Alignment of data members and member functions for performance - c++

Is it true aligning data members of a struct/class no longer yields the benefits it used to, especially on nehalem because of hardware improvements? If so, is it still the case that alignment will always make better performance, just very small noticeable improvements compared with on past CPUs?
Does alignment of member variables extend to member functions? I believe I once read (it could be on the wikibooks "C++ performance") that there are rules for "packing" member functions into various "units" (i.e. source files) for optimum loading into the instruction cache? (If I have got my terminology wrong here please correct me).

Processors are still much faster than what the RAM can deliver, so they still need caches. Caches still consist of fixed-size cache lines. Also, main memory is delivered in pages and pages are accessed using a translation lookaside buffer. This buffer, again, has a fixed size cache.
Which means that both spatial and temporal locality matter a lot (i.e. how you pack stuff, and how you access it). Packing structures well (sorted by padding/alignment requirements) as opposed to packing them in some haphazard order usually results in smaller structure sizes.
Smaller structure sizes mean, if you have loads of data:
more structures fit into one cache line (cache miss = 50-200 cycles)
fewer pages are needed (page fault = 10-20 million CPU cycles)
fewer TLB entries are needed, fewer TLB misses (TLB miss = 50-500 cycles)
Going linearly over a few gigabytes of tightly packed SoA data can be 3 orders of magnitude faster (or 8-10 orders of magnitude, if page faults are involved) than doing the same thing in a naive way with bad layout/packing.
Whether or not you hand-align individual 4-byte or 2-byte values (say, a typical int or short) to 2 or 4 bytes makes a very small difference on recent Intel CPUs (hardly noticeable). Insofar, it may seem tempting to "optimize" on that, but I strongly advise against doing so.
This is usually something one best doesn't worry about and leaves to the compiler to figure out. If for no other reason, then because the gains are marginal at best, but some other processor architectures will raise an exception if you get it wrong. Therefore, if you try to be too smart, you'll suddenly have unexplainable crashes once you compile on some other architecture. When that happens, you'll feel sorry.
Of course, if you don't have at least several dozen of megabytes of data to process, you need not care at all.

Aligning data to suit the processor will never hurt, but some processors will have more notable drawbacks than others, I think is the best way to answer this question.
Aligning functions into cache-line units seems a bit of a red herring to me. For small functions, what you really want is inlining if at all possible. If the code can't be inlined, then it's probably larger than a cache-line anyway. [Unless it's a virtual function, of course]. I don't think this has ever been a huge factor tho - either code is generally called often, and thus normally in the cache, or it's not called very often, and not very often in the cache. I'm sure it's possibe to come up with some code where calling one function, func1() will also drag in func2() into the cache, so if you always call func1() and func2() in short succession, it would have some benefit. But it's really not something that is that great of a benefit unless you have a lot of functions with pairs or groups of functions that are called close together. [By the way, I don't think the compiler is guaranteed to place your function code in any particular order, no matter which order you place it in the source file].
Cache-alignment is a slightly different matter, since cache-lines can still have a HUGE effect if you get it right vs. getting it wrong. This is more important for multithreading than general "loading data". The key here is to avoid sharing data in the same cache-line between processors. In a project I worked on some 10 or so years ago, a benchmark had a function that used an array of two integers to count up the number of iterations each thread did. When that got split into two separate cache-lines, the benchmark improved from 0.6x of running on a single processor to 1.98x of one processor. The same effect will happen on modern CPU's, even if they are much faster - the effect may not be exactly the same, but it will be a large slowdown (and the more processors sharing data, the more effect, so a quad-core system would be worse than a dual core, etc). This is because every time a processor updates something in a cache-line, all other processors that have read that cache-line must reload it from the processor that updated it [or from memory in the old days].


setting and checking a 32 bit variable

I am wondering if setting a 32 bit variable after checking it will be faster than just setting it? E.g. variable a is of uint32
if( a != 0)
a = 0;
a = 0;
The code will be running in a loop which it will run many times so I want to reduce the time to run the code.
Note variable a will be 0 most of the time, so the question can possibly be shortened to if it is faster to check a 32 bit variable or to set it. Thank you in advance!
edit: Thank you all who commented on the question, I have created a for loop and tested both assigning and if-ing for 100 thousand times. It turns out assigning is faster.(54ms for if-ing and 44ms for assigning)
What you describe is called a "silent store" optimization.
PRO: unnecessary stores are avoided.
This can reduce pressure on the store to load forwarding buffers, a component of a modern out-of-order CPU that is quite expensive in hardware, and, as a result, is often undersized, and therefore a performance bottleneck. On Intel x86 CPUs there are performance Event Monitoring counters (EMON) that you can use to investigate whether this is a problem in your program.
Interestingly, it can also reduce the number of loads that your program does. First, SW: if the stores are not eliminated, the compiler may be unable to prove that the do not write to the memory occupied by a different variable, the so-called address and pointer disambiguation problem, so the compiler may generate unnecessary reloads of such possibly but not actually conflicting memory locations. Eliminate the stores, some of these loDs may also be eliminated. Second, HW: most modern CPUs have store to load dependency predictors: fewer stores increase accuracy. If a dependency is predicted, the load may actually not be performed by hardware, and maybe converted into a register to register move. This was the subject of the recent patent lawsuits that the University of Wisconsin asserted against Intel and Apple, with awards exceeding hundreds of millions of dollars.
But the most important Reason to eliminate the unnecessary stores is to avoid unnecessarily dirtying the cache. A dirty cache line eventually has to be written to memory, even if unchanged. Wasting power. In many systems it will eventually be written to flash or SSD, wasting power and consuming the limited write cycles of the device.
These considerations have motivated academic research in silent stores, such as However, a quick google scholar search shows these papers are mainly 2000-2004, and I am aware of no modern CPUs implementing true silent store elimination - actually having hardware read the old value. I suspect, however, that this lack of deployment of silent stores us mainly because CPU design went on pause for more than a decade, as focus changed from desktop PCs to cell phones. Now that cell phones are almost caught up to the sophistication of 2000-era desktop CPUs, it may arise again.
CON: Eliminating the silent store in software takes more instructions. Worse, it takes a branch. If the branch is not very predictable, the resulting branch mispredictions will consume any savings. Some machines have instructions that allow you to eliminate such stores without a branch: eg Intel's LRBNI vector store instructions with a conditional vector mask. I believe AVX has these instructions. If you or your compiler can use such instructions, then the cost is just the load of the old value and a vector compare if the old value is already in a register, then just the compare.
By the way, you can get some benefit without completely eliminating the store, but by redirecting it to a safe address. Instead if
If a[i] != 0 then a[i] := 0
ptr = a+I; if *ptr == 0 then ptr.:= &safe; *ptr:=0
Still doing the store, but not dirtying so many cache lines. I have used this way if faking a conditional store instruction a lot. It is very unlikely that a compiler will do this sort of optimization.
So, unfortunately, the answer is "it depends". If you are on a vector mask machine or a GPU, and the silent stores are very common, like, more than 30%, worth thinking about. If in scalar code, probably need more like 90% silent.
Ideally, measure it yourself. Although it can be hard to make realistic measurements.
I would start with what is probably the best case for thus optimization:
char a[1024*1024*1024]; // zero filled
const int cachelinesize = 64;
for(char*p=a; p
Every store is eliminated here - mAke sure that the compiler still emits them. Good branch prediction, etc
If this limit case shows no benefit, your realistic code is unlikely to.
Come to think if it, I ran such a benchmark back in the last century. The silent store code was 2x faster, since totally memory bound, and the silent stores generate no dirty cache lines on a write back cache. Recheck thus, and then try on more realistic workload.
But first, measure whether you are memory bottlenecked or not.
By the way: if hardware implementations of silent store elimination become common, then you will never want to do it in software.
But at the moment I am aware of no hardware implementations of silent store elimination in commercially available CPUs.
As ECC becomes more common, silent store elimination becomes almost free - since you have to read the old bytes anyway to recalculate ECC in many cases.
The assignment would do you better as firstly the if statement is redundant and it would make it clearer if you omitted it, also the assignment only should be faster and even if you are not quite sure of it you can just create a simple function to test it with and without the if statement.

Flushing the cache to prevent benchmarking fluctiations

I am running the c++ code of someone to do the benchmarking on a dataset. The issue I have is that often I get a timing for the first run, and these numbers massively change (i.e. 28 seconds to 10 seconds) if I run the same code again. I assume this happens due to CPU's automatic caching. Is there a way to flush the cache, or prevent these fluctuations somehow?
Not one that works "for everything, everywhere". Most processors have special instructions to flush the cache, but they are often privileged instructions, so it has to be done from inside the OS kernel, not your user-mode code. And of course, it's completely different instructions for each processor architecture.
All current x86 processors does have a clflush instruction, that flushes one cache-line, but to do that, you have to have the address of the data (or code) you want to flush. Which is fine for small and simple data structures, not so good if you have a binary tree that is all over the place. And of course, not at all portable.
In most environments, reading and writing a large block of alternative data, e.g. something like:
// Global variables.
const size_t bigger_than_cachesize = 10 * 1024 * 1024;
long *p = new long[bigger_than_cachesize];
// When you want to "flush" cache.
for(int i = 0; i < bigger_than_cachesize; i++)
p[i] = rand();
Using rand will be much slower than filling with something constant/known. But the compiler can't optimise the call away, which means it's (almost) guaranteed that the code will stay.
The above won't flush instruction caches - that is a lot more difficult to do, basically, you have to run some (large enough) other piece of code to do that reliably. However, instruction caches tend to have less effect on overall benchmark performance (instruction cache is EXTREMELY important for modern processor's perforamnce, that's not what I'm saying, but in the sense that the code for a benchmark is typically small enough that it all fits in cache, and the benchmark runs many times over the same code, so it's only slower the first iteration)
Other ideas
Another way to simulate "non-cache" behaviour is allocate a new area for each benchmark pass - in other words, not freeing the memory until the end of the benchmark or using an array containing the data, and output results, such that each run has it's own set of data to work on.
Further, it's common to actually measure the performance of the "hot runs" of a benchmark, not the first "cold run" where the caches are empty. This does of course depend on what you are actually trying to achieve...
Here's my basic approach:
Allocate a memory region 2x the size of the LLC, if you can determine the LLC size dynamically (or you know it statically), or if you don't, some reasonable multiple of the largest LLC size on the platform of interest1.
memset the memory region to some non-zero value: 1 will do just fine.
"Sink" the pointer somewhere so that the compiler can't optimize out the stuff above or below (writing to a volatile global works pretty much 100% of the time).
Read from random indexes in the region until you've touched each cache line an average of 10 times or so (accumulate the read values into a sum that you sink in a similar way to (3)).
Here are some notes on why this is generally works and why doing less may not work - the details are x86-centric, but similar concerns will apply on many other architectures.
You absolutely want to write to the allocated memory (step 2) before you begin your main read-only flushing loop, since otherwise you might just be repeatedly reading from the same small zero-mapped page returned by the OS to satisfy your memory allocation.
You want to use a region considerably larger than the LLC size, since the outer cache levels are typically physically addressed, but you can only allocate and access virtual addresses. If you just allocate an LLC-sized region, you generally won't get full coverage of all the ways of every cache set: some sets will be over-represented (and so will be fully flushed), while other sets be under-represented and so not all existing values can even be flushed by accessing this region of memory. A 2x over-allocation makes it highly likely that almost all sets have enough representation.
You want to avoid the optimizer doing clever things, such as noting the memory never escapes the function and eliminating all your reads and writes.
You want to iterate randomly around the memory region, rather than just striding through it linearly: some designs like the LLC on recent Intel detect when a "streaming" pattern is present, and switch from LRU to MRU since LRU is about the worst-possible replacement policy for such a load. The effect is that no matter how many times you stream though memory, some "old" lines from before your efforts can remain in the cache. Randomly accessing memory defeats this behavior.
You want to access more than just LLC amount of memory for (a) the same reason you allocate more than the LLC size (virtual access vs physical caching) and (b) because random access needs more accesses before you have a high likelihood of hitting every set enough times (c) caches are usually only pseudo-LRU, so you need more than the number of accesses you'd expect under exact-LRU to flush out every line.
Even this is not foolproof. Other hardware optimizations or caching behaviors not considered above could cause this approach to fail. You might get very unlucky with the page allocation provided by the OS and not be able to reach all the pages (you can largely mitigate this by using 2MB pages). I highly recommend testing whether your flush technique is adequate: one approach is to measure the number of cache misses using CPU performance counters while running your benchmark and see if the number makes sense based on the known working-set size2.
Note that this leaves all levels of the cache with lines in E (exclusive) or perhaps S (shared) state, and not the M (modified) state. This means that these lines don't need to be evicted to other cache levels when they are replaced by accesses in your benchmark: they can simply be dropped. The approach described in the other answer will leave most/all lines in the M state, so you'll initially have 1 line of eviction traffic for every line you access in your benchmark. You can achieve the same behavior with my recipe above by changing step 4 to write rather than read.
In that regard, neither approach here is inherently "better" than the other: in the real world the cache levels will have a mix of modified and not-modified lines, while these approaches leave the cache at the two extremes of the continuum. In principle you could benchmark with both the all-M and no-M states, and see if it matters much: if it does, you can try to evaluate what the real-world state of the cache will usually be an replicate that.
1Remember that LLC sizes are growing almost every CPU generation (mostly because core counts are increasing), so you want to leave some room for growth if this needs to be future-proof.
2 I just throw that out there as if it was "easy", but in reality may be very difficult depending on your exact problem.

Runtime performance (speed) optimization -- Cache size consideration

What are the basic tips and tricks that a C++ programmer should know when trying to optimize his code in the context of Caching?
Here's something to think about:
For instance, I know that reducing a function's footprint would make the code run a bit faster since you would have less overall instructions on the processor's instruction register I.
When trying to allocate an std::array<char, <size>>, what would be the ideal size that could make your read and writes faster to the array?
How big can an object be to decide to put it on the heap instead of the stack?
In most cases, knowing the correct answer to your question will gain you less than 1% overall performance.
Some (data-)cache optimizations that come to my mind are:
For arrays: use less RAM. Try shorter data types or a simple compression algorithm like RLE. This can also save CPU at the same time, or in the opposite waste CPU cycles with data type conversions. Especially floating point to integer conversions can be quite expensive.
Avoid access to the same cacheline (usually around 64 bytes) from different threads, unless all access is read-only.
Group members that are often used together next to each other. Prefer sequential access to random access.
If you really want to know all about caches, read What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory. While I disagree with the title, it's a great in-depth document.
Because your question suggests that you actually expect gains from just following the tips above (in which case you will be disappointed), here are some general optimization tips:
Tip #1: About 90% of your code you should be optimized for readability, not performance. If you decide to attempt an optimization for performance, make sure you actually measure the gain. When it is below 5% I usually go back to the more readable version.
Tip #2: If you have an existing codebase, profile it first. If you don't profile it, you will miss some very effective optimizations. Usually there are some calls to time-consuming functions that can be completely eliminated, or the result cached.
If you don't want to use a profiler, at least print the current time in a couple of places, or interrupt the program with a debugger a couple of times to check where it is most often spending its time.

Function size vs execution speed

I remember hearing somewhere that "large functions might have higher execution times" because of code size, and CPU cache or something like that.
How can I tell if function size is imposing a performance hit for my application? How can I optimize against this? I have a CPU intensive computation that I have split into (as many threads as there are CPU cores). The main thread waits until all of the worker threads are finished before continuing.
I happen to be using C++ on Visual Studio 2010, but I'm not sure that's really important.
I'm running a ray tracer that shoots about 5,000 rays per pixel. I create (cores-1) threads (1 per extra core), split the screen into rows, and give each row to a CPU thread. I run the trace function on each thread about 5,000 times per pixel.
I'm actually looking for ways to speed this up. It is possible for me to reduce the size of the main tracing function by refactoring, and I want to know if I should expect to see a performance gain.
A lot of people seem to be answering the wrong question here, I'm looking for an answer to this specific question, even if you think I can probably do better by optimizing the contents of the function, I want to know if there is a function size/performance relationship.
It's not really the size of the function, it's the total size of the code that gets cached when it runs. You aren't going to speed things up by splitting code into a greater number of smaller functions, unless some of those functions aren't called at all in your critical code path, and hence don't need to occupy any cache. Besides, any attempt you make to split code into multiple functions might get reversed by the compiler, if it decides to inline them.
So it's not really possible to say whether your current code is "imposing a performance hit". A hit compared with which of the many, many ways that you could have structured your code differently? And you can't reasonably expect changes of that kind to make any particular difference to performance.
I suppose that what you're looking for is instructions that are rarely executed (your profiler will tell you which they are), but are located in the close vicinity of instructions that are executed a lot (and hence will need to be in cache a lot, and will pull in the cache line around them). If you can cluster the commonly-executed code together, you'll get more out of your instruction cache.
Practically speaking though, this is not a very fruitful line of optimization. It's unlikely you'll make much difference. If nothing else, your commonly-executed code is probably quite small and adjacent already, it'll be some small number of tight loops somewhere (your profiler will tell you where). And cache lines at the lowest levels are typically small (of the order of 32 or 64 bytes), so you'd need some very fine re-arrangement of code. C++ puts a lot between you and the object code, that obstructs careful placement of instructions in memory.
Tools like perf can give you information on cache misses - most of those won't be for executable code, but on most systems it really doesn't matter which cache misses you're avoiding: if you can avoid some then you'll speed your code up. Perhaps not by a lot, unless it's a lot of misses, but some.
Anyway, what context did you hear this? The most common one I've heard it come up in, is the idea that function inlining is sometimes counter-productive, because sometimes the overhead of the code bloat is greater than the function call overhead avoided. I'm not sure, but profile-guided optimization might help with that, if your compiler supports it. A fairly plausible profile-guided optimization is to preferentially inline at call sites that are executed a larger number of times, leaving colder code smaller, with less overhead to load and fix up in the first place, and (hopefully) less disruptive to the instruction cache when it is pulled in. Somebody with far more knowledge of compilers than me, will have thought hard about whether that's a good profile-guided optimization, and therefore decided whether or not to implement it.
Unless you're going to hand-tune to the assembly level, to include locking specific lines of code in cache, you're not going to see a significant execution difference between one large function and multiple small functions. In both cases, you still have the same amount of work to perform and that's going to be your bottleneck.
Breaking things up into multiple smaller functions will, however, be easier to maintain and easier to read -- especially 6 months later when you've forgotten what you did in the first place.
Function size is unlikely to be a bottleneck in your application. What you do in the function is much more important that it's physical size. There are some things your compiler can do with small function that it cannot do with large functions (namely inlining), but usually this isn't a huge difference anyway.
You can profile the code to see where the real bottleneck is. I suspect calling a large function is not the problem.
You should, however, break up the function into smaller function for code readability reasons.
It's not really about function size, but about what you do in it. Depending on what you do, there is possibly some way to optimize it.

State of "memset" functionality in C++ with modern compilers

A while ago, I stumbled upon this 2001 DDJ article by Alexandrescu:
It's about comparing various ways to initialized a buffer to some value. Like what "memset" does for single-byte values. He compared various implementations (memcpy, explicit "for" loop, duff's device) and did not really find the best candidate across all dataset sizes and all compilers.
There is a very deep, and sad, realization underlying all this. We are in 2001, the year of the Spatial Odyssey. (...) Just step out of the box and look at us — after 50 years, we're still not terribly good at filling and copying memory.
does anyone have more recent information about this problem ? Do recent GCC and Visual C++ implementations perform significantly better than 7 years ago ?
I'm writing code that has a lifetime of 5+ (probably 10+) years and that will process arrays' sizes from a few bytes to hundred of megabytes. I can't assume that my choices now will still be optimal in 5 years. What should I do:
a) use the system's memset (or equivalent) and forget about optimal performance or assume the runtime and compiler will handle this for me.
b) benchmark once and for all on various array sizes and compilers and switch at runtime between several routines.
c) run the benchmark at program initialization and switch at runtime based on accurate (?) data.
Edit: I'm working on image processing software. My array items are PODs and every millisecond counts !
Edit 2: Thanks for the first answers, here are some additional informations:Buffer initialization may represent 20%-40% of total runtime of some algorithms. The platform may vary in the next 5+ years, although it will stay in the "fastest CPU money can buy from DELL" category. Compilers will be some form of GCC and Visual C++. No embedded stuff or exotic architectures on the radarI'd like to hear from people who had to update their software when MMX and SSE appeared, since I'll have to do the same when "SSE2015" becomes available... :)
The DDJ article acknowledges that memset is the best answer, and much faster than what he was trying to achieve:
There is something sacrosanct about
C's memory manipulation functions
memset, memcpy, and memcmp. They are
likely to be highly optimized by the
compiler vendor, to the extent that
the compiler might detect calls to
these functions and replace them with
inline assembler instructions — this
is the case with MSVC.
So, if memset works for you (ie. you are initializing with a single byte) then use it.
Whilst every millisecond may count, you should establish what percentage of your execution time is lost to setting memory. It is likely very low (1 or 2%??) given that you have useful work to do as well. Given that the optimization effort would likely have a much better rate of return elsewhere.
The MASM Forum has a lot of incredible assembly language programmers/hobbyists who have beaten this issue completely to death (have a look through The Laboratory). The results were much like Christopher's response: SSE is incredible for large, aligned, buffers, but going down you will eventually reach such a small size that a basic for loop is just as quick.
Memset/memcpy are mostly written with a basic instruction set in mind, and so can be outperformed by specialized SSE routines, which on the other hand enforce certain alignment constraints.
But to reduce it to a list :
For data-sets <= several hundred kilobytes memcpy/memset perform faster than anything you could mock up.
For data-sets > megabytes use a combination of memcpy/memset to get the alignment and then use your own SSE optimized routines/fallback to optimized routines from Intel etc.
Enforce the alignment at the start up and use your own SSE-routines.
This list only comes into play for things where you need the performance. Too small/or once initialized data-sets are not worth the hassle.
Here is an implementation of memcpy from AMD, I can't find the article which described the concept behind the code.
d) Accept that trying to play "jedi mind tricks" with the initialization will lead to more lost programmer hours than the cumulative milliseconds difference between some obscure but fast method versus something obvious and clear.
It depends what you're doing. If you have a very specific case, you can often vastly outperform the system libc (and/or compiler inlining) of memset and memcpy.
For example, for the program I work on, I wrote a 16-byte-aligned memcpy and memset designed for small data sizes. The memcpy was made for multiple-of-16 sizes greater than or equal to 64 only (with data aligned to 16), and memset was made for multiple-of-128 sizes only. These restrictions allowed me to get enormous speed, and since I controlled the application, I could tailor the functions specifically to what was needed, and also tailor the application to align all necessary data.
The memcpy performed at about 8-9x the speed of the Windows native memcpy, knocing a 460-byte copy down to a mere 50 clock cycles. The memset was about 2.5x faster, filling a stack array of zeros extremely quickly.
If you're interested in these functions, they can be found here; drop down to around line 600 for the memcpy and memset. They're rather trivial. Note they're designed for small buffers that are supposed to be in cache; if you want to initialize enormous amounts of data in memory while bypassing cache, your issue may be more complex.
You can take a look on liboil, they (try to) provide different implementation of the same function and choosing the fastest on initialization. Liboil has a pretty liberal licence, so you can take it also for proprietary software.
Well this all depends on your problem domain and your specifications, have you ran into performance issues, failed to meet timing deadline and pinpointed memset as being the root of all evil ? If it this you're in the one and only case where you could consider some memset tuning.
Then you should also keep in mind that the memset anyhow will vary on the hardware the platform it is ran on, during those five years, will the software run on the same platform ? On the same architecture ? One you come to that conclusion you can try to 'roll your own' memset, typically playing with the alignment of buffers, making sure you zero 32 bit values at once depending on what is most performant on your architecture.
I once ran into the same for memcmpt where the alignment overhead caused some problems, bit typically this will not result in miracles, only a small improvement, if any. If you're missing your requirements by an order of mangnitude than this won't get you any further.
If memory is not a problem, then precreate a static buffer of the size you need, initialized to your value(s). As far as I know, both these compilers are optimizing compilers, so if you use a simple for-loop, the compiler should generate the optimum assembler-commands to copy the buffer across.
If memory is a problem, use a smaller buffer & copy that accross at sizeof(..) offsets into the new buffer.
I would always choose an initialization method that is part of the runtime or OS (memset) I am using (worse case pick one that is part of a library that I am using).
Why: If you are implementing your own initialization, you might end up with a marginally better solution now, but it is likely that in a couple of years the runtime has improved. And you don't want to do the same work that the guys maintaining the runtime do.
All this stands if the improvement in runtime is marginal. If you have a difference of an order of magnitude between memset and your own initialization, then it makes sense to have your code running, but I really doubt this case.
If you have to allocate your memory as well as initialize it, I would:
Use calloc instead of malloc
Change as much of my default values to be zero as possible (ex: let my default enumeration value be zero; or if a boolean variable's default value is 'true', store it's inverse value in the structure)
The reason for this is that calloc zero-initializes memory for you. While this will involve the overhead for zeroing memory, most compilers are likely to have this routine highly-optimized -- more optimized that malloc/new with a call to memcpy.
As always with these types of questions, the problem is constrained by factors outside of your control, namely, the bandwidth of the memory. And if the host OS decides to start paging the memory then things get far worse. On Win32 platforms, the memory is paged and pages are only allocated on first use which will generate a big pause every page boundary whilst the OS finds a page to use (this may require another process' page to be paged to disk).
This, however, is the absolute fastest memset ever written:
void memset (void *memory, size_t size, byte value)
Not doing something is always the fastest way. Is there any way the algorithms can be written to avoid the initial memset? What are the algorithms you're using?
The year isn't 2001 anymore. Since then, new versions of Visual Studio have appeared. I've taken the time to study the memset in those. They will use SSE for memset (if available, of course). If your old code was correct, statistically if will now be faster. But you might hit an unfortunate cornercase.
I expect the same from GCC, although I haven't studied the code. It's a fairly obvious improvement, and an Open-Source compiler. Someone will have created the patch.