Can QSslSocket be used immediately after startServerEncryption()? - c++

After I've called QSslSocket::startServerEncryption(), can I proceed to immediately use the socket as an ordinary QTcpSocket, reading and writing data from it, or do I need to call waitForStartEncrypted() before using it?
socket->waitForEncrypted(); // <==== Is this line necessary?
QByteArray response = socket->read();

You can start to use it immediately. The data will be buffered and sent later. Note that you can't read any data from it yet, since none will have arrived. The actual connection and handshake will not occur until you enter the event loop.


QTcpSocket data transfer stops when read buffer is full and does not resumes when it frees up

I have server-client Qt application, where client sends data packets to server and server reads them at a set time intervals. It happens that client sends data faster than server can read thus filling all the memory on the server side. I am using QAbstractSocket::setReadBufferSize(size) to set max read buffer size on the server side and when it fills up, socket data transferring stops, and data is buffered on client side, which is what i want, but the problem is when server's QTcpSocket's internal read buffer frees up (is not full anymore), data transfer between client and server does not resume.
I've tried to use QAbstractSocket::resume() which seems to work, but Qt5.10 documentation says:
Continues data transfer on the socket. This method should only be used
after the socket has been set to pause upon notifications and a
notification has been received. The only notification currently
supported is QSslSocket::sslErrors(). Calling this method if the
socket is not paused results in undefined behavior.
I feel like I should not use that function in this situation, but is there any other solution? How do i know if socket is paused? Why data transfer does not continue automaticaly when QTcpSocket's internal read buffer is not full anymore?
EDIT 1 :
I have downloaded Qt(5.10.0) sources and pdb's to debug this situation and I can see that QAbstractSocket::readData() internal function have line "d->socketEngine->setReadNotificationEnabled(true)" which re-enables data transfering, but QAbstractSocket::readData() gets called only when QTcpSocket internal read buffer is empty (qiodevice.cpp; QIODevicePrivate::read(); line 1176) and in My situation it is never empty, because I read it only when it has enough data for complete packet.
Shouldn't QAbstractSocket::readData() be called when read buffer is not full anymore and not when it's completely empty? Or maybe i do something wrong?
Found a Workaround!
In Qt5.10 sources i can clearly see that QTcpSpcket internal read notifications is disabled (qabstractsocket.cpp; bool QAbstractSocketPrivate::canReadNotification(); line 697) when read buffer is full and to enable read notifications you need to read all buffer to make it empty OR use QAbstractSocket::setReadBufferSize(newSize) which internally enables read notifications WHEN newSize is not 0 (unlimited) and not equal to oldSize (qabstractsocket.cpp; void QAbstractSocket::setReadBufferSize(qint64 size); line 2824).
Here's a short function for that:
QTcpSocket socket;
qint64 readBufferSize; // Current max read buffer size.
bool flag = false; // flag for changing max read buffer size.
bool isReadBufferLimitReached = false;
void App::CheckReadBufferLimitReached()
if (readBufferSize <= socket.bytesAvailable())
isReadBufferLimitReached = true;
else if (isReadBufferLimitReached)
if (flag)
flag = !flag;
flag = !flag;
isReadBufferLimitReached = false;
In the function which reads data from QTcpSocket at the set intervals, BEFORE reading data, I call this function, which checks if read buffer is full and sets isReadBufferLimitReached if true. Then I read needed amount of data from QTcpSocket and AT THE END I call that function again, which, if buffer were full before, calls QAbstractSocket::setReadBufferSize(size) to set new buffer size and enable internal read notifications. Changing read buffer size by +/-1 should be safe, because you read at least 1 byte from socket.

Serial Communication Timeout in QT with Arduino

I want to implement a timeout mechanism such that if the arduino doesn't read the command within one second, it results in a timeout and the new command is discarded and the program runs fine.
But right now, the program hangs if any new command is sent during the execution of the old one.
This is the timeout section of my code:
QByteArray requestData = myRequest.toLocal8Bit();
if (serial.waitForBytesWritten(waitTime)) {
if (serial.waitForReadyRead(myWaitTimeout)) {
QByteArray responseData = serial.readAll();
while (serial.waitForReadyRead(10))
responseData += serial.readAll();
QString response(responseData);
emit this->response(response);
} else {
emit timeout(tr("Wait Read Request Timed Out %1")
} else {
emit timeout(tr("Wait Write Request Timed Out %1")
The timeout signal is connected to a slot that just prints the timeout message and does nothing.
How can I fix this so that I can achieve what I target?
You are using blocking approach to transmit data via serial port. Unless you are using threads I don't see possibility to send any additional data during execution of previous loop.
BTW: Your program, for example, will block indefinitely if Arduino manages to keep sending something within 10ms periods.
Add couple of QDebug() << "I'm here"; lines to check where your code gets stuck; it is possible that you are blocking somewhere outside code you pasted here. Alternative is to use debugger.
What if previous 'command' you tried to send is still in the buffer ? You'll end up filling output buffer. Check with QDebug how many bytes are in output buffer before writing more data to it. Buffer should be empty. (qint64 QIODevice::bytesToWrite() const).

How should QLocalSocket/QDataStream be read to avoid deadlocks?

How should QLocalSocket/QDataStream be read?
I have a program that communicates with another via named pipes using QLocalSocket and QDataStream. The recieveMessage() slot below is connected to the QLocalSocket's readyRead() signal.
void MySceneClient::receiveMessage()
qint32 msglength;
(*m_stream) >> msglength;
char* msgdata = new char[msglength];
int read = 0;
while (read < msglength) {
read += m_stream->readRawData(&msgdata[read], msglength - read);
I find that the application sometimes hangs on readRawData(). That is, it succesfully reads the 4 byte header, but then never returns from readRawData().
If I add...
if (m_socket->bytesAvailable() < 5)
return; the start of this function, the application works fine (with the short test message).
I am guessing then (the documentation is very sparse) that there is some sort of deadlock occurring, and that I must use the bytesAvailable() signal to gradually build up the buffer rather than blocking.
Why is this? And what is the correct approach to reading from QLocalSocket?
Your loop blocks the event loop, so you will never get data if all did not arrive pn first read, is what causes your problem I think.
Correct approach is to use signals and slots, readyRead-signal here, and just read the available data in your slot, and if there's not enough, buffer it and return, and read more when you get the next signal.
Be careful with this alternative approach: If you are absolutely sure all the data you expect is going to arrive promptly (perhaps not unreasonable with a local socket where you control both client and server), or if the whole thing is in a thread which doesn nothing else, then it may be ok to use waitForReadyRead method. But the event loop will remain blocked until data arrives, freezing GUI for example (if in GUI thread), and generally troublesome.

Cannot write data to Serial Port

I am trying to write data to Serial Port. I use this way:
QBluetoothSocket *socket;
socket = new QBluetoothSocket(QBluetoothServiceInfo::RfcommProtocol);
QByteArray byteArr;
QDataStream out(&byteArr, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
out << 1 << '\n'; //if plusbutton is pushedm then send zero
But I get in return:
W/ 6443): (null):0 ((null)):
Socket::writeData: QBluetoothSocket::ConnectingState false
W/ 6443): (null):0 ((null)):
Socket::writeData: QBluetoothSocket::ConnectingState false
D/ 6443): ..\A_for_w8\widget.cpp:68 (void Widget::on_plus_clicked()): -1
D/ 6443):
So, nothing is written to there.
It seems, that the code is ok, but it doesn't work.
Can you tell me what's wrong?
Thank you.
I checked socket is open .
socket->isOpen return true and I get:
W/ 9638): (null):0 ((null)): Socket::writeData: QBluetoothSocket::UnconnectedState false
D/ 9638): ..\A_for_w8\widget.cpp:70 (void Widget::on_plus_clicked()): -1
You need to connect the socket to an endpoint before you can successfully write anything. There must be a running Bluetooth service somewhere, to which you connect using connectToService(). After the connected() signal has been emitted, you can write data.
It doesn't appear that QBluetoothSocket has a waitForConnected() function, as QAbstractSocket and its subclasses do. This means you can use something like QSignalSpy to wait for the connected() signal, or, if you don't care so much about efficiency, just a busy-wait loop would do.
As pointed out in the comment, waiting for events to happen is the whole point of Qt's main event loop. Using the waitFor* methods or another event loop is pretty inefficient, and definitely goes against the spirit of Qt. So the best solution to writing data only after the socket is connected is to connect a writeData() slot to the connected() signal of QBluetoothSocket.

How to read complete data in QTcpSocket?

Now the server (implemented with java) will send some stream data to me, my code is like below:
connect(socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(read_from_server()));
in the read_from_server():
while (socket->bytesAvailable())
QString temp = socket->readAll();
but I find that even the server sent me a string with only several characters, the data is truncated, and my function is called twice, thus temp is the never complete data that I want.
If server send me a longer string, my function may be called three or more times, making me diffficult to know at which time the data is transfered completely.
So anyone can tell me how to completely receive the data easily, without so many steps of bothering? I'm sorry if this is duplicated with some questions else, I couldn't get their answers work for me. Many thanks!
What you're seeing is normal for client-server communication. Data is sent in packets and the readyRead signal is informing your program that there is data available, but has no concept of what or how much data there is, so you have to handle this.
To read the data correctly, you will need a buffer, as mentioned by #ratchetfreak, to append the bytes as they're read from the stream. It is important that you know the format of the data being sent, in order to know when you have a complete message. I have previously used at least two methods to do this: -
1) Ensure that sent messages begin with the size, in bytes, of the message being sent. On receiving data, you start by reading the size and keep appending to your buffer until it totals the size to expect.
2) Send all data in a known format, such as JSON or XML, which can be checked for the end of the message. For example, in the case of JSON, all packets will begin with an opening brace '{' and end with a closing brace '}', so you could count braces and match up the data, or use QJsonDocument::fromRawData to verify that the data is complete.
Having used both of these methods, I recommend using the first; include the size of a message that is being sent.
you can use a buffer field to hold the unfinished data temporarily and handle packets as they complete:
while (socket->bytesAvailable())
int packetSize = getPacketSize(buffer);
packetSize = getPacketSize(buffer);
If all of the data has not yet arrived then your while loop will exit prematurely. You need to use a message format that will let the receiving code determine when the complete message has been received. For example, the message could begin with a length element, or if you are dealing with text the message could end with some character used as a terminator.
Problem is that during tcp data transfer data are send in undefined chunks. If you are trying to read defined block size you have to know in advance expected chunk size ore have a way to determinate when your block ends (something like zero terminated c-string).
Check if this answer doesn't help you (there is a trick to wait for expected data block).