c++ transfer file line by line in reverse order - c++

I have this code that is supposed to transfer a file into another file in reverse order, line by line. However it does not work. Maybe I forgot to add something:
while(cnvFile.good()) {
getline(cnvFile, cnvPerLine);
reverseFile << cnvPerLine;
reverseFile.seekp(0, ios::beg);

When you seek to the beginning and try to write, you're not inserting data, you're overwriting data. A simple (albeit probably far from optimal) solution would be something like:
std::string reversedContents
while (getline(inFile, line)) {
// This actually *appends* to the beginning, not overwriting
reversedContents = line + "\n" + reversedContents; // manually add line breaks back in
// now write reversedContents to a file...


Reading from a file without skipping whitespaces

I'm trying to make a code which would change one given word from a file, and change it into another one. The program works in a way that it copies word by word, if it's normal word it just writes it into the output file, and if it's the one i need to change it writes the one i need to change to. However, I've enountered a problem. Program is not putting whitespaces where they are in the input file. I don't know the solution to this problem, and I have no idea if I can use noskipws since I wouldn't know where the file ends.
Please keep in mind I'm a complete newbie and I have no idea how things work. I don't know if the tags are visible enough, so I will mention again that I use C++
Since each reading of word is ended with either a whitespace or end of file, you could simply check whether the thing which stop your reading is end of file, or otherwise a whitespace:
if ( reached the end of file ) {
// What I have encountered is end of file
// My job is done
} else {
// What I have encountered is a whitespace
// I need to output a whitespace and back to work
And the problem here is how to check the eof(end of file).
Since you are using ifstream, things will be quite simple.
When a ifstream reach the end of file (all the meaningful data have been read), the ifstream::eof() function will return true.
Let's assume the ifstream instance that you have is called input.
if ( input.eof() == true ) {
// What I have encountered is end of file
// My job is done
} else {
// What I have encountered is a whitespace
// I need to output a whitespace and back to work
PS : ifstream::good() will return false when it reaches the eof or an error occurs. Checking whether input.good() == false instead can be a better choice here.
First I would advise you not to read and write in the same file (at least not during reading) because it will make your program much more difficult to write/read.
Second if you want to read all whitespaces easiest is to read whole line with getline().
Program that you can use for modifying words from one file to another could look something like following:
void read_file()
ifstream file_read;
ofstream file_write;
// File from which you read some text.
file_read.open ("read.txt");
// File in which you will save modified text.
file_write.open ("write.txt");
string line;
// Word that you look for to modify.
string word_to_modify = "something";
string word_new = "something_new";
// You need to look in every line from input file.
// getLine() goes from beginning of the file to the end.
while ( getline (file_read,line) ) {
unsigned index = line.find(word_to_modify);
// If there are one or more occurrence of target word.
while (index < line.length()) {
line.replace(index, word_to_modify.length(), word_new);
index = line.find(word_to_modify, index + word_new.length());
cout << line << '\n';
file_write << line + '\n';

editing a file using cpp code without creating a new file

Is it possible to edit text in a file using cpp code. Already there is related question on it, but it doesn't solve my problem. Kindly help me out.
I have given a rough code line on this.
seek() through the file and try to replace the contents with new string from that point till the end of line.
I need the "hello" string be placed and must be the end of line.
like if we have new.txt as
If I want the file content to be changed as
I am getting the file content as
fstream file("new.txt",fstream::in|fstream::out);
str.erase(pos,len);//len specifies the value till end of str
char *d=new char[str.length()+1];
delete [] d;
If I could copy the file contents to the string, manipulate it, then copy to the new file then it is possible.
Is it possible to change the contents in the same file. If so kindly help me out, I am struck in this. If the replacing string is longer than the one actually existing then this works, but if the replacing string is smaller than the one which is actually existing then I am unable to do.
if you case is only one line in the file you can easily separate the I/O process in two stages. Read the file and get the position of the text. then close the file and reopened as out then write the string you want. Note that this will work if you have one line in the file
check the following code
std::string value = "GFGHHFGHH";
std::string str;
std::fstream file("new.txt", std::ios::in);
std::size_t found;
while (file >> str)
found = str.find(value);
if (found != std::string::npos)
str.erase(value.length() );
str.replace(found, 6, "hello");
file.open("new.txt", std::ios::out);
file << str;
You can do it using system call for sed:
string s="sed -i s/hey/ho/g file0102.txt";

C++ append to second line of file

I would like to append entries in a simple csv file at the second line. The first line contains my column headers and the newest entry has to be on top.
My thought is to read in the first line until the '\n', then move to the next line and write there, but i don't know if that is the most efficient solution. Can someone provide an example?
Since you have stated in the comments that this file will not be very large I would suggest you read in the header into some sort of container. Then insert after the header the newest data that needs to be inserted into the file. Then read in the rest of the file. After you do that then you can write the contents of the container back into the file. Here is a simple demonstration:
std::ifstream fin("somefilename");
std::vector<std::string> file;
file.reserve(30); // grow the capacity to save on allocations
std::string reader;
std::string new_data = "some new data";
getline(fin, reader);
file.push_back(reader); //add header
file.push_back(new_data); // add new line
while(getline(fin, reader)) // get rest of file
std::ofstream fout("somefilename");
for (const auto & e : file)
fout << e << "\n";

How to DELETE a line(s) in C++?

I am new to file-handling...
I am writing a program that saves data in text-files in the following format:
Syed Waqas Ali
(Sorry for the bad alignment, it's NOT a part of the program)
Now I'm writing a delete function for the program that would delete a record.
So far this is my code:
void masterSystem::cancelReservation()
string line;
string searchfor = "3740541120991";
int i=0;
ifstream myfile("records.txt");
while (getline(myfile, line))
cout << line << endl;
if (line==searchfor)
I've done a bit of research and have found out that there is no easy way to access the line of a text file so we have to create another text file.
But the problem arises that how do I COPY the records/data before the record being deleted into the NEW text file?
Open the input file; read one line at a time from the input file. If you decide to want to keep that line, write it to the output file. On the other hand, if you want to 'delete' that line, don't write it to the output file.
You could have a record per line and make even more easy for example:
3740541120991|Syed Waqas Ali|Rawalpindi|Lahore|12-12-2012|23:24|1|1
and the | character saparating each field. This is a well known technic knows as CSV (Comma separated Values)
This way you don't have to worry about reading consecutive lines for erase a record and add a record access the file only once.
So your code becoms into:
void masterSystem::cancelReservation()
string line;
string searchfor = "3740541120991";
ifstream myfile("records.txt");
while (getline(myfile, line))
// Here each line is a record
// You only hace to decide if you will copy
// this line to the ouput file or not.
Don't think only about removing a record, there are others operations you will need to do against this file save a new record, read into memory and search.
Think a moment about search, and having your current desing in mind, try to answer this: How many reservations exists for date 12-12-2012 and past 12:00 AM?
In your code you have to access the file 8 times per record even if the other data is irrelevant to the question. But, if you have each record in a line you only have to access file 1 time per record.
With a few reservations the diference is near 0, but it grows exponentially (n^8).

Reading from a file, only reads text untill it gets to empty space

I managed to successfully read the text in a file but it only reads until it hits an empty space, for example the text: "Hi, this is a test", cout's as: "Hi,".
Removing the "," made no difference.
I think I need to add something similar to "inFil.ignore(1000,'\n');" to the following bit of code:
cout<<"The file cointains the following: "<<text<<endl;
I would prefer not to change to getline(inFil, variabel); because that would force me to redo a program that is essentially working.
Thank you for any help, this seems like a very small and easily fixed problem but I cant seem to find a solution.
std::ifstream file("file.txt");
if(!file) throw std::exception("Could not open file.txt for reading!");
std::string line;
//read until the first \n is found, essentially reading line by line unti file ends
while(std::getline(file, line))
//do something line by line
std::cout << "Line : " << line << "\n";
This will help you read the file. I don't know what you are trying to achieve since your code is not complete but the above code is commonly used to read files in c++.
You've been using formatted extraction to extract a single string, once: this means a single word.
If you want a string containing the entire file contents:
std::fstream fs("/path/to/file");
std::string all_of_the_file(