each one I want to output a template that is named by each
{{#each formSummaries}}
{{partial 'forms/summaries/' + name}}
or like this:
summaryPath: 'forms/summaries' + name
{{#each formSummaries}}
{{partial summaryPath}}
Is it possible to do something like this with a partial? Is there a more "Ember" way of solving this problem? Thank you in advance.
The handlebars looks good to me, except that I would specify an itemController. This will let you get fancy-pants with each rendered model through the use of computed properties and other powerful controller mechanisms.
{{#each formSummaries itemController='summary'}}
{{partial summaryPath}}
Now, summaryPath should be computed within that item controller. How about:
App.SummaryController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
summaryPath: function () {
return 'templateName_' + this.get('name'); // You can tailor this part to suit your needs.
Hope that helps!

link-to action parameters are not working in ember js

Hi i am very new to ember js. i pass action parameters(id ) on link-to action in template but i did not get the values in my controller.
My Template code as follows:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="search">
{{#each model.results}}
// here i pass id value along with action
{{#link-to 'profile' id action="profileinfo"}}
App.SearchController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
id: '',
profileinfo: function(id){
// Here i access id value like this
var id = this.get('id');})
when i click on the link action goes to Searchcontroller, but i get id value is empty.I follow some solutions in stack overflow but unfortunately i did not get anything. Please provide some solution
I don't get why you're using the {{#link-to}} helper for triggering an action on your controller. Maybe you could simply use the {{action}} helper ?
If you try doing it that way, would it work ?
<button type="button" {{action "profileinfo" id}}>Click me !</button>
From there, your console.log(id); should get your value.
Would also work for a <a> tag
<a href="#" {{action "profileinfo" id}}>Click me !</a>
I've created popular addon for doing just that:
{{#link-to 'profile' id invokeAction='profileinfo'}}
Simply install it:
ember installember-link-action
Please leave a star if you enjoy it or leave feedback if you feel anything is missing. :) It works with Ember 1.13 and 2.X (tested on Travis CI).

Calling a handlebars block helper from another helper

How can I call a handlebars block helper from another helper in ember.
I am interested in converting the following in a bound helper.
{{#each link in sideMenuLinks}}
<li class="navigation page">
{{#linkTo ROUTE_VARIABLE link.linkToRouteContext}}
{{{link.iconTag}}}<i class="icon-right-open"></i>{{link.linkText}}</a>
Note that I will have to call a {{#linkTo}} block inside the helper and also change ROUTE_VARIABLE with a value from the property link.linkToRoute.
The Ember handlebars helpers are placed at Ember.Handlebars.helpers. You can call them with Ember.Handlebars.helpers.{helperName}.call.
However, The above looks like a dynamic partial/view style helper. I would suggest creating a Handlebars View helper for it. The syntax is similar but you pass in a View class to the helper.
Ember.Handlebars.helper('sideMenuLinks', App.SideMenuLinksView);
The corresponding view can use a template similar to yours by giving a templateName
App.SideMenuLinksView = Ember.View.extend({
templateName: 'sideMenuLinksTemplate'
You template would be something like,
<script type='text/x-handlebars' data-template-name='sideMenuLinksTemplate'>
{{#each link in view.links}}
<li class="navigation page">
{{#linkFor parentView.routeVariable link.linkToRouteContext}}
{{{link.iconTag}}}<i class="icon-right-open"></i>{{link.linkText}}</a>
The default Ember linkTo is static, In that you cannot pass the named route from a variable. You will need a dynamic linkTo helper like the linkFor that looks up the variable path before
applying linkTo internally.
Ember.Handlebars.registerHelper('linkFor', function(path, params, options) {
var view =;
var name = view.get(path);
var args = [name, params, options];
return Ember.Handlebars.helpers.linkTo.apply(this, args);
Finally you can use this helper like below. The links property will be bound to the content of the controller in this example.
<script type='text/x-handlebars' data-template-name='application'>
{{sideMenuLinks links=content routeVariable='page'}}
Here's a working jsbin.

Creating a dynamic string with bindAttr

I'd like to create a dynamic classname on an object with a value I'm getting from my model. One of the keys is named provider which contains either "twitter" or "facebook". What I'd like to do is to prepend the string "icon-" to the provider so that the resulting class is icon-twitter or icon-facebook.
This is the code that I've got now.
<i {{bindAttr class=":avatar-icon account.provider"}}></i>
Ember offers a way to include a static string within the attribute by prepending : to it. You can see that I'm also adding a class called avatar-icon in this example. I've already tried :icon-account.provider which simply resulted in the literal string "icon-account.provider".
Nice one. I'm working on a solution similar to your answer right now. Question though: this view will be used within the context of an each loop. How would I pass in the current item to be used within the view? I have this right now:
{{#each account in controller}}
{{#view "Social.AccountButtonView"}}
<i {{bindAttr class="account.provider"}}></i>
Is it possible to just do this:
{{#view "Social.AccountButtonView" account="account"}}
I have previously stated that attributeBindings would be a suitable solution for this, but I was mistaken. When binding the class attribute of a given View, as pointed out, you should use classNames or classNameBindings. Please refer to the sample below:
App.ApplicationView = Em.View.extend({
provider: 'Facebook',
classNameBindings: 'providerClass',
providerClass: function() {
return 'icon-avatar icon-%#'.fmt(this.get('provider').toLowerCase());
This will render the following HTML:
<div id="ember212" class="ember-view icon-avatar icon-facebook">
Here's a fiddle:
(Note: The fiddle is linking to a version of Ember.js earlier than RC)

In templates in Ember.js, how do you refer to a value in the parent context when you are inside an #each block?

I have a situation in a template where I want to use an if block on a value in the parent context while inside an each block.
The code:
App = Ember.Application.create({});
App.view = Ember.View.extend({
foo: [1, 2, 3],
bar: true
The template:
<script type="text/x-handlebars">
{{#view App.view}}
{{#each foo}}
{{#if bar}}
This does not work because names referenced inside an each loop are scoped to the element of iteration. How do you refer to things in the parent context?
I found a better solution.
From the Ember.js View Layer guide (
Handlebars helpers in Ember may also specify variables. For example, the {{#with controller.person as tom}} form specifies a tom variable that descendent scopes can access. Even if a child context has a tom property, the tom variable will supersede it.
This form has one major benefit: it allows you to shorten long paths without losing access to the parent scope.
It is especially important in the {{#each}} helper, which provides a {{#each person in people}} form. In this form, descendent context have access to the person variable, but remain in the same scope as where the template invoked the each.
The template:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" >
{{#view App.view}}
{{#each number in}}
What hekevintran's answer means is that you can rename any variable using #with. We have a similar problem in JavaScript with this. In JavaScript, sometimes you'll see code like this to work around it.
var self = this;
doSomething(function() {
// Here, `this` has changed.
if ( {
In Ember flavored Handlebars, something similar is happening with view. Say you have App.MyOuterView and another view inside it. You can work around it like this.
{{#with view as myOuterView}}
{{#each foo}}
Similar to the JavaScript, you can essentially rename view to something else so it doesn't get shadowed by the inner view. {{#each person in people}} is just a special case of that. But renaming using {{#with view as myView}} is the more general solution/workaround to this problem that also works with nested calls to the view helper.
I was also stumped on this. This thread and this other thread (Using a container view in ember.js - how to access parent variables from child view) helped me with the solution. I used Jonathan's suggestion to do {#with} and also figured out that I should access my variable by calling the controller. Mine worked like this:
// I use the #which command to preserve access to the outer context once inside the #each
{{#with view as myOuterView}}
{{#each myInnerArray}}
//here, i get my 'name' property from the *controller* of myOuterView
// stuff i did in inner array
No need to place the if inside each in the first place:
<script type="text/x-handlebars">
{{#view App.view}}