C++ Memory leaks vectors(?) - c++

In C++, the importance of deallocating memory when the program is either exiting or no longer serves a purpose is important. So if this is allocation of a dynamic array
char** dynamicArr = nullptr;
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) {
mapPtr[i] = new char[y];
and this is deallocation of a dynamic array
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) {
delete[] mapPtr[i];
delete[] mapPtr;
However, when it comes to vectors, I noticed that my global vector with 0 elements inside seems to be causing some memory leaks.
I've read up on this link, a user commented that
No. The std::vector will automatically de-allocate the memory it uses
Screenshot of my debugging.
I have also tried these steps to clear the vector as well as make sure the vector inside the struct citySummInfo has shrunk to fit and clear hopefully not getting any memory leak but to no avail. Is there any way that I'm doing it wrong?

As what #JohnFilleau have mentioned
_CrtDumpMemoryLeaks() should be called at the point in the program where you want to see what is remaining on the heap. Since your
vectors are statically allocated, they will not have been destroyed at
the time you call this function.
_CrtDumpMemoryLeaks() is meant to place right before the program terminates, and since my vectors are statically allocated, it has not been deallocated at the time when _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks() has been called hence the "leaks".


C++ deleting array on the heap

I'm having difficulty finding an answer on how to specifically perform this operation properly.
I'd like to better understand different ways to delete new memory allocated on the heap, especially in the instance of a two-D array.
For my example:
I have an array of size 5 on the stack consisting of int pointers (int *d[5]).
I initialize each of these int pointers in a loop to create and point to an int array of size 8 on the heap (d[i] = new int[8]).
I have now essentially created a two-D array (d[j][k]).
My question is what is the syntax for deleting only the individual arrays (int[8]) on the heap?
I currently have it as this, but when debugging it appears the arrays are not deallocated after it is performed...
for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
delete d[i];
Should it be "delete [] d[i]" or just "delete [] d" or some other variation? Also, is there a way to delete the individual elements of the int[8] arrays? If anyone could concisely explain the syntax and their differences that would be super helpful. Thank you!
If you allocated arrays via d[i] = new int[8], then you must delete them via delete[] d[i]. There's no way to deallocate individual elements of such an array without deallocating the whole thing.
you mentioned that you are allocating the inner arrays within a loop. which I believe it looks something like this.
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
d[i] = new int[3];
Notice that d[2] contains just pointers to the arrays.
so in order to delete this array, you have to iterate through each set of array pointers
and call delete[] d[i];
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
delete[] d[i];
As an additional note, it would be very advantageous to know how your IDE tries to detect memory corruptions.
for example in the visual studio (In DEBUG mode)
0xCD means Allocated memory via malloc or new but never written by
the application.
0xCC means uninitialised variables.
0XDD means memory has been released with delete or free.
0xFD means fence memory and acts as a guard. used for detecting indexing arrays that go out of bounds.
with that in mind lets see if we can make sense of what the IDE is doing when the above code is executed.
When the d array is declared int*d[2]; the memory layout looks like the following;
notice that d array has two elements but none of those have initial values so they are assigned to the 0xCC
lets see what happens after we do d[i] = new int[3];
notice that d array now has two elements each element contains an int array. the values you see are the address of the pointers to the array we allocated the memory for.
since we know what the addresses are we can look into the memory and see whats happening in there when allocating and deleting the each array.
for example after we allocate our second int array within the for loop, the memory location would look something like this;
notice that all the array element has 0xCD with ending of 0xFD.This would indicate in my IDE that the memory allocated and has a fence guards around it.
lets see what happens when the d[2] is deleted.

Memory leak on vector._Reallocate() in Visual C++ Memory Debugger

I have two vectors of pointers:
A vector containing pointers to all objects
A temporary vector containing pointers to some of the objects in the above vector. Each frame, this vector is cleared and pointers are then added again.
No objects are created or deleted during these frames.
According to Visual Studio's memory profiler I get a memory leak, in vector._Reallocate() every time I add a pointer to this vector.
Image: http://i.stack.imgur.com/f4Ky3.png
My question is:
Does vector.push_back() allocate something that is not deallocated later, or is Visual Studio's memory profiler just confused because I'm clearing a vector without destroying the elements? This only happens in Debug mode - not in Release.
I understand that the _Reallocate(..)-method allocates space on the heap, but since I clear the vector this should not cause a leak, I suppose?
Update: using std::list instead of std:.vector solves the "problem" - though I don't know if it really is a problem or not
Update2: It DOES happen in Release mode as well. I was a little bit confused by the output, but I get the same problem there
**Update3: I have attached some code that can reproduce the problem. I could only reproduce the problem if I store the vectors in a multidimensional array, like in the original problem.
class MyClassContainer
std::vector<MyClass*> vec;
int main(int args, char **argv)
std::vector<MyClass*> orig;
MyClassContainer copy[101][101];
for(int i = 0; i < 101; i++)
orig.push_back(new MyClass());
while (true)
int rnd = std::rand() * 100 / RAND_MAX; int rnd2 = std::rand() * 100 / RAND_MAX;
for (int i = 0; i < 101; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 101; j++)
copy[i][j].vec.clear(); // this should clear all??
return 0;
Update 4: The memory debugger shows an increasing number of heap allocations as time goes. However, I noticed now that if I wait for a long time the number of new heap allocations per second decreases towards 0. So apparently it's not really a memory leak.
It seems that when each vector in the array has been pushed to at least once nothing more gets allocated on the heap. I don't understand why though.
Not to point out the obvious... but you are not freeing the MyClass objects created here. Since you have a vector of raw pointers, they must be freed (and freed only once).
orig.push_back(new MyClass());
Put this at the end of main and your leaks should go away. Perhaps you were misled by the location of the leak report? vector::push_back() should not leak.
// Free the objects
for (int i = 0; i < orig.size(); i++) {
delete orig[i];
orig[i] = 0; // not necessary, but good defensive practice
I also recommend using smart-pointers, for exactly these cases.
PS: Not really my business, but what is this algorithm doing? That sure is a lot of vectors...

How do I free up memory with a static array?

I want to free up the memory of the array of pointers of type structNode.
struct structNode
int value;
typedef structNode * Node;
int main()
Node ListNodes[1000];
//Fill and Clear the array 100 times.
for(int j=0; j<100; j++)
//Add a pointers to the array
for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
Node newNode = new structNode;
newNode->value = 3;
ListNodes[i] = newNode;
// Deleting each pointer
for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
delete ListNodes[i];
// delete the array
delete [] ListNodes;
return 0;
Is this the correct way to clear the memory in each cicle?
I am asking this question because I watch the program when it runs with a task manager, and it only increments the memory usage instead of keeping the memory usage at a constant range.
Generally you cannot reclaim memory allocated for automatic variables on the stack until the allocating function exits, so only the pointers contained in the static array can have delete called on them. Since main does not exit until the completion of the lifetime of the program, the lifetime of the memory footprint that ListNodes utilizes will match the lifetime of the program.
Also using the host OS task manager to check for overall memory usage is not a good tool, as the host OS may still claim memory for your application after you've called delete on heap storage in order to avoid having to constantly go to the host OS for additional heap storage memory allocations. Going to the host OS for memory allocation is expensive...
No, the array is on the stack and you can't free it with a delete:
delete [] ListNodes;
Freeing memory not allocated (or freeing a different object in that place) is undefined behavior.
There's no need to delete that memory and you can't (without horrible low-level hacks) delete stack memory. If that proves to be a problem reduce the amount of stack-allocated memory and opt for a dynamic allocation.
I suggest reading the differences between heap and stack here.

Ways to tell if you have successfully released dynamic allocated memory

This is how i allocate dynamic memory for a 2D array
char **twod;
twod=new char*[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
twod [i] = new char [MAX];
This is how i release the memory for a 2D array
for (int i=0; i<count;i++)
delete [] twod [i];
delete [] twod;
How do i know i have successfully released everything and there is no memory leak???
Ways to tell if you have successfully released dynamic allocated memory
Run the code in valgrind or any such memory leak detection tool.
If you want you could also overload the new and delete operators for your class and do the bookeeping yourself but that it too much effort so you are much better off setting with a memory leak detection tool.
Ofcourse I consider the example only an sample example and not the code one will usually go for because:
You are better off avoiding dynamic allocations, use automatic variables instead.
If you must then use smart pointers with RAII and not raw pointers.

Deleting an Array of Pointers - Am I doing it right?

I feel a little stupid for making a question about the deletion of pointers but I need to make sure I'm deleting in the correct way as I'm currently going through the debugging process of my program.
Basically I have a few arrays of pointers which are defined in my header file as follows:
AsteroidView *_asteroidView[16];
In a for loop I then initialise them:
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
_asteroidView[i] = new AsteroidView();
Ok, so far so good, everything works fine.
When I eventually need to delete these in the destructor I use this code:
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
delete _asteroidView[i];
Is this all I need to do? I feel like it is, but I'm worried about getting memory leaks.
Out of interest...
Is there much of a difference between an Array of Points to Objects compared with an Array of Objects?
This is correct. However, you may want to consider using Boost.PointerContainer, and save you hassle the hassle of manual resource management:
boost::ptr_vector<AsteroidView> _asteroidView;
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
_asteroidView.push_back(new AsteroidView());
You do not have to manage the deletion, the container does that for you. This technique is called RAII, and you should learn about it if you want to have fun using C++ :)
About your edit: There are several difference, but I guess the most important are these:
An array of pointers can contain objects of different types, if these are subclasses of the array type.
An array of objects does not need any deletion, all objects are destroyed when the array is destroyed.
It's absolutely fine.
The rule of thumb is: match each call to new with an appropriate call to delete (and each call to new[] with a call to delete[])
Is this all I need to do? I feel like it is, but I'm worried about getting memory leaks.
Yes. The program is deallocating resources correctly. No memory leaks :)
If you are comfortable with using std::vector( infact it is easy ), it does the deallocation process when it goes out of scope. However, the type should be of -
Given a class:
// this class has hidden data and no methods other than the constructor/destructor
// obviously it's not ready for prime time
class Foo {
int* bar_[16];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
bar_[i] = new int;
for (unsigned int i= 0; i < 16; ++i)
delete bar_[i];
You won't leak memory if the constructor completes correctly. However, if new fails fails in the constructor (new throws a std::bad_alloc if you're out of memory), then the destructor is not run, and you will have a memory leak. If that bothers you, you will have to make the constructor exception safe (say, add a try ... catch block around the constructor, use RAII). Personally, I would just use the Boost Pointer Container if the elements in the array must be pointers, and a std::vector if not.