Regex all characters except string - regex

I want to select all space characters except those preceded by the string, Send,.
A look-ahead using (?!) will not work. What is another way to do this?

Sounds like look behind should suffice. If the string Send, immediately precedes the the space you want then it would be:
If the string doesn't come directly before the space then your options could depend a bit on your particular regex flavour, since many do not support variable length look behinds.


Regex everything after, but not including

I am trying to regex the following string:
I want only B00VU2BZRO.
This substring is always going to be a 10 characters, alphanumeric, preceded by dp/.
So far I have the following regex:
This matches dp/B00VU2BZRO
I want to match only B00VU2BZRO with no dp/
How do I regex this?
Here is one regex option which would produce an exact match of what you want:
Note that this solution makes no assumptions about the length of the path fragment occurring after dp/. If you want to match a certain number of characters, replace (.*) with (.{10}), for example.
Depending on your language/method of application, you have a couple of options.
Positive look behind. This will make your regex more complicated, but will make it match what you want exactly:
The construct (<=...) is called a positive look behind. It will not consume any of the string, but will only allow the match to happen if the pattern between the parens is matched.
Capture group. This will make the regex itself slightly simpler, but will add a step to the extraction process:
Anything between plain parens is a capture group. The entire pattern will be matched, including dp/, but most languages will give you a way of extracting the portion you are interested in.
Depending on your language, you may need to escape the forward slash (/).
As an aside, you never need to create a character class for single characters: [d][p][\/] can equally well be written as just dp\/.

Regex matchin "java.util" but not "java.util.Collections"

I have a regex:
However, I would like to ignore java.util.Collections. I'm stumped as to how to do this.
It's as simple as not matching a dot: [^.]
Of course, there might be other solutions that work better for you, depending on things like if that's the whole string, if a character is guaranteed to come after it, etc. If you give some more details, I can be more specific.
For example, if it's an import statement, you could just match a semicolon by putting a literal semicolon after it. If you plan to use the bit immediately afterwards, use a negative lookahead: (?!\.) If the string will end after the util, anchor it to the end with $.
If you want to fail on only java.util.Collections but accept anything else, then you want to use the specific negative lookahead (?!\.Collections). If you want to only allow one thing (say Random), you can add(?:\.Random)? immediately after java.util in your current regex.
You could use the end of line character
Or negative look-ahead
You can use a negative lookahead and use a regex like this:
Working demo
So, you can add the pattern to your regex and have:

Simple regex for matching up to an optional character?

I'm sure this is a simple question for someone at ease with regular expressions:
I need to match everything up until the character #
I don't want the string following the # character, just the stuff before it, and the character itself should not be matched. This is the most important part, and what I'm mainly asking. As a second question, I would also like to know how to match the rest, after the # character. But not in the same expression, because I will need that in another context.
Here's an example string:
I want only topics/install.xml. And for the second question (separate expression) I want id_install
First expression:
Second expression:
If your string contains any other special characters you need to add them into the first square bracket escaped.
I don't use C#, but i will assume that it uses pcre... if so,
with a call to 'match'. A call to 'search' does not need the trailing ".*"
The parens define the 'keep group'; the [^#] means any character that is not a '#'
You probably tried something like
and found that it fails when multiple '#' signs are present (keeping the leading '#'s)?
That is because ".*" is greedy, and will match as much as it can.
Your matcher should have a method that looks something like 'group(...)'. Most matchers
return the entire matched sequence as group(0), the first paren-matched group as group(1),
and so forth.
PCRE is so important i strongly encourage you to search for it on google, learn it, and always have it in your programming toolkit.
Use look ahead and look behind:
To get all characters up to, but not including the pound (#): .*?(?=\#)
To get all characters following, but not including the pound (#): (?<=\#).*
If you don't mind using groups, you can do it all in one shot:
(.*?)\#(.*) Your answers will be in group(1) and group(2). Notice the non-greedy construct, *?, which will attempt to match as little as possible instead of as much as possible.
If you want to allow for missing # section, use ([^\#]*)(?:\#(.*))?. It uses a non-collecting group to test the second half, and if it finds it, returns everything after the pound.
Honestly though, for you situation, it is probably easier to use the Split method provided in String.
More on lookahead and lookbehind
/[^\#]*(?=\#)/ edit: is faster than /.*?(?=\#)/
For something like this in C# I would usually skip the regular expressions stuff altogether and do something like:
string[] split = exampleString.Split('#');
string firstString = split[0];
string secondString = split[1];

How to make a regular expression looking for a list of extensions separated by a space

I want to be able to take a string of text from the user that should be formated like this:
.ext1 .ext2 .ext3 ...
Basically, I am looking for a dot, a string of alphanumeric characters of any length a space, and rinse and repeat. I am a little confused on how to say " i need a period, string of characters and a space". But also, the last extension could either be followed by nothing, or a space, or a series of spaces. Also, I guess in between extensions could be followed by any number of spaces?
EDIT: I made it clearer what I was looking for.
Try this:
^(?:\.[A-Za-z0-9]+ +)*\.[A-Za-z0-9]+ *$
In a Java string literal you need to escape the backslashes:
"^(?:\\.[A-Za-z0-9]+ +)*\\.[A-Za-z0-9]+ *$"
(\.\w+)\s* Match this and get your results.
^((\.\w+)\s*)*$ Check this and if it's true, your String is exactly what you want.
For the last pattern thing, you can't (AFAIK) do both getting all extensions (separated) and checking that the last is followed by other things. Either you check your string, or you extract the extensions from it.
I'd start with something like: ^.[a-z0-9]+([\t\n\v ]+.[a-z0-9]+)*$

What regex will capitalize any letters following whitespace?

I'm looking for a Perl regex that will capitalize any character which is preceded by whitespace (or the first char in the string).
I'm pretty sure there is a simple way to do this, but I don't have my Perl book handy and I don't do this often enough that I've memorized it...
I originally suggested:
but alarm bells were going off at the use of '$&' (even before I read #Manni's comment). It turns out that they're fully justified - using the $&, $` and $' operations cause an overall inefficiency in regexes.
The \E is not critical for this regex; it turns off the 'case-setting' switch \U in this case or \L for lower-case.
As noted in the comments, matching the first character of the string requires:
Corrected position of second close parenthesis - thanks, Blixtor.
Depending on your exact problem, this could be more complicated than you think and a simple regex might not work. Have you thought about capitalization inside the word? What if the word starts with punctuation like '...Word'? Are there any exceptions? What about international characters?
It might be better to use a CPAN module like Text::Autoformat or Text::Capitalize where these problems have already been solved.
use Text::Capitalize 0.2;
print capitalize_title($t), "\n";
use Text::Autoformat;
print autoformat{case => "highlight", right=>length($t)}, $t;
It sounds like Text::Autoformat might be more "standard" and I would try that first. Its written by Damian. But Text::Capitalize does a few things that Text::Autoformat doesn't. Here is a comparison.
You can also check out the Perl Cookbook for recipie 1.14 (page 31) on how to use regexps to properly capitalize a title or headline.
Something like this should do the trick -
This simply splits up the scanned expression into two matches - $1 for the blank/start of string and $2 for the first character of word. We then substitute both $1 and $2 after making the start of the word upper-case.
I would change the \s to \b which makes more sense since we are checking for word-boundaries here.
This isn't something I'd normally use a regex for, but my solution isn't exactly what you would call "beautiful":
$string = join("", map(ucfirst, split(/(\s+)/, $string)));
That split()s the string by whitespace and captures all the whitespace, then goes through each element of the list and does ucfirst on them (making the first character uppercase), then join()s them back together as a single string. Not awful, but perhaps you'll like a regex more. I personally just don't like \Q or \U or other semi-awkward regex constructs.
EDIT: Someone else mentioned that punctuation might be a potential issue. If, say, you want this:
changed to this:
i.e. you want words capitalized even if there is punctuation before them, try something more like this:
$string = join("", map(ucfirst, split(/(\w+)/, $string)));
Same thing, but it split()s on words (\w+) so that the captured elements of the list are word-only. Same overall effect, but will capitalize words that may not start with a word character. Change \w to [a-zA-Z] to eliminate trying to capitalize numbers. And just generally tweak it however you like.
If you mean character after space, use regular expressions using \s. If you really mean first character in word you should use \b instead of all above attempts with \s which is error prone.
You want to match letters behind whitespace, or at the start of a string.
Perl can't do variable length lookbehind. If it did, you could have used this:
s/(?<=\s|^)(\w)/\u$1/g; # this does not work!
Perl complains:
Variable length lookbehind not implemented in regex;
You can use double negative lookbehind to get around that: the thing on the left of it must not be anything that is not whitespace. That means it'll match at the start of the string, but if there is anything in front of it, it must be whitespace.
The simpler approach in this exact case will probably be to just match the whitespace; the variable length restriction falls away, then, and include that in the replacement.
Occasionally you can't use this approach in repeated substitutions because that what precedes the actual match has already been eaten by the regex, and it's good to have a way around that.
Capitalize ANY character preceded by whitespace or at beginning of string:
Maybe a very sloppy way of doing it because it's also uppercasing the whitespace now. :P
The advantage is that it works with letters with all possible accents (and also with special Danish/Swedish/Norwegian letters), which are problematic when you use \w and \b in your regex. Can I expect that all non-letters are untouched by the uppercase modifier?