Multi-tier complex state machine - c++

I'm currently trying to come up with a clean design for coding a multi-tier state machine, and so far, I haven't found the solution in articles about normal state machine usage in C++ or other.
On the very bottom of the hierarchy, we have atomic states: a, b, c, ..., x, y, z.
On top of that, there is a first tier of composite states: A, B, C, D.
Finally, on the very top, there is a final aggregate root state X.
a b c d e f g h...
In contrast to the usual state machine, the lowest states are defined and determined by external factors; there are no detectable events that change them, changes are detected simply by observing.
Following an atomic state change, he first composite layer has a set of states that it could take, depending on the combination of lower states. For instance: a, b and c are "child"-states of A:
a b c - A
0 0 0 - 0
1 0 0 - 1
2 0 0 - x
2 1 0 - 2
and so on...where x is undefined.
Finally, the root state has a set of states it can take, based on the composite states - following the same logic as before.
So far, I tried a top-down approach, where the root would call into the sub-states, which in turn would call into the atomic states to update them, cascading back up.
I also tried a bottom-up approach, where the atomic states would update and call up into the sub-states, which in turn would call up into the root state.
In both cases, the fact that a single sub-state might depend on just one or many atomic states makes state verification very convoluted and I end up with non-acceptable, bloated code. I feel like I need a different kind of approach, but I'm stuck on the current design. If anyone has experience with this kind of problem and can offer some inspiration, I would really appreciate.

One quick thought:
1) Observer pattern between composite and atomic states ("a", "b", "c" as observees and "A" as observer, so on..)
2) Have class-A implemented using Pimpl idiom to separate the interface & implementation details, thus have more control and exhibit more flexibily in changing the implementation details.
3) Let class-A have some kind of Factory abstraction to create & manage specialized implementation-objects for each unique state of "A".
4) Thus, whenever changes on a, b, c are observed by "A", Factory helps to retrieve the corresponding implementation-state of "A" and does a state change.
Apply same approach between "A" and "X".
More detailed layout:
1) Define the required interfaces (generic or abstract classes) IX, IA, Ia, Ib, Ic.
2) In interface IA, define public IaChanged(Ia*), IbChanged(Ib*) & IcChanged(Ic*) methods to receive Ia, Ib & Ic state change notifications (Callback methods of Observer pattern).
3) Inside the atomic interfaces Ia, Ib & Ic. Define public Register(IA&) & private Notify() metods.
In Interface Ia,
Where Notify() { foreach(observer in m_Observers)
In Interface Ib,
Where Notify() { foreach(observer in m_Observers)
so on...
4) Have clases X, A, a, b, c derived from respective interfaces.
X->IX, A->IA, a->Ia, b->Ib & c->Ic, where -> represents "derives".
5) Have class A define A_implState (Pimpl Idiom), where A_implState may derive from a new interface IA_implState to keep things generic.
Have classes A_implState0, A_implState1, A_implState2, A_implStateX as specialized versions of IA_implState.
class IA_implState
virtual void processStateChange()=0;
class A_implState0 : public IA_implState
void processStateChange()
// do your stuff specific to State "0" of "A".
class A_implStateX : public IA_implState
void processStateChange()
// do your stuff specific to State "X" of "A".
so on...
6) Have one specialization of IA_Impl for each distinct states of A, based on:
a b c - A
0 0 0 - 0
1 0 0 - 1
2 0 0 - x
2 1 0 - 2
7) In class A, whenever IaChanged(IaPtr) or IbChanged(IbPtr) or IcChanged(IcPtr) gets triggered by respective observee, process the change notifications as:
// a changed
void A::IaChanged(IaPtr a)
//Buffer Ia inside a member
m_pIa = a;
//Retrieve A-implementer based on the current state.
m_pimplA = m_implAContainer[GetCurrentState()]; // or use FactoryMethod or AbstractFactory pattern if required.
// b changed
void A::IbChanged(IbPtr b)
//Buffer Ib inside a member
m_pIb = b;
m_pimplA = m_implAContainer[GetCurrentState()]; // use FactoryMethod or AbstractFactory pattern if required.
/* a rough sketch, may look like */
use shared_pointers for managing lifetime, define some typedefs for ease of use.
typedef std::shared_ptr<Ia> IaPtr;
typedef std::shared_ptr<Ib> IbPtr;
typedef std::shared_ptr<IA_impl> IAImplPtr;
typedef std::map<int /* or other datatype as required */ , IA_implPtr> ImplAPtrContainer;
// class-A may look like
class A : public IA
void IaChanged(const IaPtr ptr_a);
void IbChanged(const IbPtr ptr_b);
void Init();
void DeInit() { m_implAContainer.clear(); }
int GetCurrentState();
ImplAPtrContainer m_implAContainer;
IAImplPtr m_pimplA;
IaPtr m_aPtr;
IbPtr m_bPtr;
IcPtr m_cPtr;
// Initialize Container with all possible implementation states for class-A
void A::Init()
m_implAContainer.insert(/*state*/ 0, IAImplPtr(new A_implState0));
m_implAContainer.insert(/*state*/ 1, IAImplPtr(new A_implState1));
m_implAContainer.insert(/*state*/ X, IAImplPtr(new A_implStateX));
// Determine the A's current state based on a, b & c' current state
int A::GetCurrentState()
// Have this method return A's state based on a b c, prefer enums over magic numbers
if(m_aPtr->GetState() == 0 && m_bPtr->GetState() == 0 && m_cPtr->GetState() == 0)
return 0;


Optimizing storage space for classes in C++ in an Arduino library

I'm writing an Arduino library to wrap the pin functions (digitalRead, digitalWrite, analogRead, etc.). For example, I have a RegularPin class which is a passthrough and an InvertedPin class which inverts the pin logic. This is useful when going from the breadbord with LEDs to a relay board which inverts the circuit logic. I just have to swap classes.
I also have a DebouncedPin class for buttons which checks the user presses or releases long enough for the button to be really pressed/released.
Example for analog pins:
// AnalogInPin ------------------------------
class AnalogInPin
virtual int read()=0;
virtual int getNo()=0;
// AnalogRegInPin ---------------------------
template<int pinNo>
class AnalogRegInPin : public AnalogInPin
int read();
int getNo(){return pinNo;}
template<int pinNo>
int AnalogRegInPin<pinNo>::read()
return analogRead(pinNo);
template<int pinNo>
pinMode(pinNo, INPUT);
As you can see, I put the pin number in the template declaration because it is not to be changed at run time and I do not want the pin number to use memory when I allocate a pin object, just like in vanilla arduino C code. I know classes can not be of size zero but read on. Next, I want to write an "AveragedPin" class which will automatically read the selected pin several times and I would like to stack my templated classes like this :
AveragedPin<cAnalogRegInPin<A0>, UPDATE_ON_READ|RESET_ON_READ> ava0;
or even :
For the time being, I declared the nested pin as a private member because it is not allowed to use a class object in the template declaration. But then, each layer of nesting uselessly eats several bytes on the stack.
I know I could use references in the template declaration, but I don't quite understand how that works/should be used. My problem looks like empty member optimization, but it doesn't seem to apply here.
I feel this is more a C++ question than an arduino one and I'm not a C++ expert. I guess this touches the more advanced parts of C++. Maybe what I want is not possible, or only with recent C++ (20?) revisions.
Below is the code for the FixedRangeCorrectedPin class.
template <class P, int rawMin, int rawMax, int targetRange>
class FixedRangeCorrectedPin : public AnalogInPin
int read();
int getNo(){return pin.getNo();}
P pin;
template <class P, int rawMin, int rawMax, int targetRange>
int FixedRangeCorrectedPin<P, rawMin, rawMax, targetRange>::read()
int rawRange = rawMax - rawMin;
long int result = - rawMin;
if (result < 0) result = 0;
result = result * targetRange / rawRange;
if (result > targetRange) result = targetRange;
return result;
My problem is that I would like to remove the 'P pin' class member and replace it in the template declaration like in template <AnalogInPin pin,int rawMin,int rawMax,int targetRange> because which pin is involved here is completely known at compile time.
As you can see, I put the pin number in the template declaration because it is not to be changed at run time and I do not want the pin number to use memory when I allocate a pin object, just like in vanilla arduino C code.
OK, if the pin number is a compile-time constant as it usually is for Arduino, this bit is fine.
However, making the AnalogInPin base class abstract (ie, adding virtual methods) will in practice use at least as much space per object as you saved by not storing the pin as an integer.
The details are implementation-specific, but runtime polymorphism requires some way of figuring out, for a given derived-class object pointed to by an AnalogInPin*, which version of the virtual methods to call, and that requires storage in each object of derived type. (You can verify that this is true buy just checking sizeof(AnalogInPin) and comparing to sizeof an otherwise identical class with no virtual methods.
I know classes can not be of size zero but ...
There's an special case for base classes with no data members that allows them to take no extra size (an instance of the most-derived type must still occupy at least one byte). It's called the empty base class optimization.
For the time being, I declared the nested pin as a private member because it is not allowed to use a class object in the template declaration. But then, each layer of nesting uselessly eats several bytes on the stack.
We can flatten the whole thing (and ideally remove the abstract base too, unless you have non-templated code that needs it):
template <int PIN, template <int> class BASE>
struct AveragedPin: public BASE<PIN>
int read() override { /* call BASE<PIN>::read() several times */ }
int getNo() override { return PIN; }
However, note that we could just use the inherited getNo, and then don't really use PIN at all. So instead of declaring an averaged pin instance as AveragedPin<MY_PIN, AnalogInPin> myAveragedPin;, we could change the definition to
template <class BASE>
struct AveragedPin: public BASE
int read() override { /* call BASE::read() several times */ }
using BASE::getNo; // not really required unless it is hidden
and declare an instance as AveragedPin<AnalogInPin<MY_PIN>> myAveragedPin;.
The range-corrected pin can be similar but with extra template parameters for the flags and min/max bounds, if they're known at compile time.
Similarly, the FixedRangeCorrectPin added to your question, doesn't need to derive from AnalogInPin and then also store a different pin type. In fact, it can just inherit the base class
template <class P,int rawMin,int rawMax,int targetRange>
struct FixedRangeCorrectedPin : public P
int read(); // calls P::read()
// inherit getNo again
again, declaring an instance like FixedRangeCorrectPin<AnalogInPin<MY_PIN>, RMIN, RMAX, TARGET> myFixedPin;
Edit Example of an average over a variable number of pins, with no storage overhead, assuming we changed the virtual methods to static:
template <class... PINS>
struct AveragedPins
static int read()
return (PINS::read() + ...) / sizeof...(PINS);
This doesn't care what sort of pin the argument is, so long as it has a static read method. You can stack it however you like:
using a1 = FixedRangeCorrectedPin<A_1, 0, 255, 128>;
using a2 = AnalogInPin<A_2>;
using a3 = AnalogInPin<A_3>;
using a4 = AnalogInPin<A_4>;
using a34 = AveragedPins<a3, a4>;
using all = AveragedPins<a1, a2, a34>;
// now a34::read() = (a3::read() + a4::read())/2
// and all::read() = (a1::read() + a2::read() + a34::read())/3
and note that all of those are just type definitions: we're not allocating even one byte for any objects.
One more note: I noticed that I'm using the same CLASS::method() syntax in two slightly different ways.
in the first examples above, which use inheritance, BASE::read() is a de-virtualized instance method call.
That is, we're calling BASE's version of the read method on this object. You could also write this->BASE::read().
It's de-virtualized because although the base-class method is virtual, we know at compile time the right override to call, so virtual dispatch isn't necessary.
in the final examples, where we stopped using inheritance and made the methods static, PIN::read() has no this and there is no object at all.
This is the most similar in principle to calling a free C function, although we're getting the compiler to generate a new instance of it for each different PIN value (and then expecting it to inline the call anyway).

Is it a good use of state pattern to maintain currently selected object?

A typical scenario of state pattern involves states which are mostly different like closed_connection_state or open_connection_state. In my case, all the states are essentially the same but the operation needs to apply to the currently selected object.
Typically something like this is done using an index variable which points to the currently selected object but is using state pattern a better implementation to do this like in the example below?
class Object
std::string _name;
Object(std::string name) : _name(name)
void Perform()
std::cout << _name << " Perform called\r\n";
class CurrentObject
Object* _a;
Object* _b;
Object* _current;
CurrentObject(Object* a, Object* b) : _a(a), _b(b)
_current = a;
void Perform()
// Update _current logic goes here, lets just switch
// the state whenever `Perform` is called.
if (_current == _a)
_current = _b;
_current = _a;
int main()
Object a("a"); // program can be in a state when `a` is the current object.
Object b("b"); // or b can become the current object as result of an operation on current object
CurrentObject current(&a, &b); // it assigns the defaults
// assume Perform() does its thing but it also needs to change the current selected object.
// In this example, we assumes the current selection object is always swapped.
current.Perform(); // operates on `a`, the default
current.Perform(); // operates on `b` due state changed in above line
current.Perform(); // operates on `a` doe to state changed in above line again
That is definitely a reasonable thing to do, if your states multiply (as state machines tend to) this may become a bit difficult to maintain, but it's actually a very good OO style implementation of a state machine.
You probably want your states (a & b) to extend a common abstract state so that when functionality is the same across all states you don't have to implement it in every single object.
For expansion you probably also want to "name" your states and put them in a hashtable, once it scales (remember, in programming you have 1 or many) adding a new state won't take a code change to your state machine--but I assume you already have something like this and just scaled things down for the question.
Also note that to switch states you don't want to do it directly (as your example), you probably want a method (setState) that changes the state when the perform method returns, not in the perform method itself or while it's running. In fact, you can have perform return a string indicating it's next desired state..
Edit from comments:
What I meant by naming your states is instead of:
class CurrentObject
Object* _a;
Object* _b;
Object* _current;
You might have something like (Excuse my java-syntax, C# is not my primary language but I know it's very similar in functionality)
class CurrentObject
Hashtable states=new Hashtable();
Object* _current;
public addState(String stateName, Object* state)
states.put(stateName, state)
public void Perform()
String nextState = _current->Perform();
if(nextState != null)
public void setState(String stateName)
_current = states.get(stateName);
Your calling code would do something like:
currentObject = new CurrentObject()
currentObject.addState("state a", _a);
currentObject.addState("state b", _b);
currentObject.setState("state a");
I'm ignoring a LOT of initialization and error checking.
Your state machine currently only has one event right now: "Perform()". You may find you need other events which will complicate things a little (In java I'd possibly use reflection or annotations to solve THAT problem, not sure how C# would do it).

Advice for best approach at extending class capability

I want to extend a class to include extra data and capabilities (I want polymorphic behavior). It seemed obvious to use inheritance and multiple inheritance.
Having read various posts that inheritance (and especially multiple inheritance) can be problematic, I've begun looking into other options:
Put all data and functions in one class and not use inheritance
Composite pattern
Is there a suggested approach for the following inheritance example? Is this a case where inheritance is reasonable? (but I don't like having to put default functions in the base-class)
#include <iostream>
class B {
virtual ~B() { }
void setVal(int val) { val_ = val; }
// I'd rather not have these at base class level but want to use
// polymorphism on type B:
virtual void setColor(int val) { std::cout << "setColor not implemented" << std::endl; }
virtual void setLength(int val) { std::cout << "setLength not implemented" << std::endl; }
int val_;
class D1 : virtual public B {
void setColor(int color) {
std::cout << "D1::setColor to " << color << std::endl;
color_ = color;
int color_;
class D2 : virtual public B {
void setLength(int length) {
std::cout << "D2::setLength to " << length << std::endl;
length_ = length;
int length_;
// multi-inheritance diamond - have fiddled with mixin
// but haven't solved using type B polymorphically with mixins
class M1 : public D1, public D2 {
int main() {
B* d1 = new D1;
B* m1 = new M1;
return 0;
Suspected problems with the original example code
There are a number of issues with your example.
In the first place, you don't have to supply function bodies in the base class. Use pure virtual functions instead.
Secondly, both your classes D1 and D2 miss functionality, so they should be abstract (which will prevent you from creating deprived objects from them). This second issue will become clear if you indeed use pure virtual functions for your base class. The compiler will start to issue warnings then.
Instantiating D1 as you do with new D1, is bad design, because D1 has no truly functional implementation of the setLength method, even if you give it a 'dummy' body. Giving it a 'dummy' body (one that doesn't do anything useful) so masks your design error.
So your remark (but I don't like having to put default functions in the base-class) testifies of a proper intuition. Having to do that signals flawed design. A D1 object cannot understand setLength, while its inherited public interface promises it can.
And: There's nothing wrong with multiple inheritance, if used correctly. It is very powerful and elegant. But you have to use it where appropiate. D1 and D2 are partial implementations of B, so abstract, and inheriting from both will indeed give you a complete implementation, so concrete.
Maybe a good rule to start with is: Use multiple inheritance only if you see a compelling need for it. But if you do, as said, it's very useful. It can prevent quite some ugly asymmetry and code duplication, compared to e.g. a language like Java, that has banned it.
I am not a tree doctor. When I use a chainsaw I endanger my leg. But that is not to say chainsaws ain't useful.
Where to put the dummy: Nowhere please, do not disinherit...
[EDIT after first comment of OP]
If you derive a class D1 from B that would print 'setLength not implemented' if you call its setLength method, how should the caller react? It shouldn't have called it in the first place, which the caller could have known if D1 did not derive from a B that has this methods, pure virtual or not. Then it would have been clear that it just doesn't support this method. Having the B baseclass makes D1 feel at home in a polymorphic datastructure who'se element type, B* or B&, promises its users that its objects properly support getLength, which they don't.
While this is not the case in your example (but maybe you left things out), there may of course be a good reason to derive D1 and D2 from B. B could hold a part of the eventual interface or implementation of its derived classes that both D1 an D2 need.
Suppose B had a method setAny (key, value) (setting a value in a dictionary), which D1 and D2 both use, D1 calls it in setColor and D2 calls it in setLength.
In that case use of a common base class is justified. In that case B should not have virtual methods setColor or setLength at all, neither dummies nor pure. You should just have a setColor in your D1 class and a setLength in your D2 class, but neither of both in your B class.
There's a basic rule in Object Oriented Design:
Do not disinherit
By introducing the concept of a "method that's not applicable" in a concrete class that's just what you're doing. Now rules like this aren't dogma's. But violating this rule almost always points to a design flaw.
All B's in one datastructure is only useful to have them do a trick that they all understand...
[EDIT2 after second coment of OP]
OP wants to have a map that can hold objects of any class derived from B.
This is exactly where the problem starts. To find out how to store pointers and references to our objects, we have to ask: what is the storage used for. If a map, say mapB is used to store pointers to B, there must be some point in that. With data storage the fun is in retrieving the data and doing something useful with it.
Let's make this a bit simpler by working with lists from everyday life. Suppose I have a personList of say 1000 persons, each with their fullName and phoneNumber. And now say I have a problem with the kitchen sink. I could in fact read through the list, call every single Person on it and ask: can you repair my kitchen sink. In other words: do you support the repairKitchenSink method. Or: are you by any chance an instance of class Plumber (are you a Plumber). But then I spend quite some time calling, and maybe after 500 calls or so, I'll be lucky.
Now all 1000 persons on my personList do support the talkToMe method. So whenever I feel lonely I can call any person from that list and invokate that Person's talkToMe method. But they should not all have a repairKitchenSink method, even not a pure virtual or a dummy variation that does something else, because if I would call this method for a person of class Burglar, he'd probably respond to the call, but in an unexpected way.
So class Person shouldn't contain a method repairKitchenSink, even not a pure virtual one. Because it should never called as part of iteration of personList. It should be called when iterating plumberList. This lists only holds objects that support the repairKitchenSink method.
Use pure virtual functions only where appropriate
They may support it in different ways though. In other words, in class Plumber, method repairKitchenSink can e.g. be pure virtual. There may e.g. be 2 derived classes, PvcPlumber and CopperPlumber. CopperPlumber would implement (code) the repairKitchenSink method by calling lightFlame, followed by a call to solderDrainToSink whereas PvcPlumber would implement it as successive calls to applyGlueToPvcTube and glueTubeToSinkOutlet. But both plumber subclasses implement repairKitchenSink, only in different ways. This and only this justifies having the pure virtual function repairKitchenSink in their base class Plumber. Now of course a class may be derived from Plumber that doesn't implement that method, say class WannabePlumber. But since it will be abstract, you cannot instantiate objects from it, which is good, unless you want wet feet.
There may be many different subclasses of Person. They e.g. represent different professions, or different political preferences, or different religions. If a Person is a Democrat Budhist Plumber, than he (M/F) may be in a derived class that inherits from classes Democrat, Budhist and Plumber. Using inheritance or even typing for something so volatile as political preferences or religious beliefs, or even profession and the endless amount of combinations of those, would not be handy in practice, but it's just an example. In reality profession, religion and politicalPreference would probably be attributes. But that doesn't change the point that matters here. IF something is of a class does not support a certain operation, THEN it shouldn't be in a datastructure that suggests it does.
By, besides personList, having plumberList, animistList and democratList, you're sure to call a person that understands your call to method inviteBillToPlayInMyJazzBand, or worshipTheTreeInMyBackyard.
Lists don't contain objects, they only contain pointers or references to objects. So there's nothing wrong with our Democratic Budhist Plumber being contained in personList, democratList, budhistList and plumberList. Lists are like database indexes. The don't contain the records, they just refer to them. You can have many indexes on one table, and you should, because indexes are small and make your database fast.
The same holds for polymorphic datastructures. At the moment that even personList, democratList, budhistList and plumberList become so large that you're running out of memory, the solution is generally NOT to only have a personList. Because then you exchange your memory problem for a perfomance problem and a code complexity problem that, in general, is far worse.
So, back to your comment: You say you want all your derived classes to be in a list of B's. Fine, but still the interface of a B should only contain methods that are implemented for everything in the list, so no dummy methods. That would be like going through the library and going through all books, in search for one that supports the teachMeAboutTheLovelifeOfGoldfishes method.
To be honest, in telling you all this, I've been committing a capital sin. I've been selling general truths. But in software design these don't exist. I've been trying to sell them to you because I've been teaching OO design for some 30 years now, and I think I recognize the point where your stuck. But to every rule there are many exceptions. Still, if I've properly fathomed your problem, in this case I think you should go for separate datastructures, each holding only references or pointers to objects that really can do trick that you were after when you iterated through that particular datastructure.
A point is a square circle
Part of the confusion in properly using polymorphic datastructures (datastructures holding pointers or references to different object types) comes for the world of relational databases. RDB's work with tables of flat records, each record having the same fields. Since some fields may not apply, something called 'constraint' was invented. In C++ class Point would contain field x and y. Class Circle could inherit from it and additionally contain field 'radius'. Class Square could also inherit from Point, but contain field 'side' in addition to x and y. In the RDB world constraints, not fields, are inherited. So a Circle would have constraint radius == 0. And a Square would have constraint side == 0. And a Point would inherit both constraints, so it would meet the conditions for both being a square and a circle: A point is a square circle, which in mathematics indeed is the case. Note that the constraint inheritance hierarchy is 'upside down', compared to C++. Which can be confusing.
What doesn't help either is the generally held belief that inheritance goes hand in hand with specialization. While this is often the case it isn't always. In many cases in C++ inheritance is extension rather than specialization. The two often coincide, but the Point, Square, Circle example shows that this isn't a general truth.
If inheritance is used, in C++ Circle should derive from Point, since it has extra fields. But a Circle certainly isn't a special type of Point, it's the other way round. In many practical libraries, by the way, Circle will contain an object of class Point, holding x and y, rather than inherit from it, bypassing the whole problem.
Welcome to the world of design choices
What you bumped into is a real design choice, and an important one. Thinking very carefully about things like this, as you are doing, and trying them all in practice, including the allegedly 'wrong' ones, will make you a programmer, rather than a coder.
Let me first state that what you are trying to do is a design smell: Most probably what you are actually trying to achieve could be achieved in a better way. Unfortunately we can't know what it is you actually want to achieve since you only told us how you want to achieve it.
But anyway, your implementation is bad, as the methods report "not implemented" to the users of the program, rather than to the caller. There is no way for the caller to react on the method not doing what is intended. Even worse, you don't even output it to the error stream, but to the regular output stream, so if you use that class in any program that produces regular output, that output will be interrupted by your error message, possibly confusing a program further on in a pipeline).
Here's a better way to do it:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib> // for EXIT_FAILURE
class B {
virtual ~B() { }
void setVal(int val) { val_ = val; }
// note: No implementation of methods not making sense to a B
int val_;
class D1 : virtual public B {
void setColor(int color) {
std::cout << "D1::setColor to " << color << std::endl;
color_ = color;
int color_;
class D2 : virtual public B {
void setLength(int length) {
std::cout << "D2::setLength to " << length << std::endl;
length_ = length;
int length_;
class M1 : public virtual D1, public virtual D2 {
int main() {
B* d1 = new D1;
if (D1* p = dynamic_cast<D1*>(d1))
// note: Use std::cerr, not std::cout, for error messages
std::cerr << "Oops, this wasn't a D1!\n";
// Since this should not have happened to begin with,
// better exit immediately; *reporting* the failure
B* m1 = new M1;
if (D2* p = dynamic_cast<D2*>(m1))
// note: Use std::cerr, not std::cout, for error messages
std::cerr << "Oops, this wasn't a D1!\n";
// Since this should not have happened to begin with,
// better exit immediately; *reporting* the failure
if (D1* p = dynamic_cast<D1*>(m1))
// note: Use std::cerr, not std::cout, for error messages
std::cerr << "Oops, this wasn't a D1!\n";
// Since this should not have happened to begin with,
// better exit immediately; *reporting* the failure
return 0;
Alternatively, you could make use of the fact that your methods share some uniformity, and use a common method to set all:
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept> // for std::logic_error
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
enum properties { propValue, propColour, propLength };
std::string property_name(property p)
case propValue: return "Value";
case propColour: return "Colour";
case propLength: return "Length";
default: return "<invalid property>";
class B
virtual ~B() {}
// allow the caller to determine which properties are supported
virtual bool supportsProperty(property p)
return p == propValue;
void setProperty(property p, int v)
bool succeeded = do_set_property(p,v);
// report problems to the _caller_
if (!succeeded)
throw std::logic_error(property_name(p)+" not supported.");
virtual bool do_set_property(property p)
if (p == propValue)
value = v;
return true;
return false;
int value;
class D1: public virtual B
virtual bool supportsProperty(property p)
return p == propColour || B::supportsProperty(p);
virtual bool do_set_property(property p, int v)
if (p == propColour)
colour = v;
return true;
return B::do_set_property(p, v);
int colour;
class D2: public virtual B
virtual bool supportsProperty(property p)
return p == propLength || B::supportsProperty(p);
virtual bool do_set_property(property p, int v)
if (p == propLength)
length = v;
return true;
return B::do_set_property(p, v);
int length;
class M1: public virtual D1, public virtual D2
virtual bool supportsProperty(property p)
return D1::supportsProperty(p) || D2::supportsProperty(p);
bool do_set_property(property p, int v)
return D1::do_set_property(p, v) || D2::do_set_property(p, v);

How to express a heavy dependency between two classes as sort of contract for subclassing?

I don't know how to express the dependency / relation of two classes that both will be subclassed. I think a example could help here:
Say I have two classes, Master and Slave.
The Master class has some methods, like void use(Slave * s) and Slave * generateFrom(int a)
class Master
virtual void use(Slave * s) = 0;
virtual Slave * generateFrom(int a) = 0;
class Slave
Now I want to subclass both of these classes, but don't want to lose the relation between them:
ConcreteMasterA ma();
ConcreteSlaveA * sa = ma.generateFrom(1);
ConcreteMasterB mb();
mb.use(sa); // THIS SHALL NOT WORK
Master * m = new ConcreteMasterA();
Slave * s = m->generateFrom(1); //s should now be a ConcreteSlaveA
m->use(s); // THIS SHALL WORK
Is there a way to express this relation with C++ classes / templates / whatever ?
Additional information
Perhaps I need to be more specific:
I have the class Arm which represents a robot arm. The state of an robot arm is specified by some number of parameters (angles, distances) and shall be represented by the class JointVariableVector
I want to control an arm using another class later on, but this class then shall only use methods exported by Arm and JointVariableVector.
Arm will be subclassed to provide the correct functionality per specific robot arm (e.g. SCARA or KUKA) and because of different structures I need subclasses from JointVariableVector (eg. one subclass with only 2 angles, and another with 3 angles and one distance)
I would do something like this
class ConcreteMasterA:public Master
typedef ConcreteSlaveA MySlaveType;
virtual void use(Slave * s){
MySlaveType* ms = dynamic_cast<MySlaveType*>(s);
assert(ms); // or other type of error handling
virtual Slave * generateFrom(int a){
return new MySlaveType();
If you want a more strict test you could use
in your use function
You could use a variable Master in the slave class which contains the Master that created it. When use is called, compare to this value and accept when the values are equal.
class Slave {
Master * creator;
Slave(Master* master) : creator(Master) {};
Master * getMaster() { return creator; }
class Master {
Slave *generateForm(int) {
return new Slave(this);
void use(Slave) {
if (Slave.getMaster) == this) {
do stuff;

Practical use of dynamic_cast?

I have a pretty simple question about the dynamic_cast operator. I know this is used for run time type identification, i.e., to know about the object type at run time. But from your programming experience, can you please give a real scenario where you had to use this operator? What were the difficulties without using it?
Toy example
Noah's ark shall function as a container for different types of animals. As the ark itself is not concerned about the difference between monkeys, penguins, and mosquitoes, you define a class Animal, derive the classes Monkey, Penguin, and Mosquito from it, and store each of them as an Animal in the ark.
Once the flood is over, Noah wants to distribute animals across earth to the places where they belong and hence needs additional knowledge about the generic animals stored in his ark. As one example, he can now try to dynamic_cast<> each animal to a Penguin in order to figure out which of the animals are penguins to be released in the Antarctic and which are not.
Real life example
We implemented an event monitoring framework, where an application would store runtime-generated events in a list. Event monitors would go through this list and examine those specific events they were interested in. Event types were OS-level things such as SYSCALL, FUNCTIONCALL, and INTERRUPT.
Here, we stored all our specific events in a generic list of Event instances. Monitors would then iterate over this list and dynamic_cast<> the events they saw to those types they were interested in. All others (those that raise an exception) are ignored.
Question: Why can't you have a separate list for each event type?
Answer: You can do this, but it makes extending the system with new events as well as new monitors (aggregating multiple event types) harder, because everyone needs to be aware of the respective lists to check for.
A typical use case is the visitor pattern:
struct Element
virtual ~Element() { }
void accept(Visitor & v)
struct Visitor
virtual void visit(Element * e) = 0;
virtual ~Visitor() { }
struct RedElement : Element { };
struct BlueElement : Element { };
struct FifthElement : Element { };
struct MyVisitor : Visitor
virtual void visit(Element * e)
if (RedElement * p = dynamic_cast<RedElement*>(e))
// do things specific to Red
else if (BlueElement * p = dynamic_cast<BlueElement*>(e))
// do things specific to Blue
// error: visitor doesn't know what to do with this element
Now if you have some Element & e;, you can make MyVisitor v; and say e.accept(v).
The key design feature is that if you modify your Element hierarchy, you only have to edit your visitors. The pattern is still fairly complex, and only recommended if you have a very stable class hierarchy of Elements.
Imagine this situation: You have a C++ program that reads and displays HTML. You have a base class HTMLElement which has a pure virtual method displayOnScreen. You also have a function called renderHTMLToBitmap, which draws the HTML to a bitmap. If each HTMLElement has a vector<HTMLElement*> children;, you can just pass the HTMLElement representing the element <html>. But what if a few of the subclasses need special treatment, like <link> for adding CSS. You need a way to know if an element is a LinkElement so you can give it to the CSS functions. To find that out, you'd use dynamic_cast.
The problem with dynamic_cast and polymorphism in general is that it's not terribly efficient. When you add vtables into the mix, it only get's worse.
When you add virtual functions to a base class, when they are called, you end up actually going through quite a few layers of function pointers and memory areas. That will never be more efficient than something like the ASM call instruction.
Edit: In response to Andrew's comment bellow, here's a new approach: Instead of dynamic casting to the specific element type (LinkElement), instead you have another abstract subclass of HTMLElement called ActionElement that overrides displayOnScreen with a function that displays nothing, and creates a new pure virtual function: virtual void doAction() const = 0. The dynamic_cast is changed to test for ActionElement and just calls doAction(). You'd have the same kind of subclass for GraphicalElement with a virtual method displayOnScreen().
Edit 2: Here's what a "rendering" method might look like:
void render(HTMLElement root) {
for(vector<HTLMElement*>::iterator i = root.children.begin(); i != root.children.end(); i++) {
if(dynamic_cast<ActionElement*>(*i) != NULL) //Is an ActionElement
ActionElement* ae = dynamic_cast<ActionElement*>(*i);
else if(dynamic_cast<GraphicalElement*>(*i) != NULL) //Is a GraphicalElement
GraphicalElement* ge = dynamic_cast<GraphicalElement*>(*i);
Operator dynamic_cast solves the same problem as dynamic dispatch (virtual functions, visitor pattern, etc): it allows you to perform different actions based on the runtime type of an object.
However, you should always prefer dynamic dispatch, except perhaps when the number of dynamic_cast you'd need will never grow.
Eg. you should never do:
if (auto v = dynamic_cast<Dog*>(animal)) { ... }
else if (auto v = dynamic_cast<Cat*>(animal)) { ... }
for maintainability and performance reasons, but you can do eg.
for (MenuItem* item: items)
if (auto submenu = dynamic_cast<Submenu*>(item))
auto items = submenu->items();
draw(context, items, position); // Recursion
which I've found quite useful in this exact situation: you have one very particular subhierarchy that must be handled separately, this is where dynamic_cast shines. But real world examples are quite rare (the menu example is something I had to deal with).
dynamic_cast is not intended as an alternative to virtual functions.
dynamic_cast has a non-trivial performance overhead (or so I think) since the whole class hierarchy has to be walked through.
dynamic_cast is similar to the 'is' operator of C# and the QueryInterface of good old COM.
So far I have found one real use of dynamic_cast:
(*) You have multiple inheritance and to locate the target of the cast the compiler has to walk the class hierarchy up and down to locate the target (or down and up if you prefer). This means that the target of the cast is in a parallel branch in relation to where the source of the cast is in the hierarchy. I think there is NO other way to do such a cast.
In all other cases, you just use some base class virtual to tell you what type of object you have and ONLY THEN you dynamic_cast it to the target class so you can use some of it's non-virtual functionality. Ideally there should be no non-virtual functionality, but what the heck, we live in the real world.
Doing things like:
if (v = dynamic_cast(...)){} else if (v = dynamic_cast(...)){} else if ...
is a performance waste.
Casting should be avoided when possible, because it is basically saying to the compiler that you know better and it is usually a sign of some weaker design decission.
However, you might come in situations where the abstraction level was a bit too high for 1 or 2 sub-classes, where you have the choice to change your design or solve it by checking the subclass with dynamic_cast and handle it in a seperate branch. The trade-of is between adding extra time and risk now against extra maintenance issues later.
In most situations where you are writing code in which you know the type of the entity you're working with, you just use static_cast as it's more efficient.
Situations where you need dynamic cast typically arrive (in my experience) from lack of foresight in design - typically where the designer fails to provide an enumeration or id that allows you to determine the type later in the code.
For example, I've seen this situation in more than one project already:
You may use a factory where the internal logic decides which derived class the user wants rather than the user explicitly selecting one. That factory, in a perfect world, returns an enumeration which will help you identify the type of returned object, but if it doesn't you may need to test what type of object it gave you with a dynamic_cast.
Your follow-up question would obviously be: Why would you need to know the type of object that you're using in code using a factory?
In a perfect world, you wouldn't - the interface provided by the base class would be sufficient for managing all of the factories' returned objects to all required extents. People don't design perfectly though. For example, if your factory creates abstract connection objects, you may suddenly realize that you need to access the UseSSL flag on your socket connection object, but the factory base doesn't support that and it's not relevant to any of the other classes using the interface. So, maybe you would check to see if you're using that type of derived class in your logic, and cast/set the flag directly if you are.
It's ugly, but it's not a perfect world, and sometimes you don't have time to refactor an imperfect design fully in the real world under work pressure.
The dynamic_cast operator is very useful to me.
I especially use it with the Observer pattern for event management:
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Subject; class Observer; class Event;
class Event { public: virtual ~Event() {}; };
class Observer { public: virtual void onEvent(Subject& s, const Event& e) = 0; };
class Subject {
vector<Observer*> m_obs;
void attach(Observer& obs) { m_obs.push_back(& obs); }
void notifyEvent(const Event& evt) {
for (vector<Observer*>::iterator it = m_obs.begin(); it != m_obs.end(); it++) {
if (Observer* const obs = *it) {
obs->onEvent(*this, evt);
// Define a model with events that contain data.
class MyModel : public Subject {
class Evt1 : public Event { public: int a; string s; };
class Evt2 : public Event { public: float f; };
// Define a first service that processes both events with their data.
class MyService1 : public Observer {
virtual void onEvent(Subject& s, const Event& e) {
if (const MyModel::Evt1* const e1 = dynamic_cast<const MyModel::Evt1*>(& e)) {
cout << "Service1 - event Evt1 received: a = " << e1->a << ", s = " << e1->s << endl;
if (const MyModel::Evt2* const e2 = dynamic_cast<const MyModel::Evt2*>(& e)) {
cout << "Service1 - event Evt2 received: f = " << e2->f << endl;
// Define a second service that only deals with the second event.
class MyService2 : public Observer {
virtual void onEvent(Subject& s, const Event& e) {
// Nothing to do with Evt1 in Service2
if (const MyModel::Evt2* const e2 = dynamic_cast<const MyModel::Evt2*>(& e)) {
cout << "Service2 - event Evt2 received: f = " << e2->f << endl;
int main(void) {
MyModel m; MyService1 s1; MyService2 s2;
m.attach(s1); m.attach(s2);
MyModel::Evt1 e1; e1.a = 2; e1.s = "two"; m.notifyEvent(e1);
MyModel::Evt2 e2; e2.f = .2f; m.notifyEvent(e2);
Contract Programming and RTTI shows how you can use dynamic_cast to allow objects to advertise what interfaces they implement. We used it in my shop to replace a rather opaque metaobject system. Now we can clearly describe the functionality of objects, even if the objects are introduced by a new module several weeks/months after the platform was 'baked' (though of course the contracts need to have been decided on up front).