How to setup Google's v8 javascript standalone engine for remote debugging? - remote-debugging

How do I setup/build/run a Google's V8 Engine so that I can call a sample javascript file and see it interpreted step by step all the way down to C++ code?

Update: this is how it used to be.
V8 wiki page provides sample "" program that runs custom JavaScript and tells how to enable debugging for these scripts.


how does one use xlwings UDFs in standalone mode?

i followed the instructions to setup the standalone myproject.xlsm and file with the hello UDF inside but the UDF is not loading. How do I get it to load? The documentation only specifies how to load UDFs using the ribbon add-in. There is almost zero reference to how to go about using it in standalone mode.
When I run ImportPythonUDFs sub i get the following error
Anyone had any luck in getting UDFs to work in standalone mode?

Do you know of any web application code generation tools?

I stumbled upon which is a list of code generation tools and I was wondering if there were any tools that generate backend or frontend code based on the web app's models(schema).
You can try Telosys this code generator is often used to create web application (MVC or REST) for any kind of languages/frameworks.
Code generation can be achieved with the command line tool or with an Eclipse Plugin.
This article is a good introduction for this tool.
Here's a short video demonstrating the main steps of the code generation with the CLI tool :

Chrome V8 engine options

I know that Chrome V8 Engine has some option that can be set like "command-line" flags using v8::V8::SetFlagsFromString(). But where can I find description of the each flag? I did not succeed with googling for this info so far. Does anyone know the place in documentation or some other resource that describes V8 flags?
You will get the actual list for your V8 version in a source file flag-definitions.h
As I remember, there is a --help flag in V8, that prints allowed flags and terminates. You can run node --v8-options to see the options for V8 version used in the Nodejs.
There is also

PTVS plugin for applications that embed python

For an application that "embeds" python, can the PTVS plugin be used for mixed-mode debugging ? To be more specific, let's assume that there is an executable (written in C/C++) called "my_executable" that can be run from the command line, with an option to execute a python script file:
./my_executable -exec_script
In this case, is it possible to use the PTVS plugin to achieve mixed-mode debugging ?
Yes, this is supported if you attach to the process via Debug -> Attach to Process, and enable both Python and Native engines at the same time.

Android C++ Native Code

I am a new Android developer and I would like to create an application using only C/C++ code for Android but I have found the documentation to be very limited. I can create an Android C/C++ project in eclipse, but it uses a lot of java code.
I'm using NativeActivity (new to 2.3) and I need help setting up my project. Does anyone know how to do this?
Just remove all of the generated Java code. You don't need it if you want a purely native activity. The only thing you need to do is to set up the Android Manifest file as shown in the documentation. In particular, you'll need:
<!-- Tell NativeActivity the name of or .so -->
<meta-data android:name=""
android:value="native-activity" />
And you'll need to modify jni/ so that it builds a jni with the name lib_name.
Yuo can look into the Lighthouse project for android, which allows you to use Qt (and therefore C++) code instead of java. You still need 1 line of java code to kick off your Qt app.