Diamond Operator Compiles under OpenJDK but not SunJDK 7 - playframework-1.x

Hopefully this isn't a duplicate, I've searched and found some with related issues but not about the differences in Java.
private List<Stuff> apps = new ArrayList<Stuff>();
// compiles under both
private List<Stuff> apps = new ArrayList<>();
// compiles under OpenJDK 7
// SunJDK 7 Error raised is : Syntax error on token "<", ? expected after this token
Any ideas why this is the case? I like to use OpenJDK on my *nix servers and dev boxes but sometimes I use someone else's Windows laptop for dev and testing and this is the first time I've had a problem between the two versions. Would appreciate any advice or thoughts!
Also I use Netbeans 7.2 (which does not flag an error on Windows or Debain). The program uses the Play Framework 1.2.5 and has the java source set to 1.7.
javac -version
javac 1.7.0_01
java -version
java version "1.7.0_01"
Java<TM> SE Runtime-Environment <build 1.7.0_01-b08>
and checked Netbeans everywhere I could an source is 1.7 everywhere I can tell. Compiling via the command line produced the same error described above.
I updated to the latest version of SunJDK/Java (1.7.0_13) and the issue resolved for me.

I updated to the latest version of SunJDK/Java (1.7.0_13) and the issue resolved.


FICO Xpress Workbench won't work due to OS Catalina, produced error "spawn mosel ENOENT"

I have a bit of a technical question here. Since upgrading to OS Catalina I have tried running my Xpress Workbench files and a warning pops up saying "It can't be opened because Apple cannot check for malicious software." When bypassing this and opening it anyway it produces an error whenever I run some code:
"spawn mosel ENOENT"
Has anyone else experienced this? and what does the error mean? I have been in touch with Apple support but they weren't that helpful, I have also been in touch with FICO (the developer of the programme) and they haven't experienced the problem before but are getting in touch with their dev team.
Any help would be much appreciated.
I also got this issue when i upgraded my macOS to Catalina. I couldn't run my mosel programs successfully.
In Catalina, any software installed outside of the Mac App Store is now checked every time it runs for malware and other problems. You can solve this by un-quarantining the Xpress workbench application.
Run this code on terminal of your mac - xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine "/Applications/FICO Xpress" (specify the location of the application in the quote).
It should be fine after this.

How to - Get Oracle.ManagedAccess driver to work with Installed VB.Net Application

I have a 32bit Application to Install on Win10 (x64 OS). All my Oracle functionality works from within the debugger. Oracle.ManagedAccess driver is correctly registered in the VS Projects and the application works as expected from within the debugger. However, when I build my WiX-Based install pack and run the installed application I get the following error:
What am I missing here? In the previous VS2013 incarnation of the code as recently as last month using the ODP.NET driver 'Oracle.DataAcess', the application worked fine when installed. I'm at a loss as to where else to take this. Any assistance most welcome.
Based on input from Stein Asmul, I jave resolved the problem. Solution simply involved including the Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.ddl in the product.wxs depositing the file in the application folder solved the problem.

RubyMine fails to start on Yosemite

RubyMine won't start under Yosemite, no loading screen, no error message.
This seems to be caused by the default JVM that comes with Yosemite
EDIT This also seems to affect WebStorm
This solution is controversial - please read all of it before applying changes!
Open this file
Check the version of Java, most likely 1.8, by using java -version, you should see something like:
java version "1.8.0_20"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_20-b26)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.20-b23, mixed mode)
Open and edit
Or for WebStorm
Update the following key
RubyMine should now be good to go
Feedback on this solution
JetBrains do not recommend this solution as it will break autoupdating with patches. That tradeoff was acceptable for me as I just wanted to get going quickly and avoid installing Java 1.6.
The full discussion is here https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/entries/27854363-IDE-doesn-t-start-after-updating-to-Mac-OS-Yosemite-or-Mavericks
You shouldn't edit your plist file since it will prevent Rubymine from autoupdating. This is direct from their support pages:
Modifying Info.plist will break the application digital signature and prevent the patch updates. We do not recommend modifying Info.plist file to run under JDK 1.7 or 1.8.
Page located here:
The correct answer is to install Apple JDK 1.6
JDK 1.6 is required to run and may be missing on your system. Please install Apple JDK 1.6. There should be a window with the suggestion to install Java when you start the product for the first time, but it could be hidden by other application windows.
Apple JDK 1.6 download: http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1572.
I have tried to down load the JDK 1.6, it works in my Mac.
Just install java for OS X, and it'll solve the issue.
Up till OS X El Capitan(10.11), this link solves. Or you can just google "java for osx", most probably first link will show you the right answer.

Running SpecFlow Report - ERROR - The attribute "Label" in element <Target> is unrecognized

I have been following the tutorial found here for a SpecFlow test report generator.
My issue is, when I run the tool, I receive the following message:
The attribute "Label" in element Target is unrecognized
I've found a few possible solutions, none of which have worked e.g. here
I am able to show that I am running version 4.x as when I run MSBuild using the Visual Studio 2012, command prompt I can see the following:
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 4.0.30319.17929 [Microsoft .NET
Framework, version 4.0.30319.18052]
I have created a config file as suggested here
but unfortunately I am still getting the error. The project is running locally off git and this issue has been fixed in the past by using the config file, however since swapping to a VMware Virtual machine, it is now occurring again.
I have also right clicked > Properties which states that the file is using .NET 4.0, in addition created a Environment Variable linking directly to the MSBuild directory. I've spent a good while browsing the internet and cannot get this working. Please help!
Many thanks for any help you can provide,
Solved this with the internal devs. There was some problem with the Chromedriver update script which had been added by (I'm assuming NuGet)
<PropertyGroup Label="DownloadChromeDriverBuildTask">
and also:
<Target Name="DownloadChromeDriver" Label="DownloadChromeDriverBuildTask">
It was a small script that was installing ChromeDriver if it was not already available. Removing this seems to have resolved it. Hope this provides help to anyone with a similar issue.

Flex Builder 3 debug flash player fails to install

I recently upgraded to Windows 7 (not sure if that's related) and after re-installing Flex 3, I get the error that I'm using a non-debug version of Flash Player (when trying to run debug on a project).
That makes sense, so I go to install the latest version of the debugger, but when I go to adobe for it: http://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/downloads.html I get an error on install saying that it's not the latest version of Flash. When I go to the link provided, it doesn't have the option of pulling the debug version.
Any suggestions?
Install the debug build for Flash Player 10 instead of 9 or the other way. That is how it got fixed on mine.
found the answer here: http://blogu.lu/mrm/2010/03/uninstalling-flash-player-like-really-uninstalling/
worked like a charm