How to Add Basic Auth(Pre-emptive) to Web Service Client genrated with Web Platform Tools (WTP0 in Eclipse - web-services

I have a web service that I want to consume that requires a username and password. It does not prompt you for the u/p. In SOAPUI 4.5 it is very easy to go to the Auth tab for the web service , choose auth type: premeptive, add the username and password and run the service. I have generated a web service client for this service using Eclipse WTP but I cannot figure out what code to add and where in order to provide this same u/p that works in Soapui. I am fairly new so be specific please (does the code go in the servicebindingstub, serviceporttype, serviceporttypeproxy, and what method ? _init, etc., include imports pls. The wtp client works but returns a error code stating that the username and password are missing. If there is a way to externalize this in the descriptor that would be great also.

Solved this by adding Username and Password lines (last two below) to the Call for each method in the Stub file.
_call.setProperty(org.apache.axis.client.Call.SEND_TYPE_ATTR, Boolean.FALSE);
_call.setProperty(org.apache.axis.AxisEngine.PROP_DOMULTIREFS, Boolean.FALSE);
_call.setSOAPVersion(or`enter code here`g.apache.axis.soap.SOAPConstants.SOAP11_CONSTANTS);
_call.setOperationName(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "getAllVirtualServerConnStats"));
_call.setProperty (Call.USERNAME_PROPERTY, "wstest"); //added this
_call.setProperty (Call.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, "WsTest"); // added this


Create web source module oracle apex 20.0

I have one web page name sth like that: 'https://bus/api/check'. When I run this web, it returns data normally. But when I create web source module, it shows me as below
An error occurred during URL invocation.
ORA-29024: Certificate validation failure
I search on GG about that problem. I try to solve my problem follow this web:
It is very clear. I created new wallet named https_wallet and added certificate successfully. However, I check by select statement on DB, with code:
select APEX_WEB_SERVICE.make_rest_request(p_url => ''https://bus/api/check',p_http_method => 'GET',p_wallet_path => 'file:C:/temp/wallet/https_wallet',p_wallet_pwd => 'pass_word') from dual;
It shows HTTPS request failed and security violation.Futhermore, while link api web get certificate from Amazon, I try same step on another web on Google, it is ok.I don't know why that reason. Can anyone help me to solve my those problem. I do not have much experience in create web source module.
Did you tried adding the user, password (basic or oauth2). or changing the method to POST.
Another idea could be test using postman and check first if the endpoint (url) its correct.

Configuring WSO2 IS behind a reverse proxy at some context

I am trying to set up WSO2 Identity Server behind a reverse proxy for SSL offloading. For example, let's say if WSO2 IS is available at say https://<some-ip>:9443/, I am trying to put it behind reverse proxy with address such as https://<domain name>/is/. Note the context path /is and SSL port 443. I thought that this will be trivial enough but sadly I am unable to find any conclusive documentation for achieving the same.
My applications are using OIDC to connect to WSO2 IS and using Azure Application Gateway as reverse proxy - typically all API calls works well but neither of UI (or flows involving redirections) works due to context. I can also fix redirects by URL rewriting at reverse proxy but that still doesn't solve problems. For example, login page will appear but XHR call from the same will go to /logincontext instead of /is/logincontext. Where can I set up the proxy context path in WSO2 IS? I already tried setting the same in .toml file (equivalent of setting it in carbon.xml) but it seems to be affecting only Management Portal.
WSo2 IS documentation talks about setting it up behind ngnix but that documentation is not using any path context. I could find reverse proxy documentation for other WSO2 product such as WSO2 API Manager but it only involves updating carbon.xml and that doesn't work for WSO2 IS. I am not a java person and hence, finding it difficult to figure out web app organization of WSO2.
Any help/link to documentation/guide to set up with proxy context will be useful.
I know that this answer comes a little bit late but recently I had a similar issue and here it is how I made it work, maybe it could be helpful for someone. I was using WSO2 IS 5.11.0.
I checked similar questions on stackoverflow and found a few but none was enough by itself for my case.
Maybe the solution I came up with is not the best or the most correct but it is the only one I could make work.
Here's how I did, assuming the context path is is:
Open Carbon Management Console and go to Identity Providers -> Resident. Then, go to Inbound Authentication Configuration -> OAuth2/OpenID Connect Configuration. Here, change the hostname under Identity Provider Entity ID to https://domain_name:443/is/<remaining path>.
Make sure that the port number is present or absent both here and in the client application. If there is a mismatch between the two, for some reason, it won't work (or at least it didn't for me).
Open the file deployment.toml and modify it as follows:
under the [server] section, add your proxy context at the end of the base_path url, e.g. base_path = "https://$ref{server.hostname}:${}/is";
of course, also add proxy_context_path = "is" (actually, this last line should be enough but for some reason in my case it wasn't, so I had to modify the base path too);
under [] add proxyPort="443".
For the record, I also turned off compression, by adding:
and set the token issuer URL equal to the entity id set up in Carbon, with:
use_entityid_as_issuer_in_oidc_discovery = true
but found out that these last two steps (turning off compression and setting the entity id as issuer) weren't needed.
Disable the csrf guard by setting org.owasp.csrfguard.Enabled = false
in the file /repository/resources/conf/templates/repository/conf/security/
This step was necessary for me to avoid the 403 Error after logging in on the Carbon Console (turning off compression didn't work).
Lastly, if you use nginx as reverse proxy (as I did), add these two lines in the location used for wso2:
proxy_redirect https://domain_name/oauth2/ https://domain_name/is/oauth2/;
proxy_redirect https://domain_name/carbon/ https://domain_name/is/carbon/;
These are needed (or at least were for me) because some URLs are not under the context path. In particular, the last one allows you to open the Carbon Console at https://domain_name/is/carbon/.
wso2 api manger carbon page gives 403 Forbidden
WSO2 Identity Server login returns a 403
WSO2 Identity Server port configuration
To understand the template-based configuration model adopted from version 5.9.0 onwards, see:
Here are some useful configuration mappings from the old xml to the new toml based model:

Retrieve github releases with libcurl while being anonymous

With this minimal program, I can download a text file and print it using libcurl. And I do this anonymously, just like any https get request.
Now this URL:
Is an example of a Restful API case I don't understand but interests me because I need to retrieve the releases of my project anonymously on Github. If you click on it, you get the JSON information anonymously on your web browser with no problems. It works without any authentication. But then when I put that URL in my minimal program, I get error 403!
So any normal https URL works fine in my minimal program, but this Github URL doesn't.
Why am I getting error 403? Do I have to authenticate in some way (and I don't mean with my personal username and password because my requirement is to get this anonymously)? Is this a bug in Github or my code?
OK. I know now what my mistake is. I seem to have confused authentication username/password with the so called "user agent". Adding this line to libcurl configuration:
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Dark Secret Ninja/1.0");
will make it work. No authentication is required.

Testing HelloSign API embedded signature

Hello I am using the HelloSign API, looking to test the embedded signing feature. How am I able to test the embedded document to sign on my test site? I am using the nodejs SDK along with AngularJS. Thank you in advance.
Here's the general walkthrough for embedded signing, which walks you through the server side and client side steps:
Here's an FAQ on testing locally:
For greater detail, please write into
-First thing is create an account with Hellosign
Next thing is creating your API KEY from your registered account.
Create an API App with your registered hellosign account (This is important because during the setup it will ask for the URL where the Iframe will be created.)
Now to use it simply include this script (<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>).
And then finally do this in your client side component file
url: "SIGN_URL",
allowCancel: true,
messageListener: function(eventData) {
// do something
And Voila..!! It will work.

Error using ColdFusion cfexchangeconnection to connect to Exchange server

I am getting an error when trying to connect to an Exchange server using the cfexchangeconnection tag. First some code:
<cfexchangeconnection action="open"
I know its the right server because it fails when not processing via https. I have tried:
Following all the instructions here
Prefixing username with a domain name, adding #domain name, etc and no luck.
The error I get is:
**Access to the Exchange server denied.**
Ensure that the user name and password are correct.
Any ideas
Here's an idea - this is what I needed to do to make my cfexchange connection work. Not entirely sure if it's the same problem. I think I had a 440 error, rather than your 401 error.
I'm using:
forms based auth
Exchange 2007
Coldfusion 8
Windows 2003 servers
Here's the connection string that worked for me. What was keeping my connection from working was the need for the formBasedAuthenticationURL. This is a poorly documented attribute by both Adobe and Microsoft.
<cfexchangeconnection action="open"
<cfexchangecalendar action="get" name="mycal" connection="sample">
<cfexchangefilter name="startTime" from="#theDate#" to="#theEndDate#">
<cfexchangeConnection action="close" connection="sample">
Additional notes:
IIS and WebDAV are enabled on the target Exchange server.
The username and password you're using has the appropriate permissions for
a WebDAV connection. (I'm not the Exchange admin, so I'm not sure what they
are, but I think the account needs to be allowed to connect to OWA. - Please
correct me if I am wrong.)
Optional: (don't use if you don't have to)
IF HTTPS is required, use the appropriate argument.
IF Forms Based Authentication is on in Exchange 2007 (as was my case),
you'll have to work around it using the formBasedAuthenticationURL argument.
Not sure if that's it, but I hope it is!