Will code's edit control in mingw [closed] - c++

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Closed 9 years ago.
How is coding for create Edit control object(Cedit class) with Mingw?
I read msdn did used "afxwin.h" but cannot found with MinGw compiler.
It is you showed code as good.

The afxwin.h header is part of the MFC framework. No one has come up with a MinGW version of it. So no, you cannot use it with MinGW. Note that even if you could, you would still need to buy a version of Visual Studio that comes with MFC in order to get a license that would allow you to use MFC.
If I were you, I would look into other GUI frameworks. For example Qt (which is much nicer than MFC to begin with; MFC is a legacy framework that most people don't use anymore.)


user interface design with c++ [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I want to create a user interface. The format should be example on the following link. I want to use C++ language as PL. So, Do you have any recommendation how can I achieve ?
DEvelopment platform should be both Windows and Linux.
framework for UI creation in c++. IDE is avaliable for linux and windows.
User interface development under Windows and Linux are quite separate fields. On Windows you usually use WinAPI with framework on top (e.g. MFC) while on Linux GTK+ or KDE. However there is a framework which is available for both (Windows and Linux) - Qt.

C++ Autopatcher GUI (With a unique skin) [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Can you please take a look at this picture of a game launcher:
image http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-5sHFYgzDSqE/TiRrdl2cUmI/AAAAAAAAAJs/ULE76E6Nwwo/s400/Launcher.png
How can I create something identical? (using my own art)
Everything about the design I just love, I downloaded qt, wxWidgets, nuilib and several others, but they either do not compile well or bloated and damn difficult to use.
Does anyone know the exact widget library that most asian mmorpgs use? Like that picture.
Those are just drawn images. It is trivial with any toolkit.
Qt, GTK and wxWidgets are the most prominent toolkits. I would recommend Qt, since it is very widely supported. But you can do this even with plain WinAPI or XLib.

Looking for a Qt open source project which is similar to Windows Paint [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I'm searching a Qt open source project for reference. Is there such a project like Windows Paint?
What Qt gives you in the base examples is the "Scribble" sample, which is supposed to get you started:
But if you wanted something that's going to have shape tools, color palettes, and other features then there's KolourPaint, but it is dependent on more than just Qt for both the compile-time and run-time...as it uses KDE:
You might have difficulty finding a clone of MS paint written in "pure" Qt. In part, that's because Microsoft Paint is kind of a useless program, and I always found this video rather amusing :-)

C++ .dll files what exactly can they be used for and how to create them [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
i have been doing some looking at dlls. what exactly are all the uses of dlls...can they be used to store graphics? im guessing the main way to use them is to store code...or am i wrong? how do you go about creating dlls(with source and graphics? if possible).
any help would be appreciated.
i am using Code::Blocks ide with mingW compiler.
dll - dynamic link library, refers to a shared library on microsoft platforms.
You should check this out and that should clarify your basically flawed understanding of what an dll is..
You're right, DLLs are meant for holding execution code.
However they can be used to embed images, using resources in Visual C++ but I don't think it's possible with Code::Blocks.
To create a DLL with Code::Blocks, simply create a new project with template "Dynamic Link Library".

C++ windows registry editing [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
hey i need c++ program to edit windows registry
One good program is Regedit.exe. It is probably written in C++.
Qt has an excellent framework for editing registy - that is, QSettings. And for bonus points, if you happen to change your mind and go Linux, your code would still work, storing your data in .ini-style configuration files.
Take note that Qt is very fat for a C++ library, but also very functional. There's a crazy lot you can do with it. I also absolutely recommend it for GUI.
There are probably a thousand small C++ wrappers for registry access. Of course I wrote my own, too. See the class RegistryKey in my envvc program. It's only read-only access, but you'll get the idea.