UV Texture oddity in textureUnits, openscenegraph - opengl

I am having issues with textures. I have the model open as a .osg so I will refer to it here as such here. I have one texture in textureUnit 0 which acts as a base texture. Then I have a second texture in textureUnit 1 which acts as a label of sorts. I apply a rgba texture in there which then should be transparent on the model in openscenegraph. However I get this:
The gray areas are the base texture. The darker areas are where the uv coordinates move off the edge of the texture itself. I cant seem to be able to remove the dark areas. Any ideas?

You probably need to set the edge clamping mode -- the dark is probably some of the Texture Border color creeping in. Try setting GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE​ as your texture wrap mode.


OpenGL blending: texture on top overlaps its pixels which should be transparent (alpha = 0)

I am drawing a map texture and, on top of it, a colorbar texture. Both have alpha channel and I am using blending, set as
// Turn on blending
However, the following happens:
The texture on top (colorbar) with alpha channel imposes its black pixels, which I don't want to happen. The map texture should appear behind where the colorbar alpha = 0.
Is this related to the blending definitions? How should I change it?
Assuming the texture has an alpha channel and it's transparent in the right places, I suspect the issue is with the rendering order and depth testing.
Lets say you render the scale texture first. It blends correctly with a black background. Then you render the orange texture behind it, but the pixels from the scale texture have a higher depth value and cause the orange texture there to be discarded.
So, make sure you render all your transparent stuff in back to front order, or farthest to nearest.
Without getting into order independent transparency, a common approach to alpha transparency is as follows:
Enable the depth buffer
Render all your opaque geometry
Disable depth writes (glDepthMask)
Enable alpha blending (as in the OP's code)
Render your transparent geometry in farthest to nearest order
For particles you can sometimes get away without sorting and it'll still look OK. Another approach is using the alpha test or using alpha to coverage with a multisample framebuffer.

Get pixel behind the current pixel

I'm coding a programm in C++ with glut, rendering a 3D model in a window.
I'm using glReadPixels to get the image of the scenery displayed in the windows.
And I would like to know how I can get, for a specific pixel (x, y), not directly its color but the color of the next object behind.
If I render a blue triangle, and a red triangle in front of it, glReadPixels gives me red colors from the red triangle.
I would like to know how I can get the colors from the blue triangle, the one I would get from glReadPixels if the red triangle wasn't here.
The default framebuffer only retains the topmost color. To get what you're suggesting would require a specific rendering pipeline.
For instance you could:
Create an offscreen framebuffer of the same dimensions as your target viewport
Render a depth-only pass to the offscreen framebuffer, storing the depth values in an attached texture
Re-render the scene with a special shader that only drew pixels where the post-transformation Z values was LESS than the value in the previously recorded depth buffer
The final result of the last render should be the original scene with the top layer stripped off.
It would require only a small amount of new code to create the offscreen framebuffer and render a depth only version of the scene to it, and you could use your existing rendering pipeline in combination with that to execute steps 1 and 2.
However, I can't think of any way you could then re-render the scene to get the information you want in step 3 without a shader, because it both the standard depth test plus a test against the provided depth texture. That doesn't mean there isn't one, just that I'm not well versed in GL tricks to think of it.
I can think of other ways of trying to accomplish the same task for specific points on the screen by fiddling with the rendering system, but they're all far more convoluted than just writing a shader.

'Render to Texture' and multipass rendering

I'm implementing an algorithm about pencil rendering. First, I should render the model using Phong shading to determine the intensity. Then I should map the texture to the rendered result.
I'm going to do a multipass rendering with opengl and cg shaders. Someone told me that I should try 'render to texture'. But I don't know how to use this method to get the effects that I want. In my opinion, we should first use this method to render the mesh, then we can get a 2D texture about the whole scene. Now that we have draw content to the framebuffer, next we should render to the screen, right? But how to use the rendered texture and do some post-processing on it? Can anybody show me some code or links about it?
I made this tutorial, it might help you : http://www.opengl-tutorial.org/intermediate-tutorials/tutorial-14-render-to-texture/
However, using RTT is overkill for what you're trying to do, I think. If you need the fragment's intensity in the texture, well, you already have it in your shader, so there is no need to render it twice...
Maybe this could be useful ? http://www.ozone3d.net/demos_projects/toon-snow.php
render to a texture with Phong shading
Draw that texture to the screen again in a full screen textured quad, applying a shader that does your desired operation.
I'll assume you need clarification on RTT and using it.
Essentially, your screen is a framebuffer (very similar to a texture); it's a 2D image at the end of the day. The idea of RTT is to capture that 2D image. To do this, the best way is to use a framebuffer object (FBO) (Google "framebuffer object", and click on the first link). From here, you have a 2D picture of your scene (you should check it by saving to an image file that it actually is what you want).
Once you have the image, you'll set up a 2D view and draw that image back onto the screen with an 800x600 quadrilateral or what-have-you. When drawing, you use a fragment program (shader), which transforms the brightness of the image into a greyscale value. You can output this, or you can use it as an offset to another, "pencil" texture.

OpenGL: Weird transparency blending result

I'm working on creating a transparent GUI in OpenGL, and am trying to get text rendered over some semi-transparent quads, but the results are odd.
If I render the text by itself, with nothing behind it, it looks fine:
However, if I render a semi-transparent quad behind it (rendering the quad before rendering the text), I get this:
I have blending set to (GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA). The font texture is an all-white texture with the character shapes in the alpha channel.
Do I need to be doing something special when performing alpha-transparency over an existing layer of transparency? Or is there something else I need to check?
The alpha value of your font texture seems to be off. It should be 0 for texels that you want to be invisible and 1 (or 255 in bytes) for visible texels. You should check the texture and make sure alpha values are correct.
Instead of alpha blending, you can use alpha testing. This will completely get rid of fragments, that have a alpha value below a certain threshold and is often much faster than blending.
glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.96f); // Or some fitting threshold for your texture
This might work even if your texture's alpha is off in some places, but doesn't look like it is the case here, as the 's' and 't' seem to have a low alpha in places where it should be 1.
Thanks for the responses. There was nothing wrong with my font texture, but your suggestions led me to try a few other things. Turns out the problem wasn't the transparency at all. There was a problem with rendering the background quad, which caused it to also render the text quads, but using the background texture. Bah...


Currently I have a texture atlas that is 2048 x 2048 pixels set up with three 512 x 512 textures stored, and I am only applying one texture to the object. So I used the following code to position the texture coordinates (from zero to 1) to the correct position on the texture atlas for that texture:
color = texture2D(tex_0, vec2(0.0, 1024.0/2048.0) + mod(texture_coordinate*vec2(40.0), vec2(1.0))*vec2(512.0/2048.0));
The problem is that when I apply this, there is a black border around the texture. I presume that this is because OpenGL can't blend the two pixels at the place of that border.
So how do I get rid of the border?
I have already tried to move the starting and ending boundaries in toward the center of the texture and that didn't work.
I found the source of the problem, the automatic mipmap generation is blending the textures in the texture atlas together. This means I have to write my own mipmapping function. (As far as I can tell)
If anyone has any better ideas, please do post.
Instead of using a normal 2D texture as the texture atlas with a grid of textures, I used the GL_2D_TEXTURE_ARRAY functionality to create a 3D texture that mipmapped correctly and repeated correctly. That way the textures did not blend together at higher mipmap levels.