Ways to tell if you have successfully released dynamic allocated memory - c++

This is how i allocate dynamic memory for a 2D array
char **twod;
twod=new char*[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
twod [i] = new char [MAX];
This is how i release the memory for a 2D array
for (int i=0; i<count;i++)
delete [] twod [i];
delete [] twod;
How do i know i have successfully released everything and there is no memory leak???

Ways to tell if you have successfully released dynamic allocated memory
Run the code in valgrind or any such memory leak detection tool.
If you want you could also overload the new and delete operators for your class and do the bookeeping yourself but that it too much effort so you are much better off setting with a memory leak detection tool.
Ofcourse I consider the example only an sample example and not the code one will usually go for because:
You are better off avoiding dynamic allocations, use automatic variables instead.
If you must then use smart pointers with RAII and not raw pointers.


C++ Memory leaks vectors(?)

In C++, the importance of deallocating memory when the program is either exiting or no longer serves a purpose is important. So if this is allocation of a dynamic array
char** dynamicArr = nullptr;
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) {
mapPtr[i] = new char[y];
and this is deallocation of a dynamic array
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) {
delete[] mapPtr[i];
delete[] mapPtr;
However, when it comes to vectors, I noticed that my global vector with 0 elements inside seems to be causing some memory leaks.
I've read up on this link, a user commented that
No. The std::vector will automatically de-allocate the memory it uses
Screenshot of my debugging.
I have also tried these steps to clear the vector as well as make sure the vector inside the struct citySummInfo has shrunk to fit and clear hopefully not getting any memory leak but to no avail. Is there any way that I'm doing it wrong?
As what #JohnFilleau have mentioned
_CrtDumpMemoryLeaks() should be called at the point in the program where you want to see what is remaining on the heap. Since your
vectors are statically allocated, they will not have been destroyed at
the time you call this function.
_CrtDumpMemoryLeaks() is meant to place right before the program terminates, and since my vectors are statically allocated, it has not been deallocated at the time when _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks() has been called hence the "leaks".

How to delete memory of a pointer to pointer in C++

Using Valgrind, I see that I have a problem while deleting the memory in the following function:
Obj1 Obj1::operator*(const Obj1& param) const {
int n = param.GetSize(2);
Obj2** s = new Obj2*[n];
for( int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
s[i] = new Obj2(*this*param.GetColumn(i+1));
Obj1 res = foo(s,n);
for(int i=n-1;i>-1;i--) {
delete[] s;
return res;
Valgrind tells me that the leak comes from the line
s[i] = new Obj2(*this*param.GetColumn(i+1));
I'm not pretty sure if the problem is when I try to free the memory. Can anyone tell me how to fix this problem?
s[i] = new Obj2(*this*param.GetColumn(i+1));
you create a dynamic object and assign s[i]to point to it.
In order to delete it, you do this:
delete s[i];
Unless you do that, the allocation will leak.
You must repeat that in a loop for every i just like you repeated the allocations. You of course have to do this before you delete s itself.
Don't do that. Calling the destructor is not appropriate here. delete will call the destructor.
P.S. Don't use raw owning pointers. Use containers or smart pointers instead. std::vector is a standard containers for dynamic arrays.
P.P.S. You should avoid unnecessary dynamic allocation. Your example doesn't demonstrate any need to allocate the pointed objects dynamically. So, in this case you should probably use std::vector<Obj2>.

How to properly deallocate memory for a 2d array in C++?

Here's how I allocate it:
float** matrix = new float*[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
matrix[i] = new float[size];
And here's how I deallocate:
if (matrix != nullptr) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
delete[] matrix[i];
Is this correct or should I also delete[] the outer array?
delete[] is always paired with a new[].
delete is always paired with a new.
So yes, in your case, you need to call delete[] matrix; to release the array of float* pointers. Don't use free unless that pointer has been obtained with a call to malloc &c., which would be unusual in C++.
Although, if you want to model a matrix in the mathematical sense then might I suggest you use a 3rd partly library. I use BLAS, part of the Boost distribution.
How to properly deallocate memory for a 2d array in C++?
Not manually. Use an abstraction like std::vector that deallocates memory for you thanks to RAII, or std::array if you know the size of your matrix at compile-time.
std::vector<std::vector<float>> matrix(size);
for(auto& v : matrix) v.resize(size);
// memory automatically freed at the end of the scope
You should almost never use new and delete in Modern C++. Refer to my answer here for more information: Malloc vs New for Primitives
If you are writing a program that requires an high-performance matrix implementation, please do not create your own. Your code and my example using std::vector both have a cache-unfriendly jagged layout which can severely harm performance. Consider using an high-quality production-ready library such as Eigen, Blaze, or BLAS instead.

When should I use delete? (Consequences of not deleting after a dynamically created 2d array)

I am new to dynamic allocation and pointers. I will try to fill out a 2D dynamic array from a file and then apply a maze-solving algorithm (wall follower)on it.
Assuming I create a dynamically allocated 2D array like this:
int** board;
board = new int* [rowsize];
for(int row = 0; row < rowsize; row++)
board[row] = new int[colsize];
If I know that I won't be using this pointer for another variable, can I get away with not using delete for board ? If not what could potentially go wrong (If you are familiar with the wall follower algorithm) ? Also how do I delete a pointer to a pointer, would delete board be sufficient?
can I get away with not using delete for board?
Yes, but not for very long: repeated failure to delete arrays that your program allocates is a memory leak that eventually runs your process out of memory.
how do I delete a pointer to a pointer, would delete board be sufficient?
No, you will need to delete each pointer that you allocated and stored inside board:
for(int row = 0; row < rowsize; row++) {
delete[] board[row];
delete[] board;
Note square brackets after delete to indicate that you deleting an array, they are very important.
Allocating an deallocating memory for a rectangular matrix is a solved problem in C++ library. Switch to using a vector of vectors to avoid dynamic resource allocations:
std::vector<std::vector<int>> board(rowsize, std::vector<int>(colsize, 0));
If you don't delete the arrays you allocated they will continue to consume memory until the program is terminated. This might not technically be wrong, but it is wasteful.
With regard to deleting the board - no, it is not enough. You should delete every pointer you allocate with new:
for(int row = 0; row < rowsize; row++)
delete[] board[row];
delete[] board;
What you need to delete is the memory you allocated with new. That means that you don't deallocate the pointer itself, but the heap's memory it is pointing at.
So, you only need to do delete[] board. This will free up the int* array. It is not strictly necessary to use [] in this case, since it is a fundamental type array, but it is good practice to use it always for arrays, so you won't mess up when it's not like that.
Calling delete[] on an array will call the destructors of all objects inside the array itself, as well as freeing up the array. It is not necessary however for fundamental types.
Also note that you don't need to free the int** board. The pointer are variables like any other with some special capability, but they are allocated in the stack just like any other when you declare them like that.
Hope it helps :)

Why does calling 'delete' in a specific way on a dynamic array not work?

I'm wondering why this code doesn't work:
void KeyValueList::Release()
//(m_ppKeyValueList is a dynamic array of pointers to objects on the heap)
if (m_ppKeyValueList) {
for (int i = 0; i < m_iCapacity; ++i) {
if (m_ppKeyValueList[i]) {
delete m_ppKeyValueList[i];
/*delete[] m_ppKeyValueList;*/
for (int i = 0; i < m_iCapacity; ++i) {
delete (m_ppKeyValueList + i);
Why can't we iterate the dynamic array and delete it in this way?
A dynamic array is more than just a sequence of elements. It contains information about the array size as well. Moreover, there is just one chunk of memory known to the allocator. So just like with any dynamic memory, you can only free what you allocated, not smaller subsets of it.
That's why the language requires that you only invoke delete[] on a pointer obtained from a new[] expression, and that that is the only way to deallocate that memory.
Simple answer: because the language specifications say that you do that with a delete[].
Better answer: because after all for the heap manager the array pointed by m_ppKeyValueList is a single large allocation, not m_iCapacity consecutive small allocations, so you just have to tell it where the allocated block begins and it will deallocate it as a whole (after calling the single destructors if needed); if it kept each element as a single separated allocation into the allocated block lists it would be a stupid waste of resources (and if it used a bitmap for this it probably wouldn't have enough granularity to support this silly allocation scheme).
Because new int[5] allocates one contiguous block big enough to hold 5 ints. new int 5 times allocates 5 small blocks, each big enough to hold a single int. The number of deallocations must equal the number of allocations.
Case 1: m_ppKeyValueList is "a dynamic array of pointers to objects on the heap"
In this case you do need to delete m_ppKeyValueList piece by piece. If this is what you meant, your declaration will be of the form SomeType ** m_ppKeyValueList; Your allocation and deallocation should like
m_ppKeyValueList = new SomeType*[m_iCapacity];
for (int i = 0; i < m_iCapacity; ++i) {
m_ppKeyValueList[ii] = new SomeType;
for (int i = 0; i < m_iCapacity; ++i) {
delete m_ppKeyValueList[ii];
delete[] m_ppKeyValueList;
However, that your code fails suggests that you do not have "a dynamic array of pointers to objects on the heap."
Case 2: m_ppKeyValueList is a dynamic array of objects on the heap
Here your declaration will be of the form SomeType * m_ppKeyValueList; Instead of allocating this piece by piece your allocation and deallocation take on a much simpler form:
m_ppKeyValueList = new SomeType[m_iCapacity];
delete[] m_ppKeyValueList;
Bottom line:
Your allocations and deallocations need to match one another in number and in form. If you allocate something with new you need to destroy it with delete. If you allocate it with new[] you need to destroy it with delete[].