RESTful URLs with Django - django

I've been trying out Ruby on Rails and really like the RESTful approach for the URL's.
Now I'm trying to learn Django and I want to create the same kind of nested URL's as I did with Rails.
Lets say I wanna do this: /categories/12/products/13
This is what I've came up with, but does not seem to work:
url(r'^categories/(?P<category_id>\d+)/products/(?P<product_id>\d+/$)', 'my_app.views.product', name="product"),
How should this be done? Also, how could you use the url template helper for creating this kind of link?

Check out TastyPie. It's a drop-in REST Api for Django similar to what you're used to in Rails and will get you going in the right direction without too much work.

Glad you got it sorted, as TastyPie was mentioned I would also recommend Django REST framework also.

In a template you can use Link title
To create a url in your python code you can use reverse:
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
url = reverse('product', args=[category_id, product_id])


How to build API that will return HTML for the site and JSON for other clients

I have started learning DRF just a while ago and had a little question -
how can I code one API that will return HTML for the site that I am currently working on and return JSON format for other "clients"(e.g. mobile apps, desktop, etc)?
I have tried to search for this information, but didn't found any answering content.
The only way I see is to create default Django views for the site and create separated API's for other requests. Can anybody tell me if I am right and need to do so, or there is some code that is solving my problem?
Ultimately, you can think of it as a whole separate set of views, urls and instead of models you have a serializer. Within you're app you can create an API folder. Within that directory you will need to have an '_ _ init _', '', '' and a ''. Its analogous to creating a standard url, view, model structure to display an HTML page, but without the HTML template. Make distinct urls for the serializers too. For example for login do something like this:
path('my_app_api/login', serializer_view)
Youtube has tons of videos if you search django rest framework

Backbone.js and Django (Without Tastypie)

I'm using Django for my site and trying to incorporate backbone.js. Backbone encourages using Tastypie - but I would rather not. Is there a way to use backbone.js and django without tastypie? Are there any examples out there of how to do this?
I've been were you are. Needed to just make a custom API for backbone to read for the specific instances.
All that really means, is making custom views in your and attaching them to custom urls in for backbone. Your views will have to return a JSON version of the object or objects
So you end up with friendly looking urls that backbone likes
For example if I had a model of boxes and I want to write a url and a view that sends all the boxes in my database to my frontend delivering them to backbone - I could make a url like this /api/v1/box/all/ really anything you want. In your view you just need to remember to return JSON.
Remember - you need update views to to update from backbone syncings (tastypie PUTS)
something like /api/v1/box/3/update?updatedinfodata
Let me know if you would like me to expand or show some code.
It is possible to bot use TastyPie and just build your own API.
You just need to know Backbone sends to the API and data it expects to receive.

Restful routes and Django

I'm in a process of migrating Rails project into Django. Rails project was built using restful routes and it never touches the database. Instead, it simply redirects to different methods which all call an external service with the specified action method. Now, I have found a number of frameworks for django that provide restful capability plus a bunch of bells and whistles, but it's an overkill for my current case.
As an alternative, I can ignore action method in by simply providing a regex to validate urls and then parse the request method in, redirecting to the appropriate method. Is this a way to go or are there any other approaches that I can look at?
Class based views look like the idiomatic way to organize restful view functions by request method.
Django snippets has several simple example implementations.

Creating a User Registration Page using MongoEngine

I am currently working an a webapp, using mongoengine and django, which will require users to create an account from a registration page. I know MongoEngine has an authentication backend, but does it also include a registration form, etc..., like django itself does? If not, are there any example projects which show how to implement this? The only open-source mongoengine project I've found is django-mumblr, but I can't find the examples I want in it.
I'm not interested in alternative options, such as MongoKit or mango for handling authentication.
I am just getting started with django and mongoDB, so please excuse my lack of knowledge. Thanks in advance for the help!
Not tried it out yet, but by!/lig1 looks like it could be a good bet.

Django and Restful APIs

I have been struggling with choosing a methodology for creating a RESTful API with Django. None of the approaches I've tried seem to be the "silver" bullet. WAPI from is probably the closest to what I would like to accomplish, however I am not sure if it is acceptable in a true RESTful API to have parameters that are resource identifiers be in the querystring instead of in a "clean" URL format. Any suggestions for modifying WAPIs RestBinding.PATTERN to "clean" up the URLs? Another option I've explored is Django-Rest-Interface. However this framework seems to violate one of the most important pieces I need, and that is to include the full resource URL for references to other resources (see Improper Use of Links). The final option is to use django-multiresponse and basically do it the long way.
Please offer me your best advice, especially people that have dealt with this decision.
For Django, besides tastypie and piston, django-rest-framework is a promising one worth mentioning. I've already migrated one of my projects on it smoothly.
Django REST framework is a lightweight REST framework for Django, that
aims to make it easy to build well-connected, self-describing RESTful
Web APIs.
Quick example:
from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, url
from djangorestframework.resources import ModelResource
from djangorestframework.views import ListOrCreateModelView, InstanceModelView
from myapp.models import MyModel
class MyResource(ModelResource):
model = MyModel
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^$', ListOrCreateModelView.as_view(resource=MyResource)),
url(r'^(?P<pk>[^/]+)/$', InstanceModelView.as_view(resource=MyResource)),
Take the example from the official site, all above codes provide api, self explained documentation (like soap based webservice) and even sandboxing for testing. Very convenient.
I believe the recently released django-piston is now the best solution for creating a proper REST interface in Django. django-piston
Note: django-piston seems to no longer be maintained (see comments below)
django-tastypie is a good way to do it, their slogan: "Creating delicious APIs for Django apps since 2010" is pretty comforting ;)
You could take look at django-dynamicresponse, which is a lightweight framework for adding REST API with JSON to your Django applications.
It requires minimal changes to add API support to existing Django apps, and makes it straight-forward to build-in API from the start in new projects.
Basically, it includes middleware support for parsing JSON into request.POST, in addition to serializing the returned context to JSON or rendering a template/redirecting conditionally based on the request type.
This approach differs from other frameworks (such as django-piston) in that you do not need to create separate handlers for API requests. You can also reuse your existing view logic, and keep using form validation etc. like normal views.
I don't know if this project can be useful for you, but sending a link can hardly hurt. Take a look at django-apibuilder , available from . Perhaps it can be useful?
Have a look at this RestifyDjango.
Somewhat related are Django XML-RPC and JSON-RPC.
Savory Pie is a REST framework that supports django.
I would suggest you look into Django Rest Framework (DRF), play around with this and see if it suits your requirements. The reason I recommend DRF is because it makes making the API views really simple with the use of GenericAPIView classes, Mixin Classes and Mixed in Generic views. You can easily make use of tried and tested design patterns for making your API endpoints as well as keeping your code base neat and concise. You also DRY when writing your code which is always great. Your API views are literally 2-3 lines long.
You can checkout this tutorial that begins from setting up your environment to going through the different ways to make your RESTful API using the django rest framework.
Disclaimer: I am the creator of that website.