C++ Autopatcher GUI (With a unique skin) [closed] - c++

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Closed 9 years ago.
Can you please take a look at this picture of a game launcher:
image http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-5sHFYgzDSqE/TiRrdl2cUmI/AAAAAAAAAJs/ULE76E6Nwwo/s400/Launcher.png
How can I create something identical? (using my own art)
Everything about the design I just love, I downloaded qt, wxWidgets, nuilib and several others, but they either do not compile well or bloated and damn difficult to use.
Does anyone know the exact widget library that most asian mmorpgs use? Like that picture.

Those are just drawn images. It is trivial with any toolkit.
Qt, GTK and wxWidgets are the most prominent toolkits. I would recommend Qt, since it is very widely supported. But you can do this even with plain WinAPI or XLib.


Handling Apple events from console app on Mac [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Please give me some hints about how to work and, more practically, handle Apple events from raw console application written in C++ on Mac. I know that there is huge infrastructure for this purpose in Cocoa but as I think this is only a wrapper.
May be it's impossible?
There is C API for it:
But as you can see that Apple considers this as legacy nowadays, so for a new project, using the Objective-C APIs might be the better choice.

convert c++ libraries to objective-c [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Now I am porting c++ game to objective-c.
The source code uses some dlls such as "malloc.h" and this is the standard dll of C++ so it
cannot be included in objective-c.
What is the best way to overcome this problem.
I hope your help.
To convert code from one language to another, you need to have at basic working knowledge of both languages and platforms involved. It sounds as if both your C/C++ and Objective-C knowledge is too rudimentary for you to undertake this task. I'd recommend you take a short course and work on small projects in both languages to gain some experience so that you'll be qualified to perform this translation.

Looking for a Qt open source project which is similar to Windows Paint [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I'm searching a Qt open source project for reference. Is there such a project like Windows Paint?
What Qt gives you in the base examples is the "Scribble" sample, which is supposed to get you started:
But if you wanted something that's going to have shape tools, color palettes, and other features then there's KolourPaint, but it is dependent on more than just Qt for both the compile-time and run-time...as it uses KDE:
You might have difficulty finding a clone of MS paint written in "pure" Qt. In part, that's because Microsoft Paint is kind of a useless program, and I always found this video rather amusing :-)

How to introduce keyboard functions in Opengl code [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am new to opengl I tried to make an isosurface by reading from a text file .now I want to introdude keyboard functions in my code so that I can rotate an do all that stuffs. please tell me from where i can study that or give me a sample code
OpenGL only deals with drawing stuff. It gives you a canvas and some primitive drawing tools. Nothing more. Anything beyond that is the task of the user interface system provided by the OS.
Maybe you're using GLUT and are mislead by its name. GLUT is not part of OpenGL; it's a rudimentary framework aimed at developing simple OpenGL example programs, but that's about it.

is there any references about mfc ui redraw... mechanism? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
please give me some reference about the ui rendering mechanism
MFC is merely a thin wrapper around the Win32 API. It provides an object oriented foundation that simplifies the use of the C style Win32 API, but it doesn't have too much brains built into it. If you want to understand the way MFC creates UI, go a bit further and take a look at GDI, which is the API used for UI stuff in Windows.