Why does array created with 'new' become set to NULL? - c++

I have something like this: A class with a member function which allocates some memory. Why on exit of the function, does the pointer become set to point at NULL?
class A
int* memoryblock;
void assignsome(int n);
void A::assignsome(int n)
memoryblock = new int[n]; // At this point, debugger suggests memoryblock is not pointing to null.
// On exit of this function, memoryblock points to null!
On request: Here is the full breakdown:
int FileHandler::PerValueMemoryBlockRead(char* delimarray, unsigned int sizeofarray)
// File Opened and mValues_n calculated.
mValues = new int[mValues_n + 1];
mValuesAllocated = true;
// Assignment of the contents of mValues is done.
mValues[next_value_pos] = 0x0; // Last int set to zero. /// next_value_pos is an int which is incremented. (Code Removed because there is no point showing it.)
return 0;
void FileHandler::SerialPrint()
std::cout << "Address:" << mValues << std::endl;
std::cout << "Size=" << mValues_n << "B" << std::endl;
for(ull pr = 0; pr < mValues_n; pr ++){
std::cout << (int)mValues[pr] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Nothing to print. 'PerValueMemoryBlockRead' has not yet been called." << std::endl;
Then inside main:
if((!datahandle.PerValueMemoryBlockRead(delimarray, 3))
&& (!converthandle.PerValueMemoryBlockRead(delimarray, 3))
&& dataoutput.is_open()){
dataoutput.seekp(0, std::ios::beg);
// Code
converthandle.SerialPrint(); // SEG FAULT
datahandle.SerialPrint(); // SEG FAULT
// End Code

If you put the breakpoint there, the debugger still hasn't run the line.
Continue to the next line to see it assigned.

The debugger can be a bit misleading in such cases. In fact the pointer is not NULL, debugger is simply confused and don'y know which A are you talking about. I suggest using debug printing when in doubt in similar cases.

You should see the instance of A has a value memoryblock not equal to NULL after calling assignsome:
class A
int* memoryblock;
void assignsome(int n);
void A::assignsome(int n)
memoryblock = new int[n];
int main () {
A a;
return 0; // breakpoint here - a.memoryblock isn't NULL


Can anybody explain me why this code is not working?

I'm learning C++. Now, I'm trying to make one sample related with overloading operators of an object. My object (called Contador) has different methods and variables which help user to count iterations.
Header file of the object:
class Contador
int* Valor;
int* Salto;
Contador(int Valor_Inicio = 0, int Salto = 1);
inline int Get_Valor() const { return *Valor; }
inline int Get_Salto() const { return *Salto; }
inline void Incremento() { Set_Valor(Get_Valor() + Get_Salto()); }
inline void operator++ () { Set_Valor(Get_Valor() + Get_Salto()); }
void Set_Valor(int Valor);
void Set_Salto(int Salto);
Cpp file of the object:
// Librerias Propias
#include "Contador.h"
Contador::Contador(int Valor_Inicio, int Salto)
delete Contador::Valor;
delete Contador::Salto;
void Contador::Set_Valor(int Valor)
delete Contador::Valor;
Contador::Valor = new int(Valor);
void Contador::Set_Salto(int Salto)
delete Contador::Salto;
Contador::Salto = new int(Salto);
The main() function of the sample has 2 different for loops. In the first one, I call Incremento() method and in the second one I call the overloaded operator.
Main function:
void main()
// Genero el elemento de analisis.
Contador* contador = new Contador();
// Realizo el bucle con la función de incremento.
std::cout << "Incremento()" << std::endl;
for (contador->Set_Valor(0); contador->Get_Valor() < 3; contador->Incremento())
// Escribo algo.
std::cout << "Iteracion actual: " << contador->Get_Valor() << std::endl;
// Realizo el bucle on el operador sobrecargado
std::cout << "operador sobrecargado" << std::endl;
for (contador->Set_Valor(0); contador->Get_Valor() < 3; contador++)
// Escribo algo.
std::cout << "Iteracion actual: " << contador->Get_Valor() << std::endl;
The problem appears when main function passes the first iteration of the second loop. It throws one exception in Get_Valor() method.
It seems to me that it change the memory addres of the pointer Valorin some place, but I can`t find where.
Can anybody help me?
contador++ does not do what you think it does - contador is a pointer, not a Contador, so it will make contador point to something that does not exist.
You need to dereference the pointer.
However, *contador++ also increments contador - it is *(contador++) - and (*contador)++ does not compile because you have only overloaded the prefix operator (the postfix operator has the prototype operator++(int).
So, ++*contador will do what you want.
You can avoid many similar problems, and the clunky syntax, by not using pointers unnecessarily.
The expression contador++ increments the address that contador (a pointer) points to! So, after the first iteration, the pointer will be completely invalid.
To call the increment operator, you need: ++(*contador) which first dereferences the pointer to the object pointed to, then effects that object's increment operator.
3 coding issues:
main shoudl return int.
Valor and Salto are not initialized in constructor.
Contador::Set_Valor and Contador::Set_Salto requires initialized pointers (as you delete them).
Easy fix is:
class Contador
int* Valor = nullptr;
int* Salto = nullptr;
Last issue is in your last loop:
for (contador->Set_Valor(0); contador->Get_Valor() < 3; contador++)
As condator is a pointer (not pointing on an array), accessing condator[1] would be UB.
You wanted ++(*condator) (operator++ () is pre-increment whereas operator++ (int) is post-increment).
Finally, avoiding usage of all those pointers would simplify code (and no bother with rule of 3 you break):
class Contador
int Valor;
int Salto;
Contador(int Valor = 0, int Salto = 1) : Valor(Valor), Salto(Salto) {}
~Contador() = default;
int Get_Valor() const { return Valor; }
int Get_Salto() const { return Salto; }
void Incremento() { Set_Valor(Get_Valor() + Get_Salto()); }
void operator++ () { Set_Valor(Get_Valor() + Get_Salto()); }
void Set_Valor(int Valor) { this->Valor = Valor;}
void Set_Salto(int Salto) { this->Salto = Salto;}
int main()
Contador contador;
std::cout << "Incremento()" << std::endl;
for (contador.Set_Valor(0); contador.Get_Valor() < 3; contador.Incremento())
std::cout << "Iteracion actual: " << contador.Get_Valor() << std::endl;
std::cout << "operador sobrecargado" << std::endl;
for (contador.Set_Valor(0); contador.Get_Valor() < 3; ++contador)
std::cout << "Iteracion actual: " << contador.Get_Valor() << std::endl;
In addition to previous answers.
As I could see Contador* contador = new Contador(); code also contains UB (undefined behaviour)
This call is equal to constructor with parameters Contador(0, 1)
which will do Set_Valor and Set_Salto which call delete first but at this moment content of this variables is not guaranteed to be nullptr so you might corrupt data. Also compiler if it sees UB might optimize out all other code since it's already UB and it can change behaviour anyway it wants for example throw it away completely. https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20140627-00/?p=633

Pointer being freed was not allocated even though it was allocated before

I have error that says error for object 0x7ffbaf002000: pointer being freed was not allocated. But I have printed out the memory address and it was indeed allocated before at 0x7ffbaf002000 in the function allocFlights(Flight**, int) inside the loop when flight[0] = (Flight*) malloc(sizeof(Flight) * 60). So I print out the memory address at std::cout << flight[0] << std::endl in function deAllocFlights(Flight**, int) to see if it's there and it is there at 0x7ffbaf002000 inside the loop
I don't understand why I have this problem. I'm still new at C++.
Here is the struct Flight:
typedef struct {
int flightNum;
char origin[20];
char destination[20];
Plane *plane;
void getAllFlights(Flight **flight) {
FILE *file = fopen("reservation.txt", "r");
int i = 0, totalFlights;
if(file == NULL)
perror("Error in opening file");
fscanf(file, "%d\n", &totalFlights);
*flight = (Flight*) malloc(sizeof(Flight*) * totalFlights);
allocFlights(flight, totalFlights); // Allocate here
deAllocFlights(flight, totalFlights); // Error: Deallocate here
Function allocFlights
void allocFlights(Flight **flight, int totalFlights) {
for (int i = 0; i < totalFlights; i++) {
flight[i] = (Flight*) malloc(sizeof(Flight) * 60);
std::cout << flight[i] << " " << i << std::endl; // Print out memory address
Function deallocFlights
void deAllocFlights(Flight** flight, int totalFlights) {
for (int i = 0; i < totalFlights; i++) {
std::cout << flight[i] << " " << i << std::endl; // Print out memory address
free (flight[i]);
int main() {
Flight *flight;
return 0;
You're deallocating your first flight twice. So the second time you deallocate it, the system tells you that it hasn't been allocated because, although it was allocated, it was also deallocated. You don't need to call free(flight); at the end because you already deallocated all flights in deAllocAllFlights(). As mentioned by David Schwartz in the comments, this is because flight[0] is the same as *flight (or as he put it *(flight + 0)).
There is missing one star everywhere.
The code works with the original variable as array of pointers to Flight (or pointer to pointers to Flight). Therefore it has to be defined with double star:
int main() {
Flight **flight;
return 0;
And the same for every function:
void getAllFlights(Flight ***flight) {
*flight = (Flight**) malloc(sizeof(Flight*) * totalFlights);
void allocFlights(Flight ***flight, int totalFlights) {
for (int i = 0; i < totalFlights; i++) {
// dereference the pointer first and then access array:
(*flight)[i] = (Flight*) malloc(sizeof(Flight));
void deAllocFlights(Flight*** flight, int totalFlights) {
for (int i = 0; i < totalFlights; i++) {
std::cout << (*flight)[i] << " " << i << std::endl; // Print out memory address
// dereference the pointer first and then access array
free ((*flight)[i]);
The original code accessed directly the pointer to the variable defined in main function and used it as an array which meant it went to the address behind the variable for index 1 and even more with higher indices.
Also note, that flights is much better name for the variable and all the other parameters as it's actually array. That would make the code more clear and potentially give better chance to avoid mistakes like this.

How to save values to pointers in function and use the returned pointer to print out values stored in pointer

I am a beginner in programming, I am trying to solve the problem I encountered in my assignment.
Here I want to read a file and save each word as an element in a pointer pointing array.
I declared pointer in Array class and reading the file in ReadAcc class. I am trying to process it outside these two classes.
class ReadAcc {
double read1;
ifstream f;
int counter = 0;
ReadAcc() {
_customerBalanceArray = new double[100];
int GetCounter() {
return counter;
void Reading(string path)
while (!f.eof())
f >> read1;
_customerBalanceArray[counter] = read1;
double* GetPointer() {
return _customerBalanceArray;
void DeletePointer() {
delete[] _customerBalanceArray;
int main()
ReadAcc read;
for (int i = 0; i < read.GetCounter(); i=i+2)
//cout << "Acc# " << *(a.getCustomerBlanceArray) << " Balance: " << *(a.getCustomerBlanceArray) << endl;
When it compiles, the error says Exception thrown: read access violation.
Access violation writing location 0x013CE000. The pointer _customerBalanceArray value is now 0x013CE000. I do not know where it went wrong. Please help me. Thanks a million!!!

After passing pointer to the main function, cannot print the content properly

I am practicing using pointers to create objects and access data. I created a stuct called BigNum to represent a number with multiple digits. When I try to print the content of the struct inside the readDigits function, it can be printed pretty well. However, after passing the pointer to the main function, the content of the stuct is printed out to be random numbers. Why? How to fix it?
struct BigNum{
int numDigits; //the number of digits
int *digits; //the content of the big num
int main(){
BigNum *numPtr = readDigits();
for (int i=0; i<(numPtr->numDigits);i++ ){
std::cout << (numPtr->digits)[i] << std::endl;
return 0;
BigNum* readDigits(){
std::string digits;
std::cout << "Input a big number:" << std::endl;
std::cin >> digits;
int result[digits.length()];
BigNum *numPtr = new BigNum();
numPtr->numDigits = digits.length();
numPtr->digits = result;
/* When I try to print in here, it's totally okay!
std::cout << "Here is the content:" << std::endl;
for (int i=0; i<numPtr->numDigits;i++ ){
std::cout << (numPtr->digits)[i] << std::endl;
return numPtr;
void toInt(std::string& str, int result[]){
for (int i=0;i<str.length() ;i++ ){
result[str.length()-i-1] = (int)(str[i]-'0');
BigNum* readDigits(){
int result[digits.length()];
numPtr->digits = result;
return numPtr;
result is stored on the stack. So if you return it as part of numPtr, it will be invalid as soon as you exit the function. Instead of storing it on the stack you have to allocate it with new.
You have undefined behavior because you assign address of automatic object to digits pointer. When readDigits() returns this memory is not valid anymore. You should assign to this pointer address of heap-based object (or some equivalent, e.g. use vector or smart pointer):
#include <vector>
struct BigNum{
int numDigits; //the number of digits
std::vector<int> digits; //the content of the big num
Then you can insert numbers into vector this way:
int input;
while ( std::cin >> input) //enter any non-integer to end the loop
The problem is that within the function BigNum* readDigits() you assign apointer to stack memory to the pointer of your newly allocated BigNum:
int result[digits.length()]; // <--- variable is on the stack!!!
BigNum *numPtr = new BigNum();
numPtr->numDigits = digits.length();
numPtr->digits = result; // <--- make pointer to stack memory available to caller of readDigits
Now if you proceed the access to numPtr->digits is ok since the memory of result is still valid on the stack (as long as you are within readDigits). Once you've left ´readDigits()´ the memory of result is overwritten depending on what you do (calling other functions, ...).
Right now I'm even wondering why you don't get a compiler error with ´int result[digits.length()];´ since ´digits.length()´ is not constant and the size of required stack memory has to be defined at compile time... so I'm thinking that the size of result is actually 0...?? Would be a nice thing to test!
My recommendation is to modify the code of readDigits as follows:
BigNum* readDigits()
std::string digits;
int i;
std::cout << "Input a big number:" << std::endl;
std::cin >> digits;
//int result[digits.length()];
BigNum *numPtr = new BigNum();
numPtr->numDigits = digits.length();
numPtr->digits = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * numPtr->numDigits); // allocate heap memory for digits
toInt(digits, numPtr->digits);
/* When I try to print in here, it's totally okay!
std::cout << "Here is the content:" << std::endl;
for (i = 0; i <numPtr->numDigits; i++)
std::cout << (numPtr->digits)[i] << std::endl;
return numPtr;
Remember to free your memory if ´BigNum *numPtr´ is no longer used (´free(numPtr->digits);´) otherwise you'll get a memory leak (sooner or later):
int main()
BigNum *numPtr = readDigits();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (numPtr->numDigits); i++)
std::cout << (numPtr->digits)[i] << std::endl;
free(numPtr->digits); // free memory allocated by readDigits(..)
return 0;

Initializing a dynamic memory array in a class

I am new to c++ programming, and this is probably a trivial problem, but I need to construct a variable sized array in a class and transfer text file data into it, see below. Here HISTORYFile >> ClusterCoord[i]; seems to take in the information fine, however when I try to get access to the info in the main program via,
cout << CoordClassExample.ClusterCoord[1] << "\n";
I get a bus error. Please help if you can!
class CoordClass{
int Entries;
double * ClusterCoord;
void set_valuesCoord(ifstream &HISTORYFile,int MolAtomNum, int MolNum);
void CoordClass::set_valuesCoord(ifstream& HISTORYFile,int MolAtomNum, int MolNum) {
double *ClusterCoord = new double [Entries];
for (int i=0;i<Entries;i++) {
HISTORYFile >> ClusterCoord[i];
cout << ClusterCoord[i] << "\n";
You have a leak in the set_valuesCoord() function if you call the function twice, unless you somewhere release the resources. That's not the problem but it's a problem. Use a std::vector<>.
class CoordClass {
// ...
std::vector<double> ClusterCoord; // instead of double *ClusterCoord
// ...
What might be the problem is that you don't check whether the double parsed properly. If it didn't then you're accessing uninitialized memory, and that leads to undefined behaviour.
void CoordClass::set_valuesCoord(...)
// ...
double cluster_coord = 0;
if( HISTORYFile >> cluster_coord )
std::cerr << "Error parsing cluster coord.\n";
// ...
As an exercise showing the vector way that won't leak among other things:
Further changes would be to remove Entries and use ClusterCoord.size().
class CoordClass{
int Entries;
std::vector<double> ClusterCoord;
void set_valuesCoord(ifstream &HISTORYFile,int MolAtomNum, int MolNum);
void CoordClass::set_valuesCoord(ifstream& HISTORYFile,int MolAtomNum, int MolNum) {
for (int i=0;i<Entries;i++) {
HISTORYFile >> ClusterCoord[i];
cout << ClusterCoord[i] << "\n";